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Colin: A Serial Killer Romance

Page 26

by Stella Noir

  Please God, let good Jake come out of this on top over psycho doctor Jake.

  He moved his soft lips and stubbly chin down my neck and into the curve between my neck and shoulder and my entire body went up in flames. He slowly moved his lips across the top of my shoulder, then into the hollow of my neck, licking and brushing his lips across my skin and sending shivers through my entire body. I gasped and moaned as he buried his face deep into the curves of my neck and shoulders.

  “Oh God, Jake,” I whispered softly into his ear. “Don’t stop.”

  When he got to my collarbone he sat back on his knees and pulled the blankets down, exposing my breasts that were still only covered by the thin silky fabric of a sheer negligee. Jake gazed at my full breasts and the nipples poking up through the fabric, then slowly up my neck and finally to my eyes. I could tell by the way he looked at me that he was apologizing a thousand times over for everything that had happened up until this point and that he desperately wanted to make it all go away.

  “I know there’s nothing I can do to make up for what’s happened…”

  I reached my hand up and touched his jaw, running my thumb across his beautiful face.

  “Shhhh. We’ll talk about all that after I get out of here, Jake.”

  I pulled his face down to mine and kissed him as his hands moved up over my breasts and pulled the flimsy fabric down so that they fell free.

  “God you’re so beautiful, Abby,” he said as he moved his face down to one of my nipples, licking and sucking it until it was double in size.

  “You know I love you, don’t you?”

  I froze as the word love rang through my head. It was something I longed for but was terrified of at the same time. I had been made a fool of too many times throughout my life and now this man who was pulling the biggest, most bizarre trick of all on me was telling me that he loved me. I hated myself for wanting to believe him.

  Is it even possible for him to love me? And is it possible for me to believe anything he says?

  Tears rolled down my cheeks again and I decided I didn’t want to think about love or real life or any of that right now. If there was even the remotest possibility that Jake could do a one-eighty and not be a lunatic anymore after I got out of there, that would be amazing. But for now, I just wanted to feel the amazing feelings my body was experiencing and pretend like what happened over the last two days in his doctor’s office was all a bad dream.

  I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it down, marveling at his gorgeous chest and arms. God, I loved Jake’s arms. I loved looking at the shape of the muscles as they bulged just below the shoulder, then tapered down towards the elbow. But I really loved the way they felt, especially when he was on top of me and the muscles were all fully engaged. I swear to god they were like tree trunks and I liked to think that he carried cars around over his head in his spare time.

  I ran my fingers over the smooth, sinewy curves of his biceps and across to the whisper of hair on his chest, then down his impossibly smooth stomach. He shifted his weight off of me as he continued to kiss my neck and breasts and pushed the covers to the side so that my entire body was exposed to him. His hand move down the curve of my stomach, gliding over the soft fabric of my nightie that stopped short above my thighs, then spread my legs ever so slightly and rubbed the damp fabric in between. He groaned slightly as he hooked his fingers over the top of my panties on either side of my hips and slowly pulled them down.

  He was back on top of me now, alternating his gaze between the dark patch of hair he had just uncovered, my breasts that I was slowly caressing, and my eyes that looked back into his with overwhelming desire. I did want him. I wanted him so badly, but I wasn’t sure why. Why was I allowing that man who was holding me captive to seduce me all over again? Was I just kidding myself that I could withstand this gorgeous form of torture that I was inflicting on myself? I realized then that I was the one that was tricking myself. I knew I was a fool if I thought that things would ever go back to the way they were, or that Jake could go back to being the man he was before he brought me to this horrible place. But I didn’t care. I wanted love, but was too scared experience the real thing, so this is where I wound up. In the arms of a lunatic who withheld affection from me one minute, then showered me with it the next.

  My panties were off and Jake slowly ran his hands up the insides of my legs, pushing them apart as he passed my calves, then knees, then thighs, and finally resting his thumbs in my pubic hair. Then he gave my legs one final push and I was spread wide. I gasped as I looked into eyes that were no longer filled with sadness, but burned with desire for me.

  “I want to watch you, Abby.”

  That’s the way he would always tell me he wanted to watch me make myself come. He had always made it sound like watching me was the most exciting thing in the world to him and he was desperate for it. And I loved hearing him say it that way, instead of the way he had ordered me the day before.

  I moved my right hand from my breast and down through the soft fluff of my pubic hair, then slid two fingers directly into my dripping wet vagina. They went in and out smoothly and I could tell that Jake was holding his breath as he gripped my thighs. I brought my fingers all the way back out, then moved up to circle my clit, around and around as my hips gyrated, intensifying the feeling arising from deep within me. I heard his breath quicken as my fingers swirled faster and faster, and I clutched my left breast harder, twisting the nipple and grinding my ass into the bed.

  Jake pushed my legs even further apart and put all his weight on my thighs as he whispered my name and told me how much he wanted to watch me come. I arched my back and pushed my thighs up against his weight and the feeling of being immobilized sent my body into spasms. I pushed my head back into the pillow and moaned as my mind went blank and every ounce of tension in my body was released. As I came, I shoved two fingers inside me and Jake let go of my legs, allowing me to clamp them around my hand and twist to the side. He continued to watch as I lay there, shaking involuntarily and gasping for breath.

  I felt his hands and his hot breath on my hip for a few moments, and a single kiss, then I heard the sound of the door open and a final click. I was locked in again.



  I woke up the next morning more confused than I had been since I arrived. I had no idea what on earth happened with Jake last night and as I looked around the room I realized that I was definitely not in the hospital room with the dingy white tiles and the dusty venetian blinds anymore.

  I was pretty sure I was still in the same house, but as I looked around the room I gasped in astonishment. It was the most beautiful bedroom I had ever seen in my life. The bed I was lying in was not the single, squeaky hospital bed I had woken up in yesterday morning, but a huge king-sized sea of bedding and pillows that I kept melting into as I tried to sit up.

  It dawned on me just then that this was where I was last night when Jake had come to me in that state of sweaty terror. My mind immediately wandered to his strong hands holding my thighs down as he watched me make myself come and I felt a rush of energy flood my body. I closed my eyes and let that fabulous feeling flow through me as I remembered the way Jake’s eyes slowly scanned my whole body as he hovered over me.

  Oh God, you have to stop letting him get to you like this! He’s a maniac, Abby. And he’s holding you captive. Try and remember that, please!

  I sat up in bed, taking in the details of the room as I ran my hands across the downy, velvet covered pillows and blankets that surrounded me. The enormous bed I sat on was surrounded by a short, black, fur covered, padded wall that stuck up a little bit over the edge of the mattress and served to hold in all of the many pillows and blankets that were piled high on the bed. It was like a giant pillow fort that I could just bury myself in and snuggle up into. I had never felt so comfortable and cozy in my life, and not to mention in a place where I was being held against my will.

  The room was dimly lit in the corners by a few s
oftly glowing antique lamps that created a beautiful yet slightly ominous atmosphere. The whole room seemed like something out of a dark fairytale…or one of my romance novels, really. I had always loved enormous, gothic mansions with dark hallways and ornate furniture as settings for my heroines to explore, and this room was beyond anything I had ever imagined. The ceiling alone seemed like it was 20 feet above me and the four posts of the antique bed frame reached up almost as high, with soft flowing chiffon curtains cascading down at each corner.

  Is he trying to put me into one of my romance novels? I thought, still unsettled by the fact that he knew something about me that I had explicitly never told him. The room was gorgeous, but it was a little too over the top for my tastes, and it was nothing like his house in the city. It seemed completely implausible, but my only guess was that he had created this lavishly decorated prison for me.

  But why? Did he think this would make me want to stay here?

  I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and hopped down off the towering mattress. I moaned as my feet sank into the softest, deepest burgundy pile carpet on the planet. The soft cushion under my feet was a welcome change to the cold, dingy tile floor in the previous room, and I had to keep reminding myself that this was a prison and that I was being held captive. I slowly walked around the room, touching the silky upholstery that covered the overstuffed chairs and running my fingers over the very well polished mahogany dressers and end tables, that clearly had not been left neglected.

  There was a door across the room from the bed, and I assumed it led out into a hallway. And even though my first instinct was to avoid all contact with anyone until absolutely necessary, I turned the knob only to find that the door was locked.

  Of course, it’s locked. He’s not going to let you get out of here that easy.

  Another door to the right of the bed was ajar and when I walked in and turned on the light I was caught off guard by bright, shimmering light bouncing off crystal and gold fixtures. I found a switch to dim the lights and turned everything down to a soft glow. I had never been in a bathroom like this before in my life. Everywhere I looked there were gold fixtures or gold flecks in the marble covered floor and counter, as well as light fixtures dripping in crystal and gold. I was glad to see an enormous bathtub in the corner of the room and planned on taking advantage of that soon, but as I turned to face the doorway I noticed something I hadn’t when I got out of bed.

  Instead of looking at a wall across the bedroom I was looking at a reflection of myself surrounded by a glow of golden sparkles and a door frame. I stepped back through the doorway and into the bedroom and took in the mirrored wall that had caused the room to originally appear double its size. As I watched my body slowly walk up to itself I was amazed at how small I looked surrounded by the large pieces of ornate furniture in the enormous room I stood in. I felt like a little girl in my baby doll nightgown playing house in my parents room. As I reached out and touched the cold, smooth glass I tried to imagine what this mirror’s intended purpose was. My first guess was to disguise a surveillance camera, but I knew that he had to have those hidden all over the house and couldn’t have needed a whole wall to conceal one. Then I thought perhaps he just really enjoyed watching himself fuck his captive sex slave and figured a mirrored ceiling was too gauche.

  I continued to look around the room and noticed a piece of furniture under one of the side tables that was so small and seemingly insignificant that it was almost hidden. It was a short wooden stool with a dowel sticking up out of the very center that looked very uncomfortable to sit on, to say the least. I didn’t even want to think about what he was planning on doing with that and tried to wipe it out of my mind as I walked back to the bed. I was starting to realize that everything around me was there for a reason and that I would find out what purposed it served soon enough.

  Adjacent to the mirror wall, a set of thick, red velvet drapes ran the entire length of the wall behind the bed. I walked over to them and rifled around in the soft fabric until I finally found a cord with a large tassel on the end. What I saw as they parted took my breath away. Jake had not been lying when he said this house was 20 miles in each direction from any town or neighbor. For as far as I could see in the direction I was facing, there were hills that sloped downward away from the house that were filled with groves of evergreen trees and bare stick-like deciduous trees, and all of it was covered in a white blanket of snow. And if I’d been in the basement before, I was pretty sure that this room was at least four or five stories off the ground.

  Well, I guess I got the solitude I was looking for.

  I stared at the scene in front of me for a long time wishing that things were different. That I wasn’t being held against my will in this beautiful place, or that Jake hadn’t taken such a big plunge off the deep end. Or maybe I really wanted to be here, maybe I just couldn’t accept that I wanted to be with someone, so I had to be kidnapped in order to take any responsibility away from myself. Maybe this really was exactly what I wanted after all. I could create all of the majestic and grandiose romantic scenes in the world and put them into a book for other people to read, but when it came down to it I had to have someone hold me captive and force me to have sex with them in order to actually allow anything even remotely like it into my life.

  I’m just as fucked up as he is, I thought as I continued to stare at the far away snowy wonderland outside.

  Just then, the door swung open and Jake walked in. I threw my arms up over my scantily covered breasts and Jake smiled his cold doctor smile as he shut the door behind him. His eyes slowly burned their way down my body then back up past the breasts my hands were doing a poor job of concealing before returning to look me in the face with his searing black eyes.

  “Please, Abby. There’s no need for false modesty.”

  He walked over to me and stood so that his head was towering over mine, his dark eyes laughing down at me.

  “Get down on your knees.”

  “Wha…what?” I knew it sounded ridiculous but, up until that moment, even though I had seen that smile on his face when he walked in the door, I had actually imagined that my Jake would come walking into the room. I don’t know why, maybe it was the romantic atmosphere or the distraction of the snow-covered ground outside, or just my sad, wishful thinking that everything could just go back to the way it was. But regardless, I was still slightly crushed to hear those forceful words come out of his mouth, then felt like kicking myself for being so silly.

  “I said get on your knees, Abby. Are you going to do as I say or do I have to use force? I have no problem with either method.”

  I lowered myself to my knees, not once losing eye contact with him, and waited there for him to tell me what to do, but also watching his eyes for any glimmer of the other Jake.

  “Put my cock in your mouth,” he said in an even tone as he unzipped his pants and allowed it to pop out between us. I waited a few seconds before I gently wrapped my lips around the head that was jutting out in the air less than an inch from my my mouth and when I did his eyes grew wide and his slightly open mouth curled up on both sides. My tongue swirled around the ridge of his head and I moved my head back and forth, inching the shaft further and further into my mouth as my saliva created a slick surface that allowed him to slide in and out faster and deeper. He put his hands on either side of my head, forcing himself into my mouth even further, until I started to gag, then pulling out just enough for me to recover. He continued like this for a long time, fucking my head and thrusting it back and forth around his cock like a human sex doll.

  With each thrust, his cock seemed to become thicker inside my mouth and I struggled to breathe. I moaned and whimpered as I tried to clamp my thighs together in order to alleviate the tension that was building in between my legs. I was mortified by my reaction and didn’t want him to know that being used like this was turning me on. The rhythm of him slamming himself into my face was starting to become hypnotic and I felt my body start to buckle und
erneath me. I managed to stay upright, but with my eyes closed the room felt like it was slowly turning. I was suddenly yanked out of my trance when Jake pulled himself all the way out of me and held my head still in his hands, his cock head brushing across my wet cheek and slapping into me with every jagged breath he took. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back so that I was facing the ceiling, then looked at me like he had just seen me for the first time today.

  “You’re a filthy little slut. You haven’t even taken a bath today, have you?”

  “Well, I just woke up…”

  I felt the sharp sting of a hand across my face and when I opened my eyes I was almost completely turned around toward the bed.

  “Look at me.”

  My entire body shook as I turned around to face him, but I couldn’t bring myself to look into his eyes.

  “From now on you will take a bath by eight o’clock in the morning and breakfast will be brought up after I’m done with you. Do you understand?” he asked as he gripped my chin and pulled it up toward him.


  “And today, since you haven’t bathed yet, and I have no interest in sticking my dick in a filthy hole, you’re going to have to be punished.”

  “But, Jake I…”

  The next thing I knew I was on my hands and knees and tears were streaming down my cheeks. He had slapped me across the face again and I’d fallen over from the impact. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head back as he spoke into my ear through gritted teeth.

  “I want you to stand up, take off that disgusting nightgown, bend over and spread yourself apart for me.”


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