Our Last Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 3)

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Our Last Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 3) Page 16

by K. B. Andrews

  “I can’t believe you still have that dress.”

  “You remember it?” I asked slowly walking down the stairs.

  “How could I forget it?” he asked watching me.

  “You were wearing this dress the day I first set eyes on you. I thought you were so beautiful in this dress with your bare feet. I couldn’t get you out of my mind that day, or any day since then.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest.

  “I have a surprise for you for our anniversary.”

  “That’s today?” he asked with a smile.

  I smacked him on the arm. “You know it’s today. Come on,” I said pulling him out the door.

  We got into my Jeep and I started the engine. “Here, wear this.” I held out a blindfold.

  “Why?” he asked taking it from me.

  “Because it’s a surprise. Now put it on.”

  Mason did as he was told and I drove us to town. After driving for awhile, we were finally there. I turned off the car and came around to his side to open his door.

  “I think you’re a little backwards here.”

  “Just be quiet and walk,” I said leading him to where we needed to be. “Okay, you can take the blindfold off.”

  He pulled it off and looked at the big white yacht. “This was our last date.” His eyes met mine and it was like we were eighteen again.

  “Come on, dinner is waiting.” I took his hand in mine and led him onto the boat.

  “I can’t believe we’ve been married a year already,” I said holding Mason’s hand across the small table.

  The waiter poured us each a glass of wine. Mason picked up his glass while I picked up my glass of water, his brows pulled up in confusion.

  “There is one more surprise.” I smiled and handed over a small box.

  He opened it and pulled out the white stick.

  “Are you pregnant?” he asked.

  I smiled and nodded.

  “We’re going to have a baby?” he asked again, coming around the table.

  I couldn’t do anything but nod and smile. I couldn’t talk, tears were lodged in my throat. I couldn’t wait to be a mommy again. I knew Mason would be happy about the news. We had been talking about trying for a little brother for Emma for months.

  “I can’t believe it. I love you so much.” He lifted my chin for a kiss.

  “I love you too, Mason,” I whispered against his lips.

  The rest of the evening, we ate all the same foods we did the night of our last date. We danced and cuddled against one another on the lounge chair, watching the stars float by. When our time was up, Mason led me to the car where he pressed my back to the Jeep and moved his lips to mine. Our lips moved against one another’s while his hand dipped below my dress.

  “What are you doing? People could see.” I tried brushing his hands away.

  “Nobody can see. I don’t know why, but finding out that you’re pregnant makes me want to rip your clothes off.” He moved his lips to mine to kiss me urgently. His hand returned back under my dress and he flicked and teased me before making me come in the dark parking lot. I moaned against his lips, needing more than what he gave me.

  “I need you,” I said against his lips.

  “Not as bad as I need you.” He opened the door for me.

  I got in the passenger side while Mason got in the driver’s seat. I thought we were going to drive home before we continued, but I was wrong. My pregnancy hormones needed it right that second, I couldn’t wait to have him.

  I straddled him and adjusted his jeans before sliding down on him. I watched as he bit his lip, trying to control himself. I began to move slowly at first, wanting to feel every inch of him. Before long, I lost all sense of composure and moved faster while he held me by my hips and moved me at the pace he needed.

  He filled me with a loud moan. “I love you so fucking much.”

  “I love you too. Forever,” I whispered against his lips.

  We’d had our ups and downs. At a time in our lives when everything and everyone was against us, we made it through. We made it through dream careers, abuse and beatings, girlfriends that claimed to be pregnant, a girl that was crazy, and a hundred things in between. The only thing that mattered was our love for each other. When you love someone as much as we did, nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter what chances you take and what chances you pass on, you always end up where you’re supposed to be.

  I didn’t know when I was eighteen that our lives were going to turn out the way they did. True love can overcome anything. The love Mason and I had could overcome anything. I didn’t know what would happen in our future, but I knew everything would be alright. I got Mason back. I got a wonderful daughter and a baby on the way. Life couldn’t have been more perfect for us. I had gotten everything I’d ever wanted and I intended on loving every minute of it.

  MASON - Six months later

  Standing in the darkness off the stage, I watched Lennox do what she had always loved to do. She stood center stage with a bright spotlight shining down on her. Singing to the crowd who cheered her on, she smiled and warmed the hearts of thousands. That was a side of her I never really got to see. I never went to one of her concerts. I’d seen her sing karaoke more times than I could count, but hearing her sing her own songs, with thousands of people coming to see her, was something completely different.

  It was the last show on the tour. We were heading home as soon as the show was over and I couldn’t wait to get back. Something that once felt like a prison was something that I missed. I wanted to be back at my boring job at the shop. I wanted to see the house I lived in and worked so hard to build. I wanted to see my brother, Trent, and Joey, even though, the tour and watching how happy it made her, would always be something that I remembered and held close to my heart. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of her singing on stage, baby bump and all.

  It was a good thing it was only a six-month tour, we needed to start preparing for our son’s arrival. Lennox was thrilled when we found out the baby was a boy. I knew she always wanted a little boy and I was happy to give her one. I would’ve been happy having five more, but I knew she would’ve had something to say about that.

  I looked around the stadium one last time and hoped that we got to do it again. I knew Lennox would have to take some time off; it wasn’t easy touring with Emma, I couldn’t imagine doing it with a new baby. I knew that when she was ready, I would be right behind her.

  I learned my lesson long ago and wasn’t going to let her leave without me again. I was lucky I got a second chance. Hell, I was lucky I got as many chances as I did. I couldn’t picture my life any differently. Being there, with our growing family, I knew it was where I was always meant to end up and couldn’t have been happier.

  Lennox wrapped up her last song and said goodbye to the crowd. She walked off the stage and landed right in my arms.

  “Ready to go home?” she asked with a smile.

  “Only if you are.”

  “Come on, let’s go get mom and Emma.” She pulled me toward her dressing room.

  She finally took my advice and made up with her mom. Rose had come a long way to be better for her and Emma. Emma had grown to love her since she came on tour with us. Rose kept Emma with her while Lennox was on stage. She made sure she got put to bed on time and kept her entertained when Lennox was busy rehearsing.

  The tour would have been a lot harder if we hadn’t had her with us. It was always nice having family to rely on. Lennox never thought that she would be on tour, married to me, and having her mom with us to help with our child. She didn’t think she could have it all, but she got everything she had ever dreamed of and I was happy to provide.

  “Hey mom, is everything packed up?” Lennox asked walking into the dressing room.

  “Everything is already loaded on the bus. Emma is asleep, I will just carry her out and put her in bed.” Rose picked up a sleeping Emma and headed toward the back exit.

hanks, Mom.” She pulled on her coat. “And thank you,” she said wrapping her arms around my waist, pulling me against her.

  “For what?” I held her close to me, looking into her emerald green eyes.

  “For everything. You never gave up on us, or me. I never thought I would be able to have this life and a life with you at the same time.”

  “I would do anything for you. It doesn’t matter where you go, I won’t let go again.” I pressed my lips to hers.

  I began to pull away, but she wasn’t ready yet. She wrapped her hand around my neck and pulled me back in, adding a little bite to my bottom lip.

  “What do you say we make the ride home go a little quicker?” She pulled away, meeting my eyes.

  “I think that is a great idea. I’m going to have to keep you pregnant more often,” I teased. I loved her pregnancy hormones. She wanted it anytime of the day, didn’t matter if we had already had sex three times that morning, she was always ready and wanting me.

  “I don’t think so,” she said leaving me standing alone in her dressing room.

  I had to run to catch up. I held her hand as they opened the back exit where we were hit with thousands of screams. We made our way into the crowd and she stopped and signed autographs along the way.

  We boarded the bus. As the driver closed the door behind us, I had to stop and turn around. I needed to get in one last memory of all those people that came out to see my wife, the girl that I had always loved. It was surreal looking over the crowd of screaming fans.

  “Hey you,” she said peeking her head out of the small room in the back.

  I turned my head from the crowd of people and looked at my beautiful wife. Biting her bottom lip, she beckoned me with her finger. I gave the crowd one last look before chasing after her. She giggled and tried to run, but I caught her in my arms and lowered my kiss to her neck.

  I wrapped my hands around her growing belly and felt my heart swell. We really did have it all, even if it was a long ride getting there.

  We had overcame everything, and in spite of all the mishaps, we made it. We were married, had a beautiful daughter, and a son on the way. Lennox had her dream career and I still had my shop that meant so much to my dad. I never in a million years would have thought that I would end up where I was, but I was so glad that I did.

  “Let’s go home,” I said lowering her onto the small bed.

  “I love you, Mason.”

  “More than you will ever know,” I added on before moving my lips to hers.


  A Sneak Peek at

  Finding You in the Darkness

  By K.B. Andrews

  Chapter One - Riley

  “I can’t believe I finally got you to come out with me.” Raine bounced in her seat as we made our way to the bar across town. “You haven’t been out since before we moved into the apartment.”

  Raine and I had been friends since first grade. We grew up like sisters, never without the other. Our freshmen and sophomore years we lived in separate dorms, but our junior year, we moved in together. We had only lived together for four months, but according to Raine, that was a lifetime of not going out.

  “How could I say no when you were lying on the floor acting like a two-year-old?” I flashed her an irritated look.

  “I was not,” she argued. She forcefully turned her head to glare out the side window, trying to avoid my stare.

  If there was one thing Raine was good at, it was her ability to argue over anything.

  “It didn’t hurt that you bribed me with your new jeans.” I smiled like I won something as I looked down at the jeans that fit me perfectly.

  “Those are yours by the way, I bought you the same pair.” She returned my smile but it tripled in size.

  “You’re such a bitch,” I mumbled while shaking my head. I wasn’t surprised Raine tricked me into going. She was just lucky the jeans were so cute.

  I checked my reflection in the window of the cab while being stopped at a red light. “I hate you for this, you know.”

  “You look fine, stop stressing.” Raine pulled out a tube of lipgloss and applied a thick layer while watching me fuss with my hair and readjust my top that was cut entirely way too low.

  “Why do you make me wear this shit? What’s wrong with my hoodie?” I looked down to see the girls on full display.

  “Your hoodie isn’t sexy and your ass needs to get laid.”

  I ignored her comment. Raine knew I wasn’t the kind of girl to meet a random stranger and go home with him. That was more her thing. With the way she looked, she could get away with it.

  I looked at her long, dark hair that was stick straight and her bronzed skin. She looked exotic, like she should be lying on a beach somewhere. I turned my attention back to my reflection in the window. All I saw was my mess of blonde curls and porcelain skin. I couldn’t help but feel like a milkmaid in comparison.

  “Turn here,” Raine instructed the driver, pulling me out of my thoughts..

  The cab turned down the dark, one-way street, I could already see the long line of people waiting to get into the bar. “Why is the line so long? Is it new?”

  “Yeah, it’s opening night and The Bangers are playing.” Raine didn’t bother trying to hide the excitement on her face. She turned to see her reflection in the window and attempted to fluff her flat hair.

  I rolled my eyes. “You are not going to leave me alone again so you can hook up with their drummer.” I kept my eyes trained on her. I wanted her to know that I was serious this time. I hated being left alone in a foreign place while she went and had her random hookups.

  I heard her sudden intake of breath and turned to see her mouth hanging open and brows scrunched together. “What makes you think I would do that?”

  “Um, let me think.” I placed my finger on my chin for affect. “Freshmen year you left me at a frat party so you could hook up with the lead singer. Last summer, you left me at a rave to hook up with the bass player. And two months ago, you left me to hook up with the lead guitarist. Should I go on?”

  “No, shut up. You’re making me sound like a slut.” She looked down at her chest and pushed the girls up higher, only proving my point.

  I couldn’t hold back the laugh that escaped me. “You are a slut.”

  That was another area where Raine and I were different. Raine brought home random guys every weekend. She was busy working her way through The Bangers. I was sure it would only be another week before she started on the football team.

  I, on the other hand, hadn’t had a boyfriend since my freshmen year and I had just started my junior year at Southern Illinois University. It had been two long years since I had even kissed anyone, getting laid was a whole different story.

  “Shut up, I’m not a slut.” She smacked me on the arm, leaving behind a red hand print. “I just like to have a good time.”

  “Ow. You better be nice or I won’t go in there,” I said as I pointed at the bar while giving her the ‘I’m serious’ look.

  “Okay, I’m sorry. Will you pay the man so we can go inside?”

  “Fine, but I have to be home by ten o’clock.” I pulled the money from my pocket and handed it to the driver.

  Since it was opening night, the place had a line a mile long. We stood next to the brick building and waited while drunk people stepped on our toes and blew their cigarette smoke in our faces.

  “Seriously, can we go home now?” I whined while trying to fan the smoke away from me.

  “No, we will get in soon.” Raine pulled out her phone and typed out a message.

  I tried to peek to the front of the line. “We’ve been standing here for an hour and the line hasn’t moved an inch.”

  “Shut up. Just wait a few more minutes. I texted Jack, he will get us in.”

  Jack was the lead singer of the band Raine was working her way through and the only one she had remained friends with.

  Minutes later a bouncer stepped to the side of the line. “Raine?”
  “Yes, that’s me.” She grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the front.

  He opened the door for us. “Go ahead and go in.” He smiled as he looked us up and down.

  Raine smiled widely. “Thank you.”

  Walking into the dark, quiet bar, Raine made a mad dash to the stage where the band was setting up. I gave her a wave and headed toward the bar for a drink. I knew she would run off as soon as she saw the first guy that caught her interest.

  I looked around at the hardwood floor and dark gray walls. The stage was set up across from the bar while pool tables and seating were in the back. Various neon signs hung on the walls and the U-shaped bar had a big mirror surrounded by lights and bottles of liquor.

  Sitting down I found the bartender behind the bar. He was bent over with his head in a cooler. “We’re not open yet,” he said feeling my presence.

  I looked at my watch. “What time do you open?”

  He stood up and my eyes met his. A tingling formed in my stomach and suddenly, my mouth was very dry.


  My breath caught in my overly dry throat. I swallowed, trying to make my voice work. “That’s like thirty more minutes and I’m really thirsty.”

  The bartender’s lips turned up just a bit while his eyes lingered over me. His tongue ran across his thick bottom lip, causing my eyes to follow the motion. “I guess I can make an exception. What can I get ya?”

  I smiled back, happy I was getting my way. “Vodka, cranberry.”

  He got busy making my drink while I watched his every move. He had short, dark hair styled to perfection, dark brown eyes with flakes of gold, and tanned skin like he spent a lot of time outside. His tattooed biceps bulged from his black shirt sleeves and his jeans hung loosely around his hips, revealing the top of his blue boxers. He was down right mouth watering. I realized I had been staring at him the whole time he made my drink and I knew he noticed.

  He sat the drink down and I felt my face heat up under his intense gaze.

  Our eyes were locked together, neither of us wanting to break the connection. “Thanks, how much do I owe you?”


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