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Warrior Spirit (The King of Ireland Book 1)

Page 36

by Jean Carroll

“When should I tell him? I’m so happy but I’m nervous about telling him.”

  “Honey, why? Believe me, he’ll be sooooo happy, he won’t be able to stand it. He wants this, you know that,” Jill said.

  “I know. I’m so happy, I can’t stand it.”

  “Hey, what if you wait until Christmas to tell him. What a wonderful surprise for him and everyone else. In Ireland, in front of Mom and Dad and everyone,” Jill said, excitedly.

  “What a fantastic idea, but can we keep it from him until then?”

  “I don’t know, but I bet it will be fun trying. Let’s try and keep it from the others too,” Jill said.

  “You’re on. You know it’s hard to keep secrets from him,”

  “More of a challenge. Let’s get rid of this evidence and wash our faces before they get back.”


  They arrived at Dublin airport Christmas Eve morning, in happy holiday spirits. Keary, Jill and little Maeve; Sean, Katie and baby Patrick; Ned, Casey, Jeremy and of course, Blackie and Meg. They were festive, excited and noisy, everyone talking at once.

  Meg still didn’t have an engagement ring on her finger.

  It’d be great if I got the damn ring for Christmas but I’m not holding my breath. I bet he comes up with it after I tell him my news.

  They piled into a stretch limo at the airport that took them to Blackie’s home. Everyone sang Christmas songs, Sean and Blackie doing some of the ones they were going to sing for Ken and Maeve. Blackie and Meg snuggled like bunnies in the limo, kissing aggressively.

  “Happy Christmas Eve, sweetheart! I’m so happy we’re here I can hardly stand it. I love you so much, Meg.”

  * * *

  The limo halted in front of Blackie’s house and they scrambled out still laughing. Maeve and Ken threw coats on and hustled out greeting them with happy smiles. Everyone hugged and kissed, the folks surprised and pleased to see Ned, Casey and Jeremy again. Blackie hugged his mom again for a long time, then she kissed Sean and Jill, flustered with emotion.

  “Good Lord, let’s get in out of the cold. We can have a drink and get toasty by the fire. Maeve, you can kiss your babies some more in the house.” Kennet said herding them inside. “Just leave your luggage in the hall and we’ll sort it out later.”

  Ken ushered everyone into the huge living room that was breathtaking with candles, decorations and a welcoming fire roaring in the huge stone fireplace. Meg stared open-mouthed at the beautiful tree that must have been twelve feet tall standing in one corner. It was so sparkling, bright and ethereal; it looked like a “fairy” tree. There were gingerbread men hung from their heads with velvet ribbon, spun glass spheres reflected every candle, crystal crosses and icicles hung by red satin ribbons, green and blue plaid ribbon encircled the tree; spun gold fibers adorned every bough, real lighted candles perched on limbs and at the top was the most beautiful crystal angel. She inhaled its pungent evergreen fragrance.

  “That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Meg whispered in Blackie’s ear.

  “Isn’t it? You’re beginning to get an idea why I love Christmas here. Mom goes nuts with it and everything is just magical. I have such fond memories of Christmas at home; I wanted you to be here with me.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart. I’m so happy to be part of your life.”

  “I wouldn’t have a life without you, Meg.”

  Just then, Maeve came up behind them, hugging the two of them. Blackie put his arm around her and kissed her cheek.

  “Mom, this is wonderful. I couldn’t wait for Meg to experience Christmas here.”

  “You don’t know how wonderful it is to have all of you home and the babies are too adorable. It’s good to see the boys. Are they staying for tomorrow?”

  “No, they’re here for dinner and later they’re going to their parents’ for tomorrow. They’ll be back later in the week.” Blackie told her.

  “Good! Right now I want to borrow this beautiful girl for just a few minutes and I’ll bring her right back, dear.”

  “Okay, I’ll go help Dad with drinks. What do you two want?”

  “I’ll have a hot wassail,” Maeve said.

  “I’ll have ginger ale, honey,” Meg said.

  “A wassail and ginger, coming up.”

  “Meg, dear,” Maeve said putting her arm around Meg’s waist. “I can’t thank you enough for making my son so happy.”

  “Oh, Maeve, believe me the pleasure’s all mine. He’s so wonderful.”

  “I’m pretty sure he feels the same way about you and please call me ‘Mom’.”

  “Okay, thank you, Mom” she said and Maeve hugged her.

  “So how are the wedding plans coming along? Are we still good for the April date?”

  “Well, we might want to move it up earlier,” Meg said tentatively. Maeve searched her face for a minute.

  “You’re pregnant!” Maeve gasped.

  “Shhhhh! He doesn’t know yet. I just found out last week and Jill and I thought it would be special to tell him tomorrow when we’re all together.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather tell him privately, dear?” Maeve asked.

  “I thought about it, but we’re so involved in each other’s lives and they love him so much. He’s gotten so much closer to you guys lately with the phone calls. I just thought it would be a wonderful thing for everyone to see his reaction when I tell him. Sean’s already making book that he’ll cry.”

  “He’s probably right. Blackie’s always been very emotional, which I’m sure you already know.”

  “Oh boy, do I!

  “Sure and I can’t wait until tomorrow, but tonight let’s get wasted!”

  “Mom! What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking we have a lot to celebrate and here’s the man of the hour with our drinks,” she said, turning as Blackie came up.

  “Ladies, your drinks,” he said, handing them theirs and keeping one for him, taking a sip.

  “Blackie, I thought you weren’t drinking anymore,” Maeve said, frowning.

  “I’m not, Mom, this is ginger-ale.”

  “Okay, my beautiful son, let’s party!”

  “You’ve got it.” he said and they took a big slug of their drinks.

  “This is so wonderful, Mom. I’m so happy to be here.” Meg said.

  “We’re just as happy to have you, dear. I’m going to go look for those grand babies. I’ll see you later.”

  “Okay, Mom.” Blackie said.

  “Blackie, thank you for suggesting this. This is just totally special for me. I haven’t had many Christmases with my family,” Meg said, sadly.

  “I know. That’s one reason I wanted to do this. You’re part of my family now and I wanted this for both of us. Hey, when did you start calling my mother, ‘Mom’?”

  “A few minutes ago when she asked me to.”


  “You don’t mind do you?”

  “Of course not. I love it. She’s going to be your mother-in-law after all.”

  “I thought it was pretty neat myself. You know I like your parents so much. I like them best because they made you,” she said, snuggling up against him.

  “Thank you. Have I told you in the last hour how much I love you?” he said running a hand down her back.

  “No and I’m feeling pretty neglected,” she said, pretending to pout.

  “Oh, shame on me. Well I love you more than I can express in words. How’s that?”

  “Nice. I want you to prove it later.”

  “Mmm, I think I can manage that,” he said, kissing her. When he released her, she noticed Maeve carrying Patrick and holding little Maeve by the hand.

  “Honey, look at your Mom with her grandbabies.”

  “Oh great. If we stay too long, she’ll have them spoiled rotten,” he said, with a grin.

  “I thought that’s what grandparents were for,” she said thinking of the news she had to tell him. She couldn’t wait to see his face. She had a hard time belie
ving it was finally going to happen for them.

  “I guess you’re right. I can’t wait to have one that she can spoil.”

  Ken bellowed dinner was served in the dining room. The crowd circled the huge table laid with Christmas china, greens, and centerpieces of fruit with plaid bows, candles flickered, their glow reflected in crystal goblets and gleaming silver cutlery.

  Dinner was fabulous! Seafood bisque was served first, its delicate flavor tantalizing Meg’s taste buds and warming her. Then next course of roast beef with grilled vegetables and tiny potatoes made her mouth water just smelling it and it was as delicious as it smelled. The next course was fresh fish that tasted like it just jumped out of the sea along with sautéed squash and mushrooms. A salad of fresh greens, apples, currants and cheese with a wonderful maple dressing. Topping it all off for Meg was the news that dessert was coming. She groaned with pleasure.

  “Are you okay?” Blackie whispered.

  “Do they always eat like this? The food is incredible!”

  “They do, yes, but not this fancy. All this was raised right here on the farm, the beef, vegetables right out of the garden and the fish was caught this morning from the Irish Sea. I love it. This is the food I grew up on, everything fresh. Mom made the bread this morning. Bread’s her thing. The butter was churned here too.”

  “It’s wonderful. No wonder you’re so healthy, eating food like this. The wine is good; does your dad make that too?”

  “No, he buys it at the liquor store in Dublin,” Blackie said, laughing at her.

  The dessert arrived and it was a beautiful Irish Christmas Cake with marzipan icing; made with dried fruit and whiskey in it. It was so good, she wanted more but felt in danger of popping.

  “This is the best cake I’ve ever tasted. I need the recipe so I can make it for you sometime.”

  “When we’re old and the grandchildren come to visit?”

  “Hopefully before then but that does sound wonderful,” she said looking at him wistfully.

  “I’m looking forward to growing old with you,” he said.

  “Hey, are you and Sean going to sing tonight or tomorrow?”

  “I hadn’t thought about when. Tonight’s as good a time as any. I’ll ask Sean what he wants to do.”

  “Your parents don’t have a clue, do they?”

  “They don’t, no, and that’s why it’s going to be fun. They haven’t heard us sing since we were, maybe eight or nine. Right before I got thrown out of the choir,” he chuckled.

  After everyone finished eating and relaxed talking and reminiscing about Christmas’ past, Blackie went to Sean and said something in his ear. Sean looked at Blackie and shrugged, nodding, and smiled over at her. He whispered to Katie and she looked at Meg and did a little silent, excited applause.

  Eventually everyone meandered back into the living room, giving after dinner drink orders to Ken. Blackie and Meg snuggled together in a huge chair close to the fire. She was so content after that wonderful meal, gathered with his family and leaning back against him. He nuzzled her ear and whispered.

  “I love you. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re here with me.”

  “I know how happy you are because I feel the same way. This is wonderful,” she told him, snuggling closer and putting her head on his chest. They were just getting comfortable when Sean jumped up and stood in front of the tree, motioning for Blackie to join him.

  “Okay, here we go. Wish me luck that I don’t totally screw this up. Sean will have my head.”

  “Are you kidding me? You’re going to be great. Just relax.”

  He stood next to Sean, instantly shoving his hands in his pockets, so she knew he was nervous.

  “Okay everyone. Mom and Dad, Blackie and I have a little surprise for you. We’ve been working on this for only a few months, so cut us some slack. This is something you haven’t heard for quite awhile and we hope you enjoy it.”

  Sean took a deep breath and looked at Blackie who just nodded and they stood closer together and started singing “Danny Boy”. They sounded fantastic! Perfect harmony and pitch. Meg looked at Maeve and Ken whose mouths had dropped open. They were transfixed. Blackie hit the high notes, his voice clear as a bell. Halfway through the song, Maeve started to cry and Ken looked like he wasn’t far behind her.

  The guys went on to sing Christmas songs, their voices filling the huge room and bouncing off the high ceiling, so it sounded like they were in an amphitheater. Everyone was entranced. Even though the rest of us had heard them sing, this was a special performance. Blackie’s voice was incredible. He hit some high notes that Meg didn’t know existed. Sean sounded incredible as their voices blended perfectly. They sang some traditional Irish songs in Gaelic that Meg hadn’t heard them do before.

  She couldn’t get over the two of them doing this together, making their love for one another very obvious. They usually joked around or fought, so she hadn’t realized how close they were. They sang a beautiful song called, Green the Whole year Round that she had heard Blackie whistling but hadn’t heard the words. It was so lovely; the words just warmed her heart. Sean spoke at last.

  “This last song has a lot of meaning for both of us, but I think Blackie needs to sing it by himself,” Sean said looking at Blackie.

  “What! Why? We practiced everything together,” he said pulling on Sean who was trying to go and sit down.

  “Just shut up and do it!” Sean said patting him on the shoulder. Everyone applauded and cheered as Sean started to leave, so he got back beside Blackie and they both did this funny little bow that was obviously from their Boys Choir days. Everyone hooted and cheered even more.

  Sean finally broke away and sat down, leaving Blackie standing nervously by himself, deep in thought. He took a deep breath and walked over, kneeling in front of Maeve and took her hand. She immediately started crying and it was obviously making it harder for Blackie to continue. He started singing a beautiful Irish song about what it meant to be far away from Ireland call The Isle of Innisfree. He sang it first in Gaelic and then in English and the tears rolled down his face the whole time.

  At the end, he kissed her hand and she grabbed him, hugging him tight and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Then everyone exploded in applause and cheering, Blackie grabbing Sean and pulling him up to the tree again. They sang O Holy Night so beautifully, they sounded like angels. When they were done, Maeve and Ken got up and hugged both of them and made everyone quiet down so they could say something.

  “This is the most wonderful gift I could imagine, to hear both my boys singing together again. I can’t tell you how much this means to Dad and I. You two sound wonderful. It does my heart good to know that you love being here in this country of your birth. You’ve both been physically gone too long and I know Blackie has been gone from this place spiritually for some time.” Maeve said. Blackie looked at the floor, his jaw muscles working.

  “But I feel his spirit has been renewed and has brought his heart back home to Ireland where it belongs,” Maeve said, hugging him.

  Blackie came over to Meg, flopping down and pulling her on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her neck. She could tell he was still emotional. She held him close for awhile and said, “Are you okay, sweetie?”

  “Yeah, it’s just a little rough being back home. It brings up a lot of old feelings. The fact that I’ve been alienated from them because of my old lifestyle doesn’t help. I’ve been trying; talking to them on the phone and making decisions for my life that are more in line with their

  morals. It still can’t erase the way I’ve hurt them in the past.”

  “Honey, they love you and they’re happy that you’re getting your life turned around and settling down. They’ve been so worried about you and want you to be happy. Relax about it. We’re here to have fun and tell them your ideas for the future.”

  “You’re so good for me. In the past, I’ve always ended up drinking when I was home and things got crazy.
It never turned out well. Now that I’m with you, I feel so much better about everything and I can handle it.”

  “Maybe that’s due to the work you’ve done with Dr.Wahlman, not just being with me.”

  “Well that’s a big part of it but no matter how I think I can handle things when I’m talking to him, it feels different when I’m actually in the situation.”

  Just then a small combo that had come into the back of the living room started playing some soft jazz.

  “Ok, we’re here to have fun, so let’s dance,” he said, taking her hand, pulling her onto the floor in front of the tree. He took her in his arms and they danced for a long time. It was very relaxing being in his arms, close to his body, swaying slowly to the soft music.

  He drew her tighter against him, kissing her warmly.

  “You taste delicious, honey, I’m getting turned on dancing with you. I like the way your body feels moving with mine.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing. Do you want to turn in soon?” She said dreamily.

  “Mmm, that sounds wonderful,” he said, stopped dancing, and they made their way over to his parents to say goodnight. They went to their room and as soon as they got in the door, he put his arms around her and kissed her deeply. His kisses always took her breath away and made her light-headed. He gently carried her to the bed.

  “It’s after midnight, sweetie. Happy Christmas,” he said and made slow, sweet love to her.

  * * *

  The next morning Meg awoke to church bells ringing in the distance and Blackie bouncing out of the shower with just a towel on. He straddled her on the bed, drowning her with kisses.

  “Hey, wake up sleepy head, it’s Christmas morning! I bet Saint Nick has been here. Come on, I’m hungry and I can’t wait until you see what I got you. Come on, honey, get up.” He said, excitedly and rolled off the bed to finish getting dressed. He pulled on jeans and a sweater. She quickly jumped in the shower, washed her hair and dressed in jeans and a cozy fleece top, finishing off with fluffy slippers to try and get her feet warm.

  They went down to breakfast which was another huge buffet of goodies. Eggs, bacon, ham, scones, trout, sausage, more Christmas cake and cookies. Blackie was filling his plate to overflowing, as usual.


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