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Page 3

by Melissa F. Hart

  During Tate’s rise to stardom, she’d always expected him to lose it, but it had remained, there during concerts or the occasional behind the scenes non-interview. And tonight, as he poured a glass of wine while wearing nothing but a towel. Her nipples tightened painfully, and she tried to ignore the clenching of her sex.

  She drew her lower lip into her mouth and chewed off the last bits of lipstick. He was insanely sexy, and she wanted him so bad it nearly stripped away her ability to think up interview questions. She dug in her purse and pulled out her tiny notebook where she’d scratched out the top ten questions she’d pulled together to ask him.

  He returned with two glasses of wine and extended one to her. “Here’s a freebie for you. I never drink wine in public, but it’s my drink of choice.”

  She smiled and took the glass, clinking the tip of hers to his. “Do you want me to keep that a secret?”

  He shrugged and tilted the wineglass up. “I have a feeling that question will be the least of what you’re going to make me reveal.”

  A tone of defeat colored his words and she cocked her head. “Giving up so early?”

  He took another sip and leaned over her to set his glass on the table beside her elbow. Sin inhaled the rich scent of him, making her sex throb with need. Her pulse skittered, and she pressed her thighs together tightly. His fingertips trailed from the wineglass to the couch arm, across her lap, and up her arm. “Finish your wine before I get back, will you?”

  She smiled into those dimpled cheeks and tried to keep her composure. “Maybe.”

  He cradled her face and brushed his lips against her forehead. Sin was going to die right here on the couch. There was a vibrancy about Tate that made her want to step into the electrical charge that seemed to continually surround him. She was drawn to him like a magnet and if she didn’t figure out how to resist his pull, the entire point of this interview was going to be defeated the moment he got her naked.

  Which wasn’t going to be long if he kept plying her with alcohol and touching like that. She absently sipped her drink and by the time he came back in low-slung sweat pants and a fitted T-shirt, she’d nearly done as commanded and finished the entire glass. He brought the bottle over and topped off both their glasses, then set the bottle on the table and dragged an ottoman over. Perching on it, he draped his knees on either side of hers, and rested his fingers within inches of her skin.

  His piercing blue gaze teased her. “First question.”

  Sin licked her lips and glanced at her notepad—not to remind herself of the question, but to buy a second of composure. “Tell me about a time when you wanted to quit.”

  “Never had one. Take off your bra.”

  A loud bark of laughter jumped out of Sin. “That’s not how you play.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Oh? I thought we were making up the rules as we go along.”

  She shook her head in mirth. “No.”

  His hands widened, fingers expanding before they slide up each side of Sin’s thighs. They were dark and tanned in contrast to her white pillowy flesh. Wetness pooled as her insides clenched at the thought of those fingers being inside her. And now he was asking her to start stripping. He could not get any sexier than this moment. With a wicked smile, Sin lifted a foot and nestled a six-inch heel against his semi-hard cock. “We’ll start with one shoe.” She lowered her lashes. “I have a lot of questions.”

  Without a complaint, he cradled her shoe and lifted it higher onto his chest until the spike indented the flesh above his nipple. There was no way to keep from giving him a shot of her wet panties, so she let her thighs part. His nostrils flared, and he kissed her anklebone, then slid the shoe off her foot.

  For a moment, Sin felt more like Cinderella than the girl with the devilish name. But then he raked his rough beard against her sole and laughed and she was glad to be a woman who’d been around the block instead of the sheltered princess who wouldn’t have known a prince from a thief.

  His gaze drifted back to her shadowed pussy, and his tongue darted out to press against the center indention of his upper lip. A rush of sparklers raced up Sin’s back and she was wet for him again.

  He grinned and lowered her foot slowly, nestling it back between his thighs until she could feel the weight and warmth of his testicles against her toes.

  Sin inhaled and tried to focus on why she was here but her quavering insides were making it crazy hard.

  She swallowed and met his cheeky grin. “Is this everything you thought it would be?”

  He paused for only a second, but it was long enough for Sin to see the cloud pass over his bright smile. “And then some.”

  She tipped her head to the side and studied him. “I think there’s more to that story.”

  “Nope. Give me your other foot.”

  She did and he repeated the sensual divesting of her shoe, but he tossed this one over his shoulder with a flair of showmanship.

  Sin wanted to toss her notebook over her shoulder and push him down onto the floor and lick him like a lollipop. The more he played with her, the hotter and wetter she got. He was supposed to be a hot—but jerkwad—typical rocker. Not this fun to be around, jokey guy. He was tugging at more than her pussy strings, and she was getting to know him on a level that made her both respect and need him to tell her more. One interview wasn’t going to be enough, just like she knew one time with that giant piece of equipment would only make her want more.

  “Think up a good question, because for this one I’m getting that tight, sweet skirt of yours.”

  Sin’s belly clenched in anticipation of his hands dragging the fabric down over her hips and revealing her tiger-print thong to the moon and stars.

  The interview continued in a playful back and forth until Sin sat naked on the couch, notepad full of notes, breasts bare to the cool air-conditioned room. When she’d had to lose her shirt, he’d matched her top for top, so he sat barely clad in his sweats that only enhanced the size of his massive erection.

  Sin’s throat stuck and she took another sip of wine, but it didn’t ease any of the tightness that captured her entire body. “Advice to a young musician?”

  “Find a sexy woman with some curves and make her interview you naked.”

  Sin laughed heartily, making her heavy breasts swing and bounce. Tate reached for one, but she slapped his hand away.

  “What? You didn’t say what kind of advice.”

  “Real advice. What would you say to the young Tate McQueen stepping onto the stage at McFlannery’s Tavern all those years ago?”

  His hand stilled on her thigh and his gaze questioned her, scanning her face for the mocking he must have seen in others. When he didn’t find it in Sin’s, he turned wistful for just a few seconds before answering. “Live the moment. They go by too fast and before you know it, you’ve done a hundred tours in as many towns, and you’ve fucked—” The tips of his ears reddened, and he smoothed his palm flat against her calf. “The women are plentiful, but worthwhile company is rare.”

  Sin’s voice caught in her throat. Even though she’d gotten the interview she’d wanted, there was a vulnerability she hadn’t expected—and one she wasn’t sure she wanted a hand in exposing. Her body leaned forward to meet Tate’s as it drew closer. His hand lifted to thread through her hair, and he cupped the side of her face. The kiss was soft, sweet, and totally unexpected. The showman had hidden behind the young artist taking the stage for the first time.

  He pulled away and searched her face for something she couldn’t voice. “What if I made you another offer?”

  Sin found her voice, but it cracked. “What kind of offer?”

  His head dipped low to pull a nipple into his mouth.

  Sin grabbed a handful of his hair and held him a breath away from her skin. “Hmm?”

  “Don’t submit this interview and come on tour with me as my PR Manager.”

  TO BE CONTINUED IN BOOK TWO: Sinful Seduction - Volume 2

  Sinful Seduction


  Sin’s grip faltered, and Tate seized the opportunity, opening his mouth wide and drawing her nipple and part of her breast deep into his mouth. Warmth and wetness pooled between her thighs, and her fingers tightened around the handful of hair, but she couldn’t pull him away.

  No way had he just asked her to be his PR Manager. That was a job she’d never even allowed herself to dream about. The best she’d ever do would be to work her way up through the ranks at Rolling Stone—

  Ohdeargod. Sin moaned and arched against the suckling motion of his tongue. Never in her life had she felt something so erotic. His hand pressed deep into the couch beside her thigh, but other than the light touch of his fingers where they’d drifted to cup her shoulder, he wasn’t touching her.

  Sin’s skin flared like a thousand hands caressed her. If he kept this up, she’d never be able to think straight again, and she needed all her wits if she was going to respond to what he’d just blasted her with. His teeth grazed her nipple. Maybe in a moment.

  Pressure intensified low in her belly, and heat exploded outward from the damp curls between her thighs. She wanted him to fill her so badly, but now more than ever, she had to resist.

  At least until she got an explanation.

  “Tate.” Her voice cracked, and his palm opened against her thigh. The pad of his thumb pressed deep into the soft flesh and smoothed circles across the white silk of her skin. Every swish of his fingerprints left an indelible mark on her flesh and sent an ache of need straight to her swollen wetness.

  He suckled her deeply, pressing her nipple against the roof of his mouth and drawing his tongue hard against it. A thousand sensations erupted, and Sin’s thighs parted on their own. Tate pressed closer.

  Sin yanked hard on his hair, popping the suction loose until he slid free of her breast.

  His tongue lingered at the tip of her nipple, and Sin courageously tugged him away, even though all she wanted was to let him at it again. Her hands dropped to his chest, and she pushed him back onto his ottoman. With a composure that belied her nakedness, Sin folded her hands in her lap. “Are you teasing me?”

  He chuckled and raked a hand through his hair, making it jut out in different directions. “Not like you are, baby. You’re the best cock tease I’ve ever met.”

  His words tipped Sin’s world back into place. She was a tease. It was how she got things. All the things. This interview. A thousand others. But never would she have thought it would land her a job offer.

  And she wasn’t sure that was how she wanted to get it.

  She rolled her shoulders back and sat up straighter against the cushions. Her nipples tightened fiercely but she focused on the glowing sensation in her heart. “You already have a PR Manager.”

  Tate jerked his gaze off her puckered roses and cleared his throat. “Yes, but he sucks.”

  Sin didn’t want this job just because she might, ahem, suck.

  Badly as she wanted her lips wrapped around that thick cock, she wanted this job far, far worse than anything else she’d ever wanted in her entire life . . . and she wanted his cock something fierce. She couldn’t keep her attention from drifting to his lap. His thick erection leapt beneath the attention. He would feel so good. And he knew how to use it too. She’d been impaled on enough giant poles to know that size was no indicator to whether or not she got off. Tate had nearly gotten her there just by ravaging her nipple. With a desperation nearly equal to the want surging through her entire body, Sin pushed that need beneath the carpet of a bigger need . . . one that Tate could fill right here, right now.

  “I’m not sure we should be conducting my interview with me naked.” But she made no move to cover herself.

  “Oh, I can’t think of an interview I’ve enjoyed more.” He grinned.

  “You don’t do interviews.”

  “Exactly. You’re in a league of your own when it comes to getting personal information out of me. I like your . . .” His gaze skimmed her lips, the curve of her jaw and lower, ever lower, heating up Sin’s skin. “Tactics.”

  Sin’s chin notched a breath higher and waited. He had more to say, and she didn’t want to interrupt and botch the flow of his thoughts. It was a tactic she’d used often interviews and one that had served her well tonight. But now more—so much more—was on the line.

  His heated look held over her lap, then drifted northward again. When he met her eyes, he smiled a big, all-knowing grin. “I like your enthusiasm, your willingness to do anything to get what you want, and your determination not to be swayed. But you also asked me questions no one’s thought to ask. You dug deep for information my fans probably want . . . yet you stopped digging right before I bared my whole soul.” His hands curled around her knees and he yanked her forward, drawing her legs tight into the vee of his thighs. His hard quads caged hers, and his smile fell away. “I want you around for more than tonight.”


  Sin’s breath caught in her throat, and she struggled to swallow. A thousand questions swirled in her mind, but she couldn’t separate one into an askable form. Everything Tate said was true, and—other than her current nakedness—she’d always conducted herself as the utmost professional.

  She tugged her lower lip between her teeth. Tate mimicked her, his white teeth pressing deep into the red flesh of his lower lip. Sin dragged her eyes to his. “Tell me what you want.”

  “You. Simply.” He tilted his head. “I’ll fire Wes right now if you’ll accept the job.”

  Sin’s heart leapt in her chest, but she grasped for a shred of restraint before accepting blindly. “Maybe we should hammer out a few details.”

  He smiled. “Oh, I’ll hammer whatever you need.” His voice dipped low and played across her skin.

  She drew strength from his desire, nearly as strong as her own. “Good. Then hand me my shirt.”

  He grinned and leaned over, plucking her bra and tank off the carpet. Their fingers laced together over the fabric, and Tate used the makeshift rope to draw her closer until their lips brushed. Sin forced her hands to stay in her lap, clenching them tightly into her thighs. Tate tugged at her lower lip, suckling it between his teeth and nibbling gently. His eyes opened, and he released her.

  Sin stretched tall and slid the tank over her voluminous figure, forgoing the bra in lieu of simple coverage. Tate’s gaze slid down her body, making her hot beneath his attention. He glanced around the ottoman and stood, finding her skirt beneath the back wooden foot, which he handed over with a lop-sided grin.

  God he was sexy. The full package and she was going to get to work with him day and night. Well, hopefully not all the nights. A ripple of regret tickled Sin’s limbs. Now she’d be spinning his one-night stands with other women into PR gimmicks. As if he could read her thoughts, he lifted the skirt out of reach. “Unless you want to wait a few hours. I can repeat the offer later.”

  Sin licked her lips and squeezed her thighs together. So, so tempting, but this was her entire career. With a bright smile, she shook her head and stood. Milky cream flowed down the inside of her leg, and Tate’s nostrils flared. He tossed the skirt over his head and swept his hand across the trail of sweetness. The tip of his finger dipped inside her, and Sin’s hipped rocked forward. He pushed his entire hand between her thighs and rubbed her swollen button with his thumb. Her lids drooped.

  “I can take you places,” he crooned against her ear and slid his finger deeper.

  Yes. He could. And not just with that glorious cock pressed into her belly. This thumb circled her nub, promising her an orgasm if she’d just set aside all her career goals. The temptation to let tomorrow worry about itself was strong, and Sin wanted to push it away like Tate was pushing into her, but she squeezed her thighs together, trapping his hand from going any further.

  His sex-fogged eyes roamed her face, and he inhaled swiftly. Before she could change her mind, Sin rocked her hips backward until the warmth of his hand retreated.

  His hands lingered at
her hips as she stepped away and tugged her skirt over her nakedness. Suitably covered, she held out her hand. “Shall we make a deal?”

  Tate encased her hands between both of his and lifted her knuckles to his lips. “As you wish.”

  He twisted her hand and nipped the skin at the inside of her wrist, then led her to the small dining table. “You have a notepad we can sketch details out on?”

  She tugged them to a stop and hooked a finger through her purse.

  Tate pulled a chair out and settled into it, then patted his lap. “I don’t want to let you go just yet.”

  Sin cocked her head. “I’ll squish you.”

  He grinned. “I can think of worse ways to go.” His palm rubbed up and down his thigh and Sin wanted to straddle him, but she managed to keep it together until she dug her notebook from her purse. There was another chair, but it was pinned against the wall, creating enough of a tiny obstacle that Sin easily convinced herself to pause at Tate’s chair. He slid a hand beneath her skirt, trailing beneath the curve of her ass and into the warm crack of her cheeks. Sin moaned and her thighs parted.

  “Oh, baby.” Tate leaned forward and buried his face between her breasts, inhaling deeply and sliding his other hand between her thighs and deep into her. His middle finger pressed against her G and she nearly came all over him. Tate turned his face and bit the side of her breast and angled his legs between her knees. Sin put up no resistance and grabbed fistfuls of hair to steady herself.

  His hands slid down her waist and then he was on his knees, dragging her skirt upward. At the first warm lick of his tongue, Sin moaned and nearly toppled. Tate spread his legs and braced her weight with his arms, then pushed her hips against the table. It creaked and moaned beneath the strain, but all Sin could think about was having it bust and Tate’s amazing body impale her. She tried to laugh, but he drew her button tight between his lips and sucked, making her insides clench. More warm wetness flowed across her freshly shaved skin, and Tate ground his face into the bounty. Tate rose and lifted one knee onto the chair to give him freer access to her body. His hands shoved the fabric of her skirt around her waist and roamed beneath the tank, over her curves until he filled his palms with her soft flesh.


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