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His Sicilian Cinderella

Page 14

by Carol Marinelli

He shredded her dress despite the warning.

  That she would fly through the night to give him this morning without knowing of his plans for them, that she would embrace one last depravity with him had Matteo pull her down to his mouth to kiss fiercely the only love he had known in his life.

  He rolled her, yet they rolled in unison and she knotted her ankles as he moved to his elbows.

  Their mouths were brutal, their bodies each other’s to own again, and right now Bella did not care for how long.

  * * *

  ‘You left the wedding to come here?’

  Bella nodded. ‘I knew as soon as you’d gone that I’d made a mistake. I have never regretted our times together, it’s the times we’re apart that are filled with remorse. I know that we can’t go anywhere.’

  ‘You don’t know that.’

  ‘But I do. I remember you saying, once a killer always a killer, once a whore—’

  ‘Bella,’ Matteo interrupted her, ‘I said that when I lived in Malvolio’s black and white world. Those were words we were raised on but we are away from all that now.’

  ‘True words, though,’ Bella said, and she told him a little of what had happened with her mother and her father. ‘He looked at her with disgust when he found out what she had done.’

  ‘Have I ever looked at you in disgust?’ Matteo asked.

  ‘No, but you don’t know what I did.’

  ‘Did?’ Matteo checked.

  ‘When I was trying to get to Rome.’

  ‘Tell me.’

  ‘I can’t.’

  ‘I think you have to, Bella,’ he said, not because he needed salacious detail, but because he didn’t understand. She had taunted him, flirted with him, come to him intending to pop out and serve breakfast afterwards! He was starting to realise that this side of Bella was exclusive to him and he could feel her shame, her pain for whatever it was that had gone on. ‘Bella, you can tell me anything.’

  She looked up at him and realised that she could.

  It had not been disgust she had seen in his eyes, it had been anger, and that had all gone now.

  ‘I’ve never told anybody.’

  ‘Then change that now.’

  Bella nodded because her secret felt as if it was choking her.

  So she told him about that night, how she had tried to get to the phone but Malvolio had been watching. And she told him how she had run through the forest and stopped by the ancient baths.

  ‘Then I saw the gas station and I was starting to think I had made it. I called you but I could not get through to you. A man offered me a lift to Messina. He was older and I honestly thought that he was being kind, then we got into the cabin and he...’ She cringed at the memory.

  ‘Did he force you?’

  ‘No.’ That was the part Bella was most ashamed about. ‘I went to leave but then I saw Malvolio’s car pull up...’

  Matteo knew, better than anyone, the fear that would have induced.

  ‘I could see Malvolio,’ she said, her eyes filling with tears. ‘If he had seen me I would have been taken back or maybe worse. And so I told the man, not here, I gave him a smile and I said we would stop further along the road. He knew I was in a hurry to get away and so we drove for a short distance and then...’

  ‘And then?’

  He had thought there had been many, but that it had been just one made it worse in some ways, for she hadn’t become deadened and her eyes were not vacant, and he could feel how much it must have distressed her.

  ‘And then,’ Bella said, and she lifted her hand and made a lewd gesture, and Matteo looked at her and didn’t blink. He just thought about her lonely on the edge of the woods, unsafe and scared, and he told her the very truth.

  ‘I’d have given him a hand job, Bella.’ She tried to smile at his joke but then realised that he was completely serious. ‘If I had been in that situation, I would have given the bastard whatever he wanted just to get away. I’m sorry you had to do it but I’m very proud of you that you did.’

  Never, in all the stinging, agonising scenarios that she’d taunted herself with, had Bella imagined the word ‘proud’ being there in Matteo’s response.

  ‘I’m so proud of you, Bella, for getting out.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She gave him a little smile but it was a real one.

  ‘And after Messina?’

  ‘I got another ride and this time it was all the way through to Rome,’ Bella said. ‘I was terrified but the man was nice. He gave me some of his soup and he chatted about his family. But that other one...’ She shuddered. ‘It was the worst two minutes of my life.’

  ‘Two minutes!’

  ‘My mother had taught me a few tricks of the trade and had told me the words to say when you just wanted it over and done.’

  ‘And they were?’

  She was one burning blush, and he could feel the scorch of her cheeks as her mouth came to his ear.

  And so she told him her very choice words and she waited for anger, for his appalled response.

  ‘That’d do it, Bella,’ he said, and to her shock he started to laugh.

  ‘It was awful...’ she said.

  ‘I know, but you got it over and done with and you’re here.’ Then he picked up her hand and kissed it slowly and made it beautiful again.

  Oh, he was lovely, he took her in his arms, he held her and he told her all the terrible things he had done, all the seamier stuff and the terrible stuff, and now he told her about his scar and how he’d deserved that knife. And then he told her the memory that still taunted him, walking into the bedroom from the shower that morning and seeing the bruise on her face that his hand had made.

  Bella looked at him, and she loathed how she had taunted him with it the other day.

  ‘You saved me from hell that night,’ she said, and she picked up his hand and kissed away the shame as he had done to her, but there was a knock at the door and Bella gave a little yelp when she saw the time.

  ‘I have to do breakfast...’ She went to get out of bed but he halted her and then the knock came again.

  ‘Breakfast is here,’ Matteo said. ‘Let’s hope for a less clumsy maid this time.’

  ‘I have to hide...’

  ‘Stay there,’ he said. ‘You don’t ever have to hide again.’

  She sat there, covered by the sheet, as Alfeo came in.

  To his credit he hesitated for just the briefest moment when he saw Bella, before greeting his most esteemed guest. ‘Buongiorno, Signor Santini.’ He glanced over at Bella. ‘Signorina.’

  She had no words.

  Perhaps used to Matteo’s ways and assuming he might have a guest, just not that particular one, Alfeo had two cups and he offered to pour the coffee.

  Matteo nodded.

  As Alfeo served the coffee he told Matteo that his helicopter would be ready in half an hour, as he had requested, and then, to Bella’s relief, he left.

  ‘There goes my job!’

  ‘You’re in bed with the boss, though.’ Matteo smiled but Bella didn’t return it.

  ‘You have to go soon.’

  ‘Actually, I don’t,’ he said. ‘Bella, helicopters don’t fly to Dubai, I’ve postponed that trip. The helicopter is to take me to Bordo Del Cielo.’

  ‘Why would you go there?’

  ‘Because that is where I thought you would be this morning,’ he said. ‘By the time I landed in Rome I knew the mistake I had made and we have made so many mistakes, Bella, and though many were not of our making, this one was mine. I wanted to tell you I loved you yesterday but I waited a day too long. I wanted it sorted this morning.’ He leant over her and on the bedside table was a small, highly polished box that, Bella knew, came from the very exclusive jewellers in the hotel. ‘I had them wake up the je
weller last night,’ Matteo said. ‘I was coming to Bordo Del Cielo this morning to ask you to be my wife.’

  ‘What if the press find out about me?’

  ‘It wasn’t a very illustrious career, Bella. There’s one sad old man and if he comes forward he’ll have me to deal with. You might have heard—I’m not always this nice.’ Then he looked right into her eyes. ‘And I don’t count because we loved each other, even then.’

  ‘What about my mother?’

  ‘You’re proud of her?’ Matteo checked, and Bella nodded.

  ‘Then they can’t touch you,’ he said.

  Bella lay in bed, admiring the ring on her finger, and Matteo called down to cancel the helicopter and for the tray to be removed. They settled in for a day in bed, but as he picked up the newspaper something caught his eye and he recalled Bella’s words.

  ‘It would take just one beautiful woman to make the headlines wearing one of my gowns.’

  Matteo unfolded the paper and there was Sophie and Luka on their wedding day. Somehow, despite it being a local affair, their photo had already made it to the press. It was news indeed that Malvolio’s son had married the daughter of his right-hand man...but Matteo skimmed past all that, it was history, it was past. He was more interested in the future so he read out loud to Bella the more pertinent part.

  ‘“The bride wore a white chiffon gown by Gatti—an emerging designer who is based in Rome”.’ He turned and smiled as Bella just about fell off the bed.

  ‘You’ve made it, Bella.’

  On her own she had made it, she realised, but now she shared the future with him.


  BELLA STOOD IN the home that she had once lived in with her mother.

  It was hers now.

  Sophie had been the one to tell her that Luka was doing all he could to reverse some of the damage that his father had done and that the deeds had been signed over to Bella.

  It had remained untouched, in the same way Paulo’s had, because Malvolio’s plan had been to tear down more buildings and build yet another hotel.

  Instead, the pretty town remained.

  Today the house was dressed with flowers from the garden and so too was the bride.

  Flowers that her mother had planted dotted Bella’s hair and were in the tied bouquet she would carry.

  ‘Your dress is amazing,’ Sophie said. ‘Though I think shoe designers everywhere are going to hate you very soon.’

  The bride wore Gatti!

  It was the most delicate Sicilian lace with a scoop neckline and it fell loose on her slender figure and, given the intricate fabric, Bella had decided it needed no more.

  No make-up, no perfume, no curls and no shoes, just a dress spun in the lace of home, flowers from her mother’s garden and Bella’s smile.

  Late afternoon they stopped at the church and left flowers on her mother’s beautiful stone, one that Bella had had laid in a moving service.

  The villagers still left flowers and she smiled when she remembered her mother telling her she’d had her share of lovers.

  Roses amongst the thorns.

  ‘I’m happy, Ma,’ Bella said. ‘Matteo is the most wonderful man. Soon we will start our new life in London...’

  And Rome.

  Or perhaps Dubai.

  The demand for Bella’s work was starting to grow, both here and overseas. With Matteo’s impressive property portfolio, where they were based wasn’t an issue.

  ‘I’m not scared of the press any more,’ Bella said, though her words were braver than she perhaps felt. There had been an article in a rather plummy paper alluding to Bella Gatti’s impoverished past and that she had been the only child of a single mother.

  The article had left a slight unease in Bella’s stomach but she remembered Matteo’s words.

  She was proud of her mother.

  She took some flowers from her bouquet and placed them on the stone then she returned to the car and they drove on along the one road out of Bordo Del Cielo till they came to the small lookout. That was where the car stopped and Sophie and Bella got out.

  Behind the lookout there was a path that could easily be missed and down the trail they went. The moss was cool beneath Bella’s bare feet. All the trees were dotted with lights to lead the way and then like an oasis there they were—at the ancient baths that Bella loved so.

  There too the trees and columns were lit with tiny lights, and the stone tables were piled high with the awaiting feast. Everyone in the village had made the same journey down the path and they were waiting for the bride to arrive. The ancient baths were alive again.

  Luka was the best man and stood beside Matteo. Matteo looked more handsome than ever and was wearing a dark suit and a tie that was the same mossy green as her eyes. There was no one to give her away but there was no need for a substitute, she went alone, willing to be by his side.

  ‘Babe in the woods,’ Matteo said when she joined him. ‘You look as if you just stepped into my dream.’

  He was always in hers.

  As they said their vows, just before he went to place the ring on her finger Matteo lifted her hand and kissed her palm deeply.

  Only they knew what that meant and Bella did the same to him.

  They forgave their pasts as together they embraced the future. So much had been against them and yet love had won.

  It was a stunning party in the most incredible location and to dance with Matteo under the moonlight and to know they were finally together made Bella sure she was the luckiest person alive, and she told him so.

  ‘Second luckiest,’ he said.

  When it was time for the happy couple to leave, Bella embraced her friend.

  ‘It’s time to be happy, Bella,’ Sophie said, and Bella nodded.

  ‘For you too,’ she said.

  In a couple of days’ time they would again sit together at their secret cove and catch up properly, just as they had done while growing up.

  Tonight, though, was for Matteo and Bella.

  No one could quite understand why, with helicopters and planes at his disposal, Matteo would insist that their wedding night be spent at Brezza Oceana. And certainly the staff there could not fathom why Matteo Santini had not asked for the best room but also for a bottle of the cheapest wine.

  Oh, and nuts.

  This time, when Bella stepped into the room she was happy and laughing.

  Matteo opened the windows and put on the music they had danced to all that time ago.

  ‘I’ve got a present for you,’ she said, and she went into the bag she had left in the room and she watched as he opened it and took out the pregnancy test card. ‘I forgot one thing when I came to your room that night.’

  Matteo stared at it for a very long time and then he looked at Bella.

  ‘Well, I’m very glad that you did.’


  ‘No,’ he said. ‘Happy. I never thought I’d have a family...’ And now he had a wife and also the news that he would be a father. ‘Barefoot and pregnant,’ Matteo said, and then he looked down at her feet. ‘You need a bath.’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘I’ll go and get it ready while you open your present.’

  Bella looked at the thin package that was on the bed and as Matteo left to run the water, she peeled open the silver paper and then opened an envelope and took a moment to read it.

  She sat on the bed for ages, just looking out at the view and wondering how she could be so lucky, so happy, so deeply in love and, best of all, so very loved.

  When Matteo called to her she went through to the bathroom and saw that he was already in.

  ‘You’ve bought this hotel?’

  ‘We’ve bought this hotel,’ Matteo said. ‘Just us. This isn’t a
part of the business Luka and I have.’ He explained his thinking. ‘The happiest time of my life, before you, was here. I love the place and I love being here again. I could see that with better management and a massive refurbishment we could turn this place into a jewel. The people will be happy because there will be fewer tourists, albeit richer ones, and...’ He looked at Bella, who just stood at the door. ‘When I thought your past might be a touch more colourful I tried to think of a place where the people would look out for you,’ he said. ‘There are no secrets now, and so I knew nothing that might be revealed would be news to them. The people of Bordo Del Cielo will also take care of you.’

  That he would take such tender care of her heart brought tears to Bella’s eyes.

  ‘Our baby will be born here,’ she said.

  ‘And grow up here. Though there will be a lot of travel with my work and yours, I thought that it might be nice to have here as our base.’

  It was more than nice, Bella thought. He had brought her home.

  This time it was Matteo who lay in the bath as she undressed.

  The dress was loose enough that she could lift it easily over the head and he watched as she hung it on the hook.

  She took off her bra and slid down her panties and Matteo smiled. No shoes, no stockings, no garters, she stood naked and wearing only a smile.

  ‘Grooms everywhere are going to appreciate your work, Bella.’

  ‘You have to think about taking the dress off, I will tell my brides. Not just putting it on.’

  She climbed in and was trembling with the enormity of it all as she joined him.

  To be here with Matteo, as his wife, meant that it was the perfect wedding night for Bella, and she told him so as they kissed.

  Memories wrapped around them like the steam from the bath. Sensual memories of times before and all that was to come.

  She wrapped her legs around him and Matteo held her steady as they looked deep into each other’s eyes and he took her for the first time as his wife.

  It was the gentlest coupling, the deepest and most intense feeling as now they could both look and touch.

  Yes, they remembered the longing as they had lain on that grassy knoll, a safe distance from each other, and made love with their eyes.


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