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Our Last Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 3)

Page 7

by K. B. Andrews

  “No, I didn’t need to. I know when I’m hurt and I’m fine.” I didn’t need to mention that my throat was a little sore, but other than that, I felt great. Chris was finally out of the picture, I was actively planning a wedding, and the shop was up and running. “What’s been going on around here?”

  I could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to say more, but he let the subject drop. “Oh, not a lot. I finally retired.” He beamed his best smile.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s great!”

  He waved me off. “Yeah, I think Kathryn is about ready to kill me.”

  “I would be completely happy about your retirement if you didn’t try fixing things that didn’t need fixing.” Kathryn handed us a plate of cookies.

  I took a cookie and eyed my dad. He never was good at fixing things.

  “Everything I’ve worked on, needed fixing,” he insisted.

  Kathryn didn’t look amused. She looked at me with a dead serious expression. “He tried fixing my brand-new dryer. He thought that he could turn up the heat to make it dry the clothes faster. We ended up having to buy a new dryer and all new clothes when all of ours caught on fire.”

  I almost choked on my cookie I was laughing so hard. “Dad, why did you do that?”

  “Because he has too much time on his hands, that’s why,” Kathryn interrupted.

  “I remember when we first moved into this house, he tried fixing a leaky pipe. He ended up loosening it instead of tightening it and water sprayed everywhere. All I heard was a rush of water and him screaming,” I laughed again.

  “That’s my point. He needs a hobby.”

  “All right, I’ll leave things alone from now on. Are you happy now?”

  “I would be, yes.” Kathryn smiled, happy she got her way.

  We had all quieted down when Kathryn asked, “How’s the wedding planning going?”

  My dad kept his eyes on the TV.

  “It’s going okay. I have my dress being made now and we just found the bridesmaid dresses. I made the appointment for the guys to get measured for their tuxes but that’s about all I’ve done.” I shrugged and leaned back. My eyes found my dad, but he didn’t notice, he kept his attention on the TV.

  “If you need any help, let me know. I’ve planned several weddings for my friends and family.”

  “Really, that would be great. I’m wanting the wedding to be in our backyard. I want a country style wedding by the pond.”

  Kathryn went on to talk about ideas for the wedding but I didn’t hear a word she said. I just kept watching my dad. He didn’t seem happy about the wedding, or maybe he just didn’t care about hearing the details.

  “Dad, can I ask you something?”

  Finally, he looked away from the TV. “Sure, what’s up?”

  “How do you feel about me marrying Mason?”

  He took a long breath and sat up a little straighter. “I have my concerns.”

  “Concerns about what?”

  “I’m just worried that maybe you are rushing into this because of that Chris guy.”

  “Dad, I’ve loved Mason since I was eighteen-years-old. I don’t think we’re rushing into anything.”

  “Well, what about your career? Are you going back or are you done? What does Mason think of you touring?”

  “I’m going back. Mason is going to go with me.”

  “What about his business?”

  “He’s hired several new employees and a manager. Everything will be taken care of,” I assured him.

  “Okay, well what about when Mason wants to settle down and have a family? Are you okay with giving up your dream to have a normal life of raising children and being a house wife?”

  I smiled. “I want to have babies too. Don’t get me wrong, we ain’t planning on starting a family any time soon, but when the time comes, I’ll be ready.”

  He shrugged. “Okay, it sounds like you two have talked about everything.”

  “You’re not going to try talking me out of it?”

  He looked taken back. “Why would I do that?”

  I shrugged. “I just figured you would want to talk me into moving back to California and picking up where I left off.”

  He leveled his eyes on me. “You’re not a child anymore, Lennox. You are more than capable of making your own decisions. I know how you feel about Mason and I know how Mason feels about you. Do I wish you would wait? Of course. You’re only twenty-three, but you’ve always known exactly what you wanted. I have complete faith in you.”

  Hearing his words put me at ease. I knew he wasn’t trying to talk me out of anything, he just wanted to make sure we had talked about all the important stuff and not just rush into a marriage. I smiled before I moved in for a hug. “Thanks, Dad.”

  I sat around and visited with them awhile longer before I made my way back to the shop. The sun was starting to set and I knew it would be closing time soon.

  “How was business today?” I asked Mason as I walked into his office.

  He was showing Jeremey what to do with the end of the day receipts.

  “It was great. We sold out on boats and jet-skis. I don’t ever remember being out of everything at once.” His smile spread across his face, as did mine. It had been a long time since I saw that look on him.

  I knew Mason missed the shop and having work to do every day, but I didn’t realize how much he missed it until I saw him back in action.

  Mason left Jeremy to finish up the receipts. He took me by the hand and led me back out to the center floor.

  “We just wanted to tell everyone thank you for all your hard work these past couple days. We had a great opening day and made more money than we ever have before. To show you our appreciation, we want to take everyone up to the grill for dinner and drinks on us.”

  Everyone cheered, ready to celebrate the end of their first day of work.

  Once Jessica and I had everything cleaned up, everyone was heading out the door and making the short walk to the bar.

  On our walk, I filled Mason in on my day. I told him about finding the dresses and needing him to gather up the guys for their tuxes. We set a date just for us to get some of the wedding planning out of the way.

  Mason was in the best mood I had seen him in, in a while. Not only did he get to go back to work, but he had an awesome first day. The shop made more money than we could’ve hoped for and all the employees were getting along great. I knew Mason missed Joey, but I thought that the new people we hired were more than capable of filling her shoes.

  After everyone ate, we all ordered a round of drinks. Mason and I hadn’t been out in a long time. Before we went to California, we didn’t want to go out and be caught by Chris, but with him out of the picture, we got a glimpse at how our lives should’ve been. I had never been so happy and so free. I realized I didn’t need to be alone to feel free. All I needed was Chris out of my life and Mason in it.

  We danced, holding one another tight as the rest of the group drank, played pool, and hung out.

  He pulled back slightly. “I want to teach you how to shoot a gun.”

  I was taken back. “Shoot a gun? Why?”

  He let out a long breath. “I want to know that you can take care of yourself. I know Chris was taken out of the picture for now, but what if he comes back? What if we think he has given up only to reappear and find you alone?”

  I could see how stressed he was about it all. I never thought about learning how to use a gun, actually, they scared me and I never even wanted to. But if that was what it took to ease Mason’s mind even a little, I was completely happy learning for him. “Okay. Tomorrow after doing the wedding shopping, you can show me how.”


  I laughed at his surprised expression. He was probably expecting more of a fight from me. “Yeah, I think it’s a good idea. Especially if it helps to ease your mind some.”

  His smile widened before he pulled me back to his chest while we danced.

  We kept ou
r eyes on one another and forgot anyone else was even in the room. I felt his heart beating as his hot breath blew across my cheek, causing my skin to break out in goosebumps.

  We didn’t know if or when Chris would reappear back in our lives, but we were going to enjoy every minute that he couldn’t get to us.

  Chapter Nine


  While the group had a good time, I spent every second I could with Lennox. We had a few drinks over dinner, we danced, and held one another as close as we could get.

  We danced until we were hot and thirsty, Lennox went to grab us both a beer while I sat down with the crew.

  I remembered what she had said about Jessica and Jordan. I looked over at them to see them in deep conversation. She was leaning in with her hand on his bicep, smiling and laughing as he talked. I could tell she was feeling him, but hoped that whatever it was that they were doing didn’t mess with their work.

  When Jordan got a phone call and excused himself to answer it, I took the opportunity to talk to Jessica. When her eyes found mine, I asked, “How are you liking the job?”

  She smiled brightly. “I really like it; I’m so thankful to have gotten it.”

  “Lennox told me you just moved here with a friend. Where did you move from?”

  “Alabama, when the shop I was working at closed down, a friend and I decided we needed a new start.” She placed her arms on the table and leaned in to hear over the loud music.

  Lennox showed up and placed a beer in front of me; she sat down between Jessica and me.

  “What are you two talking about?” She looked from her to me.

  “I was just asking Jessica how she liked the job.”

  “Are you liking it?” Lennox asked her.

  Jessica nodded. “I really am. Oh, I love this song, come dance with me.” She took Lennox by the hand and pulled her to the dance floor.

  They danced the rest of the night while I sat back talking with Trent, Jordan, and Jeremy. We talked about the shop, boats, and ideas we wanted to consider to help out the business. Things like new promotions, a newer website, and maybe even starting a Facebook page for the shop.

  Once ten o’clock rolled around, most of the group had left so I paid the tab and led Lennox from the building.

  As we were leaving the grill, my phone rang. I pulled it from my pocket and placed it at my ear, holding it with my cheek and shoulder so I could open Lennox’s door.


  “Hey, Mase. It’s Matt. I just wanted to let you know that Chris is in a medically induced coma, he won’t be booked for a while.”

  I closed Lennox’s door and stared off into the darkness. “In a medically induced coma? What’s that mean?”

  “He had a lot of trauma. His doctor thought it would be best to put him in a coma to give him time to heal. They don’t know the extent of the damage just yet. But I have to go, I just wanted to let you know.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Matt.” I hung up the phone and joined Lennox in the truck.

  “Who was that?”

  “My buddy, Matt. He called to let me know that Chris has been put in a medically induced coma to give him time to heal.”

  Lennox was quiet. Probably in shock like I was. I almost killed the guy. I had been dreaming of killing him for hurting her, but actually almost doing it was weighing on me in a weird way. I didn’t think I would feel so guilty about it.

  I mean, did Chris feel guilty for beating Lennox, for stalking her, and almost killing her? I doubted that he did. So why did I feel so much guilt for giving this guy what he deserved?

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  I started the truck and backed out of the spot before pulling out onto the road to head home. “I don’t know. I mean, I’ve been wanting to kill Chris since you came back home, but now, I’m feeling guilty for it.”

  “Mason, you have no reason to feel guilty. I mean, it’s not like you sought him out with the intention of hurting him. He attacked Trent, he could’ve killed me.”

  “I know.” I reached out and took her hand in mine. I lifted it to my lips and placed a soft kiss on the top while staring at the dark road ahead of us.

  I woke up the next morning with an empty day ahead of me. Jeremy, the new shop manager, had the day covered which meant I got to spend the whole day with Lennox.

  I rolled over to face her, but she was gone. I sat upright with my heart racing.

  Where is she? She’s always here when I wake up.

  “Good morning, babe.” She walked into the bedroom fully clothed and handed me a cup of coffee.

  “What are you doing up so early?” I took the coffee she handed me and took a small sip.

  “We have a lot of wedding stuff to do today. We need to get a jump on the day. Get a shower and I will make us some breakfast before we go.”

  I sat my coffee down on the bedside table. “You’re cooking breakfast?” I eyed her.

  She turned facing me with her hand on her hip. “Yes, I’m cooking. Now go take your shower.”

  Twenty minutes later, I walked down the stairs to the smell of bacon and something sweet.

  “The house isn’t on fire, that’s a good sign,” I teased.

  Lennox glared at me before setting two plates on the island. I was almost scared to look, thinking I would see a mess of burnt food. I forced my eyes down to see perfectly cooked bacon and french toast.

  I felt my eyes grow wide as my eyebrows rose. “Did you cook this?” I pointed to my plate as I moved around the island to sit down.

  She smacked me on the arm as she passed by me, taking her seat. “Yes, I cooked it. Where else would it have come from? Sit down and eat.” She passed me the syrup and I took my seat next to her.

  She wasn’t big on cooking, so I was a little worried that I would take a big bite and it would taste like kitty litter or something. I smothered the french toast in syrup and cut off a small bite.

  She watched me like I would try slipping the food under the table to feed the dog we didn’t have. I placed the bite in my mouth and slowly chewed, waiting to die.

  The french toast was actually really good, better than mine even. She watched as a smile appeared across my face.

  “Is it good?” she asked. Her voice was full of excitement.

  I nodded while taking a bigger bite. “Yeah, it’s amazing. When did you learn to cook this?”

  She rolled her eyes. “It’s not that hard, Mason. Seriously, you act like I can’t even boil water.”

  I placed my fork on my plate and picked up my glass of orange juice to take a drink. “I’ve seen you boil water. You boiled the pan dry.”

  “You’re never going to let that go, are you?” She let out a ragged breath and shook her head before digging into her own food.

  Lennox made me call Dane and Trent so they could meet us at the dress store to get measured for our tuxes.

  She sat back laughing at us while we all complained about trying on uncomfortable clothes, well, everyone but Dane.

  “We’re supposed to wear this all night?” Trent asked.

  “Yes,” Lennox answered.

  “I don’t know what you’re complaining about,” Dane said checking himself out in the mirror. “I think it makes me look cool. I’m like fucking James Bond in this bitch.” He pulled on his lapels.

  “I didn’t think of it that way.” Trent joined Dane at the mirror. “Do I look like James Bond?”

  Dane looked at him before he scoffed. “Fuck no. I’m James Bond. You’re more like Pee-wee Herman.” He laughed.

  Trent looked pissed off for taking the bait. He looked at Dane, before turning and walking away.

  Lennox sat watching the exchange, quietly laughing to herself.

  Once all three of us were dressed in a tux, the saleslady asked Lennox what she thought. She stood and walked by each of us slowly, looking us up and down.

  She walked by Dane first. She stopped directly in front of him, placing her finger on her chin. “Who do you remind me o
f in this tux?”

  Dane’s smile widened. “James Bond?”

  She shook her head. “No, that’s not it.”

  His smile fell. “Don’t say it.”

  “Is it?” she teased.

  “Lennox, don’t fucking say it.”

  “Pee-wee Herman!” She laughed out loud.

  Dane turned and walked away, leaving the rest of us standing there laughing.

  She walked by Trent and nodded her head, approving the tux. Then she stopped in front of me.

  “Oh, I think I like this one the best.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my lips to hers.

  When she pulled away, we were both breathless and alone. I guess Trent and the saleslady got the hint.

  Dane stormed past us.

  “Oh, come on Dane. I was just joking.”

  “I didn’t want to be in your stupid wedding anyway,” he said sounding like a child.

  “Fine, Dane. You look like James Bond.”

  He paused with his hand on the door. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you.” He turned back around to face her. “Who do I look like?”

  Lennox rolled her eyes. “I said, you look like James Bond,” she all but yelled.

  Dane smiled. “Mase, I think your fiancée is coming on to me. She said I looked like James Bond. That sounds like a pick up line to me.” He shrugged.

  “Shut up, Dane.” I shook my head before turning around to take off the tux.

  After Dane and Trent left, Lennox and I paid for the tuxes and left the store. The next stop was the bakery.

  “So what is it that we’re doing here?”

  Lennox parked her Jeep and turned to look at me. “We’re having a cake tasting.”

  “You mean, they are going to let us eat all their cake for free?”

  She laughed. “Yes, but Mason.” She pointed her finger at me. “You do not have to eat the entire piece. We have a lot of cake to taste, one bite is enough. Do you hear me?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I bet I could eat every piece they put in front of me.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t do it. Swear to me.”


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