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The Defiant Ones

Page 3

by Anna Keraleigh

  “A war cannot be won in a single day,” Larina added. She glanced at the approaching ships. By the Gods, they were moving fast. They must have found their locations and were not just searching. “Time is short. Make a decision and see it done.” She fisted her hands. The good night’s sleep and a full belly had her ready to fight. She’d kill every one of those shits if she had to.

  Sorcha bit her bottom lip. “Oh, damn it all!” With that, she took off out the door and rushed up the steps.

  Larina wasted no time. She followed the woman with all haste and heard the large, heavy steps of Brennus behind them. She stopped short as they reached the deck. Sorcha stood in the middle of the ship. She held her hands out where a ball of fire formed. Colors began to swirl within the globe, blues and purples. The wind shifted. It blew her long black hair from her face. The ship lurched forward. Larina held onto the side of the door but Brennus hit into her back and they went down in a tumble of limbs.

  The white sails above them billowed out. The ship was sailing away but that strange circular device kept glowing, getting brighter and more colorful. Larina saw a swirl of red and another of yellow. A bright white began to consume the other colors and suddenly the white light shot out from the orb. It was a ray so vivid Larina looked away. She hid her face in the crook of Brennus’s arms and he too squinted. The ship jerked again and then the very air they breathed seemed to be gone. Her lungs strained for oxygen for a few seconds before a swift breeze broke the deprivation.

  Just like that, everything seemed normal. The sky was still blue, a few more clouds, and the dazzling light was gone. Sorcha hung her head, holding her hands close to her body before collapsing to her knees.

  Had they escaped then? Larina pushed Brennus aside, ignoring the way her nipples puckered from his close proximity. She peeked over the rail and her mouth fell open. This was incredible! The ships were gone. Roman flags still flew high but they were merchant ships and the shore was filled with tents. This was not the same place they had previously floated.

  “Where are we?”

  “Same spot. Different time,” Sorcha said breathlessly. “I can’t control how many years pass but it can’t be too many.” She pointed to the Roman flags.

  “The Roman empire still thrives.” Brennus stood and held out a hand for Larina.

  She didn’t take it. That would indicate she needed help, and to give such a gesture to a man was unthinkable in her Amazonian tribe. Instead, she pushed off the rail and stood on shaky legs. “We are free of them for the moment. Take it as a gift from the Gods.” Brennus gave her a strange look, one she wasn’t sure what to make of. It didn’t matter where they jumped to, only that the threat was pushed back for another time, another fight.

  Chapter Three

  Brennus leaned against the railing as the sun moved over the sky. He spent a good amount of time here. Perhaps over an hour, taking in the sights, the smells that wafted from the tents on shore. It was a group of soldiers, a small army gathered, and their presence made him uneasy. Before he had gotten into this mess, there was no talk of action from the Roman army. What had happened that made them amass to such a number? His mind also drifted to other things, the curves of Larina’s body, the way her breasts felt against his arm when they were tangled on the floor. She stirred things in him, feelings and urges that were best left alone. He saved all his energy for the arena. Then again, the arena was no longer his concern. He was a free man, close to that, a fugitivus.

  His eyes scanned the shore. Several tents had been dismantled and a group marched off toward the northeast. His mind was also on his sister. He had not seen her for many years and if they had been transported into the future, where was she? What did her future hold when he was reported missing? His heart ached for his little Nova. She was a sweet girl, an angel taken by the Romans and probably turned sour. He longed to see her again, to free her and spend the rest of his years in her presence. Sometimes, when he was alone, he could close his eyes and hear her laugh once more.

  “Your thoughts consume you.” Larina’s voice broke through. It sounded much like the waves that crashed against the ship, strong but beautiful.

  “Much has happened in a day.” He had woken up yesterday a gladiator, champion of Rome. Today he was but a man.

  “Open mouth and share thoughts.” She moved beside him.

  “My sister…” His words faltered and he took a breath. “How many years have passed and how does she fare?”

  “She was a slave?” Larina glanced out at the shore.

  “To the Romans that attacked our home.” He took a moment to stare at Larina’s profile. She had a small nose, plump lips, and a curved jaw. Her auburn hair was tied back in a bun but a few wisps escaped to slap at her cheeks.

  “Speak mind. Are your thoughts toward her freedom?”

  “They are.” If he could just sneak into the city, he’d be able to get to the villa she resided in last. With a blessing from the Gods, perhaps she remained there.

  “Absolutely not!” Sorcha’s voice was high-pitched. She walked toward them from the open door with a determined stride. “If you’re caught I can’t save you. The Romans can never know about this ship!”

  “We are warriors. Either we are successful with the mission or our lives are forfeit,” Brennus assured her. “I must find out her fate. I ask for no assistance in the matter.” He glanced at Larina.

  “The offer still stands,” she said dryly.

  Sorcha threw up her hands. “Men. They’re freaking idiots no matter what century.”

  Larina snorted. “You’ll see no argument from me.”

  Brennus rolled his eyes, exhausted by the lot of them. “If successful…will you wait for us?”

  Sorcha stopped her angry walk. Her hesitation lasted a full minute before she turned around. “I’ll try to. I have to do more research, more practice before I attempt the next jump. I can…I can wait a little longer for you.”

  “Gratitude, Sorcha, for everything.”

  She nodded and continued to the platform above that led to the large wheel for steering.

  “Are you sure you wish to accompany me? The path is treacherous.”

  “Foolish man. I am an Amazon, we eat danger for our morning meal,” Larina said with total confidence.

  Brennus smiled. She was something else. No other woman would stand up to the champion of Rome with such words. Women tended to shy from him or spread their legs in abandon. He cared for neither. Brennus turned back toward the water, the shore, and the Roman shits that stood between him and his little sister.

  * * * *

  Larina walked slowly but her heart was pounding within her chest. She had to keep her distance from the virile gladiator. Did he even notice the way he kept looking at her? Or that his hand had brushed her hip? All sorts of feelings were pushing through her hard training and childhood lessons. Men were not to be trusted. They were manipulative and could find a weakness if a woman but gave them chance. She was queen of the Amazons, her heart should be closed off for good. Then again, what if the Amazons were no longer alive? The thought made her stop midstep. What if her tribe, her family and friends, had been conquered by the Romans in her absence? A shiver ran down her spine. It would have to be something to look into when they went to rescue his sister.

  Larina was set to her task. She searched each room for weapons and clothes they could wear. As much as she loved seeing Brennus in his armor, they would stand out immediately. He did look good in the steel chest plate with the Roman decoration etched into it. There was a rearing horse surrounded by abstract curves and swirls. Too bad they hadn’t held onto their swords in the mayhem to get free of the arena. Swords would have made their plan more hopeful. She found a room with a big round table and several chairs. It looked like a meeting room, a fancy one at that. It had nothing of use so she quickly moved on.

  Larina wasn’t sure how much time passed as she searched the ship. There was a room that looked as if it was for a medicus, strange devi
ces that took much time to explore. Could they be used as weapons? The knives were much too small. The edge would barely prick the skin. Useless.

  From here, she returned to the meal room they had been in earlier. There were two good-sized knives here and she tucked them into her belt for safekeeping. There was not much else.

  The next room was very large, filled with crates and barrels. She picked around a few but it was filled with grain and some strange black powder. Nothing of use. It seemed to be a reoccurring theme. Larina had just placed the lid atop the barrel when Brennus came through the opposite door.


  Larina smiled. Warriors thought alike. “Small blades, nothing of note. You?”

  “Some cloth that would work for peasant wear.”

  She caught the pile of cloth he threw toward her and it slipped easily over her breastplate and leggings. Larina thought to keep searching but was completely taken by his movements. He began to undress. Could his armor not fit under the cloth as hers did? She should walk away, she should have looked away already, but her eyes were drawn to him. His chest muscles rippled as he eased a thick armor off his torso. His skin was tanned from hours training in the sun and the scars he bared only showed his many victories in the arena. Larina swallowed hard.

  “Does the sight please you?” Brennus asked with the slightest of grins. He held his arms open as if on show for everyone, yet only she was in this dank part of the ship, watching him.

  “I but trace scars with my eyes. There are many.” She lied and it sounded forced. She longed to be back in her village where no man dared to look at her but to grovel at her feet. The few men they deemed worthy of life were kept in a special hut. They were used for conception, giving life within the Amazon women. It was a necessary thing to keep the linage going, not for pleasure. This man teased her and stared at her with open flirtatiousness.

  “I am the fucking champion of Rome.” He left his leg armor on and shoved the cloth over his head. The dirty rags covered up his skin.

  Larina rolled her eyes, hiding the fact that her heart pounded viciously in her chest and her hands fisted. Was his skin as marble? The question plagued her mind as she walked away.

  That man was going to break into her well-defended heart and tear the wall down. It was a fate Larina did not want.

  Chapter Four

  It was with the darkness of night that Larina and Brennus made their way into the dinghy. The water was sparsely occupied by Romans, or trade ships for that matter. One oared vessel rocked in the water and they stayed far from it. The shore was harder to reach. They made their way north to keep away from the tents with soldiers. Larina was rowing as they washed onto the sand and Brennus hopped out to drag the boat further in.

  He had been fighting an erection the entire trip. The way she stared at him. It was more than just glaring at his scars. No, Larina had been fighting lust. Brennus had witnessed it in the way she had fisted her hands and the slight quiver of her lower lip. Since that moment, he could think of nothing but that lip. Kissing it, licking it, nipping it. His body was a ravenous beast that would not listen to his mind’s commands.

  However, the moment his feet hit the sand, sanity returned. His cock would have to wait. It would take all his skill and hers to get through the Roman army camped on the shore, and then the woods that would lead to the city. His heart soared at the thought of seeing his sister again. Nova had been no bigger than a child when he last saw her and that memory still plagued him. She had been ripped from his arms by the Romans as their parents were slaughtered.

  “Are you ill?” Larina asked quietly as she hopped from the boat.

  “Memories plague me,” he muttered, and dragged the small vessel farther into the woods. The light was sparse here, leaves and clouds blocking most of the moon’s light.

  “As it does most of us.” Larina frowned then continued ahead.

  Their journey was just beginning. He longed to see what the Roman Empire looked like now. Was it decayed with time or did it thrive on blood as in the past? The woods were quiet but for the scattering of animals in their presence. He could hear the banter of soldiers echoing and the crackle of a fire. What in the Gods’ names were all of them doing there? Was Rome on the brink of war? Perhaps his fellow Gauls had driven the Roman shits from his homeland and were now mounting an attack. That thought made him smile.

  They made their way through the darkened woods. The farther they got from the shore, it seemed, the quieter the land became. It was almost eerie.

  “What is the plan for this escape?”

  He knew the question would come eventually but an idea had yet to form. “We travel to Rome, toward the outskirts of the city. My sister lies in a villa, branded ‘slave.’” He gritted his teeth because the words were like daggers to his heart.

  “Kill those in our path, grab her, and flee?” Larina suggested.

  “That plan is not without merit,” he said as Larina smiled at him. At that exact moment, the moon pierced through clouds and canopy to shine upon her face. By the Gods, she was beautiful. He swallowed hard. She was not some delicate flower but a strong, resourceful woman. The mate of a champion perhaps? The thought was comforting. He would like to have a woman to call his own. A female to mourn him should he die in battle. Then again, the arena was no longer his concern.

  All that mattered now was his sister and the woman before him.

  Brennus moved faster, pushing his rested muscles harder, and swept right past Larina. She kept up without complaint, as the darkness of night seemed to swallow them whole.

  * * * *

  The path to Rome was rather uneventful. Larina hoped to encounter a few guards or men looking for a woman. She so needed a fight. Her muscles were tense, her hormones raging. She welcomed the sweat and grit of fisticuffs. Unfortunately, there was naught but shadows and trees. Oh, and a sexy former gladiator that moved with purpose. He went to save his family. What type of man did such a thing, risk his life for another’s, first for her and now his sister? A hero. A man of honor. A man she could see herself liking. She already enjoyed spending time with him despite the fact that they moved toward the enemy.

  Larina was hopelessly confused as the hours passed and the walk became an unending trek. It was near sunrise when they came toward the great city that she loathed. It did not look defeated. Instead, it appeared to be well stocked, although old. The stones were withered with age and the streets quiet despite the early morning hours.

  “We cannot enter lest we be discovered.” That was the last thing they needed.

  “Standing outside the city in the shadows will draw attention. I know of a man, recently freed from bonds of servitude before our escape. He will aid us in our mission.” Brennus began to walk the stone street, the brand on his arm well hidden as the sun rose.

  “Or be our death.” Trusting one man was a gamble and now he expected her to rely on some stranger, one who was no longer bound by the title of slave? By the rivers of the underworld, this risk made her very nervous. Larina lifted her hood, keeping her auburn locks hidden as they traveled through the streets of Rome. The city began to wake. People fluttered out their doors and a few sat at windows staring at the sunrise. Larina kept the small knife hidden at her side. Tense could not begin to describe her. At every corner could lurk a threat and they had but food utensils to fight them off. “Another shit plan,” she mumbled and did not think he heard.

  Brennus turned toward her, that half grin on his lips. “Still your tongue and think of my last plan. It was a success, was it not?”

  “Luck. A boon from the Gods.” Larina felt the urge to stick her tongue out at him, a jest and a tease that was completely unlike her. The path curved and the narrow trail was littered with soldiers. It took a full three seconds for Larina to comprehend that they were soldiers geared up in armor and weapons, and that they were headed down the street in their direction. She shoved herself aside. Her back hit the wall and she gripped the knife tightly in her han

  Brennus moved equally as quick, to the wall, out of the Romans’ way.

  However, the former champion and the Amazon queen stood there useless and with their hoods drawn. It was a bit of an attention grabber now that the sun was out. Larina formed a plan as the seconds ticked by. She was prepared to enter the nearest home, make up some story of being their cousin or long-lost daughter. Something to get close to them and use them as hostages. Hold up in their home until the Romans were a good distance away.

  Brennus grabbed her arm. He leaned close, too close, and she tried to pull away. His grip only tightened and Larina gasped as his face came inches from hers. Their breaths mingled sensually as the thunder of horses and Romans marching was deafening. Their eyes locked, his muscular thighs eased forward to touch hers, and she was outraged. Fucking angry that any man dared to lay a hand on her body, especially this man. A Gaul who was a former gladiator held less meaning than shit and yet he touched her. The rage grew until his lips pressed delicately onto hers. The caress was so gentle it could have been a butterfly’s wings against her mouth. His hands eased their hold and his hard, heavy body urged further against her.

  Larina could feel his arousal press against her thigh and it made her gasp. His lips lingered. The kiss moved from innocent to more forceful. His tongue ran along her chin and he nibbled at her neck. The progress was shocking. No man had done such things. No man had ever taken control. She was fucking queen of the Amazons. Larina pressed both hands into his chest and shoved. Her nails dug into the cloth over his muscles and she prepared a knee to strike the offending appendage. Her heart wasn’t in the attempt though, and she hesitated in injuring the weapon he had between his legs.

  “Ease from violence,” Brennus whispered. “I but distract us from the Romans and blend in with the growing crowd.” It wasn’t unusual to see fornication on the very streets of Rome. A passionate kiss was sure to cause no extra attention.


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