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The Ghost and The Graveyard (The Monk's Hill Witch)

Page 14

by Jack, Genevieve

  “Rick, watch out!” I screamed.

  The beast lunged to the side but the granite sliced through his outer shoulder. The yelp Rick’s beast emitted was somewhere between the howl of an oncoming tornado and a growl. The sound was so loud it hurt. I covered my ears with my palms. Apparently, it had a similar effect on the vamps, because the strongman was temporarily distracted with his ears, long enough for Rick to swallow him whole. Then he turned toward Marcus.

  “Watch your step, caretaker. One wrong move and the girl dies,” Marcus hissed. “In fact, I think it might be safer for me on the inside rather than the outside.” Marcus thrust his arm into Michelle’s chest; her eyes popped open in terror. The vamp slid into her body like he was putting on a coat.

  Rick’s beast howled and scratched the earth.

  Michelle craned her neck and laughed. “Kill me and you kill the girl.”

  The beast charged but stopped short. He paced in front of Michelle, who had taken on an evil expression that didn’t belong on my friend’s face. I wanted in there. I wanted to bust Marcus’ ass for what he’d done to her. Instead, I watched Michelle pass her hand in front of a grave, never taking her eyes off Rick. The ground broke open, revealing a stone stairway. My hands went to my heart. He was taking her to the underworld.

  “No. No!” I picked up a stone and hurled it uselessly through the gate at Marcus.

  Michelle’s head snapped toward me, giving Rick enough time to shoot forward and snatch Michelle from the top step. He clutched her in his talons. I covered my mouth and looked away. If he had to kill her, I didn’t want to see it. The sound of moving earth told me the door to the underworld had closed. And then the smell of the grave told me Rick was changing. I braved a glance back. The talons around Michelle transformed into a human arm.

  “Let me go,” Marcus/Michelle said. Her head shook and her grin said it all. Marcus was sure Rick would never hurt Michelle to get to him.

  “How do we get him out?” I yelled.

  “There is a spell.”

  “Then do it!” I paced helplessly.

  “I’m not strong enough,” he rasped.

  Marcus laughed.

  This was exactly what Prudence had warned me about. Rick was weakening and it could have dire consequences. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “If the Monk’s Hill witch came back, could she do this?”

  “Yes,” he said. The tiny word was loaded with emotion.

  “She’s dead,” Marcus said. “The Monk’s Hill witch is dead, and you will never find another.”

  I balled my hands into fists and shot Marcus my sharpest stare. “Then let’s go awaken the witch, Rick.”

  His eyes snapped to mine in surprise. “Are you sure?”

  “Oh, absolutely. There is nothing I’d like better than to have the power to kick this vampire’s ass.”

  “No,” Marcus barked. “It’s impossible!” He struggled against Rick’s arm without success.

  The good thing about having a mental connection with someone is that you feel the person smile before their expression actually changes. Rick smiled from the inside out and filled my brain with memories. I saw our first kiss and our second first kiss, along with the day we got married the first time. It was overwhelming and heartwarming all at once.

  Even though I couldn’t say for sure that I loved Rick in this life, I wanted to love him. I wanted to know if this supernova erupting in my chest was the product of the memories fed into my brain or my actual feelings. But more than anything, I wanted to become who I was supposed to be. I was ready to become the Monk’s Hill witch.

  Chapter 20

  The Proposal

  I didn’t know as much as I thought I did about vampires. For example, in books and movies they always use silver chains to restrain the vamps. Turns out that silver doesn’t work when the vampire possesses your best friend. The silver can’t soak through the human skin to get to the vampire and because silver is relatively weak, it breaks too easily. Instead, a plain old rope soaked in holy water will do. The rope restrains, and the holy water keeps the vamp inside the human. As an added bonus, with Marcus’ fangs trapped in Michelle’s human mouth, a regular gag was all we needed to shut him up.

  “I think it’s best that we keep Marcus bound until after the ceremony. It will be dangerous,” Rick said. He leaned over my best friend’s body on the couch in his cottage, and tested the bindings. “Marcus did this to force us to remove him from the enchantments of the cemetery boundary. He’ll do anything in his power to free himself, and I warn you he’ll be much harder to catch if he escapes on the outside.”

  “So we don’t let him escape.”

  “He’ll try to take advantage of your inexperience.” Rick shook his head like he was breaking bad news.

  “Whoa. What? I thought this was wham, bam, memories back. Poof. I’m the witch.”

  “I’m afraid it won’t be quite that easy, mi cielo. The power will come, but learning how to wield it will take some time.”

  I sighed. “And I thought I was done with school.”

  He brushed my bangs back and ran his fingers down my cheek to my chin. His gray eyes wrinkled at the corners with his smile. “You are more than capable of rising to this challenge.”

  His stare was too intense. I had to look away. Fidgeting, I dug my fingers into the holes in the afghan on the back of the sofa. “This is beautiful,” I said.

  “You knitted it over one hundred years ago.”

  I yanked my hand back and wiped it on my jeans. It didn’t help. The weirdness stuck to me. “Where does the, er, ceremony have to take place?”

  “The attic. It is your seat of power,” he said.

  “Can we move a mattress up there, or do we have to do it on the altar?”

  He lifted an eyebrow and a sultry smile stretched across his face. My blood accelerated to a frantic pace in my veins. Beast or not, he was incredibly attractive. “Didn’t Prudence tell you? The attic adapts to whatever you need it to be. It is made of your magic. It can look any way you want it to look.”

  “You mean, like, I can change it with my mind? No furniture-moving necessary?”

  “You might need Prudence’s help at first, but yes.”

  “Let’s do it.” I tried not to think about the double entendre, but heat crept up my neck to my ears anyway.

  Ever the gentleman, Rick pretended not to notice. “I think we should take my car. Even though it’s the middle of the night, it would do us no good to have a citizen of Red Grove see us carrying a bound woman into your home.”

  “You have a car?” It sounded stupid, even to my own ears. “Sorry, that was silly of me. Of course you have a car. We live in the boondocks. You wouldn’t be able to get groceries without one.”

  Rick frowned. “There are things about me you should know. Differences. I…I don’t need groceries, unless I’m cooking for you.”

  I thought about the night I’d been over for dinner, how I’d never seen him eat. The liquid in his glass looked different from wine but somehow familiar. Of course it was familiar. It was blood.

  “Logan said you feed off blood and other things. So that’s all you need?”

  “The magic that makes me immortal is tied to the evil I’m here to control. My strength is their strength, but I also inherited their hunger, their desires. It isn’t always ideal.”

  My face was numb. I stood motionless behind our vampire captive, staring at Rick as if he had sprouted two heads. My thoughts immediately went to the practical. We would never share a bowl of ice cream. We could never go out for pizza.

  “Oh, I can eat,” he said, and I realized he was reading my thoughts. “I drank the wine at your house the night we met, remember?”

  I nodded.

  “But I don’t have to. And sometimes, nothing but blood will do.”

  “Oh,” was all I could manage.

  “There is much I should tell you about me, but we have years, maybe lifetimes, for that. There is something more importa
nt for us to talk about now.” He walked around the couch to me and took my hands in his. “There will only be this one first time. In your last lifetimes, you married me before the ceremony. I would have it that way again, if you would let me.”

  Blink. Blink. Minutes passed, but he didn’t break into laughter or say he was kidding. “Did you just ask me to marry you?” I asked incredulously.

  “Yes.” He walked to the bookcase on the far wall and opened an ornately carved ivory box. In it, a heavy silver ring with a lapis stone gleamed. “I have the ring you wore the first time. I planned to ask you in a more romantic way, but it appears we are pressed for time. If we don’t get Marcus out of her by sunrise, he will die inside her body for the day and she will likely not survive it.”

  “But Prudence said I only had to sleep with you to take back the power. She didn’t say anything about marriage,” I whispered.

  “Technically, that is true but….” His face fell. “These are different times than when I once knew you. When you and I first fell in love, a lady would not do such a thing without being married.”

  “I’ll become the witch, Rick, but I will not marry you. I haven’t known you long enough. I’m not even sure I love you.”

  Facing the bookcase, he closed the box. His expression went stony. I didn’t need our connection to know I’d hurt him.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, because that’s what you say to someone after you rip their heart out.

  “Do not apologize for honesty, mi cielo,” he said toward the bookcase. “But know this. I do know that I love you. I’ve loved you for over three hundred years. I will love you when the sun comes up in the morning and when it comes up on the three thousandth morning after that. I loved you on the day you died, and I love you now.” He cleared his throat and turned to face me. “I am immortal, Grateful. I have an eternity to love you, whether or not you love me in return.”

  I had to admit that if I’d been forced to decide right then and there if I loved him, I would have said yes. I didn’t know if the memories made me feel that way or if it was hard not to return such authentic and unearned affection.

  He scooped Michelle into his arms and carried her toward the garage behind the kitchen. I opened the door for him.

  “You drive a Tesla Roadster?”

  “You sound surprised. Immortality makes one an environmentalist by necessity.”

  “These are, like, a hundred grand. How much does being a caretaker pay?”

  “I invested wisely in the summer of nineteen-twenty. Plus, you left me a large life insurance policy.”

  “So you mean this car is really mine, since I’m alive again.”

  “The life insurance policy belonged to my wife. I’ll let you drive it when you hold that title once again.”

  I couldn’t respond to that so I concentrated on helping to shove Michelle/Marcus into the passenger’s seat. “No backseat. I’ll walk home.” I turned to leave.

  “Come, mi cielo. Don’t waste time. Sit on my lap.”

  I didn’t argue. He lowered himself behind the wheel, and I slid in after him. I had to practically lie down across his body to fit. I slipped my arm down the side of his seat and fit my chin into the groove of his clavicle. I wrapped my other arm across his chest and snuggled in. The dark smell of him, the spice of nightfall, filled my nose. With my best friend possessed by a vamp in the seat next to me, you’d think I could control my libido, but I caught myself inhaling Rick and wishing I had more than his scent inside of me.

  He sensed my attraction immediately. I heard his breath draw in, and his face turned into my neck, nuzzling me behind my ear. “When we were married,” he whispered, “you loved this.”

  I found out what “this” was when he bit my earlobe gently then licked up the back of my ear. Yep, even in a new body, that move rocked my clock. I shivered in the circle of his arms. His black eyes sunk into me, and my core tightened decadently in response.

  “We’ve got to go,” I said. “We have only a few hours until sunrise.”

  “Yes. Let’s go.”

  Turns out those Teslas really could haul ass. Rick’s car was tucked in next to mine in the garage before you could say “foreplay.” The hardest part was getting up off Rick’s lap. Or should I say, I got up off the hardest part of Rick’s lap. Surprise, surprise. I was looking forward to this ceremony.

  Chapter 21

  We Make Magic Together

  Mercifully, Logan wasn’t in the attic. I didn’t know where he’d gone and I didn’t ask Prudence. Instead, I threw myself into the task at hand, preparing for the ceremony that would help me save Michelle.

  The best part about having a magical attic is the decorating. Don’t like the color of the linens? Just think of something new, and poof—there it is. I didn’t have to move any furniture or go to any stores. Everything was free and exactly as I wished it. The only drawback was that my creation would disappear when the sun came up. Prudence told me the attic’s magic, my magic, was amplified by the night.

  Prudence helped me build a room that looked exactly as I remembered Michelle’s apartment. It wasn’t effortless. I had to concentrate on each item and will it into the room. Anything I couldn’t picture exactly in my head wouldn’t come through. It was mentally exhausting, but the results were amazing. We placed Michelle/Marcus in it and locked the door. Then I started preparing for the ceremony.

  It was my party. I had to invite the caretaker into the attic, my most personal magical space. Rick’s magic was internal. It was part of who he was. My magic was external; it was what I chose to be. The ceremony was in the choosing. I was choosing to be the yin to his yang. My power rested in him, in this house, in Prudence and in me, but he was the key to unlocking all of it.

  From the moment we’d met, I’d thought of Rick as a matador. I’d supposed that I was the bull. But I was wrong. We both were the bull, and we both were the bullfighter. Sex is akin to death in a way. It is the end of one stage in a relationship and the beginning of another. Something is given up when you have sex, and something is given to you. It’s why I don’t believe there is such a thing as casual sex.

  Nothing about sex is casual. In the best situation, sex can create life but more often it ruins life, and so it is a dance of trust. It is a dance of beauty and humility. It is a dance with death. Tonight, I would die to who I thought I was and become what I was meant to be.

  I wore a red cape and nothing else. The floor was sand. The bed was red silk and velvet. Candles encircled the room by the hundreds, red, glowing things that provided the only light. A table next to the bed held the sword from my memory. Prudence had placed it there for me because I was unable to touch it without burning my hand.

  According to legend, the sword was made from the femur of St. Callistus, the patron saint of cemetery workers. It was as long as a thighbone and as sharp as steel. Prudence said that I conjured it for myself when I’d first come to power in the year sixteen-twelve. Because it was a holy object, I couldn’t touch it until I’d accepted the responsibility that went with it. But when Rick and I were joined and my power returned, it would be mine again. Once it knew me, no one else on earth or in the underworld would be able to wield it.

  When all was prepared, I invited him in.

  After Rick had shape-shifted back to human form, he’d dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. But as he walked through the door to the attic, my magic changed him. Now, he wore a blood-red matador outfit, complete with beaded jacket and skintight pants that left nothing to the imagination. He wrinkled his brow as he looked down at himself.

  I shrugged. It was my fantasy; I pulled the strings. His sultry smile told me he had resigned himself to his fate.

  Rick strode into the arena with the grace of a dancer, a Baryshnikov in bullfighting gear. He circled me slowly, never taking his eyes off me. I backed away, the red cape wrapped around my body. When we’d completed the circle, I faced him head-on, wrapped one of my arms in the side of the cape and with a large, quick circle,
flourished the fabric in front of my body. The effect was that Rick could see only portions of my nude flesh as the cape fell—the line of my neck, a shoulder, my breasts, my stomach, a hip, and the length of my leg—all before the red fabric swallowed me again.

  Power flooded the room, a wild, tangible thing. Rick’s tongue ran across his lips, and he started toward me, tentatively at first, but then his steps quickened. He reached for me and his fingers grazed the space between my breasts. I dissolved and appeared behind him on the other side of the arena, panting with desire.

  He turned toward me like a predator, lowering his chin and meeting my eyes through his lashes. His lips parted, and the corner of his mouth rose in a way that made me long to kiss the grin away.

  I circled the cape again, slower this time so that each part of my body was etched into his memory. In the blink of an eye, he was across the arena, his hands at my waist. Every cell in my body wanted to sink into his embrace. But not yet. His fingers passed through me as I faded. Across the arena I appeared again, circling the cape as fast as he could turn to see it.

  Rick was on me in an instant. This time, I allowed it. I kissed him, my tongue searching his mouth as I stroked him through the thinly stretched fabric at his groin. I noticed again how huge he was, definitely longer and thicker than any man I’d had before. Intimidating as it was, the feel of him in my palm made my heart race and my body clench with anticipation. I broke apart and reappeared across the arena, in front of the bed.

  This time, when I circled the cape, I swept it off me and tossed it aside. And then I was flying. My feet had left the floor before the cape hit the sand. Rick’s arms were around me and we were falling, falling toward the bed. He rolled in the air, taking the impact of the fall and catching me on top of his body. I had a glorious moment of feeling my weight stretched out on top of him. Then he smiled and showed me a set of razor-sharp, elongated teeth. His jaw had lengthened and his eyes were coal-black disks. This half-shifted state was the caretaker at his most powerful.


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