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by Thomas DePrima

  "I just asked the Geneva to start sending us short messages of varying length, every fourteen to eighteen minutes, varying the time slightly, until I ask them to stop."

  "What kind of messages?"

  "It doesn't matter what they say. The Raiders will pick up the transmissions, and believe that the Geneva is very close. The Raiders won't be able to decrypt the messages because sending in the clear would have made it too obvious, but it will appear that they're responses to the messages that we'll start sending every fifteen minutes beginning in an hour and thirty-five minutes. The Raiders should naturally assume that the message and reply travel time is about six to eight minutes, meaning that our support will be here in a few hours. They'll have two choices. Either face us immediately, losing at least one of their ships in the exchange, and then turn to face at least one Space Command ship with a smaller force, or get away from here fast."

  Pulsen looked at Jenetta with admiration in his eyes and grinned.

  The Colorado's com chief had been sending random messages every fourteen to sixteen minutes for an hour, and seven or eight minutes after his transmission he'd receive one from the Geneva's com chief. The Geneva's operator was reading lines from a new book, while the Colorado's operator was talking sports.

  Suddenly, six torpedoes entered the cavern and exploded precisely where the Colorado had been until yesterday. They all had high-explosive warheads. Immediately, Captain Karlsaw of the Space Witch, began hailing the Colorado.

  "No response, chief," Jenetta said to the com operator. "Stop sending the messages to the Geneva.

  "Aye, Captain."

  After a tense five minutes of repeated hails, six more torpedoes entered the cavern and exploded in the same area.

  "They want to make sure that they finished the job before they expose themselves," Jenetta said.

  "I'm sure glad you moved the ship yesterday," Pulsen said. "I know that we're supposed to be impervious to high-explosive warheads, but I can't help wondering if we could have survived double salvos of six simultaneous torpedo hits. What if the habitat gives them our new location?"

  "Commander Cameron's people are standing by, ready to jam all frequencies at the first peep from the habitat."

  "What will the Raiders do when no one responds?"

  "They'll have to investigate. When they get only silence from the habitat, they'll become very uneasy. If they believe that the Geneva will be here any time, they'll be doubly uneasy. They'll need to be sure that there's no ship at their back when they turn to face Captain Pope. They might send in a sacrificial probe or single fighter instead of one of the ships, but I'm betting that they believe they got us with that dozen torpedo spread, and that one of them will want to verify that fact and claim the kill. We'll just have to wait and see what they decide."

  They had their answer about ten minutes later. A Raider destroyer appeared in the cavern entrance, stopping halfway into the cavern, just as the Space Titan had done. But this time Jenetta didn't wait. She knew that all eyes aboard the warship would be scanning the area where the torpedoes exploded. Three torpedoes from the Colorado were loosed as soon as the torpedo gunner had a lock. Thousands of glowing pieces of detritus flew in all directions as the hardened torpedo casings entered the destroyer's bow and burrowed through numerous titanium bulkheads before exploding deep inside the ship.

  The brilliance of the explosion lasted for only a second as flammable material inside the destroyer was ignited and burnt until the oxygen was dispersed into open space. Fragments of the warship would continue to ricochet off the walls of the cavern for some time. When a cheer went up on the bridge, Jenetta let them release some of their tension before reminding them that there were still two more Raider ships out there.

  The Raiders now knew that the Colorado hadn't been destroyed by the twelve torpedoes, and might suspect that the small ship was impervious to them, as well as being impervious to laser fire. With the arrival of the ship that was sending the signals, the odds would be even. The Raiders knew that they hadn't fared very well against a Space Command vessel when they had a three to one superiority, so one on one wasn't palatable at all. And they had to believe that the ship at their back was indestructible.

  "Captain," Lieutenant Kerrey manning the tactical console said, "sensors indicate that two ships are leaving the area, fast. They're traveling in different directions."

  "Getting away as fast as their engines can take them," Lt. Commander Pulsen said, smiling.

  "It looks like this battle is over," Jenetta said wearily. "I'd have to mark it down in the win column. Hmmm, it's after 1800," Jenetta said, glancing at her chrono patch. "I could use some dinner, but first I'd better send a message to the Geneva so that they can stop sending messages."

  Jenetta walked to her briefing room and sat down at her desk. Her energy seemed to leave her as the adrenaline that had been sustaining her, drained off. She had managed to maintain an icy calm exterior while on the bridge, even though her stomach was twisted in knots as the minutes and hours had ticked by. She took several minutes to relax before starting the message.

  "Commander Jenetta Carver of the GSC Colorado, to Captain Simon Pope of the GSC Geneva.

  "The Colorado has prevailed, thanks to your help, Captain. The Raiders attacked us and we torpedoed one destroyer. The other two have fled the area. I feel certain that their attack failed because they weren't able to gather proper intelligence about our location within the asteroid. Using old information, they targeted our former position, hoping to finish us off quickly so they'd be prepared for your imminent arrival. Their haste was their undoing.

  "You may stop sending the messages to us now, and we look forward to welcoming you in a few days. Thank you for your assistance, Captain.

  "Commander Jenetta Carver, Captain of the GSC Colorado, message complete."

  Jenetta sighed, stood up, and started thinking about what she'd like to have for dinner.

  The Colorado's engineers began a cleanup of the cavern during first watch the following morning. Pieces of the destroyer were taken to the reclamation area after being searched for bodies and survivors. Surprisingly, seventy crewmen, including Captain Karlsaw, were found alive, although a few were critically wounded. The bridge section of the destroyer was partially crushed, but otherwise intact. The dozen people there were almost out of oxygen when the engineers arrived.

  Injured Raiders were taken to the sickbay under guard while the rest were taken to a hold after being searched by Marines and stripped of all possessions and clothing items that could be used as weapons. It was good that the Geneva's arrival was imminent. With more than three hundred prisoners in its holds, the Colorado was fast becoming overcrowded. Supplies had been removed from the second hold and stacked in corridors so that prisoners wouldn't have access to them. That hold had been packed to the limits because the first hold had been emptied for use as prisoner housing after the cruiser was destroyed.

  By late afternoon, the mess was cleaned up and port sweepers were zipping around scooping up the floating debris, some of which were bodies or body parts. The grisly job of separating the collected matter would fall to bots who would place the body parts in empty shipping containers. They already had hundreds of bodies from the earlier action.

  Jenetta was working in her briefing room when notified that the base commandant wished to speak with her.

  "Put him through."

  She lifted the com panel and was greeted by the face of Commandant Bacheer. His expression made him appear as if he had been sucking on lemons.

  "Congratulations, Captain. You've survived another skirmish."

  "Thank you, Commandant. I also managed to suppress my urge to torpedo the habitat. You're very lucky."

  "Torpedo us? What for? We haven't resisted your authority."

  "Of course you have, Commandant. You sent out a com rocket to transmit a message calling for help. Oh, did I mention that we have Captain Karlsaw and his entire bridge crew in one of our holds, as well
as sixty other crewmen from the former Space Witch? They joined the surviving crew of the Space Titan. I knew that you'd signaled them when they foolishly fired their torpedoes at our previous location. You see, after the incident with the doors, I moved the ship. I'm sure that you knew about that, but you couldn't let the ships know without blatantly showing your resistance, and earning a torpedo salvo for your efforts."

  "I don't know what you're talking about, Captain. If Karlsaw says that I sent a message, he's lying."

  "It doesn't matter, Commandant. The situation is resolved. The first ships of the task force will arrive shortly. You've probably noticed an increase in com traffic during the past few days."

  "We have, but I still don't believe that there's any task force. You've been bluffing your way along since you arrived."

  "Our torpedoes aren't a bluff, Commandant. You must at least realize that by now. You've had a front row seat to the destruction of two Raider warships. As I see it, you have two choices. Accept that you're a prisoner of the Galactic Alliance and stop resisting, or prepare your Last Will and Testament. I know that you signaled the ships we just fought, no matter how strenuously you deny it. I won't have you endangering my people any more. Further resistance will earn you a trio of torpedoes. The prisoners in my holds have been given essentially the same choice. Any revolt will result in my ordering the outer airlock doors opened in those holds. We're not prepared to defend ourselves in any way other than with brute force. Raiders who defy my authority will find themselves sucking vacuum in open space. This is my last warning, Commandant. I killed over eighteen-thousand at Raider One, five-thousand at Raider Three, and a yet to be determined number at Raider Eight. You fill in the number, Commandant. Carver out."

  Jenetta terminated the call by pushing the com screen down. She knew that the only thing Bacheer would understand was might, and an iron will. She had to subjugate his will to her own. If she showed the slightest weakness, he would try to exploit it. The only solution was to keep hammering home how she had the power of life and death over him and the other Raiders. But the problem with making threats is that if you don't follow through, they become hollow and meaningless. The arrival of the Geneva would add an important card to her hand, but Jenetta feared that many more would die before the station was fully secured. She presumed that the Raiders had been rigging deadly traps inside the station since the first day.

  When Space Command had taken Raider Three, things happened very quickly. The Raiders hadn't time to prepare defenses inside the habitat. Here, they'd already had two months, and might have four more before the entire task force was assembled, and ready to storm the habitat.

  * * *

  Chapter Ten

  ~ August 16th, 2273 ~

  The com operator notified Jenetta through her CT, three days later, that they were receiving a transmission from the Geneva. She was showering at the time, following her morning workout. Turning off the water, she pressed the face of her Space Command ring and had the com operator route the call directly to her.

  "Good morning, Captain Pope."

  "Good morning, Captain Carver. I don't have an image on my com. I hope that I haven't caught you at a bad time."

  "I'm just washing up after my morning workout. I'm speaking via my CT."

  "I see. I won't keep you, then. I just wanted to notify you that we expect to arrive at your location within an hour."

  "That's wonderful news, Captain. I'll be on the bridge by the time you arrive. We haven't seen any sign of Raider ships since our last encounter, but you should keep a sharp lookout. They know that we're expecting reinforcements. Contact us before entering the base."

  "Will do, Captain. See you soon. Geneva out."

  "Colorado out."

  Jenetta was smiling and more relaxed as she finished her shower.

  Jenetta arrived on the bridge just before 0800 hours and relieved Lieutenant Kerrey, who then left to have breakfast. Preparing a cup of coffee for herself, she sat down to relax and await the arrival of the Geneva.

  At 0818 the Geneva requested permission to enter the asteroid. Jenetta nodded to the com operator and clearance was given. As the ship entered the cavern, it was the most beautiful and welcome sight that Jenetta had since leaving the Prometheus.

  "Com, open a line to the Captain of the Geneva."

  "Aye, Captain." After a few seconds he said, "Go ahead, Captain."

  A view of the Geneva's bridge appeared on the front view screen.

  "The crew of the Colorado welcomes the crew of the Geneva," Jenetta said.

  "Thank you, Captain," Captain Pope said. "Let me extend my most sincere congratulations to the crew of the Colorado on the amazing feat of singlehandedly capturing a Raider base, and then defending it against hostile forces for months."

  "Thank you, Captain. I wouldn't recommend connecting to a docking pier, as the habitat still contains over 6,200 Raiders, but you're more than welcome to dock with us. One of the bow airlocks should be used because of the large prisoner population in our holds near the stern."

  "We'll dock with your larboard bow airlock and join you on your ship shortly."

  "Fine. Colorado out."

  "Geneva out."

  Jenetta called the officer's mess and asked them to set up the main conference room with coffee, tea, and breakfast deserts, before turning over control of the bridge to the helmsman. Taking the lift down several decks, she walked to the forward airlock frame, and stood near the lieuenant(jg) at the larboard airlock while the ships were linked. The connection was presurized, tested, and certified before the hatch was opened.

  Captain Pope led the group that entered the Colorado, and handled the introductions of his officers. Jenetta welcomed them, and led the way to the conference room that had been set up by the officers' mess attendent. The Colorado's senior staff, consisting of Lieutenant Commander Pulsen, Lieutenant Commander Cameron, Lieutenant Matthews, Lieutenant Doran, and Marine Lieutenant Leese, was waiting to greet the Geneva's senior staff. Lieutenant Kerrey arrived a few minutes later, having just cleaned up after coming off duty and grabbing a little breakfast.

  Both crews had eaten, but coffee, tea, and pastries were sampled as Jenetta related the events of the past months since arriving near the new Frontier Zone.

  "How did you manage to get so far from your mother ship in this small— what did you call it, scout-destroyer?" Captain Pope asked.

  "I'm sorry that I can't tell you about our trip, sir. Supreme HQ has ordered me not to discuss it with anyone."

  "I understand, but what prompted you to attack a Raider base with a tiny, damaged ship?" Captain Pope asked.

  "Our options were limited. With our FTL drive system down, all we had were Sub-Light engines and thrusters. We were waiting for the Prometheus to pick us up when the Raiders came across us in open space. We knew that they wouldn't easily be able to board us, so we pretended to be a derelict. We could have destroyed the ship that stopped to investigate, but that might have invited other attackers if our position had already been sent. I decided to let them tow us back to their base, and thereby learn its location. If they were Raiders, and were operating from an asteroid base, I knew that we'd be on an equal footing once inside the port.

  "After arriving at the base, I waited until the ship was turned over to the reclamation people to 'crack us open.' When everyone's guard was down, we engaged our Sub-Light engines and quickly moved to a position across from the habitat. We destroyed all warships with stern torpedo capability, then issued our 'surrender or die' ultimatum. They wisely surrendered."

  "Incredible. But what about the ships that came later?"

  "The cruiser Space Titan flew in warily, not knowing the situation and unable to make contact with the base communications center. We were still in position against the asteroid wall across from the habitat. I used the ships we had removed from the airlocks as camouflage, and we blended in nicely. As soon as the cruiser was fully inside the cavern, we loosed our torpedoes. We rescued two hu
ndred thirty-one prisoners from the broken hull after the engagement."

  "And the last three Raider ships?"

  "They were warned by the people in the habitat. I suspect that a com rocket, programmed to send a general alarm message after reaching a predetermined distance from the base, was launched during a little diversion that the habitat prisoners pulled. They could have used an access conduit to the surface for the launch. Suspecting that our former position might be compromised after their faked emergency with drunks in the station, I ordered the Colorado moved to a new position within the cavern. When the three ships made their move, they poured torpedoes into the spot we had vacated. We didn't answer their hails after that, to make the captain of the Space Witch think that we were dead, or at least severely damaged. They came in to check and finish us off, but it was us that did the mopping up. We rescued seventy from the hull. End of story."

  "How about the habitat?"

  "That's another whole story. We have 6,247 Raiders contained, but not under control. As the senior officer here, it's now your decision to make, but I'd recommend waiting until the other five ships get here before we try to take them into custody. I've kept them under control by maintaining a three torpedo lock on the habitat and threatening to destroy it if they try to revolt."

  "I agree that we'll need more help. How are you making out with your three hundred prisoners?"

  "It's put a severe strain on our limited resources. I'd appreciate it if you could take them off my hands. You have significantly more hold space than we do."

  "I'll have one of our larger holds emptied and we can start transferring them."

  "Thank you, Captain."

  "How are you doing on food and supplies?"

  "We're running low on a number of items. We only provisioned for my crew of a hundred-eighty-five. Our hundreds of prisoners have eaten their way through half our fresh-food stores. I was planning on scavenging food supplies from the ships that we— liberated, but we hadn't reached that point yet."


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