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Crush on Mr. Bad Boy

Page 29

by Lilly Purdon

  Sure he might've cared for her and helped her with some stuff, but when people hurt her he really didn't do anything about it. He was a coward and was too afraid to help his own childhood best friend. I really wanted to show Rose how Jaxon really was, but she would’ve definitely picked him over me.

  They were friends since in diapers, and I showed up merely two weeks ago. I had to gain her trust before making any blunt move.

  “Now someone has lost his voice box,” Layla teased.

  “At least I didn't lose my virginity in the school’s parking lot-” Before I could even finish my sentence, I was interrupted by a stick hitting my bad eye. “Shit!” I hissed while grabbing my eye I banged on the knob earlier.

  Looking on the bright side, at least it didn't hit my other eye. One black eye was enough for me. And at least I wasn't as beat up as Jaxon. I was pretty proud of what I did to him; I glanced at his bruises and admired my work. If I were that flexible, I'd give myself a pat on the back.

  “What are you looking at?” Jaxon glared at me.

  “The damage I've done to you,” I smiled proudly. I just loved getting on people's nerves for some reason; it was one of my favorite hobbies if you ask me. “And the damage I’m about to do.” I referred to Rosaline, and he knew.

  I didn't have anything else to say to them so I just turned around and headed back to Rosie's house. I heard Jaxon call for me but I just ignored him. I really didn't feel like getting to anymore drama. Once I was back inside I decided to go check my eye in the mirror to see how bad it really was.

  I stood in front of the mirror awkwardly before setting my laptop down on the sink counter and pulling the handkerchief off of my eye. I flinched at the sight of my eye. Sure I've been in a bunch of fights before and I got pretty bruised up. Thankfully, this wasn’t that bad.

  It was a silly bruise to get. I was adapting to Rosaline's habits... I shook my head and smiled a little. Was it possible for a guy to get butterflies?

  Man, that didn’t sound like me. I went back upstairs to check on Rosie and sure enough, she was sleeping like the dead. She was even snoring a little. I felt like a stalker when I sat on the floor near her bed and just watched her sleep. I rested my back against the wall and drifted off to sleep…




  I rubbed my good eye and stretched before I walked extra carefully to the front door and opened the door. As soon as I saw who it was I quickly slammed the door on his face. I turned around made my way up the stairs.




  What the hell did that asshole want?!

  I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath to calm myself down. I had to calm down before I did something I would regret. Rosie hated violence, and violence wasn't the answer to stop him from knocking.

  I went back downstairs to face the asshole. I opened the door and glared at timid Jaxon on the front steps.

  “Can I talk to Rose?” he asked.

  “No,” I answered before slamming the door in his face again.




  I opened the door again.

  “Sorry that wasn't supposed to be a question.”

  “Do I look like I care?” I slammed the door in his face for the third time.




  Did this dude know when to give up? I opened the door again.

  If he didn't stop knocking Rose was going to wake up. And if he did interrupt her sleep, I wouldn't be forgiving about it. “Quit fucking knocking!” I growled at him.

  I saw him gulp before replying. “No, not until I get to talk to Rose-”

  He didn't get to finish his sentence, because I slammed the door in his face once again. What did he not get by 'no'?



  I pulled the door open with so much force; the door slammed into the wall and left an imprint of the doorknob in the wall. I was going to break everything in her house… and the only thing I wanted to break was her bed.

  “What part of no don't you get?” I glared at him.

  “I need to speak to-”

  “No,” I cut him off.

  “I need to explain some things to Rose. I feel really guilty…”

  Guilty my ass, Jaxon knew nothing about being guilty. “Explain what?”

  “Just let me talk to her.”

  “Explain about you’ve been banging her worst enemy? How you're dating the girl who's been trying to ruin her life? The girl who’s caused her so much pain and made every single day for her a living hell?”

  “Is this true?” someone asked in a small voice behind me.

  Both our heads snapped in the voice's direction. Rose stood there in an oversized t-shirt staring at us looking as fragile as a glass slipper. Her blonde hair was a little messy but it still looked incredible on her.

  Her crystal blue eyes were still shining bright but were filled with an emotion I couldn't read. Her full pale pink lips were pulled in a straight line and her face was as beautiful as always. I felt my heartbeat increase as I studied her facial features.

  I knew I sounded cheesy, but I couldn't care less, because my eyes were laid on one of the most beautiful things I have ever laid eyes on. And that was-

  “So is it?” she raised her voice pulling me out of my thoughts. She stared straight at Jaxon this time. I had a feeling she was going to get so pissed. But I was secretly enjoying every moment of this, because I knew at this moment I would mean more to her than Jaxon would.

  “Let me explain-”

  “How long?” she interrupted him.

  “How long what?” he asked.

  Her tone was cold, “How long has this been going on?”

  “Layla and I?”

  She nodded.

  “We were official after the dance…” he answered.

  She stayed quiet for a moment, staring off in space deep in thought.

  “How long?” Jaxon asked.

  “How long what?”

  He grew tense, “You and Spencer.” Seemed like someone was ticked off.

  “We're not going out-”

  “You don't have to lie to me, everything's out.”

  I secretly hoped she would’ve said we were a thing… but sadly, she didn’t.

  “But we aren't-”

  “Then what is he doing at your house?” Jaxon asked her while sending me a glare.

  “He was helping me.”

  “With what?”

  “She got sick after a party, take a fucking chill pill,” I answered for her.

  Jaxon looked horrified. “You went to a party?!”

  “No, she went to church,” I replied sarcastically.

  “Mind your own,” Jaxon growled.

  “Don't talk to him that way,” Rose snapped.

  “Why? Why are you on his side?” Jaxon looked heartbroken while asking the question.

  “Because he has never lied to me.”

  That was the candle on the cake. I felt beyond satisfied; floating on cloud nine. Jaxon better have some medicine to treat burned area. I felt like high fiving myself at that moment. I meant more to her than Jaxon did.

  “But we've been together since forever. You can’t suddenly ditch me for some asshole!” Jaxon raised his voice, “am I that disposable?!”

  He had no right to be yelling at her. I wanted to slam my fist into his face again, but I held back. This was her battle.

  “People change Jaxon, don't you get it?” she said, her crystal blue eyes were watery. “You chose the person who hurt me most. Out of every girl, you picked her… someone who you knew purposefully hurt me-”

  “She didn't mean to hurt you-”

  Rose cut Jaxon off.

  “Oh, yeah, sure didn't mean to get one of my best friends expelled, she didn't mean to pick on me and make fun of me from junior high till my senior year, she didn't mean to dump
her lunch on me, she didn't mean to humiliate me in front of the entire school, she didn't mean to get her whole gang to pick on me! She didn't mean to do a fucking thing to me?”

  She started to make her way closer to Jaxon. With every step she took forward, he took a step back until he tripped down the stairs.

  “You’ve hid stuff from me too;” he shot back, “partying? I never knew-”

  “That’s nothing compared to what you’ve done to me,” a tear slid down her cheek. I stayed leaning against the doorway watching the entire thing play out in front of me. Rosaline was about to be my best friend.

  “I got with Layla, you got with Spencer- we’re even.”

  “Don’t you even dare,” her voice was like a knife slicing through his skin, “Axel hasn’t done anything to you. The only time he hurt you was because you attacked him first.”

  “He took you Rosie. He’s taken you away from me. That’s far worse than anything Layla could do-”

  “Don’t,” she put a hand up, indicating he stopped talking. “You know what?” she laughed coldly, “I don’t want to see your fucking face again.”

  He had no chance with her now.

  “I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you, I promise-”

  “No Jaxon, no…” she took deep breathes to calm herself down. “Goodbye Jaxon…” she said.

  “Rose I didn't mean to-”

  Before he could finish his sentence, she slammed the door in his face. Damn, I had never seen her that pissed before. She was pretty hot when she was pissed.



  If only looks could kill...

  She was glaring so hard at the door, I almost felt sorry for it. Oh god, I was really becoming soft. Caring for a door? I was adapting her manners and thoughts

  She locked the door and slammed her fists into the door over and over again. Though she couldn’t really punch, she beat the door until she slightly cracked the wood. I didn’t want to interfere. She needed to let her anger out.

  “Why her?!” she screamed at the door, but I knew it was directed at Jaxon.

  “Out of ever filthy whore on the surface of the Earth, why her?!” she walked passed me and grabbed a lamp off of a stand next to me. She smashed it against the door with full force. Still, I wasn't planning on stopping her anytime soon.

  Even if she decided to burn down the damn house, I wouldn't stop her. Well, that was a bit extreme… But sometimes people have to take all their anger out on something or someone to feel better. A little harmless violence wouldn’t hurt.

  “Why her?!” she grabbed a picture frame of her dad and slutty Cleo from the stand beside me and smashed it against to door, causing glass to shatter all over the place. “I’ve been hurt, manipulated, and trapped!” she screamed on the top of her lungs, “I’m sick of it!”

  I thought that was the end of her tantrum, but that was just the beginning. Her ice blue eyes were filled with so much anger I thought they were going to explode. Her body was shaking uncontrollably and her face was red from anger.

  “Her office,” she whispered to herself before stomping away.

  Instead of discouraging her, I wanted to give her a high five for finally doing something about her situation. She was treated like shit for so long, she was about to reach her snapping point. I quickly followed her into the kitchen and watched her grab stuff out of her fridge.

  She grabbed a jar of pickles before popping the lid off and sniffing it. She made a disgusted face before closing the lid and pulling out five more jars of pickles out of the fridge.

  Who the hell has six jars of pickles in their fridge?

  She grabbed two boxes of whip cream out of the fridge while mumbling something about them being expired.

  She left the fridge open and grabbed a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of mustard from the kitchen counter. She went back to the fridge and grabbed a pack of eggs before shutting the fridge. She got a few cans of tuna out of a cabinet before attempting to carry all that.

  “Let me help,” I offered.

  “I can do it,” she replied, trying to carry all that in one go. I admired her stubbornness and her capability to carry five jars of pickles at the same time, but she couldn't carry all that by herself. I had no idea what she had planned ahead, but I decided to help her anyway. I almost felt excited because of how unexpected she was.

  I grabbed the other jar of pickles from the ground and scooped up all the other food in my arms. The smell of the food was really making me sick. All the food smelled like shit. “It’s all expired.”

  Was she psychic or something? “Why the hell do you have six jars of pickles in our house?” I scrunched up my face in disgust.

  “She loves pickles,” her voice was laced with hatred.

  “Obviously not only this kind,” I joked.

  I couldn't really see where I was going, but I followed her footsteps to what looked like an office door. She kicked the door open and set the jars of bad pickles down. I did the same and set the food down next to the jars of pickles.

  The room looked like it was built in the 1800's. Looked like a vampire built it or some shit. There were bookshelves along the walls and the wallpaper was old fashioned. So this is what a coffin looked like... I was interrupted from my thoughts by Rose grunting as she tried pushing the desk over.

  I helped her knock it over with one hand.

  The drawers came flying out. Not that much stuff was ruined though. Damn, her stepmom was an organized psycho.

  Rosie couldn’t have cared less.

  Huh, I liked this Rosie.

  She pulled open one of the drawers from the desk and went through it. She grinned evilly as she pulled out a red folder. “What shall I do with you?” Her fingers frantically flipped through the pages contained within the file. Her evil grin widened, “I feel so… evil.” She giggled to herself.

  I just stood there staring at her, shamelessly I might add. My eyes traveled from her feet to her face. I couldn't care less at how nuts she sounded at the moment. She pulled out some papers from the folder and set them on the ground. Then she grabbed a jar of pickle juice and poured it onto the carpet around the papers before turning to me. Afterwards, she also grabbed a bottle of water and poured on top of the pickle juice. “Got a light?”

  I pulled out a lighter and handed it to her.

  “You smoke?”

  “Used to,” I shrugged while handing her the lighter.

  “Good you stopped,” she accepted the lighter from me.

  “Why is good I stopped?”


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