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The Bamboo Mirror

Page 4

by Faith Mortimer

The imperious foreign voice gave a short laugh and Diana heard a scuffle and a muted female shriek which turned into a blood-curdling scream.

  Lorna sobbed silent tears onto her brother’s shoulder while he sat holding her, a grim look upon his face.

  The three children waited and listened as they heard footsteps, then a sound like something being moved or dragged away. Eventually all was silent.

  Diana stretched. Her legs felt cramped and sore. Lorna and David looked shocked, ashen-faced and listless. There was nothing to suggest they were the happy and boisterous children who’d shown Diana round yesterday.

  ‘I’m going to take a look outside now it’s all quiet. It must be night time now.’ Diana said.

  David nodded. ‘They’ve gone.’

  Diana pushed the mirror door open a crack. Sunlight flooded into the space and she jumped in terror when a stern voice spoke.

  ‘And just what do you think you’re doing in there, young lady?’

  Diana found herself gazing into the eyes of Matron Cocksedge and Mr Allen. Their faces looked astounded and incredulous.


  Standing in the hall with fierce sunlight streaming over the floor, Diana couldn’t believe that it was still daylight. She knew she’d spent hours in the darkened space listening to the sounds going on outside. Looking round at the familiar surroundings, she’d expected blood splattered walls and piles of bodies littering the hall and rooms beyond. Where were the armoured cars and booted soldiers?

  But as the sunlight danced along the painted woodwork and the huge vases of cut flowers nodded in the welcome draught from the open door she wondered if she’d dreamt it all.

  ‘Well? What on earth were you doing in there?’ Asked Matron; an astonished tone to her voice.

  Taking a gulp, Diana looked from one adult to the other as she tried to explain.

  ‘David and Lorna were showing me round. They have all sorts of special places and under the stairs was one of them. You can ask them; they’re still in there.’ She jerked a thumb back in the direction of the stairs.

  Matron and Mr Allen exchanged looks. Mr Allen walked over to the mirror and peered down into the space behind.

  ‘It’s empty. There’s no one else in there. Are you sure you’re not lying and making a fool of yourself with your imagination, my girl? If you were a boy I’d take a slipper to you!’

  ‘No! I’m not! Honestly, I left them in there. Are you sure they’re not at the back, we were really frightened…’Diana finished lamely, realising the adults were never going to believe her.

  Spinning round, Diana moved back towards the mirror and looked into the black space. Sure enough it was empty.

  ‘But, but they were with me. I promise you. I’m not lying.’

  Mr Allen was looking very cross and began to remonstrate with Diana once again. Matron held up a hand to forestall him.

  ‘And just who were David and Lorna then?’ she asked in a softer tone, keeping her restraining hand on Mr Allen’s arm.

  ‘They live here.’

  ‘Live here do they?’ she queried, raising her eyebrows.

  ‘Yes. David said his father is the Headmaster here, and Lorna is his little sister. I met them yesterday before lunch. They showed me around the garden and the glade in the jungle, down by where the monkeys live…’ her voice trailed away as Matron and Mr Allen exchanged looks.

  ‘What else happened, my dear?’

  ‘When we climbed in we heard yelling and shooting and then screaming. It was dreadful! David and Lorna were frightened, we all were. We waited until it all became quiet and then I climbed out. I left them in there.’ Diana’s eyes began to fill with tears. ‘We heard a lot of people being killed.’

  ‘Come and sit down, my dear.’ Taking Diana by the arm, Matron led her over to a nearby settee. ‘Now I’m going to tell you a story. Not a very nice one I’m afraid, but true nonetheless. Do you think you can be brave enough to listen?’

  With everything that Diana had heard that day she thought nothing could be worse as she nodded her yes.

  ‘What happened today actually occurred for real on February 15th 1942. Have you heard about the Fall of Singapore to the Japanese army during World War Two? The Japanese invaded and the British army was defeated. David and Lorna lived here with their parents. Their father was a diplomat, but unfortunately diplomatic immunity didn’t save either him or his wife, the children’s mother. They, together with all their staff and servants were killed by the invading Japanese. David and Lorna did hide behind the mirror. Sadly, they were never found until some weeks later. Maybe it was fortunate, I don’t know, but it was terrible what happened to their mother and father. The children died in there. They are said to sometimes roam the house and grounds, especially around this time of year, February 15th. A few people have seen them, not many I may add. You must have triggered something, maybe formed a bond with them that allowed them to trust you. Up until now, no one has experienced quite as much as you have. You must be a very perceptive person, my dear.’

  Trembling, Diana thought of David and Lorna. How happy they had been before venturing behind the mirror. ‘What about the jungle they led me into?’

  Matron shook her head. ‘It no longer exists. It was all cut down long ago. The jungle was where the family were originally buried, before the Anglican Church removed their remains to a proper burial ground.’

  ‘Oh. And the talcum powder?’

  Mr Allen looked confused.

  ‘Diana means the other night, Mr Allen. You’re too new to know this yourself yet. The talc on the beds and the sleepwear at the bottom of the fire escape has appeared a few times before. It’s the first time it’s happened since I’ve been here though. I believe it must be one of David’s little pranks.

  As Diana looked away, she swore she heard Lorna’s childish laughter and David’s gruffer voice echoing down the years.

  1st July 2011. The Bamboo Mirror by Faith Mortimer

  The Cast Party

  by Faith Mortimer

  ‘It looks wonderful on you, Madam,’ the sales assistant said, giving the dress Linda was wearing a final tweak. ‘I think that shade of green is gorgeous, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes, it’s fab. How much did you say it was again?’

  ‘With a twenty per cent discount I can make it one hundred and fifty pounds. The quality is very good and I don’t think the style will date. I can see you getting a lot of wear out of this purchase.’

  Linda rapidly did some sums in her head. As an assistant stage manager, she thought her salary was pretty abysmal, but if she dieted a bit more and cadged a few meals from male admirers, she’d manage. The rent on her flat was paid up for another six months, thanks to help from her parents. Besides, with her future plans she needed to look especially good on Friday.

  ‘I’ll take it,’ she said giving another twirl in front of the mirror. She knew she looked stunning.

  Walking back along the high street towards the theatre, Linda gave some more thought to her plan. She’d decided a couple of weeks ago that Friday was to be the day she’d pull it off.

  Linda couldn’t really say when she’d resolved to sleep her way to the top. What had begun as a tiny germ of an idea had taken hold until it festered within her. She found that the more she thought about it, the more intense it became. Catching a glance of herself in the plate-glass shop window she just knew she had to succeed.

  Reaching her teens, Linda was struck by the admiration she received from her fellow classmates. This admiration had served her well and she’d used it throughout her time at school and later in college. Linda enjoyed male attention, and when some of the plainer girls showed their jealousy, she ignored them. Females didn’t figure in Linda’s scheme and approaching her late twenties she thought the time was ripe for putting her plan into action.

  Linda believed she was a good judge of character and trusted the reactions she received from her dates. She took care in choosing men who could afford to take her out t
o nice places and buy her expensive dinners and good wine. She rarely had to pay for her own drinks, even amongst the lower paid members of her group. Occasionally there was some poor fool who thought he’d scored for that evening. Enjoying sex, Linda would often reward them, but usually she was careful. She was particular whom she allowed into her bed. They always had to be good looking and successful.

  This latest job in the Rialto theatre had got her thinking. It was when she’d first started working here that she clearly saw her pathway to success. She knew she had the facial looks and body to promote her career. She was hard working and ambitious, and a damn fine actress. She had no designs to stay assistant stage manager for longer than could be helped, but realising that hard work alone didn’t always pay dividends, she had to maximise her assets.

  Friday was the cast Christmas party and being relatively new to the company, this was her first with them. A ritzy, glitzy party, where she’d stun the company with her looks, seemed the perfect occasion to execute her plan. Really she only needed to stun one person, and this person had been playing nicely into her hands, showing his interest for the last couple of weeks.

  Rupert was the theatre director and her boss. She admired his stage direction, the way he assembled his cast and with a few well-chosen words managed to get complete and utter dedication from them. His plays stood out from a hundred others, his directing magnificent, and Linda desperately wanted to stand on his stage as principal girl, starring in his productions. Assistant stage manager she felt was the lowest of the low.

  Rupert was always good to her and showed great support and understanding. He was friendly and often included her in his meetings, even though sometimes Linda wondered why she was there. But Linda was clever and streetwise. She knew exactly why he was so friendly, talking about his future productions, telling her which female actresses he’d given a helping hand to boost their careers, mentioning his wife and family. He was slowly forcing down her fences, making her feel comfortable and relaxed, and an easy target. Looking back, she’d known men (and women) like him before, confident in their position, well liked, successful, experienced and way over forty. Men such as he ignored their receding hairline, the beginnings of a paunch and greying at the temples.

  Because she understood him, she decided that an affair with Rupert would be worth it to get that starring role. He knew she was hungry for a part, she’d said so at her job interview and lately she’d dropped enough hints.

  Recently, Rupert had been very attentive towards Linda. He was friendly and kind, and often let her go home when he didn’t need her to stay late. Arriving at the theatre earlier this morning, Linda noticed Rupert kept looking at her. When she met his eye, he hurriedly looked away, as if nervous. Silly man! If only he’d linger a bit longer then he’d know. Surely he knew eye contact was the best way to show sexual interest?

  During a quick five-minute coffee break Rupert asked who would be going to the Christmas party. When everyone raised his or her hand, Linda noticed he made sure to direct his eager look at her with his question. She felt elated at his obvious attention.

  Reaching the theatre doors, Linda slipped inside excited at the prospect of dressing with care in the beautiful dress. She couldn’t decide whether to wear her hair up for the party - which gave her a regal, sophisticated look, or to leave her long auburn silky hair swishing over her shoulders. Perhaps she’d just wait until she’d washed it, put the dress on and then see. Feeling clever, she knew she’d made the right decision in paying much more for this dress than she would normally have done. The dress was perfect. Wanting to give an understated but sexy look she’d spent quite some time in the shops. The classy little boutique was new to her. Once the dress slipped down over her body she knew her figure spoke for itself. The clingy, shimmering material accentuated her generous curves and the neckline only hinted at her deliciously firm breasts.


  On Friday Linda kept out of Rupert’s way. She had a feeling of creating an air of mystery about her. Smiling to herself she knew he was watching her though, smoothing his hair and fingering his collar while pretending to listen to his male lead, Gavin rehearsing.

  ‘Rupert, Rupert! I just can’t seem to get the intonation quite right in that last line. What do you think? It really is giving me a headache.’ Petulant, handsome Gavin jumped down from the stage and walked over to Rupert, who draped an arm around his shoulders and led him to a quiet corner for a private conversation.

  Turning away, Linda bumped into her friend Diana Rivers. Diana had recently become a member of the cast and was considered a good actress. Currently she was playing the second female, Nerissa in The Merchant of Venice, but privately Linda thought she could have handled the leading role of Portia admirably.

  ‘Hi! There. Glad I’ve bumped in to you. Do you want to stay the night? I live right near The Metropole Hotel; it would mean you not having to take a taxi home.’ Diana offered.

  Thinking quickly, Linda answered. ‘That’s ever so kind of you, and I wish I could accept, but I’m feeding next door’s cat. He’ll go spare if I’m not there to feed him in the morning.’

  She had to be free tonight. Rupert was going to proposition her once he saw how beautiful she was in the new dress.

  Rehearsals finished early that afternoon and Linda practically ran all the way home. Giving herself the full works she needed plenty of time.

  Feeling confident and radiant, Linda arrived at the venue and found the party in full swing. She glided over to where Diana was chatting to a stranger, a tall dark-haired good-looking man. If Linda hadn’t already got other plans she felt she might have been tempted.

  ‘Hello there. Can I get you a drink?’ Steve asked after introductions were made.

  Diana was obviously excited with her new man and whispered confidentially into Linda’s ear. Linda nodded and made vague agreement noises, only half listening to her whilst scanning the room for Rupert. Where was he?

  She knew he’d turn up eventually; he’d not want to miss seeing her outside of work albeit in company. She couldn’t wait to see the expression on his face as she worked her magic on him. He’d be putty in her hands.

  It was quite late when Rupert did arrive and Linda made her way almost immediately to where he could get a good look at her. Wearing her most dazzling smile she dodged around the dancers gyrating on the floor and stopped.

  A pretty, smartly dressed woman appeared from behind him; she’d been hidden in the throng and placed a plump hand upon his arm. His wife, what was he thinking of?

  Feeling bewildered, Linda wandered over to a dimly lit alcove. She needed to recover herself. Of course he’d bring his wife; it would be expected of him. He wouldn’t have been able to get out of it. Cursing herself for her stupidity, she realised this would never have been the right time to declare himself. He would find somewhere quiet and discreet. She thanked her lucky stars that she hadn’t made a fool of herself; office parties were well known for that. He was sophisticated and had style. He would make a less obvious move.

  Fully recovered, Linda stood up and smoothed the clingy dress material down over her hips. She was going to say goodnight to Rupert and his wife. Making sure he got a good view as she glided over to them, she smiled sweetly at his wife, placed a chaste kiss on Rupert’s cheek and turned to leave. She wanted to plant the idea of ‘innocent’ in his wife’s eyes.


  The next day at the theatre there was plenty of talk about the party. Linda had missed the best part apparently, when two drunken male actors had improvised table linen into costumes and acted out a two-dame sequence. It had been hilarious.

  ‘Pity I missed that,’ she replied to Diana, who was looking a tad tired and lethargic this morning. It was obvious how she’s spent the latter part of her night. Good job she’d not taken her up on the offer of a bed.

  She was glad she had left early. She wouldn’t have wanted to have too much wine herself and get tipsy. She needed all her wits about her, there
was too much at stake.

  Late in the morning, she was aware of Rupert approaching her tiny office desk. She feigned surprise looking up from her papers.

  All morning he had appeared to be on edge, not really settling down to anything. It wasn’t like him. Trying to look casual, he perched himself on the edge of her paper-littered desk. In a low, husky voice he asked, ’Linda, I need to talk to you, alone. How about we have lunch? There’s a new restaurant, Spanish, just around the corner, say about one o’clock? I’ll meet you there as I have to go somewhere else first.’

  Smiling up at him, Linda could have sworn he blushed. It made him look much younger and in an instant she forgave him the paunch. Maybe this was going to be easier than she had thought. Go somewhere else first? That didn’t fool her. He was playing safe, discreet. He didn’t want anyone to notice them leaving the theatre together.

  During the meal, Rupert was subdued. Linda ordered a selection of Spanish tapas, feeling quite the girl about town. She did most of the talking and told him about her flat in town. ‘I have some amazing plans for doing it up, when I have the money,’ she said with a big smile. She guessed they would have to use her flat. ‘It’s very handy being right in town and only a fifteen minute walk from the theatre.’

  They sat at a table near the back – very discreet. There was a mirror behind him and Linda glanced at her reflection. She was so glad she’d taken the time to dress with care this morning, slim-fitting trousers and a top that showed the swell of her breasts. Her hair still shone from the glossy spray she’d used the evening before and there was a trace of the glittery make-up on her high cheekbones. She looked fresh and radiant, so different from his chubby wife. Linda was satisfied he had seen her at her best last night; it would have given him a taste of what was to come.


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