Mister: Deluxe Edition

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Mister: Deluxe Edition Page 4

by Miss Janelly

  She sat her plate and coffee down at his table. The man couldn't take his eyes off of her.

  “You really look beautiful without makeup,” he said, looking into her brown eyes. If Jade was any lighter he would have seen her blushing. She loved compliments and guys who made her feel pretty.

  “I'm sorry,and your name is?” Jade asked.

  “Jeff Harris and you?”


  Jade had to admit, he's definitely a fine looking man. His dark chocolate skin looked scrumptious as she stared at his body. Jade couldn't deny her attraction to dark chocolate. She had developed an infatuation with dark skin men when she was a teenager.

  “That matches you well. So you work here right?”

  “Yeah... I've seen you here a few times.”

  “Yeah, I often get a room to get away from everything. It's very peaceful to just relax and write.”

  “Yeah, I definitely understand what you mean.”

  Jeff couldn't stop looking at Jade so much that it made her nervous. Maybe she should leave Steven alone. Almost a twenty year age difference would eventually be a conflict of interest. What did the two have in common besides great sex? Jade started to question her relationship with Steven. What would happen to their budding relationship?

  Jade immediately wiped her face to make sure he wasn't staring because of something on her face.

  “Is it something on my face?” she said.

  “No, I just like looking at beautiful things,” he said, biting his bottom lip.

  If Jade didn't know any better, Jeff was flirting with her. She wasn't ready to date another guy. She still wanted to confront Steven and completely get over Deshawn. Even though she had an affair, it still hurt to catch Deshawn in the act.

  “Thanks.. listen I just got out of a four year relationship. I'm not really ready to do anything right now. I don't want to waste your time.”

  “You're not wasting my time.”

  That made Jade smile from ear to ear. She couldn't believe that someone was interested in her. Jade looked down at his left hand. She didn't want to mess with another married man.

  The two strangers sat at the table staring at each other. Suddenly, her phone starting to ring a familiar ringtone.

  Jade studied her cell phone and was surprised to see Steven's picture flash across the screen. Instantly her heart started beating fast and she didn't know how the conversation would turn out.

  “Sorry, I have to take this. I'll see you around,” she said getting up from the table. Jade started walking to her room. Jade took a deep breathe and answered the phone. “Hello?”

  “Jade... it's Steven. I want to talk,” he said.

  “About what? You're a married man. I fell deeply in love with you. I know I shouldn't have felt the way I did, being that I had a boyfriend. But I did and now I'm hurting.” Jade hated admitting her true feelings for Steven. So many things happened over the last couple of months. She never wanted to fall for another man but she did.

  “Jade, you have to let me explain everything, I do love you. Dearly, I don't want to be with anyone but you.”

  “You have four kids, you never mention any kids. When are you coming to the states? I want to talk face to face.”

  “Actually, I'm on my way from the Airport. I have a few meetings with my partner company and I wanted to meet with you for lunch,” Steven said.

  Jade could have dropped her cell phone. In less than a few hours, she would be face to face with Steven, the married man she loved so much.

  “Okay, you pay and I'll pick,” Jade demanded.

  “Wonderful, miss. I can't wait to see you.”

  “Wish I could say the same.”

  “I'll met you in the lobby of the hotel in two hours. So dress pretty for me. Please?”

  Steven always knew how to charm Jade. No matter what he say or did. She couldn't stay mad at him for long.

  “Whatever,” she said, trying not to smile.

  “I know you're smiling over there miss,” Steven said.

  “Bye,” she said, ending the call.


  Jade wore a red blazer with nothing under it but a black lacy bra. She wanted to tease Steven but she promised herself she wouldn't have sex with him. She accented her outfit with black tights, and her black Steve Madden pumps. Jade wore her brown hair in curls laying on her shoulders.

  Where is he? Jade kept looking at the clock on her cell phone. When Steven walked through the door, Jade lost her breathe. Steven had cut off his long hair and was now sporting a short hair cut.

  Steven couldn't help but smile when he saw the love of his life, Jade. He hugged her tight and picked her up and spun her around. Everyone in the lobby stopped and stared at the two lovebirds.

  “You're causing a scene. I do work here you know,” she said, trying not to smile.

  “Jade, I've missed you so much,” he said, kissing her deeply.

  Jade looked up into his eyes and sighed. He's the only person that can make her melt. Jade missed his lips. Steven was the perfect kisser and she loved it.

  “Where are we going miss?” he said, grabbing her hand.

  “Hmm.. Domo's sushi,” she said.


  The two lovers left the hotel and caught a cab to Domo's sushi restaurant. When the two lovers arrived, they were greeted by the hostess. She directed them to their table.

  “So, where do we even start?” Jade asked.

  The waiter came and took their orders.

  “Well... as far as my marriage goes. I'm legally separated from her. However, we still live together. I wanted to talk to you about getting a place together when you came back to Manchester with me. It would a fresh start.”

  Living together? Jade couldn't imagine anyone touching Steven. Or even him touching another woman, the way he touched her.

  “Wow, so when are you getting a divorce? You want to get a place with me?”

  “Soon, and yes sweetie I want a place with you,” he said, looking into her eyes.

  The waiter placed their food on the table.

  “How soon?”she asked. Jade didn't have anytime to be waiting on him. She needed to know what his plans were. She wanted to be included in everything.

  “I'm waiting on you.”

  “What do you mean? Am I the reason you filed for legal separation.”

  “Yes and no.”

  “Explain,” she said, devouring a California roll.

  “Well, when we started talking everyday. I knew that eventually I would want more from you. I never intended to have sex with you. I knew that would mess up everything. Which it kind of did. But Megan and I were very unhappy for years. She wants to work it out, for the sake of the kids.”

  Jade sat back against her chair. All this information was a lot to process in such short time. She thought about everything he was saying.

  “But you're leaving your family for me?”

  “My wife.”

  “So when did you when file for the separation?”

  “Before I came to the states to see you.”

  “So technically I'm your mistress?”

  “Kinda, but I don't like that word.”

  Jade got up from the table and went outside. She didn't want to cry in front of him. The fact she really fell for a married man, and ruin their marriage hurt. Jade shook her head in disbelieve. This couldn't be real, maybe she was dreaming.

  Steven came up behind Jade and hugged her tight. He whispered in her ear “I know it seems like a messed up situation but I do love you. I want to be with you. I will get a divorce soon.”

  Jade wanted to believe him but there were too many things she really didn't know about him.

  Jade turned around to face Steven and said “I don't want to pull you away from your children. I really don't but you really lied to me about a lot. How old are you?”

  “I'll be thirty-nine next month.”

  “Steven.... this is a lot to process right now. I'm crazy about
you. I really am but things don't seem right.”

  “I'm here for the whole week. I changed my reservations. I really want to spend time with you and really get to know you,” Steven said.

  “You say that now after all the sex we had.”

  “I know sweetheart but I really want to make an effort for you. I love you.”

  “I can't say those words right now. But you know the truth,” Jade said, looking into his gray eyes. She couldn't deny how much she loved him. She didn't want anything else but to lay in the bed and cuddle.

  After finishing the meal, the two lovers returned to the hotel to spend time together. Jade had the day off.

  Steven fell asleep on the bed while Jade watched TV. She had a lot on her mind. Did he really love her or was it just the sex? It only seem like sex was the only thing the two had in common.

  Steven's phone started buzzing and Steven turned over. Jade didn't want to invade his privacy.

  She read the first text message from Megan.

  “I hope you're not with that girl because your family needs you more. I'm not signing the divorce papers either. So you're stuck.”

  She placed his phone down quietly. She didn't want to wake him up. Instantly he sat up and bed and asked “Why are you reading my messages Jade?” He grabbed Jade and kissed her.

  “I don't know.. curious.”

  “Listen I'm sure its a thousand messages from Megan. Right?”

  “Yes.. but I just don't want to get played.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean! I want you to be genuine about being with me.”

  “Shut up and kiss me beautiful,” Steven said, kissing her deeply. Jade could tell that Steven wanted her sexually but she wasn't ready for that move.

  “You don't want to?” he said, sitting up in the bed.

  “Not until your divorce....” Jade said looking away.

  Steven looked surprised at her answer. “Jade... I've missed you like crazy, I haven't touch anyone since we've been together.”

  “That sounds good and dandy..but we can't.”

  When Jade looked up at Steven, she knew that he didn't believe her. She didn't even believe the words coming out of her mouth. She just wanted to distant herself from him.

  Steven ignore her request and starting kissing on her neck. “Are you sure? You don't want this?” he asked, touching between her legs. Instantly his touch made Jade's body hotter than the sun.

  “Baby... please stop,” she moaned. Steven had her right where he wanted her. She couldn't deny the way she felt for him.

  Steven kisses move down between her legs. He pulled her tights off to reveal she wasn't wearing any underwear.

  “You definitely talk a good game princess but your motives say otherwise,” he said, playing with her core.

  Jade tried to sit up in the bed, but Steven pushed her back down. She knew that this would be a fight to get away from him.

  “Don't fight what your body wants sweetie,” he said, with lust in his eyes.

  “I'm not.. I just don't think we're making a smart decision right now,” Jade said.

  “I just want to please you right now, that's all I want. Can I please just make you feel better. I know you've been stressed out, moving out and being on your own,” he said, licking her core making her tingle. He pulled his tongue out and looked up at Jade. She laid on the bed with her eyes closed.

  “Why did you stop?” she asked, sitting up. Steven pushed her back down and started back on his job. It wasn't before long her body exploded.

  “Steven!” she screamed, as she exploded. Her lover licked up every drop and savored her taste on his lips.

  “Why do you have to taste so good to me?” he said, kissing her thighs.

  “I don't know... I want to please you back,” Jade whined reaching out to touch his manhood.

  Steven blocked his manhood and said “No... this is all about you baby. I'm not important right now.”

  Jade sat up in the bed and thought about everything that was going on. Where did this leave them?

  “Steven,what if you do purchase a place in the states? Ever consider living here?” she asked.

  “I mean I have but I don't want to leave my children. I love them so much.”

  “So because I don't have family I should come to the UK?” she snapped.

  “No, I just want to make sure I'm there for the children. How about this, you come back to the UK for a week with me. If you like it, then you can move here. If not we can compromise somehow,” he said.

  Jade weighed her options. Maybe she should take a chance, she wanted to see the world. This could be her chance to explore things. She didn't have anything keeping her here. She wanted to be adventurous and live for the moment.

  “Where would I stay?”

  “In a hotel with me.”

  “I'm started to think, the only thing we have in common is sex. You're almost twice my age Steven.”

  “I know but we can make it work because we love each other.”

  “I don't know,” she said.

  The next morning Jade woke up to find Steven gone. Where could he be? Jade hopped out of bed and jumped into the shower. She didn't want to be late for work. Steven didn't leave a note or even a text message. He's probably working out in the gym or handling business. She dressed in her normal suit for work and headed downstairs. She caught the elevator to save some time.

  Chapter Nine

  The elevator doors open and to her surprise Jeff is on the elevator. “We meet again Jade,” Jeff said, observing her business attire.

  “Yeah,” she said, walking into the elevator. She pressed the first floor button. She avoided eye contact. She couldn't deny that she wanted him in a sexual way. But things seem to be working out with Steven. Jeff seemed to be her type more than Steven. But the connection she shares with Steven is priceless. No guy ever made her feel the things she does with him. The elevator went down to the first floor.

  “What are you doing on your lunch break?” he asked.

  “Um, I'm not sure right now,” she said. The elevator door opened with Steven standing there. His presence startled Jade a little bit. She walked off the elevator.

  “I'm sorry I didn't leave a note, I was in a rush. Are you going to work?” Steven asked, kissing her right in front of Jeff.

  Jade felt a little embarrassed not telling Jeff about Steven. But she didn't owe him any explanation. How could she explain to him that she cheated on her boyfriend with a married man? Now, she's the married man's mistress, she just didn't know what to tell Jeff.

  Jeff had enough watching their love scene in front of the elevator. He brushed past them without saying a word to Jade.

  She knew that Jeff was interested in her from day one and maybe she should have took him up on his offer. She probably wouldn't be going through a lot of drama with him like with Steven.

  “You know him?” Steven asked confused.

  “I met him the other night at a party.”

  Steven face dropped. She could tell he had become jealous. “He's interested?”

  “I guess.”

  “But you told him, that you're with me right?” Steven asked.

  Jade didn't know Steven possessed a territorial side. She had never seen this in him before. She never thought he would have a jealous side. Steven is a very attractive man and woman flirt with him all the time. One guy flirts with Jade and he's ready to fight. “You have nothing to worry about. He caught the hint,” she said, kissing him.

  “Good, I thought I was going to have to fight for you sweetie. What time is your lunch break?”


  “Room service in my room? I'll met you downstairs to escort you to my room,” Steven said, smiling.

  Jade smiled and said “Sure sweets.”

  Steven kissed her again and watched her walk to her job station before getting on the elevator.


  Steven laid on his bed, thinking about Jade. It m
ade him upset that another man wanted her. He wanted to make sure that man didn't come close to her again. He couldn't imagine losing Jade again. The first time hurt, when she didn't want to come back to Manchester with him.

  Steven's thoughts were interrupted by his cell phone ringing. Megan's picture flashed across the screen. He didn't want to answer but thought it might be about the kids.


  “Mr. Openshaw, your children want their father back. How long are you going to be with your mistress? Don't you think you've played these games long enough?”

  “Megan, I will always be there for the children. I love them with all my heart. I'm just done with you. My lawyer will contacting you about the divorce papers soon.”

  “So this is it? Over some black twat. You rather live out your sick twisted fantasy with some younger black girl than be with your family? You're so sick. I wish I never married you.”

  “The feeling is mutual. Where are my kids?”

  “They're at school right now. You can't see them anymore. I'm getting full custody.”

  “You can't take my kids away from me.” Megan was now being irrational out of spite. She couldn't take the children away from him. He would always be the father he promised to be. He loved his children more than anything.

  “I can and I will,” she laughed.

  Steven didn't find this situation funny at all. Jade, was the only woman he had outside of his marriage. He would always love Megan, because she birthed his four beautiful children. He just couldn't take being with her any longer. He never wanted to serious start a sexual relationship with Jade. But after meeting her one thing happened after another. Things happened so quickly that he couldn't think. Naturally her body reacted to his and he had to have her the first time they finally met.

  “Why are you being like this?”

  “You choose her over us Steven, you can't have it both ways. I want you to see our kids but you can't be with your little mistress.”

  “I didn't choose anyone, Megan I'm not arguing with you. See you in court.” he said.

  “That's fine but you can't come inside of this house and get your things.”

  “My sister is coming tomorrow to get my important things. You won't see me anymore Megan.” Steven hung up on Megan. He didn't want to argue about stupid things anymore.


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