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Warrior Spirit (The King of Ireland Book 1)

Page 12

by Jean Carroll

  “Of course, you never need to ask me.”

  “I want to be able to touch you everywhere and as much as I want.” He raised his arms

  in a sort of “be my guest” gesture. She went behind him and ran her hands over his back. The

  warmth of his skin made her fingers burn. She put her hands on his shoulders and slowly moved

  down his arms, feeling the ripple of muscles. She circled in front of him and slowly caressed

  his chest. All the time she was touching him, his eyes had such intensity they burned into her heart.

  By now his breathing was getting ragged. She slid her hands down to his belly and he trembled.

  When she unzipped his jeans, he gasped and sucked air in. He was fully aroused and big.

  Really big!

  Uh ... what on earth am I going to do with this much man?

  Suddenly, she got a rush of ‘cold feet’ but didn’t have time to think about it because

  he scooped her up and flopped here on the bed. He pulled his jeans off and got in bed next to her.

  “Jesus, sweetheart, I can only stand so much!”

  He kissed her gently at first making her shiver with anticipation. Then harder and more urgently as he probed her mouth with his tongue. He moved his mouth down her throat, kissing and licking her with soft little bites. It suddenly got so hot she couldn’t breathe. He reached down, pulled her boxers off and took the tank top over her head.

  “God, Meg, you’re so beautiful.”

  He gently kissed her breasts, circling her nipples with his tongue. Those hands that she had watched caress the horses, now caressed her. Those gentle fingers trailed over her body like a whisper, slipping inside her. Her soft whimpers drove his desire even higher. He craved relief from the frustration of the past months. Relief that only she could give him.

  Rockets were going off in her head. She arched against his hand, wanting more.

  “Oh, Blackie, I want you so much. Love me now,” She gasped. He pushed her legs apart

  with his knees and moved lower, kissing her belly and gently biting her.

  “I want to taste you,” he whispered. “I want to possess you.”

  He moved lower and did something incredible with his tongue that drove her wild. She

  was almost there when he stopped and kissed the inside of her thighs.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged.

  “Don’t worry I’m not going to stop.” He continued, using his teeth and tongue and she exploded

  in waves of pleasure that flowed up from deep inside her. She wanted him so badly, she thought she would scream. He moved up next to her and slowly caressed and kissed her.

  “Please now!” She pleaded.

  When he climbed on her and gently eased inside, she moaned and opened herself for him. Inside her, he found softness, warmth and welcome like a nest that was home. When she shuddered helplessly and closed around him, he was a goner.

  “Oh, Meg!” he gasped and stopped. He was still for a minute, his forehead on her chest, trying to regain control. He started to move again, slowly and she climaxed again with a violent release. Crying his name, she arching her back to get closer to him. He started moving faster, deeper and breathing hard. His body was tense and trembling with urgency. He thrust into her one last time, deep and hard, then groaned. He was still and she could feel him pulsing inside her.

  She wrapped her arms and legs around him and held him tight. She caressed his head and shoulders, overcome with emotion that this man, that she loved and had wanted for so long, was finally there with her, now, in her bed, in her embrace, his body inside hers. He filled her physically and emotionally, binding her to him forever.

  He’s mine, she thought. God, I love him! His love-making was even more spectacular than she had imagined it would be and suddenly, she wanted him again.

  He relaxed slightly and kissed her gently on the forehead, then her neck and then very softly

  and sweetly on her mouth. He was still for a long time, then rolled over on his back and pulled her on top of him.

  “Blackie, that was wonderful. I never thought it could be like that,” she said, snuggled against him.

  “That wasn’t exactly my best effort. I couldn’t hold off any longer. I’ve wanted you

  for so long, I can’t believe we’re finally together.”

  “I was thinking the same thing.”

  He put his hand under her chin and tilted her head back so he could look into her eyes and said, “My dad told me something a few years ago, I guess to get me back on track. He told me that sex was so incredibly wonderful when you have it with someone you love. And now I know he was right.


  They made love again and again during the night. Several times they showered together and she was embarrassed by that at first. She had never even been in a bathroom with a man, much less a naked one. She relaxed about it quickly because Blackie was very playful and funny with the whole thing.

  Sometime during the night he said he was exhausted and lay there spent. He watched her, amused, as she happily explored his body. He complained that his knees felt like rubber so she massaged his legs.

  “I love it when you touch me, Meg. Your hands are so soft and gentle.”

  She noticed a small tattoo on his left hip bone.

  “What’s that?”

  “An old tattoo,” he said.

  “What is it?” she said, looking closer.

  “Uh … it’s a lion’s head and it doesn’t mean anything,” he snapped and rolled onto his side.

  Well, I guess he doesn’t want to talk about that.

  She was saddened by all the scars he had. His hands were scarred, across the knuckles. There was a thin scar on his forehead up near the hairline and another just under his left eye. He had a long one on his right collarbone. She traced her fingers over the scars on the side of his chest. He said they were from the accident.

  She was appalled by the horrible scars that extended from the small of his back; over his hip and butt, to the top of his right thigh. She kissed them gently and he was so touched by the gesture, he hugged her and said, “Meg, I feel like I’m dreaming. I can’t believe you love me. I’m afraid I’ll wake up.”

  “I feel the same way; but, Blackie, this is real. It’s real for us, here and now. Isn’t it wonderful?”

  “It is, yes.” He said, gruffly, pulling her on top of him and they made love again.

  * * *

  Meg woke early and was cuddled up against Blackie. He was nice and warm and she didn’t want to move but she had to use the bathroom. It was only six-thirty. She crept out of bed, quietly and he rolled over and sighed.

  When she got up she could hardly walk; everything was sore. She did her thing, brushed her teeth and jumped back in bed, waking Blackie. He did the same bathroom routine and slid back under the covers.

  “Hey, good morning.” he said softly, scooping her into his arms. She couldn’t believe that he had any energy left, but she apparently was wrong, because he made love to her just as vigorously as the first time. The next time she woke up it was ten o’clock and Blackie was sleeping face down, looking comatose.

  “Blackie, it’s ten o’clock.”


  “I have a bridal shower to go to at two this afternoon.”

  “Am I invited?”


  “Then I don’t have any reason to move, do I?”

  “Come on I have to get ready. I’ll call you later and we’ll do something tonight.”

  “You almost killed me last night. I think I’m numb.”

  “Don’t be a baby, get up and go home.”

  He rolled out of bed and winced when he got up. “Jesus, my back!”

  He pulled his clothes on, came over and took her in his arms, kissed her long and deep and said, “I love you,” and limped downstairs. She almost called him back but she was exhausted. She heard his car pull away and realized she had a smile on her face
and a happy little tingle in her belly.”

  * * *

  Jill, Keary and Sean were in the dining room talking after breakfast. Keary was at the

  sideboard getting more eggs when he saw Blackie pull up.

  “Guess who is home?”

  “Really?” Jill jumped up and looked out the window. Sean joined them.

  “What’s going on?” Sean asked.

  “Blackie spent the night at Meg’s.”

  “Well it’s about damn time.”

  Blackie got out of the car and put his hands on his back and arched it, grimacing. He slowly limped into the barn.

  “Oh man, he looks like he’s been through the wringer and he’s limping,” Sean commented.

  “Good, I’m glad to see he looks like he didn’t get much sleep.” Jill chuckled.

  “You women. Always glad to see a man’s downfall.” Keary laughed.

  “Oh, right! He’s tired but he looks pretty damn happy.”

  “He’ll crash for the rest of the day.” Sean said. “I’ll go down and check on him later.”

  * * *

  Around six o’clock, Sean ambled down to the barn and entered the apartment from the ladder, disabling the alarm system and quietly walking in. Blackie was still in the same clothes, on the bed, on his back, breathing softly. Sean sat on the bed next to him and nudged him gently.

  “Blackie, come on, it’s six o’clock.”

  He stirred and groaned, “Six o’clock! Meg said she’d call me when she got home from her girlfriend’s thing. I need to get cleaned up.”

  “Didn’t you shower at Meg’s?

  “No. I had plans to sleep all day and spend more time with her. She roused me out early cause she had a thing to go to with her girlfriends.”

  “And you got up and left? That doesn’t sound like you,” Sean said.

  “I did, yes, and I figured something out this morning.”

  “What’s that?” Sean asked.

  Blackie looked up at him and said, “For the first time in my entire life, Sean, I’m madly in love. I had no clue how different it would be to be inside a woman that I’m in love with. It‘s like being inside her soul. I’ll never get enough of her.”

  “Holy shit, dude, you’re whipped.”

  “I am, yes, and happily so.”

  “Well, congratulations. I’m glad you finally figured it out. All I have to say is, the bigger the stud, the harder his fall,” Sean chuckled.

  “I have to admit you’re right.”

  “I never thought I’d hear that from you, but I’m happy for you.” Sean said, punching him on the arm.

  “Thanks, Sean. I’m happy too.” His cell rang.

  “Yeah? Hi, baby, I miss you. How are you feeling? I’m pretty worn out myself.” He listened silently for a minute and suddenly sat up. “What’s the matter, Meg? Are you okay? Did I hurt you? God, Meg, I’m sorry. Listen, we’re both tired, so I’ll come and pick you up and bring you back here. We can have dinner, watch a movie and relax. Bring some stuff so you can stay the night. I’ll see you soon.”

  * * *

  The bridal shower was lots of fun but she kept day-dreaming through the whole thing about last night with Blackie.

  Her girlfriend Molly took one look at her and said, “Oh, boy, you did the deed with the jockey last night, didn’t you?”

  “How can you tell?”

  “You just have that glow and the dreamy smile hasn’t left your face. Details, details.”

  “All I’m going to say is that he’s incredible and I can’t wait to see him again.”

  “I thought you were walking a little bowlegged,” said Michelle.

  “Jeez, you guys.”

  They all had a good laugh. She called Blackie when she got home and he was teasing her about how much of a wreck she’d made out of him, so she told him she wasn’t in such good shape herself.

  She jumped in the shower and was still sore. She hoped it would go away on its own. She knew she didn’t want to have sex tonight, well maybe she did, but it probably wasn’t a good idea.

  She got clothes, pj’s and toiletries together, threw them in a gym bag and ran out when she heard Blackie pull up. Still sore, she gingerly got in the car and he pulled her over and kissed her.

  “God, I missed you, I couldn’t wait to get here. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m still hurting a little.”

  “I’m sorry I hurt you, Meg, how am I going to keep from hurting you again?”

  She touched his face with the palm of her hand. “Don’t worry, we’ll work it out.” He smiled and kissed her.

  As they drove back to the farm, she thought how good it was to be with him. She knew it had just been this morning when he had made love to her one more marvelous time, but she had missed him all day. She kept looking at him, not believing that they were now together, when it wasn’t too long ago that he was reluctant to get close to her. He was so wonderful and he loved her.

  He was talking about something but she didn’t hear him, she was so in her own dream world.

  “Meg, are you listening to me?” he asked bringing her back to earth.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “What were you thinking about, you were smiling?” He laughed.

  “You, and how wonderful it is that we’re together,” she told him.

  “I’ve been thinking about that myself. You know I was worried that after we made love, my feelings for you would change, but I love you more than ever. You don’t know how happy that makes me. It’s like a big weight has been lifted off me.” He said, reaching over and taking her hand.

  “So what do you want to do with the horses?” he asked her. “Do you want to keep riding Black Jack and learning dressage? I guess I’ll just work around the stable for now. Maybe I’ll go back to school. To study what? I don’t know. Do you think I could get into vet school? That might be fun.”

  “That’s a great idea. I thought about it once but I didn’t have the grades to get in. What’s your degree in?”

  “Actually I have three degrees. A BS in Animal Husbandry, a MS in Kinesiology and a MS in Equine Nutrition.”

  “Are you kidding me? What’s Kinesi ...?”

  “It’s the study of human movement and it’s really interesting. I try to keep in shape so my body will move when I want it to and do what I want it to.”

  “Well, it certainly does what I want it to.”

  “Mmm, thanks, sweetie.” He smiled back at her. They pulled up to the barn and slowly got out.

  “Grab your stuff. I’m starved,” he said as he took her hand. They were walking up the path to the house when he pulled her over. He leaned his back on a tree and hugged her against him. She put her arms around him and laid her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair.

  “I love you, Blackie,” she said, her face buried in his shirt to breathe in his scent.

  “I love you too, Meg,” he said. “I’m a lucky guy.”

  * * *

  Sean was getting seconds of dinner and saw them pull up. “Hey, the love birds are home.”

  “Sean, do not make any suggestive remarks or tease him,” Jill said adamantly as she looked out the window. “I don’t want any fights tonight. Ahhh, look, they’re soooo cute together.”

  “Jesus, gag me. Okay, okay! I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

  “Good, thank you,” Jill told him, with a glare.

  Blackie and Meg came in and said hello to everyone as they dug into the buffet.

  “What’s going on?” Blackie asked Keary.

  “Not much. A couple horses are going to the track tomorrow and four are coming back from Fair Hill. I think the blacksmiths are coming soon. What’s happening with you two?” Keary asked.

  “We’re just working with Meg’s horses. I’m teaching her dressage. Other than that, I guess I’ll just do whatever needs to be done around here,” Blackie said without much enthusiasm. “Meg’s spending the night.”

  “Of co
urse, I’ll make up one of the guest rooms for her,” Jill said.

  Blackie looked stunned. “No, she’s staying with me in the apartment!”

  “Did you ask her if she was comfortable with that arrangement?” Jill asked, trying to be serious.

  He looked at Meg sheepishly. “Well no, but it’ll be a lot more fun to stay with me, if you want?”

  Everyone burst out laughing except Blackie. He looked surprised and then realized he was being teased.

  “Okay you guys, very funny,” he said and actually blushed.

  After they finished eating, Blackie asked her if she was ready to turn in.

  “Yes, I am kind of tired.”

  “Okay, let’s go. We can watch a movie if you want,” he said.

  She was tired and definitely wasn’t up to anymore love-making after last night and again this morning. She was still uncomfortable and hoped he would be able to control himself better now. She decided to make her feelings plain as soon as they were alone. They walked down to the barn, Blackie taking her hand again.

  “Blackie.” She said and turned to him. He pulled her close.

  “Listen, young lady. I think we better lay off fooling around for a while until you feel better. That is if you can control yourself,” he said with a big smile.

  “Me! You’re the one that’s constantly horny!”

  “You have to be kidding! You’re always grabbing me and starting trouble,” he said, dancing away from her as she swung at him.

  “I’ll get you,” she said and chased after him, both of them laughing.

  He grabbed her as they turned into the barn and kissed her very deeply.

  “Keep that up and you are in trouble,” she said kissing him back.

  “I love you and I want you bad tonight, but I don’t want to hurt you, so this is as far as it goes. I can’t promise what will happen tomorrow.” He laughed. “You know I’ll be satisfied just having you in my bed tonight.”

  They went up to his apartment and started getting ready for bed.

  “Do you want to watch a movie?” He asked.

  “You know I’m awfully tired. I thought I’d just turn in.”

  “Me too,” he said puttering around the apartment, not doing anything in particular.


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