Our Last Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 3)

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Our Last Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 3) Page 17

by K. B. Andrews

  “On the house.” He gave me a cocky grin and my stomach muscles tightened, trying to numb the feelings the were stirring inside of me. It began as a tingle that started low in my belly, but it spiraled, flowing out and lighting every nerve in its path.

  With his eyes still on me, I picked up the drink and let the fruity alcohol flow over my dry tongue. “Thank you.” My voice sounded off, like it was at a higher pitch than normal. I felt myself blush and hoped that he didn’t notice.

  He nodded his head and gave me a smile before turning around to continue with his work. I tried not to stare as he moved around with ease, stocking the coolers. But when he lifted a case of beer, causing his biceps to flex, I couldn’t stop my eyes from following him.

  He caught me watching and he shot me a wink while giving me that panty-dropping smile of his.

  Does he know I’m checking him out? I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment at being caught and I bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling.

  My drink was about gone when Raine finally made her way over to me.

  “Where’s mine?” she asked, sitting down beside me.

  I shrugged. “Sorry, they’re not open yet.”

  Just then the doors opened and people started filing in.

  “What can I get ya?” my delicious bartender asked Raine.

  She pointed in my direction. “I’ll take one of those.”

  He ran his tongue across his bottom lip as his eyes roamed my body again. “Me too,” he said before turning around to make her drink.

  Is he flirting with me?

  Raine turned back to me with a wide smile.

  “What?” I couldn’t keep my smile at bay.

  “He’s into you.” Her smile didn’t falter as she nodded her head.

  “No, he’s not.” I waved her off and set my glass on the bar.

  “Then what was with his comment?” Her perfectly arched eyebrow raised.

  “He’s a bartender. They flirt to make more money.”

  Seriously, I thought everyone knew that.

  “Riley, I am a real life cupid.” I couldn’t hold in my laugh. “I can tell when a guy is into you, and he is into you.”

  “Six fifty.” My bartender set down Raine’s drink.

  She pulled the money from her pocket and slid it across the bar. Raine took a sip of her drink and began stirring it. “Damn, drinks are high here.”

  I laughed. “Mine was free.”

  “See, I told you.” She pointed her finger at me like I was proving her point.

  A couple of hours later and many drinks later, the bar was in full swing. While the band was playing, Raine and I were front and center. We danced along with the music while drinking and laughing.

  “I’m going to get another drink,” I shouted above the music.

  I squeezed through the crowd and found my way back to the bar.

  I sat down on the stool and my favorite bartender found me again. “Another drink?” He offered up his charming smile.

  “Yes, please.” I handed over my glass.

  He leaned in, eyes locked on me. I felt a shiver run up my spine as my eyes found his lips that looked more delicious by the minute. “This one will cost you.”

  I felt the goosebumps raise on my skin. “Okay.” I nodded and started pulling money from my back pocket.

  “I don’t want your money. I want a date.” His eyes became darker and his lips turned up into a sexy grin.

  There’s that smile again.

  I returned his smile. “I think I will just pay for the drink.” I slid a ten across the bar.

  He shook his head. “Doesn’t work that way. I’ve supplied you with free alcohol all night, now you have to go out with me.” His dark eyes pierced into me and I felt my heart skip a beat. I squeezed my thighs together, trying to talk myself out of taking Raine’s advice. I looked from his eyes to his gorgeous lips and couldn’t speak.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked with his smile never faltering.

  “No. I can’t go out with you. I just met you, you could be some kind of serial killer.”

  He thought it over for a minute. “Fair enough.” He shrugged before walking off to fill my glass.

  As I waited for my drink, I looked around the bar and noticed how drunk I really was. As the multicolored lights flashed, my vision blurred but my body hummed on, not ready to go home just yet. I looked at my watch, 11:15. “So much for being home by ten.”

  “Here, keep your money.” He slid my drink and money toward me. I picked up the drink but left the money. I gave him a flirty smile before walking away.

  As I entered the crowd, I looked back to see his eyes still on me. I felt my cheeks heat up before pushing my way through the group of people and disappearing from his view.

  “Did you pay for that one?” Raine asked me when I joined her at the front of the stage.

  I took a sip. “Yes.”

  “Yeah, I bet.” She rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to the band on stage.

  Two A.M. rolled around faster than I thought was possible. The band said goodbye after singing their last song and the bar lights came on, blinding everyone.

  “I’m going to go to the bathroom before we go,” I told Raine before walking off. The line was long and I took advantage of being able to finish my drink before having to leave.

  “Ready to go?” I asked Raine when I found her at the bar talking with the drummer.

  “Yeah, Jordan is going to ride with.” She smiled up at him.

  Great, now I get to listen to them have sex all night.

  I set my empty glass down on the bar. “Okay, let’s go.” There was no point in arguing with her.

  “Hey!” someone shouted.

  I turned to see the bartender. “Yeah?”

  He leaned over the bar, flexing his arm muscles on purpose, no doubt. “What’s your name?”

  I tried to keep my smile at bay, but I couldn’t resist with his arms flexing like they were. “Riley.”

  “I’m going to get that date sooner or later, Riley.” He turned around and walked into the back room without another look. I felt my smile spread across my face.

  Leading the way out of the bar, Raine and her fuck buddy for the night followed behind me.

  The street in front of the bar was already lined up with cabs. They knew how to make their money and lining out front of a college bar on a Friday night at closing time was where the money was. I quickly jogged up to a cab and opened the door. I climbed in first and thought about the bartender. Let it go, Ry. No way am I ever seeing that guy again. Raine and Jordan crawled into the backseat next to me and immediately started making out.

  “We’re here, guys.” I tossed the money to the driver and stepped out of the car. Within a few steps, I heard them following me. Raine was drunk and laughing while holding on to Jordan for balance.

  I unlocked the apartment and let them in. They walked straight to Raine’s room without a word from either of them. I locked the door and went to my room for my iPod. No way was I going to listen to them all night.

  After undressing, I crawled into bed with a bottle of water and started some music.

  I closed my eyes and I couldn’t help but think about that bartender, his dark chocolate brown eyes with a hint of caramel, his short dark hair and tanned skin. I wondered what he looked like beneath that shirt of his. I wanted to know what the tattoos on his arms were and hoped that he had more.

  I had only ever had two real boyfriends, and neither of them looked anything like that bartender.

  James, a guy I dated my senior year of high school and lost my V card to. He was tall and thin, didn’t have any muscles what so ever. But, he was one of the smartest guys in my graduating class.

  My freshmen year in college, we broke up and I found another guy just like him. We dated for a couple months and hooked up a few times but it didn’t go any further than that. He was always worried about his classes and didn’t have time for a relationship. We parted way
s and it didn’t bother me, to say the least.

  What did bother me was the lack of attention. I missed being intimate with someone.

  Maybe I should listen to Raine and just hook up with a random guy. Surely, that would be enough to get me through college.

  Listening to Blink-182, I drifted off to sleep, thinking about bulging muscles, tattoos, and dark brown eyes.

  I woke up to the sounds of Raine and her fuck buddy going at it and I felt my ears for my ear buds. I somehow managed to pull them out over the night. I felt around for them on my bed but came up empty handed. I leaned over the edge to find my iPod on the floor without the ear buds.

  Just my luck.

  Giving up, I pulled my pillow over my head instead.

  When that didn’t work, I tried banging my fist against the wall.

  They never got the hint so I decided a shower was in order. I smelt like cigarette smoke and had a faint taste of rotten cranberry in my mouth.

  I walked down the hall toward the bathroom and passed by Raine’s room. “Stop fucking and make him leave already.” I kicked her door as I walked by. The sounds didn’t stop as I closed the bathroom door behind me.

  I got busy trying to wash off the memories of the night before.

  I didn’t even get the bartenders name and he was already consuming my every waking thought. He was exactly the kind of guy that I didn’t need, though. I had my life planned out and a tattooed bartender didn’t make the cut. I needed to find a respectable guy. One that didn’t work in a bar or have tattoos. One that had a good job and didn’t rely on tips to pay his bills.

  Actually, finding a guy wasn’t in my plans at all. I had school to finish so I could become a pediatric nurse. I could just see myself showing up to a work party surrounded by my fellow co-workers with a guy covered in tattoos.

  He might not fit in at the office Christmas party but I bet he would fit in me. “God, stop thinking like that. Keep yourself in check before you fuck everything up,” I told myself.

  I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a towel.

  As I was walking back to my room, Raine’s bedroom door opened and I bumped into lover boy.

  “Whoa, you should have let her join in, Raine.”

  “Get out.” Raine shoved against his shoulder

  “Really, that’s the kind of guys you bring home?” I gave her a smart ass smile.

  Raine offered up a smile of her own but followed behind her bed buddy.

  I pulled on a pair of jeans and a hoodie and threw my wet hair up into a sloppy bun. Grabbing my books and laptop, I went to the kitchen to find some breakfast before getting to work on my paper.

  “What are you eating?” Raine asked peeking over my shoulder.

  “Toast. You want some?” I shoved the toast her way.

  “No, I want real food.” Raine began looking through the fridge.

  I tossed my toast on the plate. “Good luck, we really need to go shopping.”

  “Let’s go grab something to eat and we can swing by the store after.”

  “I really need to work on this paper.”

  “Come on, I’m hungry and you know how annoying I can be when I’m hungry.”

  She did have a point. “Fine.” I closed my laptop and went in search for shoes.

  “Really, you want Taco Bell?” I couldn’t believe she considered Taco Bell “real food.”

  “Yes, Taco Bell is the best hangover food.”

  “Alright,” I agreed, getting out of the car.

  “So what did you and that sexy bartender talk about last night?” Raine asked around a mouth full of taco.

  “Nothing. I don’t even know his name. I doubt I ever see him again.”

  “I don’t know, he seemed awfully interested to never see you again. It wouldn’t surprise me if he started looking for you.” Raine had a teasing tone to her voice.

  “He’s already forgotten all about me.” I assured her.

  “Whatever. Why don’t you just do it with him already? I know you’re into him and you seriously need to get some. You’re really starting to turn into a bitch.”

  I threw a piece of lettuce at her. “A bitch is better than a slut.”

  She grinned and stuck out her tongue. “I bet the slut has more fun.”

  “I hate you.” I wished I could make her head explode with a thought. Her grin turned into a full blown smile, knowing that she had won our little bitch match.

  As Raine and I were standing to leave, the door opened and the bartender walked in.

  I sat down quickly. “Oh my God.”

  “What?” Raine started looking around for what made me sit down so quick.

  “The bartender, he’s right there,” I whispered while pointing toward the counter, trying to be inconspicuous.

  “Really?” she asked craning her neck to look for him.

  “Stop that.” I smacked her arm. “Get up, don’t look at him, and let’s leave. Okay?” My eyes felt as big around as quarters.

  “Okay,” she whispered back while nodding her head in agreement.

  I grabbed the tray to empty and led the way.

  I was stopped at the trash can, shaking the tray off when I heard Raine.

  “Hey, you’re the bartender from last night, right?

  I hung my head, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. Leave it to Raine to fuck me over like that. I really needed to get back at that bitch. Why I called her my best friend was beyond me.

  “Yeah, I am. Where’s that pretty blonde friend of yours?” I heard him ask.

  “Oh, she’s right over there hanging out with the trash cans.”

  That bitch. I placed the tray on the top and turned, watching him walk closer and closer to me as my heart sped up.

  He placed his tray of food down on a table before closing the distance. “Riley, how about that date?” He gave me that smile again while his eyes traveled up my body. He crossed his arms over his chest causing his muscles to flex and causing me to temporarily forget my name.

  My eyes were just as greedy as his. He wore loose jeans, a tight white t-shirt with his tattoos peeking from under the sleeves, and a backward cap. I looked over his hard jaw line, to his kissable lips, perfectly straight nose, and finally to his dark brown eyes. I was able to form words after talking myself out of humping his leg.

  “I don’t think so,” I said with a polite smile.

  “Come on, I think we would make a great couple.” He bit his bottom lip. Seriously dude, you’re biting your lip? Bite mine instead. Stop it, hold your ground.

  “You know nothing about me, how would you know that?” I asked, placing a hand on my hip. I admit, I was being a little bratty, but what was I supposed to do? This guy was the definition of hot. If you looked up hot in the dictionary, it would show his picture. And for some reason, he wanted to date me? I wasn’t the best in math but something didn’t add up.

  His eyes grazed over my body like he could see through my baggy hoodie. “I just have a feeling.” He smiled while rubbing his slightly scruffy jaw.

  “Yeah, I bet.” I looked at Raine who was standing beside him with a smile on her face. She clearly found it funny. “Raine, are you ready to go? I have a paper to work on.” I had to try my best to ignore the drool worthy guy standing in front of me asking for a date.

  She rolled her eyes. “Alright.”

  “Hey, Raine,” we heard once we were already at the door. Raine and I both turned to look at him.

  “Work on her for me, would ya?’ He shot her a wink and a smile.

  I pushed the door open and walked out without another glance.


  Wow! Where do I start? Writing this book was harder for me. It’s taken much longer to write than I thought it would. I thought that maybe I needed a break from the characters so I took some time off and enjoyed my family, worked on a few other projects, and went about my life. Then, I started getting emails and messages asking when this book was going to come out. I realized, that t
his story wasn’t just something that was stirring in my head and sitting on my computer anymore. It had grown into the hearts of my readers. For that, I am forever grateful. Writing this was bittersweet. I wanted Mason and Lennox to get their forever, but by doing so, it meant that I had to let these characters go. But one thing that is good about books, is that you can always pick up where you left off. So who knows, Mason, Lennox, Emma, or any of the other characters may demand that their story be heard and make me get back to work.

  First off, I want to thank my readers that love this series as much as I do. You will never know how much you all have changed my life. I love hearing from all of you. I love answering your questions and all of your kind words. Your reviews have touched my heart.

  To the ladies in Pieces of Forever Romance Group, you guys are awesome. Thank you for accepting me into your group and making me feel welcome. Thank you for your comments, shares, and reviews. All your hard work is not forgotten.

  To my hubby, I know I’ve said it before, but I must say it again. I love you so much and can’t thank you enough for all that you do for our family. Without your hard work, I wouldn’t be able to keep doing this.

  To my kids, I love you both! Your both growing up way too fast. Your smart and kind, and I couldn’t be more proud of you.

  To my parents, thank you for raising me to believe that I could do anything I wanted in life. Some people may not thank you for that, but I do! I love you both.

  To Sarah, thank you for always being there for me. I know I would have lost my mind long ago if I didn’t have you to vent to. I cherish all of our memories and know I wouldn’t be who I am today if you hadn’t been by my side all these years. Also, thank you for your support. (Only you will get this, but it’s better this way. lol)

  To Kelly, you’ve become more than just an author I met online. You’ve become a trusted friend that I can talk to when I need someone that understands what I’m going through. Thank you for opening your arms up to me, for all your help, and your kind words and wisdom. (See what I did there? lol)


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