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A Million Tiny Pieces

Page 19

by Nicole Edwards

  Butterflies took flight in Mia’s stomach as anticipation fizzed in her veins. She’d never been the adventurous type before, and as she sat patiently waiting her turn, she had to wonder why that was. Granted, catching air in a tunnel was a far cry from actually jumping out of a plane, but still, Mia found her heart rate skyrocketing.

  Once the little girl exited, the man motioned for Phoenix as he stepped out of the tube, leaving it empty. Phoenix offered Mia a smile as he got to his feet and, without preamble, launched himself into the tube, surprising her with his agility. Yeah, there was no way this was his first time. She found herself laughing at his antics, enjoying the way he’d clearly mastered this as much as he mastered everything else.

  “So, he really has done this before,” she said to Tarik while her eyes continued to follow Phoenix.

  “A time or two, yes.”

  “Has he jumped out of an airplane before?”


  “And you? Is this something you enjoy doing?”

  “It is,” he said, his voice rather loud so she could hear him over the wind noise.

  When Phoenix’s time was up, Mia got a little nervous, but the instructor managed to calm her down as he helped her into the tunnel and into position.

  Within seconds, she was flying.

  The feeling was strange yet exhilarating. A weightlessness she’d never known before. She tried to stay focused, realizing she was grinning so much that her cheeks hurt as the wind blasted her, keeping her off the ground. She couldn’t hear anything except for the roar of the wind and her own heartbeat. Her laughter was drowned out, a mere echo in her head, but she loved every single second of it. And when it was over, Mia couldn’t stop smiling.

  She wasn’t sure she would ever stop smiling.

  Chapter Nineteen

  PHOENIX NEVER TOOK his eyes off Mia the entire time she was airborne. She was so beautiful, even with most of her face covered by her goggles and the helmet over her head. Her smile… Phoenix would have to admit that her smile was the most radiant thing he’d ever seen. He was drawn to her in every way, and when she laughed, he laughed.

  Of course, watching Tarik master the wind was an erotic sight all its own. The man moved so easily, so effortlessly that Phoenix found himself admiring every move, every nuance of his facial expressions. The guy was physical perfection.

  “He’s good at this,” Mia said as they watched Tarik take his turn.

  Yes, he definitely was. He was good at a lot of things, Phoenix thought to himself.

  It wasn’t long before those few minutes were up and they were exiting to the main waiting area where they’d originally been sent.

  “So, how was it?” Tarik asked Mia when he met up with them.

  “Incredible,” she said breathlessly. “Is it really like jumping out of a plane?”

  “Not exactly.” Phoenix glanced down at her as he studied her. “Why? You interested?”

  “Maybe one day,” she told him, her eyes locking with his. “You never know what you might enjoy until you try it.”

  The underlying meaning of those words hit Phoenix like a twenty-ton hammer. Based on the way she held his gaze, he knew what she was getting at. He wasn’t sure he was going to make it through the rest of the day if she kept that up.

  The young man who’d helped them to suit up showed them where they needed to go next. Once they had removed the flight suit and other equipment, Phoenix led Mia and Tarik back down the stairs, where they were greeted by the girl who’d signed them up initially. A few minutes later, Tarik took Mia’s hand and led them toward the main doors. Feeling incredibly bold, Phoenix decided to take her other hand, walking alongside them. When Mia didn’t flinch or bother to look around to see if anyone noticed, he smiled.

  Yes, this was definitely working out better than he had planned.

  “So, who’s the winner?” Tarik asked as he helped Mia into the SUV after they’d made a run for it in the parking lot. The rain hadn’t let up yet, proof in that he was getting drenched just standing there.

  “That’s a tough one,” she told him, glancing over at Phoenix briefly. “I’m gonna have to say Phoenix.”

  “I agree,” Tarik said, grinning from ear to ear as his eyes met Phoenix’s.

  They were standing so close, the rain coming down heavily, and Phoenix could feel the heat of Tarik’s body, smell spearmint on his breath. Neither of them moved for a long moment. A foreign sensation simmered inside him, urging him to take the plunge, to lean in and kiss Tarik right there. The knowing look on Tarik’s face, the cocky, crooked grin was the only thing that stopped him.

  Yes, he was going to give in, even he knew that much. But for now, Phoenix was going to make Tarik work for it.

  Tarik turned away, and Phoenix inhaled deeply as he jumped into the car, brushing the water from his hair and his coat.

  “It’s your turn to pick a place to go,” Phoenix told Mia when Tarik darted around to the driver’s side.

  She was examining him cautiously, but she didn’t seem put off by the moment he’d shared with Tarik. Phoenix had absolutely no idea how she would react if and when he told her that he was as interested in Tarik as he was in her. He wasn’t sure he was ready for that reaction. If she rejected him, he wasn’t sure he’d survive it.

  “Do you play laser tag?” she inquired sweetly, still gazing up at him as he tried to dispel more of the water from his hair.

  “I know how, yes.”

  “You?” she asked, looking to the front toward Tarik, who had jumped into the driver’s seat and was doing the same thing. His shirt was plastered to his back — the guy had a passionate dislike for coats, so he’d gone without one, as usual — and Phoenix did his best not to stare at him as he got situated in the front seat, flipping the heater on high.

  “I’ve played.”

  “Are you good at it?” She was eyeing Tarik intently as she waited for him to answer, and Phoenix fought the urge to draw her attention back to him and kiss her.

  “I can hold my own.”

  “And you? Do you excel at that, too?” Mia asked Phoenix, turning back to him once again.

  “You’ll have to find out,” he stated, putting his thumb on her chin, curling his finger beneath.

  He couldn’t resist the desire to kiss her, so he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. When her small hands came up and rested on his chest, Phoenix leaned in closer, enjoying the warmth of her touch, the sweetness of her lips, the fruity scent of her shampoo. The woman affected him in more ways than one, and he didn’t think he’d ever been quite so aware of another person in his entire life. Except maybe Tarik.

  The kiss was slow and gentle, a languid melding of lips, an unhurried mingling of tongues.

  “So, laser tag then?” Tarik called from the front seat, and Phoenix was forced to release Mia’s lips.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Phoenix responded before returning his mouth to hers.

  Pulling her closer, he slipped his hand behind her neck, cupping her head and tilting it slightly for a better angle. The leisurely slide of tongue against tongue didn’t last long, and the next thing Phoenix knew, he was kissing her hard, driving his tongue into her mouth, desperately wishing they had a little more room because his hands itched to touch her. He wanted to pull her onto his lap so he could feel her warmth against his entire body.

  “You haven’t won yet,” she said softly when they broke for air.

  Tarik laughed before backing out of the parking space. If Phoenix had to guess, the other man had been watching. The idea had Phoenix’s cock hardening even more.

  Mia was smiling, a glimmer of mischief flashing in her brilliant blue eyes.

  Hell, he wasn’t even keeping score, but he wasn’t going to let her know that. At the moment, getting to spend the day with her made him the automatic winner. If they made it back to his condo tonight … he couldn’t promise he’d be able to control himself. “If you say so,” he replied.

  “I definitely say
so. We’ll talk more after laser tag.”

  Phoenix laughed, he couldn’t help himself. And then he kissed her again, pulling her as close as he could, crushing his mouth to hers and tasting her energy, her excitement.

  Half an hour later, Tarik pulled the Escalade into the parking lot of a place dedicated to laser tag according to the sign out front. Phoenix had only played once or twice in his life, and he looked forward to this time. Mainly because he was thinking about the hidden corners within the place where he could crush his body to Mia’s and make her beg for mercy.

  The three of them made their way inside, the rain having let up significantly, which made it easier all around. Tarik put his arm around Mia’s shoulders and held her close against him. It was obvious to Phoenix that he was trying to see how far she was willing to go. Phoenix wasn’t complaining, but he damn sure didn’t want to push her too far too fast. As it was, this unconventional date had likely taken her by surprise, no matter how well she seemed to be handling it.

  “Scared?” Mia teased him as Phoenix held the door open for her.

  You have no idea, he thought to himself. “Not a chance,” he said out loud.

  Tarik took the lead, heading to the counter and paying for the three of them. The guy informed them that the place was completely empty and said for them to have a good time.

  Phoenix assured him that a good time was certainly on the agenda.

  Once they’d donned their gear and made their way into a small arena, Mia seemed itching to go. He gave Tarik a knowing look, and the three of them wasted no time splitting up and heading in different directions.

  Phoenix made sure to stay out of sight as he worked his way through the multi-level arena. He was purposely guiding Mia toward Tarik, and Tarik was doing the same. A good fifteen minutes had passed before they managed to sneak up on her. Phoenix tapped her shoulder gently and took a step back. Mia squealed and then spun around, shooting him and hitting the target on his vest dead center. A luminous smile lit up her face, but then Tarik returned fire, hitting her and leaving him the only one not hit. Since they had to wait out the timer that made their guns useless, there was no one to get back at Tarik.

  But that really wasn’t the point.

  Crowding Mia against the rocky wall after placing both of their guns on a ledge, Phoenix tipped her chin up so that he could press his mouth to hers. She didn’t hesitate, kissing him back as she grabbed for his shirt on his sides, gripping and pulling him. The vests were obtrusive, but Phoenix ignored them, cupping her face and exploring her mouth with his tongue.

  Phoenix felt Tarik move in, obviously refusing to be left out again. When Phoenix pulled back, Tarik quietly watched them both. Initially, Phoenix thought Tarik was going to kiss Mia, and he didn’t blame the man, but that wasn’t what happened.

  Tarik’s hand came up and slid behind Phoenix’s head, pulling him in as their lips touched. Instinct had him tensing, ready to fend Tarik off, but the gentle press of his lips had him surrendering briefly. His thoughts were temporarily obliterated by the demanding slide of Tarik’s tongue against his own. He knew Mia was standing there, still sandwiched between him and the wall, and that thought cleared out the haze of lust that had momentarily overwhelmed him. Pulling back abruptly, he looked down at Mia.

  She was smiling, her cheeks flushed.

  He wanted to ask her if she was okay, but he wasn’t sure that was the right thing to say. Thankfully, she didn’t give him time to say anything at all when she said, “This isn’t over yet. You know that, right?”

  “Not by a long shot, love,” Tarik whispered.

  Mia laughed. “That isn’t what I meant, and you know it.”

  Tarik offered Mia his crooked smile and then glanced over at Phoenix.

  “Time’s almost up. You two might want to get ready to lose.” And with that, he disappeared around the outcropping of fake stone.

  “He’s not gonna win this one,” Mia declared, grabbing her gun and smiling up at him. She went up on her toes and pressed her lips to Phoenix’s fleetingly before turning and disappearing in the same direction.

  He started to follow but stopped as he grabbed the laser gun once more and pressed his back against the wall. He’d join them in a few.

  Right now, Phoenix needed a couple of minutes.

  Hell, he needed a hell of a lot more than that.


  NEARLY AN HOUR and a half later, Tarik pulled the Escalade into the parking lot of an oversized amusement center. The clouds had passed through, leaving clear blue sky and sunshine overhead, although the temperatures were hovering slightly above freezing. He’d made a judgment call after they’d left the laser tag place because their options had increased without the rain to limit them to staying inside. This was more of a one-stop shop that would keep him from having to drive all over town.

  “By the time we leave here, we’ll definitely know who the winner is,” Mia informed them as they climbed out, joining Tarik as he met them.

  “Right now, it looks like we’re in the lead,” Tarik told her.

  “The day’s not over yet,” she challenged.

  Taking her hand in his, Tarik led her inside while Phoenix did the same as he had back at the indoor skydiving place, taking her other hand in his as though the three of them together was the most natural thing in the world. And maybe it was. Maybe that was what the elation was that Tarik felt. He had them both with him, and he wasn’t sure he’d ever been happier than he was right at that moment.

  His thoughts drifted back to that kiss he’d shared with Phoenix. The one that had clearly taken the man by surprise. Tarik’s shock had come when Phoenix hadn’t tried to push him away. Multiply that by two when he’d pulled back to see Mia staring up at them, her blue eyes glowing with interest, a satisfied smile tipping her lips.

  Yeah, she hadn’t been turned off by two men kissing. Quite the opposite, actually.

  Which was a damn good thing, because Tarik intended for a lot more of that later in the day.

  After Phoenix bought the tickets and they passed through the turnstile, he pulled Mia to him. Tarik stood close and watched the pair.

  “One more kiss for good luck,” Phoenix whispered against her lips.

  Mia didn’t seem to mind Phoenix’s need to taste her, and had it not been for the kids running through the place, Tarik figured Phoenix could’ve easily gotten lost in her for longer than a minute. But then she pulled away, smiling up at him.

  When he released her, Tarik stunned them both, pulling Mia in close to him as he stared down at her. “It’s my turn,” he said but didn’t move in closer. “Does that worry you, Mia?”

  “Should it?” she asked enthusiastically, her eyes locked with his.

  “No,” Tarik offered and then leaned down, pressing his lips to hers. Probably due to their surroundings, neither of them deepened the kiss, but when Tarik pulled back, he noticed the intensity in Mia’s gaze as she watched him.

  “Let the games begin,” Mia said happily, although a little breathlessly.

  Little did she know, but they already had.

  Yeah, she was certainly hoping for more, and that thought had Tarik discreetly adjusting himself before taking her hand once again.

  For a first kiss, Tarik had to admit that he’d felt the spark from that brief touch of her lips clear down to his feet. It’d been far too short for his liking, but it was as though there was a promise of what was to come that hung between them when he’d pulled away from Mia. Back at the last place, when he’d kissed Phoenix, he had considered kissing Mia first but had held back. More because he had wanted to see her reaction to him and Phoenix together; he had wanted to make sure she understood what direction this was going.

  Quite frankly, he was a little shocked that she hadn’t freaked out. But then she’d nearly knocked him sideways when she hadn’t balked at the idea of kissing him in a building full of people moments after she’d kissed Phoenix just now. Why that was, he didn’t know.
He wanted to know, he just didn’t. There’d been plenty of willing women who’d gladly climbed between him and Phoenix over the years, but admittedly none of them were like Mia.

  He was beginning to question his first impression of her. Based on the way she’d held his hand and then allowed him to kiss her, he wasn’t so sure she was as pure as he’d initially thought. Then again, maybe she was simply caught up in the excitement. He knew he was. His adrenaline was still flowing, his competitive spirit alive and well as they made their way to the rock climbing section of the building.

  This was a one-stop shop of all the activities they could possibly want, and by the end of the day, there would be a winner. And unexpectedly, he didn’t care who it was, because Tarik got the distinct feeling that it wasn’t really going to matter, anyway. If things worked out the way he hoped they would, the three of them would be back at the penthouse engaging in something else that produced a significant amount of adrenaline.

  But for now, he only had to survive the rest of the day.

  And more importantly, resist the urge to press Mia up against the wall and kiss her the way he really wanted to kiss her.

  Chapter Twenty

  BY THE TIME they left the adventure park, Mia was exhausted. She hadn’t laughed that hard in years. Her cheeks hurt from grinning, her stomach muscles were sore from laughing, yet the euphoric feeling that filled her couldn’t be dampened by a little exhaustion.

  Tarik and Phoenix were probably the two most competitive people she’d ever met. They had attempted to sabotage one another — good naturedly, of course — throughout the day. On top of that, the heated looks they’d sent one another — and her — had kept Mia in a state of arousal she’d been hard-pressed to fight.

  “Hungry?” Phoenix asked as they made their way through the doors and out into the parking lot. The sun was still high overhead, even at five thirty, and the temperatures were holding steady, however not dreadfully cold. But even that didn’t put a damper on her mood.


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