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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

Page 76

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Samantha, come here” Robert yelled out.

  There was a beautiful woman sitting in a pair of tailored white shorts. Robert had to hold back his laugh as he called Samantha over. He knew how much she despised the idea of women wearing those tailored shorts in the workplace.

  “What’s your name?” Samantha barked out at the woman.

  “Cindy,” the woman said as she looked down at the ground.

  “No, and no. You don’t wear shorts when you’re trying to impress the man of your dreams. That goes for every woman in here. If you have on shorts or pants, just stand up and leave right now. Come on ladies. This is Drake Leblanc, you couldn’t pull a dress out of your closet for the most eligible bachelor in the city?”

  There were about eight women who stood up and stared at Sam as she carried on about pants and the inappropriateness of them on a date. The women looked afraid to move, but certainly knew that they were not going to get to move forward in the interview process.

  “You women can leave now,” Robert added as Samantha stormed off down the hall.

  “It’s ridiculous. Dress to impress, ladies. It’s the number one rule of dating!”

  The morning continued on as Robert looked through the women in the lobby and waited for Sam to come back out. When she did, Robert pointed out some of his choices to continue on. Yes, they were picking the women totally for their looks, but that was exactly how they had to start things. No woman would get past the first day with Drake if his cock didn’t get hard by looking at them. Samantha and Robert both knew that looks were the first key to choosing the potential women.

  By lunch time, Samantha and Robert had chosen a group of thirty women that they would do the initial interviews with. They also wanted to share the rules of the game with the women. Drake had decided on most of the rules and Samantha had added a few that she thought were essential to making the game a success. It was important for the women to understand all the rules and be excited about them. This process was supposed to be fun, freeing and exciting and all the women that went into the house needed to believe that as well.

  Samantha and Robert entered the conference room and Samantha stood in front of the women while Robert handed out their packets with the rules. Although Robert was the senior member of the company, Samantha was clearly much more suited for leading this particular task.

  “Please read through your packets as I talk, to ensure you understand what will be expected this week.”

  Samantha paused as she opened her own copy of the packet.

  “As you are aware, Drake Leblanc is looking for a woman to date and, eventually, marry. You thirty women, were chosen from around the globe because you exemplify the high caliber of woman that Drake usually dates. But this week is going to go beyond the typical short dates and frivolous conversations. Drake wants a woman who can wow him with her conversation as well as with her skills in the bedroom.”

  Samantha was relieved to see that none of the women looked shocked at this statement. She had made it very clear to everyone who had scouted for the women that this was not just a week in a house with Drake. It was an erotic week that would allow the women to go anywhere and everywhere their desires had ever imagined.

  The woman had been told to think of the week as an intense exercise in their tantric skills. They should only come if they were prepared to practice their sexual skills with Drake and find out if their bodies were as compatible as their minds. As much as Drake wanted to find a woman that he could keep around and marry, he also needed her to be open in the bedroom.

  Drake couldn’t have a woman who was shy in the bedroom. He needed excitement. He needed adventure, or at the very least a strong willingness to try some adventurous things. Obviously, not every woman who had made the cut so far was going to be wild in the bedroom; that was alright. Their goal was to find women who were sexually free, not who had a history of doing any particular sex acts.

  Samantha continued on to describe all the rules of the house. One by one she went down the list and was excited when none of the women got up to leave. She had picked them well. Sam didn’t go into details about the rules yet, she just wanted everyone to understand the basics; they could ask questions later as they went through their individual interviews.

  “This is the opportunity of a lifetime, ladies. The seven women we choose to spend the week with Drake will definitely be sleeping with him. You will get twenty-four hours of time alone with him to do with however you please. During that time, you will talk, dine and, of course, explore your deepest desires together. As the week ends, Drake will summon you all to the main room and he will choose the winner.”

  Sam took a drink of water and nodded to Robert to continue on with the explanation of the last day. Sam certainly could have continued, but it was fun to watch Robert squirm. Sam sat down and pretended like she needed a break so Robert would take the lead.

  “Drake is very sexually open and he expects all the women that join him for this week to also feel the same way. He may choose games and other group events that will involve touching and as much as you are interested or willing to do in a group setting. Please only continue on with this process if you are comfortable with this idea.”

  The women all looked around at each other and whispered a little among themselves. But none of them left. They all clearly understood what this week would entail and they were still interested.

  It was possible that the prospect of fucking Drake Leblanc made the women forgo their normal sexual rules. Or perhaps they had gathered a group of women that were indeed very sexually open. No matter which it was, none of the women seemed too shocked by the rules or the idea of sex with each other and Drake. It was funny how a billionaire could make women more willing to explore their sexual freedom.

  “We are really excited to talk more with each of you. We will bring you each back into the interview room and ask some more questions. By the end of the night, we hope to have the group cut to under twenty girls. Then tomorrow we will do one last round of questions before settling on the final seven. Please save your questions for during your interview.”

  Samantha and Robert got started right away and one by one they asked the women to sign their NDA agreements and complete their first interview in the process. The women were all eager for the opportunity and not many of them flinched at the questions they were asked.

  “Have you ever participated in a threesome with two men? What about two women?”

  “What is the weirdest location you have had sex?”

  “In business, how do you get your way in a negotiation?”

  “Self-care is important to staying at the top of your game. What is your daily regimen to keep yourself fit and healthy?”

  “If Drake asked you to have sex in a public location, would you?”

  Samantha had specifically geared many of the questions to a sexual nature, purely because she already knew a lot about each of the women and their businesses. Each woman had a file that Samantha was handed when they walked into the room. The file contained all the specifics about the women, their work, where they lived and other important information. The sexual preferences and styles were something that you couldn’t tell by looking at a booking package.

  As they finished the first round of interviews, Robert and Samantha were very optimistic about their options. There were several women that they thought Drake would adore and they hoped he would find the match he wanted.

  Sam was particularly pleased with the choices she had made of women as they narrowed down the field to twenty. The women that were cut seemed uninteresting or very dull, Sam and Robert knew that Drake would not have an interest in a woman like that. Even a sexy and smart woman could have a dull personality.

  The interviews had concluded for the day and Sam still planned to meet up with Drake to discuss some more details about the weeklong event. They made plans to have a late dinner and some drinks.

  Often Drake and Sam would have drinks together. It wasn�
�t a dating thing, it was purely a way to relax and discuss work without the confines of the work environment. It also was partly because neither Drake nor Sam usually had anything else to do but work. If Drake hadn’t found himself a woman for the night his only other choice was to work or go to the gym. Meeting up with Sam was a welcomed escape.

  Chapter 8

  It was almost ten o’clock when Drake’s flight landed, but Samantha was at the airport and waiting for him. She needed to talk to him about some more particulars of what he wanted in these women. Not their personality specifically, but Sam just wanted to know what Drake felt his perfect woman would look like.

  They went to their favorite bar, Sin, and sat in the corner booth to discuss what Samantha should be looking for in the final seven women. Drake had plenty to say about what his perfect woman would look like and act like.

  “I want an intelligent woman,” Drake said as they started to drink.

  “Of course, Drake, I’m not going to get you some ditz who doesn’t have a brain.”

  “No, I mean like rocket science genius.”

  “Drake, you can’t be serious. We are trying to find you a wife, not a business partner. You can’t expect to find a perfect ten woman who is also a rocket scientist.”

  “Well, you know what I mean. I don’t need her to actually be a rocket scientist. I just want a woman who is smart and can hold an amazing conversation. I want a woman who I can talk about technology with and she won’t think it’s boring.”

  “Drake, I'm not sure there are many sexy rocket scientists out there. It’s too much technology and most women just don’t like that stuff. Neither do most men.”

  “I am not crazy, Sam. There are incredibly smart, sexy women out there. Just look at you. You’ve got the brains of a scientist and the body of a Playboy bunny.”

  Samantha couldn’t help but blush a little. Drake always knew how to give a good compliment and Sam had seen him do it a million times. There was just something different when he said it to her. She felt like he was sincere.

  “Thanks, Drake, but I’m not going to date you,” Sam winked at him.

  Drake had tried to get Samantha for years, but she always denied him. He couldn’t figure her out. She looked at him with desire, but the second he flirted she would turn away and become all business again.

  “I also want a woman who can be submissive.”

  “Like whips and chains submissive?”

  Samantha raised her eyebrow and pretended to whip Drake. She couldn’t help but laugh as she did it. Drake had never really been into the whole S & M scene. It was funny that he wanted a woman who was submissive.

  “Well, no, not like that. I just want a woman who is willing to try things. I want her to trust me and be willing to give herself to me anyway we decide is fun.”

  “Alright, that’s reasonable. Perhaps a quiet girl that wants to explore with you?”

  “Yes, something like that. Oh, and they have to like anal.”

  “Drake! Seriously, what if they have never tried it before?”

  Drake scrunched up his face as he thought for a minute. He really did like a woman who was experienced and willing to try every position possible. But the idea of having an inexperienced woman was exciting too. He just couldn’t decide.

  “Well at least willing to try it.” Drake put his hands onto his head. “Sam, I like all women. I don’t know who it is that I will like enough to marry them. Seriously, just pick someone who is carefree and fun.”

  “No. I’m not just going to pick girls that you can fuck for a week. I think you can make this worth the week of your time. But you’re going to have to work hard. These women are all intelligent and confident women. You will need to be on your best behavior.”

  Drake let a sly sideways smile out and Samantha couldn’t help but laugh. He was amazingly handsome and funny too. She knew all of the women would fall for him, it didn’t really matter what he did throughout the week. But Sam wanted him to find a match that would actually work for him and in order for that to happen he would have to actually get to know the women. She hoped that she would be able to find a woman who challenged Drake and that all the women didn’t just bow down to him. Drake needed a woman who could stand up to him every now and then.

  “Think back to all the women you have been with. Which ones were most memorable?”

  “All of them! I remember each one of my lovely ladies like it was yesterday,” Drake said as he finished off his second drink.

  Sam laughed and shook her head.

  “Don’t lie to me. I know you don’t remember all of them. But I want to know which ones are the most memorable in your mind. Who can you still remember the feel of? Which woman would you invite over right now if you had her number? What were their personalities like? Why did you like them? Think about that stuff, Drake.”

  “Well, I like witty women. Someone who can joke and have fun makes a good impression on me. And confidence, she has to be confident in who she is. I don’t really care about if their ass is the perfect size or any of that; I just want them to be confident with who they are.”

  Sam had to smile. She knew Drake so well.

  “How about big boobs?” Sam laughed.

  “Well, of course! If they are funny, confident and have big boobs that would be the best combination ever.”

  Drake knew that Samantha was teasing him, but that was alright. Their relationship was a weird combination of business, friendship, and flirting.

  “I’d also like to find someone who was a bit playful. Maybe didn’t take life too serious and knew how to have fun. I’m not just talking about fun in the bedroom either. I would like to take vacations and do sporty activities. I want to have a woman who can do those things with me. I can’t have a woman who is so worried about her hair and nails that she won’t go hiking with me.”

  “Duly noted.”

  “Robert and I interviewed about thirty women today. I think we have a good group to choose from. We will do another round of interviews tomorrow and should have the final group ready to move into your house on Saturday.”

  “Wow, you are awesome, Sam. I can’t believe you really made this happen so fast.”

  “Really? You can’t believe it?”

  “Oh fuck, yes I can. You can obviously do absolutely anything.”

  “Yes, I’m like wonder woman, but in stilettos.”

  “Mmmm, and with damn fine legs too.”

  Drake reached over and let his hand slide up Samantha’s silky thighs. In any other work environment that type of behavior would be despicable. But Sam didn’t mind when Drake flirted with her, it drove her to want to work harder and impress him more. She knew she couldn’t give in to her own desires for him; so she would just settle for their occasional flirting.

  “If your hand goes up my thigh any further I’ll squeeze them together and chop off your circulation.”

  “Oh yes, squeeze those delicious thighs around my hand. I’m alright with that.”

  Drake let his hand continue to move up Sam’s thigh and she did exactly as she had promised. Sam squeezed her thighs together and pinned his hand tightly.

  “Ouch. Sam Jesus Christ.”

  “I do Pilates”, Sam smiled as she grabbed Drake’s hand and pulled it away from her. “Don’t mess with a girl who does Pilates.”

  “Fuck, I bet you could snap a man’s neck if he was eating you out wrong.”

  Sam just laughed and they paid their bill and grabbed a car to head back to their houses. Drake and Sam often had drinks together and then Drake would have the car drop Sam off at her place and then it would take him to his. Their friendship was strong, just like their business relationship.

  Both Drake and Sam had had several drinks throughout their night and were definitely feeling the alcohol. The warm buzz filled their bodies and they both flirted a little more than usual.

  Sam felt the warmth pack her body and she also felt her ability to ignore Drakes advances dwindling. It was hard t
o say no to Drake when she was sober; it was close to impossible when she had been drinking. But deep down, Sam knew her job was more important to her than a fling with Drake. She wouldn’t give in; she couldn’t give in.

  As the car pulled up to her place, Drake leaned over and held onto the door. His face only inches away from Sam as she tried to resist him. He looked down at her breasts and watched her for a moment as she took a couple deep breaths. His desire to suck on her tits overwhelmed him and he could hardly think straight. Drake was tired of the endless flirting, he needed Sam; he had to convince her to be with him.

  “Come home with me,” Drake said as he moved in closer to her.

  Sam could feel her body as the warmth flowed between them and she breathed in deeply. She had to close her eyes to get the strength to say no to him.

  “No Drake, you know I can’t.”

  “Fuck that Sam, yes, you can. Come home with me.”

  “No, I’m going to go inside.”

  “Samantha Holt, I want you.” Drake leaned in and his lips softly touched Samantha’s.

  She kept her eyes closed and tried not to give in to him. Samantha knew she couldn’t give in. There was nothing she could do about it. If she ever gave in to her desire for Drake, she knew it would be the end of her job. Drake didn’t have the ability to keep a woman around and he certainly wouldn’t be able to work with his woman. She couldn’t give in. No matter what.

  Drake let his lips move from her lips down the side of her neck. He wanted to taste more of her. Drake wanted to pull her breast out and wrap his lips around her nipple.

  “Sam, I’ve wanted you for so long. Don’t deny me again. Come home with me.”

  Sam just shook her head no. Her whole body worked as hard as possible to avoid giving in to Drake. She kept her hands at her side as she refused to let her hands feel the strength of his arms as he wrapped her up and pulled her toward him.


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