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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

Page 95

by Sarah J. Brooks

  There were a lot of things Drake had done in his life, but eating sushi off a naked woman was not one of them. He liked the idea, though and was totally into it. Sophia was so wild, and he loved that. It was going to be one hell of a day.

  Sophia grabbed Drake’s hand as he pulled her up to sit on the table. She straddled him with one leg on either side of his chair at the head of the table. Her naked body teased him, and Sophia saw his eyes glance down at her pelvis and then back up toward her eyes.

  One thing that Sophia was good at was sex and seduction. Drake couldn’t keep his mind off her. She loved sex and having fun with people. Her life had been hard, and there was never enough time to just have fun. When she was young, she figured that it was easiest to get a man’s attention if she was sexual. But as she got older, Sophia realized it was easy to get anyone’s attention, either male or female, with sexuality.

  Even women who didn’t think they liked other women would pay attention to Sophia. She loved the attention. She actually craved it. When she went a couple of days without having sex, Sophia often found herself at one of the nightclubs near her work, dancing the night away with a hot young guy. Sooner or later, she would bring him home and have her way with him. Sometimes, she would even find a girl to bring home.

  But for the moment, Sophia was excited by having the rest of the day with Drake. She had heard so many things about him. Sophia was thrilled to have a man around her who was just as into sex as she was.

  “Should we eat first and play later?” Sophia asked.

  Her hands moved slightly on her thighs, and Drake desperately wanted to have the energy to dive right into her delicious center, but he was exhausted. Drake was also starving, and there was no way he could turn down the delicious sushi meal that was spread out on the table behind Sophia ... who was spread out in front of him.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d love to eat and talk a little,” Drake said, shifting his eyes to the chair next to him in hopes that Sophia would slide over there.

  If Sophia was disappointed, she hid it very well. Drake watched as she slid off the table and into the chair next to him. Sophia grabbed the soy sauce and a few sushi rolls and started eating. She was a girl right after his own heart. Drake loved how easily she slipped into eating and didn’t care at all that he had denied her the sex she seemed to be craving.

  “Oh, my God, this is delicious,” Sophia said as she ate a piece of their lunch. “I’m so hungry.”

  “Me too, I can’t remember when I ate last,” Drake joked.

  “Well, you have been busy as hell, I’m sure. All of these beautiful women are so hard to resist.”

  “You are very beautiful too, Sophia,” Drake added.

  “Oh, I know.”

  Sophia just smiled back at Drake as if to tell him he didn’t have to give her compliments. But Drake loved to compliment his women. He wanted them to always know that they were special to him. It was something his father had taught him when he was very young. “Compliments have to be genuine and from the heart,” his father had said. Drake always remembered that. Plus, it was good advice; every woman he had ever met seemed to enjoy being complimented.

  Every woman he had ever slept with was beautiful. Drake loved women. Their delicate features, beautiful scents, and perfect curves were all things he loved about them. Every single one was unique and special in her own way, and he didn’t want any woman he was with to ever feel like she wasn’t special.

  “Tell me a little more about yourself,” Drake requested as he also started to eat.

  His chef really was one of the best around. He could make everything from hamburgers to sushi, to steak, with them all turning out absolutely perfect. Drake hadn’t been too keen on hiring a chef, but Samantha insisted he use one at least a couple of times a week.

  His chef, Lou, was always available at short notice and had been more than willing to drop his other plans to provide some of the meals during the week. He didn’t make all the meals, and he certainly wasn’t staying at the house, but Lou had outdone himself with the sushi lunch he made for Sophia. It was total perfection.

  “You don’t want to hear about my boring life. I’m sure you have much more interesting stories you can tell me.”

  Sophia’s life wasn’t one of happiness. She hid behind her sexy clothes and outgoing personality, but any time she started to talk about her real life, Sophia inevitably got emotional. Sophia could see the look in Drake’s eyes, though and he wanted some information about who she was. It was a delicate balance that Sophia often walked. She wanted to be honest with Drake but certainly didn’t want to tell him so much that he felt sorry for her. She didn’t need anyone’s pity.

  “I grew up in Chicago. I have my own clothing store now, and I just like to chill and hang out and grow my business.”

  “Do your parents still live in Chicago?”

  “My mother does; my father has passed away.”

  “Oh, Sophia, I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “It’s life. We live, we die, and everything continues on.”

  Drake saw the sadness in Sophia’s eyes and decided he shouldn’t continue to ask questions about her life. Perhaps, she would be more open to talking later in the day. Drake didn’t want to push her away as he was happy to be there with Sophia. They had all day to talk and get to know each other. He didn’t need to rush her.

  “I’m still starving,” Drake said looking at the empty table.

  “Me too,” Sophia laughed. “I guess we depleted all our energy last night.”

  Drake picked up the phone in the room and dialed Lou to see if there was any more sushi available. But Drake didn’t care if it was sushi or a sandwich; his body was starved for some nourishment. Throughout the last few days, he had been caught up with the women and hadn’t been eating regularly at all. Normally, in the office, he had a schedule that was easy to keep. But in the house, with seven women, it was much harder to keep a normal schedule.

  “Any more of this sushi around? We are both starving today.”

  “I’m sure I can pull together some more for you two. Anything else you would like?”

  “Wine, strawberries, chocolates, and anything else you have around.” Drake laughed.

  “Certainly, sir.”

  Drake didn’t know Lou all that well, but what he did know was that his chef would not disappoint them. Drake expected within thirty minutes Lou would be back in the room with trays and trays of food for both of them.

  “Since we need to wait, should we talk or fuck?” Sophia asked, smiling.

  The fucking was appealing for sure and so was Sophia. It was refreshing just how open Sophia was to talking about sex. Drake really found that attractive. She was unique and certainly not like any of the other women in the house.

  All of the women in the house seemed genuinely open to discussing sex. Although each of the women had their own personal experiences or inexperience with sex, Drake was pleased that Samantha and Robert had found so many opened-minded women for him.

  There was one thing Drake had always wanted to do, and he secretly hoped that it might happen at some point during his week with all the women. So far, he hadn’t even gotten close to making it happen, but maybe by the end of the week, everyone would feel more comfortable with each other and his fantasy could come true.

  “Is it horrible if we take a nap?” Drake laughed.

  “Of course not! I’m tired too.”

  “How about I give you a massage with my expert masseuse hands?” Drake asked.

  “Yes, yes, and yes.”

  Drake grabbed Sophia by the hand and walked her over to the bed. He helped her onto it and instructed her to lay facing down so he could massage her. First, he started at her calves and moved up her legs as he straddled her thin frame. He wasn’t actually very good at massaging women, but he loved the feel of their soft skin on his hands. Sophia's skin felt so soft he was starting to forget about that nap.

  Sophia's ass was absolute perfection, and
he felt himself get aroused at the idea of sliding inside her perfectly round cheeks. Not many women were into anal sex, though, so Drake knew he had to be delicate if he brought up the idea. Even though Sophia was very free about her sexuality, that didn’t mean she was so free that she was alright with a cock up her ass. Drake had met many women who said they were sexually free, but still weren’t into anal sex.

  His hands moved slowly up her body and past her ass. He didn’t want to linger too long there and instead went right to her lower back where he started to apply firm pressure.

  “Oh, God that feels so good,” Sophia said.

  Drake moved his large hands slowly up her spine and continued with firm pressure. He wasn’t an official masseuse, but Drake sure did love to give a great massage to a woman. The sensual intimacy was perfect to help any woman relax.

  “Do you get to see your mother very often?” Drake asked as his hands continued to move over her body.

  “Yes, we visit almost every weekend. I just bought her a new home, so we have been decorating it recently.”

  “That was really sweet of you. Does she still work or is she retired?”

  “She worked three jobs most of my life. When my store started to do well, it was like torture to get her to finally stop working. She was just so used to working hard. She’s not officially retired, though. She works at the local fabric store, but I’m hoping to convince her to retire soon.”

  “You sound like you have a close relationship.”

  “Yes, she’s struggled and sacrificed for me a lot. She’s the only person in the world that I feel deeply connected to.”

  Drake let the silence of that thought sit in the air for a little bit. It was sad to him that Sophia didn’t have anyone else she felt connected to. She was a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul, and he felt she deserved more happiness than she had probably had in her life.

  “How is your store doing without you this week?” Drake continued with his questions as well as his massage.

  “From what I’ve heard, they are doing great. I hired a manager a few months ago, and this is a good test for her. Hopefully, soon I’ll be able to concentrate on opening the next store and let her run the first one.”

  “That is exciting for sure.”

  Drake didn’t want to get too much into the business talk, but he liked that Sophia seemed to be actually answering his questions. She had a lot she kept hidden, but Drake felt it was a bit of a victory that Sophia had talked even a little bit with him.

  He had read her interview and some background information on her from Samantha and Robert, but none of it went into very many details. Samantha had made one note that really intrigued Drake. “Tough as nails” was noted at the bottom of Sophia’s interview paper. Drake could see that statement was probably pretty damn accurate.

  The knock came on Sophia’s door only twenty-five minutes after Drake had talked with Lou on the phone. He made a mental note to give Lou a bonus when this was all done. He certainly had proved himself already throughout the week.

  “I’ll get it, do you want to cover up?” Drake asked as he pulled a blanket from the end of the bed.

  “It’s not necessary. Lou already placed all that sushi on me naked, he’s seen the goods.”

  Sophia and Drake laughed as they opened the door.

  Chapter 4

  Lou stood there with a couple of assistants and three huge trays of food. They quickly came into the room and unloaded it all onto the table. He had also brought a couple of cappuccinos, sodas, champagne and red wine to choose from. Drake couldn’t help smiling at all the options.

  “Thank you so much, Lou,” Drake said, shaking his hand.

  The two assistants stared at Sophia, standing there naked, as she looked over the food. Drake had to smile at the thought of their first day on the job and being exposed to such a beauty like her. It was just part of the job when working at his home, and why Drake insisted on all staff signing a confidentiality agreement before they came onto the premises. There was often a lot of nakedness going on at Drake’s house. He didn’t want specifics getting out to the press.

  Of course, people still talked about the crazy parties he had at his house. There was no way to keep the chatter from going on. But no one ever gave away specific details about who was there or what was going on. That was all part of the confidentiality agreement.

  “Mr. Leblanc, this is Ralph and Jonah. They will be helping with the pool party later tonight,” Lou said as he tried to get the boys' attention off of Sophia.

  “Hello young men, it’s nice to meet you. I’m sure you will have a blast at the party. Thank you for your help.”

  “Yes, sir, thank you too,” one of them said and then punched the other in the arm.

  “Oh, yes, thank you, sir.”

  Lou grabbed the two men and guided them out of the room. Drake heard Lou start to chastise them as they walked down the hall. Lou earned some points right away with Drake for the way he took control of the situation.

  “You can’t stare like that. You need to be professional,” Lou told them.

  Drake didn’t blame the boys, though. They looked to be barely twenty-one years old, and Drake knew he would have been staring at a woman like Sophia as well. It was just something that came with the territory when you had beautiful women at your parties. Drake was satisfied that Lou would give them a good reprimanding and talked to them about behaving better at the party.

  “You need to taste this,” Sophia said, dipping a strawberry in some chocolate and bringing it up to Drake’s lips.

  She didn’t wait for him to open and instead pressed the chocolate onto his lips and moved in to lick it off. Again, Drake felt his body react in excitement as Sophia pressed her naked body up against his and their lips touched each other.

  “I like this taste,” Drake whispered.

  He lifted Sophia onto the table and spread her legs as he pressed in close to her. His hands held on tight to her thighs as he reached over and grabbed the strawberry out of her hands and ate it. The juices dripped down from his chin and onto her body; the sweet pink juice looked delectable as it slid down her stomach.

  Drake reached behind Sophia, grabbed the closest piece of food he could find, a ham and cheese sandwich, and started to feed it to Sophia. As she chewed her bite, Drake ate the rest of it and then leaned her back so he could grab something else off of the table.

  She felt the cold bottle as Drake held the champagne up against her back while he positioned his hands around her to open it. The cold glass forced her to arch her back and press her breasts toward Drake, and he quickly took one of them into her mouth.

  His mouth pulled her nipple into him hard as his hands continued to fumble with the champagne. It was more difficult than he thought it would be to open a bottle without looking, but finally, he felt the cork and pressed hard on it.

  The champagne cork shot across the room, and Sophia felt the cold liquid as it streamed down her back.

  “It’s all over my ass,” she giggled.

  Drake promptly flipped her over and let her ass stare at him from the edge of the table. He poured a small bit of champagne on her ass, then leaned over and sucked on her ass as he brought the champagne into his own mouth.

  “Do you like to play like that?” Sophia asked as she pressed her ass into Drake’s mouth.

  “I like everything to do with your ass.”

  “Show me,” Sophia said.

  She reached back and grabbed her ass and pulled the cheeks apart to expose herself to Drake. Instantly, he flung his shirt off over his head and dropped his pants to the ground. Any woman who was interested in some fun ass play was certainly interesting to Drake.

  He reached over Sophia’s body to one of the cappuccino cups, took a few swigs of it, and then let it gently drip onto her ass as well. It tasted utterly delicious, and Drake brought it back up to his mouth to drink some more of it. Not only did he want the caffeine, he wanted to taste more of the sweet, rich f

  “Does it hurt?” Drake asked.

  “It hurts just right.”

  Sophia pressed her ass even more into the air so Drake could do it again. He obliged and dripped some more of the cappuccino onto her ass, but this time, he leaned over and let his tongue lick it off of her. He had never been too much into the food play type of stuff, but at that moment with Sophia, Drake was loving it. His body was rock hard in anticipation.

  The coffee drink was hot, but not too hot. Drake had tested it when he took a few sips. He continued to alternate between dripping the drink onto Sophia’s ass and then drinking it off. Sophia moved and moaned with delight with each rotation of dripping and licking that Drake offered her.

  Then Drake moved back to the champagne and dripped a ton of it over Sophia’s ass. She squealed with the shock of the chilled drink as compared to the warm coffee. Her body bucked a little, and the liquid rolled off her back and onto the table and floor under her.

  Drake moved the champagne around her ass with his hands and settled his thumb on her tight center. Slowly, he pressed it inside of her and closed his eyes as he heard her moan out in delight. There was something so erotic about playing with a woman’s ass. It wasn’t something that many women were into, but Drake loved it. He was excited that Sophia seemed to be enjoying herself that much.

  Soon, Drake had his hard cock pressed up against her and held onto Sophia’s hips as she flexed her body back toward him. He could tell she was comfortable with this because she continued to press toward him even after his throbbing member entered her.

  Slowly, he moved as her body adjusted to him and he felt the tight wonder of her ass around him. It was hard not to lose his load right away, but Drake wanted to cherish the slow sensual explosion that he knew would come soon enough.

  Sophia moved her body back toward Drake and then forward again. She appeared to enjoy their adventure together very much and moaned in delight with each thrust. Harder and harder, Drake moved until he felt himself on the brink of explosion.


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