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Crush on Mr. Bad Boy

Page 18

by Lilly Purdon

  He grabbed her waist and pulled her off him. She fell onto the bed giggling, and still hiccupping. She smoothed down her red strapless dress and pulled her bra up. Axel looked incredibly nervous.

  I had always suspected he was a virgin.

  He stared at her for a moment.

  Just staring at her like a fresh piece of meat ready to be put on the grill.

  Lucky bastard.

  I wasn't expecting what he decided to do next; he turned around and headed for the door.

  “Axel!” Rose called out.

  He turned around and walked over to her. She stared up at him, her blue eyes turned into puppy eyes. He raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Where are you going?” she asked in a whiny but cute voice.

  He sighed, “I'm going to go get you some pills so you won't have that bad of a hangover.”

  “No! Stay here with me!” she reached out and grabbed his arm.

  He tried peeling her arm off, “I'll be right back.”

  She shook her head furiously and gripped tighter. They stared at each other for a few seconds, until she made a move. A move that I would never want to see her do to anyone, but me. She crashed her lips against his with everything she had.

  My hands started to shake. Fuck! This wasn't supposed to happen!

  He was supposed to try to get into her pants, and she wouldn't want to do it! Then I would come out and be her superman and save her.

  ---Rosie's P.O.V---

  The alcohol I had earlier was definitely kicking in. I sucked on his bottom lip, begging to feel his tongue. Once his lips parted, I savored his taste. I wasted no time exploring him at all.

  My stomach was filled with flying unicorns, my heart was pounding against my chest crazily and I felt incredibly hot like I was on fire. I was afraid he wasn't going to respond to the kiss, but he did. I couldn't believe what I was doing.

  His lips tasted minty and sweet at the same time. The perfect combination. My body ached for him, every part of me was screaming to him. I needed him so bad, but I guess the logical side of me forced me not to tear his clothes off right at the spot.

  Everything felt perfect.

  One of his hands was resting against my lower back, and his other hand was pressing my mouth into his. It felt like a dream. I didn’t want to stop. I wanted the moment to go on forever and ever.

  I wanted to be in his firm, tight grip. I wanted to feel his heated hot lips on mine. I wanted his minty sweet tongue exploring my mouth like I did to his. I wanted him so bad! I moaned against his mouth, wanting more of him.

  His hands moved from my lower back and my head, to my shoulders. He pulled me off him and looked at me straight in the eyes. His intoxicating green eyes burned into mine.

  “I can't do this,” he panted.

  I felt as if someone had just hit me straight across the face, with a baseball bat, with needles sticking out of it. My throat started to wobble, as my eyes started to cloud up with tears. He was rejecting me, right after he had kissed me.

  “No! Not like that!” he quickly said. He didn’t know how to handle a crying girl.

  A tear escaped down my cheek. He quickly wiped it away with his thumb before it could fall onto my chest. His emerald green eyes were filled with hurt and regret. He took in a deep breath.

  “I can't take advantage of you while you’re wasted like this.”

  I sniffed some tears away, “but you’re not taking advantage of me!”

  “Yes I am. You’re drunk and when you wake up tomorrow, you'll probably hate me for kissing you.”

  “But I won’t-”

  “I don’t want you to regret anything about me.”

  I stayed quiet, “I won’t, I promise-”

  He sighed, running a hand through his hair, “let me get you some pills, then we’ll talk.”

  And with that, he left the room. I stared at the closed door blankly. So he wasn't rejecting me because I was ugly or weird, but he rejected me because he was afraid of taking advantage of me. My vision was pretty clear, but a little blurry.

  His bedroom walls were light grey, and his comforters were grey and black. His floor was a white marble. All the rest of his furniture was either black, grey or white. His room was gigantic. The biggest bedroom I had ever seen.

  It was probably the size of Kasay's house, or larger. After exploring the bedroom with my eyes, I threw myself onto the bed and waited for Axel. I felt weird and tipsy. I felt nauseous.

  Suddenly, a hand clamped my mouth and someone got on top of me. The face that I had been avoiding for a while came into view.

  He pinned both my hands up over my head with one hand, while his other hand was clamped over my mouth. I tried screaming, but it was muffled by his palm.

  He pressed his body against mine as he leaned in so that his mouth was beside my ear.

  “You left me unsatisfied,” he whispered harshly in my ear.

  I gulped. His body was too large and caged me down. I could feel something hard poking at my thigh. I squirmed, trying to break free, but he gripped onto my tighter. His skin was painful against my skin.

  He looked down at me. He looked like a lion, eyeing up its prey. I tried to squirm out of his steel tight grip, but he held on tighter.

  He buried his face into the crook of my neck and started sucking on the skin on that area. I squirmed harder, but he bit down. I screamed. He painfully pressed down onto my mouth.

  I couldn’t even open my mouth with his palm against my lips. “That's what you get for being such a fucking tease.”

  He started licking from the crook of my neck all the way up to my earlobe. He moved down so his face rested where my breasts were. He gripped both my wrists with one of his hands, and with the other tried pulling my dress down.

  I screamed as loudly as I could, and kept squirming until he had to cover my mouth. “Be quiet!” he hissed. I tried to knee him in the balls, but my knee went nowhere. “Feisty one, aren’t you.”

  His brown eyes were sadistic and cruel, teasing mine. I always avoided his eyes because of that reason; he got to you when he looked into yours.

  To stop me from screaming he pressed his hard lips against mine and shoved his nasty long tongue down my throat. It tasted of cigarettes and lots of alcohol. I tried to scream, but I choked. His hand crawled up my thigh slowly.

  I tried thrashing around, but he held me tight in place. He pulled his hand from out of under the dress. He moved it to the zipper on the dress behind the dress. He slowly unzipped my dress as his tongue was shoved down my throat.

  I tried to push him off, but he was too heavy. No matter how much I tried squirming, kicking or pushing him off, he stayed in place and kept his tongue shoved down my throat. I brought myself to a conclusion.

  I bit down onto his tongue hard. So hard I tasted lots of blood that wasn't my own flowing into my mouth. He quickly pulled back, let go of me and grabbed onto his tongue.

  “Da faq?!” He yelled at me.

  It sounded like that because he was holding onto his tongue. I backed away and wiped my face. After wiping my face, I looked at my hand. Shit! Mascara was running all over my face. I probably look like shit right now.

  Wow! Drunk Rosie! Worse time to think about how pretty you have to be! I got up and sprinted for the door. But I broke one nerd rule. Never make the school's quarterback angry. He grabbed my waist roughly and threw me over his shoulder.

  He threw me onto the bed roughly and got on top of me. He tore my dress off this time. What was I gonna’ wear?!

  Suddenly, the door flew open revealing a very pissed off Axel. He was holding a small medical bag filled with medicine his hand. His eyes widened as he saw Matt on top of me and me squirming beneath him.

  Axel wasted no time standing there. He ran towards Matt and tackled him to the ground. Even though Matt was taller and bigger than him, but Axel still fought him like there was no tomorrow. They rolled around the floor throwing punches at each other.

  Matt got on top of Axel
and started throwing punches at him nonstop. Axel kneed Matt in the gut and spun them around, so that he was on top. Axel three punches at Matt's face nonstop. He held on to Matt's shirt collar with one hand, while with the other hand, he threw punches at Matt.

  This time, I didn’t stop Axel. I let him beat Matt.

  What he did to me was processing in my head. He tried to rape me…

  I quickly pulled Axel's covers so that they were covering my exposed body parts. They rolled over so that they were fighting near the nightstand. Matt got on top this time, and started throwing punches at Axel's pretty face.

  Without even having to think, I grabbed a glass lamp and smashed it against Matt's head. He fell face first onto Axel. A small high pitched giggle escaped my lips. Okay, so this was the worst time to laugh. Axel wiped a small amount of blood from his nose away before he looked down at me.

  He quickly got up and sat beside me on the bed. He stroked my cheek with his thumb softly.

  “He tried to rape you, didn’t he?” Axel was scary, but he was so sweet to me. “I’ll fucking kill him,” he was about to punch Matt, but I grabbed him.

  “Don’t cut yourself!” I pointed to the shattered glass.

  He nodded, getting up and kicking Matt straight in the face. I flinched when I heard something crack. He kept kicking his face over and over, until I couldn’t stand to see anymore. Murder was wrong.

  I gently touched his arm.

  He stopped almost immediately.

  “I’m okay now, let’s dump his body.”

  Axel still glared at Matt who was passed out on the round, “he touched you.”

  He was so dangerous, it turned me on.

  I grabbed his collar, and slowly pressed my lips against his soft ones.

  Other people were addicted to drugs.

  I guess we all have our addictions.

  Because he was mine.

  I shut my eyes and enjoyed it. So inviting…

  He pulled away and stared at me.

  “I won’t take advantage of you.”

  Not again. I wanted him so bad. A small smirk appeared on his lips.

  “But that doesn’t mean I won’t let you take advantage of me.”



  I tried pulling him to me again, but he stopped me, “let me get rid of the cunt first.” He pulled Matt’s body out of the room. Once he was back in, he made sure to lock the door. He headed to his bathroom.

  I followed him in, my feet felt cold against the tiles. I had his comforter wrapped around me to cover my body.

  He was washing the blood off of his hands.

  “I shouldn’t have left you alone, I’m sorry.”

  I could see his face from the mirror.

  “It wasn’t your fault, you didn’t know.” I said quietly.

  “So many people want to hurt me,” he balled up his fists under the running water and leaned over the sink, “it’s not fair to get someone else involved.”

  “But if someone truly wants to be a part of your life, they’ve gotta’ deal with it.” I leaned against the door frame. “Love is always worth the risk.”

  “What would you know about love?” He shot at me.

  His words felt like bullets, but I took them. “I know more than you do.”

  “Have you ever been in love?” He asked, staring at me through the reflection.

  I tilted my head to the side, “have you?”

  “The real question is: what is love?”

  “Why not find out for yourself?”

  He washed his face before turning off the faucet. “I take punches, cuts, kicks- hell- I even have a few knife wounds,” he took off his shirt and tossed it on the floor, “but internal wounds aren’t something I want to experiment with.”

  He looked so… broken.




  This was Axel.

  He was internally conflicted. He was bad for a quick high, a quick distraction from his past scars. His habits for dealing with pain weren’t ones that would take him far…

  “Axel, why do you hurt yourself?”

  He spun around, “hurt myself?”

  “Sometimes,” I pursed my lips, “you’re acting bad to get back at your stepdad, to pressure your mom to divorce him-”

  “That’s not the only reason-”

  “I know, but please hear me out.” I interrupted him. I sounded completely sober, maybe I was. He listened patiently, “its like someone tripped you, and you fell over and got cut. Now, instead of putting medicine on it, trying to ignore it and move on, you choose to focus on the cut. You jab it over and over again, until the wound expands. You drag the bully who tripped you, and force him to stare at your cut. Of course, that only satisfies him- but you hope it’ll change his mind and upset him. You won’t let the cut dry into a scar, instead you pick at the scab until it bleeds again.”

  He took my words into serious consideration. “That’s a… very interesting way of viewing things.” He seemed genuine. “But, what if your bully won’t move on, and he won’t leave you alone? Let’s assume this bully is a very powerful man,” he was clearly talking about his stepfather. “Now, this bully has power over someone you care for. He forces them to turn against you. You’re alone; no one gives a fuck. You’re ignored. You’re unhappy. Obviously, you’ll do something about it. Instead of doing what they want, you do the complete opposite to make them feel even a quarter of the pain you’re feeling. You get high, throw parties, try to distract yourself from the loneliness. You want to anger them to the point they cannot spend a happy or calm moment.”

  I pursed my lips, “you’re not alone.”

  “I was…”

  “But you’re not anymore.”

  We stared at each other for a few moments. “Why do you care so much?”

  Because I’ve been in love with you for about seven years to be exact, and I can’t stand seeing you in pain. I want to change your life; I want to make you happy.

  “I have my reasons.”

  He observed me very closely, “well, you shouldn’t care.”


  “You’ll just get hurt.”

  Why did he want to destroy me?

  “I’ll let you use the bathroom if you want,” he brushed past me.

  I wanted to cry.

  Did he just reject me?

  I let my comforter drop to the ground before stomping into the bathroom and locking the door. I was regaining my consciousness, and I didn’t like it.

  His bathroom was massive.

  I looked around the bathroom and something caught my eye. It looked like a clear bag with two piece of candy in it. Something sweet would help distract me through my shower.

  I tossed the two in my mouth. They tasted… odd….

  I shrugged it off and continued my shower.


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