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Channeler's Choice

Page 4

by McCorkle, Heather

  “Okay, whatever. You don’t have to get all hostile on me, all you had to do was ask,” the girl against the lockers said.

  She pushed away from the lockers and strutted off, pausing to give Eren an intimidating look. The others followed, one of them running into Eren’s shoulder, hard. Instinctively, Eren spun around, fists clenched and glowing with bright blue energy as she dropped into a fighting stance. The girl gasped and jumped back, her wide eyes fixed on Eren’s hands. Pulling her energy back in, Eren sighed and turned back around. This was not the way she wanted this to go.

  “Ignore them. They’re just high-strung bitches,” the blond girl said.

  She whipped through the numbers of a combination lock in less time than it took Eren to exhale. Opening the locker, she stepped aside and motioned to it.

  “You can have this one. 24, 17, 12,” the girl said.


  When Eren stepped forward to put her soap and shampoo in the locker she got her first good look at the girl. She had long, curly blond hair and blue eyes, one of the Irish channelers, and she looked familiar. Eren stared as she tried to remember where she knew her from. Then it hit her.

  “You’re the girl who tried to warn me about Luke and Elisabeth,” Eren said.

  “Yeah, sorry that didn’t go so well,” the girl said.

  Eren slipped into her clean clothes and began to comb her hair. “I guess not. Thanks for trying though. What’s your name?”


  “Well Caitlin, why don’t you come have lunch with me?” Eren asked.

  She knew she was going out on a limb here, but there was something about this girl that she liked. Besides, she’d been nice to her twice already, so the feeling must be mutual. Caitlin finished applying her lip gloss and gave her a thoughtful look.

  “I guess, since it’s obvious you’re no longer bringing about the apocalypse, it should be safe,” Caitlin said with a smile that didn’t match her dark words.

  “Huh?” Eren asked, as the brush she held paused halfway through her hair.

  “People were overly freaked about you growing up with normals. I thought it sounded kind of dangerous and cool,” Caitlin said as she shrugged.

  Snickering, Eren tossed the brush in her locker and locked it. “My cousin is going to love you.”

  They picked up their backpacks and made their way through a group of eavesdropping girls at the door. The girls stared and sneered, but they were quick to move out of the way. Eren couldn’t care less about what they thought. She was done trying to impress people like them, especially when there were people like Caitlin around. From her last school she had learned that being part of the in-crowd wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. While she wasn’t exactly ready to trust Caitlin, there was definitely something about her she liked.

  Lunch time proved her right. Fane was completely enamored of Caitlin. Her slight Irish accent wasn’t enough to deter him from thinking she was quintessentially American. She had a dark sense of humor and a brutal honesty that was refreshing. It came as no surprise to Eren that she was charmed by Fane as well.

  “So you’re from Romania. What’s your last name?” Caitlin asked.

  Eren cringed and Aiden’s hand tightened on hers. They both held their breath waiting for Fane to answer. His lineage wasn’t really common knowledge yet, and they’d all known this moment would come. Having just met Caitlin though, Eren was hoping this wouldn’t blow any chance at a future friendship with her.

  “Moldovan,” Fane said without hesitation.

  Caitlin’s eyes lit up and she leaned across the table closer to Fane.

  “Really? Wow. How were you related to Virgil and Camilia?” she asked.

  Eren could hardly believe it. She thought Caitlin would have been horrified and would have run screaming from the table. But then, she didn’t really know Caitlin yet.

  “Virgil was my father’s brother,” Fane said.

  When Caitlin reached out and grabbed his hand he looked like he was going to swallow his tongue. Eren hid a smile behind her dark hair.

  “Tell me all about it.” Caitlin exclaimed.

  Aiden laughed at the surprised look on Fane’s face. Fane glared half-heartedly at him before plunging into conversation with Caitlin. He told her all about his father’s family, even going into what Virgil and Camilia had done to first get exiled from Romania.

  “Will you walk me to the admin office? There’s a class I have to take care of and I’d love to finish this conversation,” Caitlin said as she pushed her tray back.

  A huge smile spread across his face and his eyes widened. “Of course, I’d love to escort you,” he said.

  As Caitlin stood from the table, she paused to stare pointedly at Eren before nodding her head in Aiden’s direction. Mind still on the conversation about the Moldovan’s, Eren had no idea what she was trying to hint at. Grumbling, Caitlin mumbled something that sounded like ‘bloody hell.’

  “Aren’t you going to tell him about the class?” she asked.

  Oh, that’s what she meant. Eren nodded and smiled. A thought occurred to her as Caitlin and Fane walked away and she called after her.

  “You should walk home with us.”

  Caitlin smiled; her over-lined eyes and dark red lips making her look almost sinister. “I should,” she agreed before Fane whisked her away.

  Aiden pushed his tray aside and gave Eren a curious look. Avoiding his gaze, she took an excessive amount of time to chew the last bite of her apple. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to tell Aiden, it was just that she wasn’t sure how she felt about it, so she wasn’t sure what to say. He cleared his throat to make her look up at him. He sat with his elbows on the table, chin propped upon his fists, staring. Without even trying he managed to look so cute that it sped her heart up and swept her doubts away.

  “Starting tomorrow I’ll be in the advanced fighting class,” she blurted out.

  “That’s great, E. Your instructor must be really impressed with how you’re doing. You can come to the matches then,” he said as he stood from the table.

  He stacked her tray on top of his and walked around to her side of the table, leaving the trays in the drop off cart along the way. Unconcerned about the voyeuristic stares being cast their way; he leaned down and kissed her cheek. He picked up her backpack and put an arm around her as they turned to leave.

  “I knew it was only a matter of time before the rest of the world saw how fantastic you are,” he whispered to her.

  To hear him say such sweet things made the whole situation seem a lot less frightening. He had so much faith in her that it was staggering at times. But she understood it because she felt exactly the same way about him.

  “A Rector couple must bond to solidify their Society.

  Beware of those who would hinder the bonding.”

  ~from Life In A Society.

  Chapter 4

  For an entire mile on the walk home, Fane and Caitlin talked about the fighting tournaments.

  “Eren is quite the fighter. You should see her in action. She’s a natural,” Fane said.

  Eren laughed. “He’s exaggerating.”

  “Not at all. I saw her fight at the Halloween party and she was spectacular,” he insisted.

  The memory of that night made Eren shudder.

  “You don’t have to compete in the tournaments if you don’t want to,” Aiden was quick to say.

  She loved that he knew when to change the conversation. Hand gripping his tighter, she shot him a smile.

  “I’m flattered Fane, really. But I have a lot to learn and I want to take things slow,” she said.

  Just as they reached the first of the businesses that indicated they were getting close to the center of town, a girl stepped off a side street and ran over to join them. Caitlin wrinkled her nose and glared. The girl was wearing clothes far too skimpy for the frigid weather, even for a channeler. Her skin-tight half-shirt plunged down to the bra line and her little plaid skirt w
as nearly a foot above her knees. She had platinum blond hair that was fashioned into an overly long bob.

  Eren bristled as the girl’s hazel eyes crawled all over her boyfriend. It was all she could do to keep her energy from lashing out at her. Just the thought of such an unusual response was enough to quell it.

  “Aiden, I’m glad I caught you. My mom wanted us to stop by the store and pick up some things for dinner,” the girl said.

  Though it was irrational, Eren couldn’t help hate the girl’s high soprano, saccharine sweet voice. The way she appeared to be trying to undress Aiden with her eyes didn’t help either.

  “Guys, this is Bridget. The Murphy’s daughter,” Aiden said. By his rigid stance and tight lips, Eren was guessing he didn’t like the girl much.

  She knew the Murphy’s had a child but she’d thought it was a child. This girl looked like she was only a year younger than them.

  Bridget’s eyes widened comically as they turned to Fane. “Oh my God! You’re Fane Moldovan. You actually kind of look like Luke,” she exclaimed.

  Seething, Eren took a step toward the girl. Aiden’s hand tightened around hers, reminding her to keep her cool. Bridget’s flinched back, recovering with a confused look.

  “How dare you say that?” Eren snapped.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it as an insult,” Bridget said in a whiney voice.

  Pulling Eren back to his side, Aiden put his arm around her and pressed close. It had an instant calming effect. The desire to blow the girl to bits faded.

  “Well it is. Wait across the street for me,” Aiden told Bridget as he turned his back on her.

  “Okay. I’m sorry,” she said, sounding like a kicked dog.

  It didn’t generate any sympathy within Eren. In fact, it only supported her initial first impression that Bridget was weak and needy. Her irritation swept away as Aiden bent down for a kiss. His passion ignited hers and they lost themselves in the taste and feel of one another. It didn’t even occur to her to be embarrassed until Caitlin whistled.

  “They’re always like this, I constantly have to chaperone them,” Fane said with a laugh, causing Aiden to draw back.

  While Eren knew Aiden had partially done it because of Bridget’s roving eyes, she didn’t care. She would have initiated it herself if she’d been bold enough. The blush heating her cheeks couldn’t even stop her from smiling. Eren caught a furious glare from Bridget before the girl looked down.

  “I’ll catch up with you guys in a few hours,” Aiden said.

  He pulled away from Eren slowly. When his fingers finally released hers, his entire attitude changed. His brow furrowed and the left side of his upper lip rose into a snarl. Not only could she see it, Eren could feel the change in his energy. It was popping and snapping like a broken electrical wire.

  As he grabbed Bridget’s arm and pulled her across the street, Eren had to fight not to laugh, especially when she heard him chastising her for insulting his friends.

  “She seemed . . . honest,” Fane commented.

  Caitlin looped her arm through Fane’s as they started down the sidewalk again. “I think the word you’re looking for is reptilian,” she said.

  Eren laughed and high-fived Caitlin. They chatted as they walked but Eren couldn’t help stealing a glance in Aiden’s direction. While she trusted Aiden, she definitely didn’t trust Bridget. The idea of him living under the same roof with her was disturbing to say the least.

  “Channelers marry for life. A channeler’s life is

  a long one, therefore the choice is vital.”

  ~from Life In A Society

  Chapter 5

  Aiden did his best to smile and be polite through dinner, but it wasn’t easy. Except for Bridget, the Murphy’s never really talked to him much, and he wished she wouldn’t. They treated him as though he was a border in a bed and breakfast and he didn’t mind. He had no intentions of making friends with them or getting close to them. He didn’t want another family. Eren and her family were more than enough.

  In the past, Bridget had been flirtatious and forward and Aiden had made it clear he wasn’t interested. The fact that she wasn’t giving up was tremendously annoying. Today she crossed a line.

  Without bothering to offer a reason, Aiden excused himself from the table after a quick compliment on the delicious meal. Mr. Murphy was too quick to dismiss him. Aiden knew he made them uncomfortable, but thought the man could at least try to hide it. Like almost everyone else in town, the Murphy’s were freaked out by the fact that he’d been raised by serial killers. He and Mr. Murphy had almost come to blows the first and only time the man mentioned it.

  After putting his dishes in the dishwasher, he hurried to his room in the attic.

  This attic was nothing like the plush quarters Eren lived in, but he didn’t mind. For one, it wasn’t finished. Both the walls and ceiling were open beams and lumber. There was room for a bed and dresser and not much more, but it was easily twice the size of his old ‘room.’ When he lived with the Moldovans, his room had been a space under the stairs; this was huge in comparison. The best part was the big window that overlooked the expansive yard.

  Floorboards creaked beneath light footsteps on the carpet in the hall below. His pen froze over the page as he waited for the footsteps to move on, but they didn’t. Instead, he heard the groan of someone stepping onto the first rung of the ladder. As they continued up the steps he tried to concentrate harder on the page before him, hoping if he pretended to be busy she would just leave.

  He did not want to talk to Bridget. Everything that needed to be said had been said on the way home. She’d run off crying after their discussion. The girl made him nervous and he didn’t want to be near her. As absurd as it sounded, he felt like she was a threat to his and Eren’s relationship. Not that he’d ever be tempted by anyone, let alone someone so dense and easy. And he wasn’t afraid of Eren getting jealous either. His fear was based on a bad feeling he got from the girl’s energy.

  When she approached the foot of his bed, he noticed her skirt was hiked up from the climb and she didn’t bother to pull it back down. She walked around to the side of the bed and he glared over at her. The dirty look didn’t so much as wilt the smile on her too-red lips. The old springs in the mattress creaked as she knelt on the bed and crawled closer to him, pretending to look at his homework. He was pretty sure it was no accident that she was practically falling out of her shirt. He swiftly looked back at his homework.

  “What are you working on?” she asked.

  “I was working on my English assignment.”

  “Want some help?” she asked, ignoring his surly attitude.

  She leaned so close she was literally breathing down his neck. He flipped his homework over and slapped it down on the bed between them.

  “This isn’t going to happen, Bridget,” he snapped.

  Undeterred, she reached over and tried to massage his shoulders. Aiden’s energy snapped a bit, reaching out to shock her. He couldn’t help it, it just slipped out. Guilt surged through him. She flinched but didn’t let go.

  “My parents went for a walk, there’s no one in the house but us,” she purred, breathing far too heavy. “This doesn’t have to be complicated. I can tell she’s not giving you everything you need. Most guys don’t consider oral sex cheating,” she went on.

  Aiden shoved her hands from his shoulders and jumped off the bed. Her touch made his skin crawl. How could she say that so casually?

  “I’m only tense because you won’t leave me alone. Eren gives me all I need and more. I love her,” he said.

  His energy was building like flood waters behind a dam. It took a lot of concentration to keep it under control. This was the first time he’d ever wanted to slap a woman. She sat up straight, her skirt so high Aiden was afraid she was about to flash her underwear at him. God, he hoped she was wearing some. Disgust helped him quell a bit of his anger and allowed him to push his energy down.

  “Please leave,” he said

  Bridget stood up and this time she did pull her skirt straight. She looked like she was about to cry and Aiden felt a small pang of guilt. But he was pretty sure that was part of her plan so he didn’t apologize.

  “Okay, but the invitation is still open,” she said.

  “Out!” he snapped.

  Blond bob flying, she spun and left. As soon as he heard her footsteps retreat down the hall below, he pulled the ladder up and threw the deadbolt.

  Seething with anger, he grabbed the sweatshirt off the end of his bed and threw it on. As he stormed to the window, he stepped into his shoes. Barely losing stride, he called up his power, opened the window wide and jumped out. The second his feet touched the ground he was running. With hardly any effort at all, he leaped the six foot fence and left the Murphy house far behind.

  “We must never forget that our kind were

  once used in battle. There will be a time when we

  will be called again, but it will not be to fight

  for humans, it will be to fight for the Earth.”

  ~from Life In A Society

  Chapter 6

  Snow still clung in spots to the shadowy areas of the forest, but a rare week of warm weather had melted it from the trees. Free of their frozen burden, the green boughs of the spruce trees lining the river were buoyed up, glistening in the sunshine. Water lapped beside Eren, mostly free of ice for the first time in months. She felt like the river, waking up from winter. The day was warm enough that after her and Aiden’s run, she shed her coat and was more than comfortable enough in her pale purple tank top.

  Smiling, Aiden moved the thick braid of her hair back over her shoulder and leaned in close. After a long kiss that pushed the borders of chaste and sweet, they stood with their heads leaned together. Eren ran her fingers over the swell of his biceps, down the length of his forearms, and took hold of his hands. They were both still breathing heavy from run and she had to take a step back so the rise and fall of her chest wouldn’t bring her into contact with his. That would be way more touching than her restraint could handle.


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