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Warrior Spirit (The King of Ireland Book 1)

Page 27

by Jean Carroll

  “Damn it, I don’t. Girls blush! Jesus, Meg,”

  “Okay, okay, you don’t,” she lied.

  “Right!” he said defensively.

  “But I still think it’s adorable,” she said teasing him.

  “Meg! Quit it!”

  “Alright, come here,” she said as she grabbed and kissed him.

  “See, I can’t resist you,” he said. “We better walk this horse instead of fooling around.”

  So they walked Torsk until he was cool, taking him back to his stall where Bobby was

  waiting for him.

  “I’ve been waiting to take care of him,” Bobby said hissed.

  Blackie just tossed him the reins, turned around taking Megs hand and walked away.

  “Let’s go get the others and watch some of the classes. I don’t have to change for two or three hours yet.”

  They found the others and settled into seats. Everyone was having a wonderful time watching the other classes. Samantha Rodgers won the novice hunter division.

  “Your friend Sam seems to have won.” Meg pointedly mentioned to Blackie.

  “That’s great. Can we change the subject?”

  “Who’s Sam?” Keary asked.

  “Just an old acquaintance of mine.”

  Keary looked at Meg with raised eyebrows and she shook her head. So Keary just let it drop. Samantha rode her horse into the ring and retrieved her ribbon, trophy and a big cardboard check. As she was leaving the arena, she looked up and blew Blackie a kiss.

  “Fuck,” he growled as everyone turned and looked at him. Keary smiled and opened his mouth.

  “Don’t say a goddamn word, Keary.”

  “What? Is she an old girlfriend?” Curt asked innocently. “She’s hot, man and ... uh,” he stopped talking when Blackie gave him a look.

  “Honey, it’s all good. Forget it,” Meg told him. He just shook his head disgustedly.

  Anyway, after he got over that whole thing, he got interested in the classes and had fun. It was a wonderful afternoon. About an hour before his Grand Prix class, Blackie turned to Meg and said he was going back to their room to change.

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “Sure, come on. Hey guys, we’re going back to the room so I can change. Meg will come back here but I’ll go right to the stall area.”

  “Okay, good luck, buddy,” Keary said clapping him on the back.

  Everyone wished him luck as they left and Jill kissed him.

  “Blow’em away honey,” she said.

  “Thanks, guys. Thanks, Jill.”

  They walked out of the arena and went back to their room. Blackie yanked off his shirt and opened the closet, pulling out his dressage gear. Meg came up behind him; put her arms around him, caressing the muscles in his belly. He turned around in her arms.

  “Mmm, that feels good,” he said kissing her. “Meg, why aren’t you mad at me about Samantha?”

  “Because it’s not your fault that she made a play for you. You didn’t even remember her.”

  “I know but my past is always getting in the way. I hate it,” he said. He started kissing her deeper, then pulled away.

  “If I start this I’ll miss my class, honey.”

  “I know but you feel so good,” she said running her fingertips up his back.

  “You better stop or I won’t care if I miss my class,” he said.

  “Okay, I’ll be good.” She let him go and sat on the bed watching him change. He put on skintight white breeches, a white shirt that had a cravat attached at the neck and a yellow vest. He pulled on long black leather boots that came up to his knees and attached blunt silver spurs to the heels. Finally putting on a black riding coat that had tails and brass buttons, he completed the outfit with a black top hat.

  “How do I look?” he asked, smiling.

  “You look fantastic and ready to win.”

  “Thanks, baby. Let’s go.”


  The Grand Prix dressage final was just starting. The class was filled with talented

  riders, many of them Olympians and beautifully trained horses. One was better than the other and Meg was starting to get nervous for Blackie.

  Finally, it was his turn. He and Torsk made a very impressive entrance. Both of them were spectacular looking to begin with and Torsk came trotting into the ring like he owned it. A hush came over the audience as they moved through their program. They looked like they were in a dance together of such beauty, precision and elegance, that it was breathtaking.

  When they were done and Blackie gave the final salute, there was total silence. Then the whole arena erupted in thunderous applause and cheers. Torsk and Blackie both were startled and the horse jumped sideways. They got a standing ovation as they trotted from the ring. Meg looked at Duncan and he had tears in his eyes.

  “I’ve never seen anything that beautiful. He’s a wizard with horses.”

  They waited for the final tally of everyone’s points. It took about twenty minutes and Meg was on pins and needles. Finally, the scores were announced and Blackie won with a near perfect score. They all jumped up and down and hugged each other.

  “Let’s go get him,” Keary yelled and they trooped from the stands to find Blackie. When they got close to the stalls, Meg saw him surrounded by a crowd and signing autographs. He looked stunned and embarrassed. He saw them and waved, breaking away from the crowd. He ran to her, picked her up and kissing her.

  “I did great, didn’t I, Meg?” he said, his eyes shining with happiness.

  “Yes you did great. I’m so proud of you. You’re incredible. You have to go back in the ring and get your trophy, don’t you?”

  “Oh, I guess I do. I better get Torsk.”

  They announced his name; he vaulted onto Torsk and trotted into the ring to get the prize. He was awarded a ribbon, trophy and a check for $20,000, all of which he handed to Duncan.

  “Here, you keep the money, you earned it,” Duncan said handing the check back to him.

  “I don’t want the money. All I wanted from this was the recognition from the dressage crowd. Really Duncan, I can’t take it.”

  “At least take the trophy, please, I want you to have it. You did such a fantastic job, you deserve something.” Duncan pushed the silver bowl toward him.

  “I don’t know. Isn’t it supposed to stay with the horse?” Blackie said.

  “I don’t know about that, but I can do what I want with it and I want you to have it.” Duncan said, handing it to Blackie.

  “Well, thank you, Duncan. It was a pleasure riding Torsk. He’s a great horse. Thank you for hiring me.”

  “Actually I might want you to ride him some more. Have you ever thought of trying out for the Olympic Team?”

  “No I haven’t. I’m more interesting in getting a business going so I can stay home and work. I’ve already done a huge amount of traveling in my life. I guess now I want to settle down and enjoy family life,” Blackie said, putting an arm around Meg.

  “I can certainly appreciate that. Especially with this beautiful girl at your side,” Duncan said, beaming at her. It was her turn to blush.

  “Yes, she is, isn’t she?” Blackie said, looking seriously at her. “Hopefully we’ll be married soon. I will consider riding for you again if you need me. Thank you for the opportunity, Duncan.”

  “Thank you and we still have the President’s Cup tomorrow night. I’m looking forward to that.”

  “It should be exciting. I hope I can do as well for you.”

  “You can only do your best, Blackie, and with you, that’s pretty damn good. See you tomorrow,” Duncan said shaking hands with Blackie and giving Meg a little bow.

  “Thank you, sir,” Blackie said.

  “He’s really a nice man, isn’t he,” Meg said, as Duncan walked away.

  “He is, yes. I like him a lot. I like riding for him. He doesn’t tell me what to do.”

  “And you are wonderful. You were awesome. You had an almost
perfect score.”

  “I did? I didn’t see what it was, I just heard that I won,” he said and hugged her again. He drew his head back and looked at her.

  “I love you, Meg. Thanks for believing in me.”

  He kissed her tenderly at first and the kiss turned into a deep, hungry one that she knew only too well.

  “Let’s go out and celebrate tonight. Hey, guys, you want to change clothes and go out to dinner and celebrate. My treat.”

  “Sounds great. Let’s meet in the lobby in forty-five minutes.” Keary said.

  They all agreed, Blackie and Meg returning to their room. As soon as he closed the door he came up behind her putting his arms around her and kissing her neck.

  “What a great day. I really had fun. Did you enjoy it,” he asked, working his way down her shoulder with his mouth. She always got a huge rush as soon as he touched her anyway, so this was no different.

  “Yes, I had a wonderful time,” she murmured as he unbuttoned her blouse and bra. She sucked in a breath as he cupped both hands around her breasts.

  “Do we have time for this?” She asked, hoping they did.

  “You bet! I can be very fast when I want to,” he whispered in her ear. He unzipped her jeans and she turned around to face him. Kissing him passionately as she removed his jacket and shirt. He hugged her and groaned.

  “I love your bare chest up against mine, you’re so soft and warm,” he said starting to pull her jeans down. She pushed him into a chair and lifted his foot to pull a boot off. She couldn’t ignore the huge erection he had. He was watching her intently as she pulled his other boot off and went for his zipper. So quickly it made her head spin, he had her on the floor with both their clothes off. The next instant he was in her and she gasped with pleasure.

  Another five minutes and they were done. He lay between her legs for another five minutes, kissing her face and neck.

  “I told you I was fast,” he said smiling. “Now we better shower and get dressed. We have thirty more minutes.

  “You’re not only fast, you’re good,” she said, kissing him.

  “I aim to please, ma’am.”

  She giggled and he helped her up. They showered together, dressed and were in the lobby with five minutes to spare.

  “Boy, you guys are slow,” Blackie said looking at his watch. “What’ve you been doing, taking a nap?” he teased Sean and Keary.

  “Hey, we both took showers. It takes time,” Keary complained.

  “I guess we’re just fast,” he said smiling at Meg. As they walked off, Katie whispered in her ear, “You guys didn’t?” she asked, smiling.

  “Oh, yes we did.”

  “Oh my god, that must be a land speed record,” Katie laughed.

  “What can I say? He’s talented.” Meg said with a smug smirk.

  “I’m jealous but I can forget it with eight and a half months of baby in here,” Katie said referring to her ever expanding belly.

  “What are you two whispering about,” Blackie said pulling her close.

  “Just talking about our outfits, honey,” she said looking innocent.

  “Yeah, I bet.”

  They went to a posh Chinese restaurant in D.C. and had a blast. Blackie ordered champagne and had drunk several glasses before she realized he was getting a little silly. He was having fun, joking and goofing around with Sean and Katie.

  She gave Keary a look and he noticed Blackie pouring himself yet another glass of champagne.

  “Hey, buddy, maybe you should slow down on the champagne. You have to ride again tomorrow,” Keary whispered to him. He gave Keary an irritated look and then looked at Meg. He put the bottle down and said, “You’re right. I got a little carried away.” Not any too soon she thought, since he was already starting to slur his words a little. He quickly switched to ginger ale. Keary ruffled his hair and patted his shoulder.

  “Thanks, Keary.”

  Everything went smoothly after that and then they turned in for the night. Meg undressed and went in the bathroom. When she came out Blackie was flopped on the bed in only his underwear, sound asleep. She threw a comforter over him and crawled under it too, snuggling up against him.

  At eight the next morning, she heard her cell phone start to vibrate on the night stand and grabbed it fast. It was Katie.

  “Are you guys going to breakfast?”

  “Not yet, he’s still asleep. I’m going to let him sleep as long as he wants. He’s got to ride tonight.”

  “Okay, we’ll sleep in too. Call us whenever you guys get up. I’m pretty tired myself.”

  “Talk later, bye,” she said, hanging up and cuddling up with Blackie again. He mumbled something and flopped an arm over her.

  He woke up about eleven o’clock and stretched languidly. He scooped her up in his arms and kissed her.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. How are you this morning?”

  “I’m great. How are you? Did you get enough sleep?”

  “I did, yes, but I have an awful headache. I forgot champagne does that to me. I’m glad Keary made me quit while I was ahead. I would have been no good today with a major hangover.”

  “What time do you have to warm up tonight?” He looked at his watch and thought a minute.

  “My class is at eight; so I’ll go and warm him up about seven or seven-thirty. We can eat dinner early, maybe around five. I don’t want to be full of food when I ride.”

  “Do you want breakfast now? Katie and Sean waited for us to eat. She was tired from all the walking around yesterday.

  “I guess so. She looks like she’s ready to pop. How far along is she?”

  “She’s eight and a half months.”

  “Wow, I hope she doesn’t drop it early. That would be too much excitement. I can’t wait to see their baby. It’s going to be too damn cute,” he said excited at the prospect of another baby in the house.

  “You really love little Maeve don’t you?” She said smiling at him.

  “Yes, she’s adorable,” he rolled over and kissed her. “I hope she’s fine with Gracie watching her but they get along happily.” He kissed her again and rolled out of bed, showered and dressed in his riding gear. He had clean breeches on, a different shirt with no collar that just buttoned at the neck and different, slightly shorter boots. He carried the jacket and helmet as they left for breakfast.

  They had fun with Sean and Katie and then Keary, Jill and Maeve joined them for their lunch as they’d gotten up early and done some sightseeing.

  Blackie and Meg went to check on Shangri-La and the others went to their seats in the stands. Everything was good with the horse, so they strolled back to the main arena. The rest of the afternoon was full of interesting classes. There were driving classes, ponies, juniors, all very colorful and exciting.

  Around six forty-five Blackie was getting antsy, so she leaned against his arm and whispered, “Why don’t you go start warming him up? Do you want me to come along?”

  “No, I need to focus on this. It’s been years since I did any real jumping. The last time was the accident, so I’m a little nervous. Do you mind?”

  “No, honey. You just concentrate on what you need to do. I’ll enjoy watching from up here. I love you.”

  “I love you too, babe. Wish me luck.”

  “There’s no luck to it, just skill and you have tons of that. Just do your best and that’ll be enough.”

  She was very nervous this time. She wanted him to win but he could get seriously hurt doing this. Jumping a horse had almost killed him once. She was scared and said so to Jill.

  “Are you scared about him doing this?”

  “Yes, my knees are shaking. I don’t know if I can watch. I always loved to watch him race, but not anymore,” she said and put her arm around Meg. “But you know he has an incredible gift to do this and we have to trust his judgment. I know if he thought he couldn’t do this safely, he wouldn’t.”

  “I know, I just wish it was over. How are Keary and Sean doing?

sp; “Keary just told me his stomach was churning and Sean looks a little green over there.”

  Meg looked over at Sean and he rolled his eyes and said, “I’m praying hard for him, Meg.”

  “Thanks, Sean.”

  They sat anxiously through the last couple classes, sucking their breath in when they announced the $100,000 Presidents Cup. Ten horses had qualified for the final jumping competition. They had to wait a bit for the jumps to be set up. Obstacles that looked humungous to Meg and were different from the ones Blackie had at home. She hoped he hadn’t misjudged what the jumps would be like.

  There was a water jump, a tall picket fence with flowers around it, gigantic double oxers, three huge jumps in a row, something that looked like a Budweiser beer can, one where you had to actually jump through a hole, and hedge jumps. There were sixteen in all, set at different angles to one another. That would have confused her, as to which way to go.

  Then the gate opened and the riders came out without their horses and walked through the course. Blackie was intent and focused on the course. He walked off the distance between jumps, especially the three big ones in a row. Then he stood quietly in the center of the ring, turning slowly around looking over the course one more time.

  Dinner felt like a lead weight in her stomach from nerves. Each rider came in and took their turn jumping the course. Some knocked poles down, or refused to jump and four of them had clean rounds. Then Blackie rode into the ring. Shangri-La seemed nervous; he was flicking his ears back and forth and tossing his head. Blackie made a large circle around several jumps at a slow canter.

  He picked up the pace slightly as he turned toward the first jump. Suddenly he and Shangri-La seemed to rocket toward the fence and they were over and landed in a split second. She thought she might pass out. Blackie was forward in the saddle, head up, looking at the next fence. They flew over that one and on and on until the last section which was those three, horrible ones in a row. He collected Shangra-Lai as they approached, then pushed him forward much faster than the other jumps. He was over the first, took two strides and over the second, then two strides and over the last one! A clean round! They jumped up and screamed and applauded. Blackie was now one of only five riders who had clean rounds. What happens next, Meg wondered.


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