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Crush on Mr. Bad Boy

Page 21

by Lilly Purdon

  He was cut off by the door slamming open. Justin was standing in the doorway with a chimpanzee mask on and boxers.

  “Am I interrupting something?” He asked, as he backed away from the doorway slowly.

  I felt the tension in the air. Axel looked visibly pissed off. I took a step backwards.

  “Hey Justin, do you mind picking up the towel on the floor and handing that over to me?” I asked, smiling at him hoping he would do what I said.

  He nodded and quickly grabbed the towel off the floor and handed it to me.

  “As long as you don't knee me in the balls,” he handed me the towel.

  Still looking straight at Axel, I thanked Justin.

  “No problem.”

  And with that, he left us two alone again. I smirked at him before wrapping the towel around my body. I dropped the mat to the ground. I wasn't quite sure whether I wanted to hear what Axel wanted or not.

  “Don’t think I'll let you off so easy,” Axel said, smirking at me.

  Oh no, not again.

  “Because I have something you might want,” he held up a pile of girl’s clothes that looked about my size.

  How could the day get any worse…



  I took in a deep breath to try to calm myself down. Come on Rosie, you can deal with this patiently. I forced a smile onto my face.

  “Can you please hand me the clothes?” I asked him nicely.

  “No,” he smirked.

  He was really testing my patience right now.

  “Please hand me the clothes,” I pleaded through gritted teeth.

  He still had that stupid, handsome smirk on his face. “Nah, I think I'll keep em’.”

  “I'm being nice,” I growled.

  “I'm being nice too.”

  It was just so tempting to knee him in the balls and get the clothes. Even though he was incredibly hot, and had been my crush since middle school I still felt incredibly annoyed by his actions. His grass green eyes travelled down my body, not trying to hide the fact he was checking me out.

  A part of me felt incredibly happy that he was checking me out without a care in the world, but the other one wanted clothes.

  “Enjoying the view?” I teased, with my own smirk plastered on my face.

  I had never felt this confident before, even with my clothes on.

  “Actually, I am. Thanks for asking.”

  I was honestly not expecting that as a reply. He blew out a low whistle.

  “You should wear this outfit to school more often.”

  His comment confused me, “I've never worn it to school though, and it's a towel.” I stated.


  “Just please hand me the clothes!” I practically begged.

  He tapped his chin pretending to be thinking.

  “What will I get out of it?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at me.


  Oops! I shouldn't have said anything.

  “I want-”

  “Not sex though,” I quickly cut in.

  “Do you think of me that lowly?” He asked, taken back by my comment.

  You’re just saying it because if he asked for it, you would be willing to give it to him.

  No! Even though I was in love with him, I wouldn’t just put myself out like that.


  Am not!

  Are too!

  Wait, why was I arguing with myself? I mentally slapped myself.

  Shut up!

  “What?” Axel asked, looking at me warily.

  I cocked my eyebrow at him, “what?”

  “You just said shut up.”

  Oh, so I just said that out loud.

  “Yes you did,” Axel replied.

  Okay, now I said something out loud again.

  “Yeah, you did… again.”

  “Can you just stop listening to my inner self speaking. She's a little unstable and she randomly blurts things out and stuff,” I tried explaining. “It hasn’t happened in a long time- but could you please give me my clothes?”

  “Your inner self?”

  I nodded.

  He looked at me like I was crazy. “So does your inner self tells you to do things?”


  “So let me get this straight. She tells you who to love or murder?”

  Oh, so this is what he was getting at.

  “I'm not crazy!” I snapped at him.

  He put his hands up in defense. “I never said you were.”

  “You were heavily implying it.”

  He ignored my comment, “Does your inner self tell you how hot I am?”


  “Of course she wouldn't! PFT! Why would she say that?” I wouldn’t have believed that if I were him. I was a terrible liar.

  “Just checking, because a little birdie told me you have a crush on me.”

  All the blood drained from my face before I stiffened. Oh no. Where did he hear that? Only three people know my dirty little secret, including me. Kasay and Dustin, but neither of them would tell him. Both were honest...

  "Hey, are you okay? You look a little pale."

  I nodded numbly. My dirty little secret was now out to the whole world. Oh no, I can't go to school anymore! I'll have to home school since every single girl will probably sending me daggers, and all the guys will laugh and make fun of me.

  I'll have to get Jaxon to get all my food supplies. I'll lock myself in my room for about 15 years, and maybe I can come out to face the outside world. I've got to let them forget about me and how I have a crush on Mr. Bad Boy!

  "Um, actually no I'm not."

  He looked at me before bursting out laughing. I stood there confused, staring at his angelic face and how perfectly his face was when he laughed. He looked adorable and incredibly sexy at the same time.

  His laugh was like music to my ears. I have never heard anything more pleasant. His amazing laugh drew a smile onto my face. I couldn't keep the smile off my face, no matter how hard I tried. I should be mad at him, but yet, I was watching him laugh in complete 'awe'.

  I know it sounds super creepy, but I just couldn't help it. He was the bad boy every good girl was waiting to change. But I didn't want to change anything about him. He was plain perfect. Except when he's in fight mode.

  This stone cold eyes brought me goosebumps. His eyes had no emotion when he was throwing punches at Jaxon. He was heartless and blocked out every single emotion he had. His cold face still looked like a Greek god's face, but it was emotionless.

  It frightened me in a way. I felt like I knew him in and out from everything I heard and knew about him, but when I saw him fight up close, I realized I was completely wrong. I realized I barely knew him at all, even if I felt like knew him.

  He wasn't an easy person to read. I knew some of problems, but I didn't know them all. Yes, I was kind of a stalker when it came to him, but I wasn't that creepy about it. I never followed him home or anything, but I might've followed him halfway home...once or twice...

  “I was just fucking with you,” he laughed, snapping me back to reality.


  "About the crush thing, that was complete bullshit. I didn't think you would actually take it to consideration or think I really meant it." he explained, still laughing hysterically.

  Oh, so it was all a joke. I mentally kicked myself for even considering hiding my face from the whole world because of people hearing about it. I relaxed and let out a breath I didn't realize I wasn't holding. He looked down at my body, before looking up at my face again.

  He had his sighature smirk plastered on his face. Cocky much? I looked down and realized I had a towel wrapped around my body. How did I manage to stay calm while in a towel? My face heated up immediately.

  "So what do you want?" I asked, changing the subject. "I really want to put some clothes on."
br />   “Since sex is out of the question, I don't really know,” he scratched his chin, pretending to think.


  “Quick, just name it so I can put the clothes on. I'm freezing!”

  “Nice try, the heater’s on.”

  “Just because the heater is on doesn’t mean I can’t feel cold!”

  “But your face is hot, so how could your body be freezing?”

  My cheeks heated up more.

  “Just please give me my clothes!” I begged. “What do you want from me?!”

  “I want two things actually,” he stated, walking around me like he was the predator and I was his prey.

  He was eyeing me up from head to toe. And I had too much skin exposed to my liking. I gulped.

  “W-what do you want?” I stuttered.

  “You’re nervous.”

  “Why were you freaking out earlier?”

  I bit my lip and avoided eye contact. I really didn't feel like telling him..

  “Let it out.”

  Maybe he was right, maybe I just had to tell him and get over it. I took a deep breath before talking. “IwasballingearlierbecauseIskippedschoolforthefirsttimeever.”

  He just stared at me.

  “Say that again, ten times slower.”

  I drew in a deep breath, “I was crying and stuff… because I skipped school for the first time… ever.” I felt embarrassed and ashamed.

  He just stared at me blankly, like he was taking in the information.

  Suddenly, he started laughing.

  He was laughing like earlier, but this time, he was laughing a lot harder. How did he find this situation funny? I had just ruined my record that I was trying to keep clean my entire life… and he was laughing at my pain?!

  “You find humor in this?!” I snapped.

  He wiped a tear away from his eye. “S-so let me get this straight,” he managed to spit out between laughs. “Y-you were b-balling earlier just because o-of that?!”

  “You have no idea how hard I've worked for this record! I've never missed a day since pre-school without being ill! Hell! I've never missed a day since kindergarten!” I yelled. “I’ve left school when I don’t have classes, and I’ve taken time off when I’m very ill or the doctor tells me so- but I’ve never missed A SINGLE PERIOD OF CLASS!”

  He kept laughing. Even though his laugh was incredibly sexy, and his face was the most adorable thing I have ever seen at that moment, I was still pissed at him. Laughing at the fact I ruined my future! What kind of guy would do that anyway?

  Oh right, the guy I loved most.

  “Rosie, you shouldn't freak out over just that!” he laughed.

  He had kept his nickname for me.

  “Just that?! You have no idea what you’re talking about.” I turned away from him and scowled at the wall.

  “Don’t tell me you’re mad at me now.”

  “I am!” I huffed.

  “I just don't like seeing you frown; your smile is fucking adorable.”

  He could turn my day upside down with one statement.

  My heart skipped a beat.

  Why did he have to be so frustrating, yet romantic?

  I just couldn't hide the blush off my face after what he just said. My heart was pounding against my rib cage crazily.

  “Are you still mad at me?” he asked, sounding a bit too cocky for my liking like he already knew I was going to forgive him after what he said.

  I didn't reply to him, but I guess that was a good sign for him.

  “I'll take that as a no.”

  “Give me back my clothes or I will be,” I threatened in a weak voice.

  My voice was so soft and venerable after what he just said to me. It was like my voice box melted after his compliment. He laughed before holding the clothes up high in the air, just high enough for me to reach.

  “You’re as threatening as a toothless puppy,” he laughed.

  I glared at him, “I’m stronger than you think.”

  He grinned, “mhmm.”

  “Shut up.”

  He had an adorable playful smirk on his face as he stared down at me.

  “Just give me my clothes,” I groaned.

  “I haven’t told you what I want yet-”

  “I already told you why I was crying-”

  “That didn’t count.”


  He just ignored my response, “firstly, I want you to stop taking shit off of people.”

  I just stared at him silently.

  “Especially Layla, seeing her push you around pisses me off.”

  I blinked again. He… noticed? He noticed I exist?

  “The soup thing… I wanted to punch her for you.”

  I was still processing everything in my head.

  He noticed me.

  “Secondly, I want you to tutor me.”



  “I’ve decided I want to try to do better in school. I have to at least pass.”

  “That’s great!” I grinned.

  He shrugged and looked away, “but don’t tell a single soul, or else…” His threat made me a bit hesitant.

  “So what makes you want to get better grades?” I asked.

  I really wanted to know, but then I regretted asking the question.

  “It’s none of your business actually, but I’ll answer anyway. A girl," he admitted… quite confidently actually.

  My heart literally broke in half.

  I felt as if someone tore my heart out of my chest, cut it in half with a chainsaw and stomped on it over and over again.

  A girl who obviously wasn't me. Disappointment, hurt, heartbroken, all the emotions that flooded me were depressing.

  “Who’s the girl?” My tone was cold and harsher than I had hoped it to be.

  He stared at me, grinning happily before answering. “You'll find eventually.”

  Of course, he had no idea what he was doing to me.

  He had just slit my throat and was waving the bloody blade in my face.

  Right after he admitted he wanted to impress some girl, he told me that I'll find out who she is ‘eventually’ whilst grinning ear to ear. Of course he had no idea I've had a huge crush on him since the day I saw him.


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