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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

Page 99

by Sarah J. Brooks

  Cynthia seemed promising as well. She was a take-charge woman and really had a way of keeping Drake’s attention. He could certainly see that the two of them would be able to have some interesting conversations at the very least. Drake liked a strong woman, which was another change from the type of woman he had chased after in his younger days. When he was in his twenties, Drake just wanted women who would agree to sleep with him. He hadn’t cared at all if they had a plan for their life or a future, he just wanted them for one night.

  Allison, she was one of the girls he could definitely see himself picking. But he didn’t know if it was because of her celebrity status or because he really liked her. He would just have to wait until their date to see if there was a real chemistry between them. Allison had a jet-set lifestyle, and there was a small part of Drake that was a little jealous of her. He wanted to travel more than he had been, but he had been stuck close to home so he could run his business.

  Of course, he had the means to travel as much as he wanted to, but it was so much easier to get work done when he was at the office. Drake also couldn’t help thinking that Allison and he would surely have a lovely couple name in the press as soon as they were seen together.

  His phone rang, and Drake saw Samantha’s picture pop up. His excitement surprised him, especially because of their little fight they’d had earlier in the evening.

  “Hi, Sam,” Drake said softly. “I’m sorry we fought.”

  “Me too; I’m sorry I told you that Scarlett was too good for you. I think you should pick whichever woman you want.”

  “What are you doing right now?” Drake said seductively.

  “I’m in my bed talking to you.”

  “What are you wearing?” Drake teased.

  “Oh, stop it, Drake. I’m not going to tell you what I’m wearing. How do you even have enough energy to flirt with me? I would think you would be exhausted by now.”

  “My sleep cycle is all off. I slept all afternoon and now I’m not tired.”

  “I’m wearing a T-shirt and my favorite panties,” Samantha said seductively into the phone.

  It caught Drake totally off guard, and his cock instantly got hard. Samantha had always been so reluctant to flirt with him too much. She would flirt just enough, but then something would switch in her and she would pull back.

  “What color are your panties?” Drake asked, hoping that she would keep going and answer him.

  “They are red. Red satin. And they are so soft to touch,” Samantha said in a sultry and seductive voice.

  Drake could hardly take it. His whole body felt like it was going to explode and his precum was already seeping out of the end of his cock. He had no choice but to pull himself out and stroke it to get some relief from the throbbing.

  Her breath was heavy, and Drake imagined that Samantha was also playing with herself on the other end of the phone. He closed his eyes, listened to her breath and felt himself getting more and more excited.

  “Touch it for me,” Drake said on a whim.

  He didn’t expect her to actually do it. In fact, Drake thought his comment would be the end of their flirting, and Samantha would stop and pull away. To his utter shock, she did not stop.

  “Okay,” she whispered into the phone.

  Drake was done. His cock throbbed in his hand, and he wanted nothing more than to have Samantha there with him. She had tortured him by denying him for the last five years, and the one time she caved into his flirting, she was miles away from him.

  “Are you touching yourself?” Drake asked.

  “I am. My fingers are sliding up and down my wet pussy, and I’m thinking about your tongue being here.”

  Drake moved his hand faster and faster as Samantha talked. He couldn’t bring himself to say another word, but he listened to every single breath that came out of her.

  Her breathing became more labored, and he could tell she was moving around more. He wanted to be there more than anything else. He almost got into his car and drove right over to her house. But he didn’t want to miss what was going on right at that moment.

  “Sam, come here. Come be with me tonight,” Drake said softly.

  “Ohh, my fingers feel so good,” Samantha said as she totally ignored Drake’s request to come to his bed.

  “Tell me what they feel like.”

  “Ohhh … they feel like your fingers inside of me.”

  Drake heard Samantha pull in a deep breath and then let it out slowly. He listened intently as her breathing got more and more labored, and he heard the pleasure in her exhales. She was there, in her bed, playing with herself and talking to him on the phone. Drake couldn’t believe it. Suddenly, everything that was going on in the house didn’t matter at all. He would love to have Samantha in his bed. He would give up every single other woman if she would just have him.

  Her moans came faster, and Drake felt himself getting close to exploding as he listened to her. Neither of them spoke, and instead, they exchanged long, drawn out breaths that excited both of them. His eyes were closed as he heard Samantha cum from the touch of her fingers. She took in one last deep breath and then grunted in total delight.

  “God, I’m so drunk,” Samantha giggled into the phone.

  It all started to make sense to Drake. Samantha wouldn’t have called him and done that if she was sober. She had set up a firm boundary with him and wasn’t going to break that boundary, ever. Drake couldn’t help smiling at the thought that Samantha had finally caved in to her desire for him.

  He knew she liked him; he had known it for years, but finally, he had just a small bit of proof that his feelings for her were in fact reciprocated by her. Unfortunately, in the light of day, Drake didn’t think Samantha had actually changed her mind at all about being with him.

  “That was fun, Sam,” Drake said softly. “You should get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast.”

  “Okay, see you in the morning.”

  As Samantha hung up the phone, Drake felt a huge pang of sadness wash over him. Nothing was turning out quite the way he wanted it to. He went back to his thoughts of the seven lovely women he had in his house and smiled. His life was pretty damn good at that moment. There wasn’t anything that Drake could complain about.

  Drake sprung up out of bed and made his way down the hallway.

  Chapter 9

  “Show me what you bought,” Drake said to Victoria when she opened her door.

  She tried to hide the shock of seeing Drake at her door, but there was just no way she could. A smile spread across her face, and she pulled Drake into her room as she looked down the hallway to make sure no one had seen Drake. The last thing Victoria wanted was for the other women to get mad at her for spending extra time with Drake.

  “Close your eyes,” Victoria said, walking Drake into her room and over to a chair near her bed.

  “I’ve been thinking about it for days. You are seriously killing me. What is it?” Drake demanded in a playful tone.

  “Oh, well, you will just have to keep waiting.”

  Drake heard Victoria moving around the room and opening the bag that he assumed was from the toy store. His imagination went wild as he tried to think of what could be in that bag. He was so horny after talking with Samantha, his cock felt ready to thrust inside Victoria that very instant.

  Victoria flipped the cock ring on that she had purchased at the store and let it vibrate a little so Drake could hear it.

  “Is it a vibrator?” he asked.

  “Sort of.”

  Victoria smiled as she took off her clothes and walked over to where Drake sat in the chair. She unzipped his pants and pulled his throbbing member out, letting her fingers play with him a little bit. He was already so hard for her that she had a difficult time holding herself back; she wanted to jump right onto him and feel his girth inside of her.

  Drake felt the vibration from the item as Victoria kneeled between his legs. He couldn’t wait to have her put it on him and was eager to
feel himself inside of her with it around him.

  “Is it a cock ring?” Drake asked smiling.

  Victoria didn’t talk anymore, and instead wrapped her lips around his cock to get him nice and wet. Then she slipped the buzzing plastic ring around him and all the way down to the base of his shaft.

  Drake felt the vibrations, but what he really wanted to feel was Victoria straddling his cock and bouncing up and down on top of him. He couldn’t wait another moment and grabbed Victoria and practically lifted her off the ground and onto him.

  As her tight body slid over his cock, he exhaled with relief. He finally was going to get the explosion he needed.

  Victoria wrapped her arms tight around his neck and thrust herself against the vibrations of the cock ring. It didn’t take long before they were both tightening up and hoping for the sweet release of orgasm.

  “Oh … my … God …” Victoria screamed as her body released.

  Drake had held on only barely until that moment, and he released his deep thrust into her and finally felt the orgasmic relief that he needed. His body felt calm again, and he was happy to have finally seen what it was that Victoria had picked out at the store.

  “That was a pretty good choice for your first sex toy,” Drake said as he held Victoria close to him.

  “I’m glad you liked it. I really couldn’t decide. There were so many things that looked like fun to try.”

  Drake just held onto Victoria. His mind was quickly swimming with all the women in his life and all the interactions he had participated in over the last few days. The conversations mixed in his head, even the dates themselves were mixing in his memory. He wanted to make Victoria feel special since she had just gone out of her comfort zone for him, but Drake also wanted to go back to his room and have the rest of the night alone.

  He compromised and stayed with Victoria for about a half hour as they cuddled and talked about their week so far. Drake tried not to give too many details about his dates, and Victoria tried not to ask too much. She was just excited that Drake had chosen to spend the extra time with her.

  As Drake finally made it back to his room, he had to wonder why it was Victoria he had gone to right away. He hadn’t thought about any of the other women, not even Sophia, who he had just been with all day long. Instead, the first woman he thought of and the first woman he went to was Victoria.

  He took his third shower of the day and then climbed wearily into his bed. It felt good to have some time all to himself. But Drake couldn’t get his mind to stop thinking.

  His eyes were closed, and he wanted to sleep desperately, but all he could see were the women and all he could feel was the enormous weight of his decision that he had to make that week. It was getting harder and harder to see a front runner among the group of women. Plus, Samantha had totally messed with his head by her little phone sex display.

  Drake had eight absolutely beautiful women that he wanted to be with. How would he ever make a choice of just one of them? What if the one he chose didn’t want him back?

  His mind swirled with those questions as he drifted off to sleep. Only to be woken up just before dawn by his phone ringing. He could tell it was Robert by the ring.

  “We have a problem … you need to leave the house and get to the office right away,” Robert said in an urgent tone.

  The Billionaire’s Hunt


  The Billionaire Bachelor Series 5

  Chapter 1

  “Robert, you know you could have handled this without me. I trust you.”

  Drake had rushed from his house into the office mainly because of the panic he heard in Roberts' voice. It wasn’t very often that Robert lost control like that and Drake didn’t want to sit at home and try to figure out just what Robert was trying to say.

  But once he got into the office, Drake realized that Robert was throwing a giant fit over an international client who had refused to deal directly with Robert. Clients were fickle creatures and especially the ones who were about to be taken over. They wanted to hold onto the last bit of control they had and if that meant they weren’t going to finish a deal unless Drake was in the room; that was exactly what would happen.

  Drake had spent years dealing with people in the eleventh hour before a takeover and they always panicked and tried to exert their right to take up as much of his time as they possibility could. He wasn’t angry about it, but he wasn’t happy about it either.

  “The client said he wouldn’t deal with me, only you. I’m not going to throw away a multi-million-dollar client without talking to you first. I would hope you wouldn’t do that to me either,” Robert said when he had finally calmed down.

  “Alright, I’ll talk to the client. Get me a video conference going and the notes on his company.”

  Drake was a professional and he knew that some other CEOs were not interested in dealing with anyone except him when they talked about contracts and deals. It was ridiculous though, because Robert probably knew more about the contracts than Drake could ever know. But it was all about the face of the organization and Drake was certainly the face of Leblanc Enterprises.

  “Hello Mr. Sukimoto, it is nice to see you,” Drake said into the large television in his conference room.

  “Mr. Leblanc, it is a pleasure to see you too. I have concerns about your buy-out contract and I would like to address each of them with you.”

  Drake took in a deep breath as he looked at his watch, it was almost two in the morning and he was looking at a long night of contract negotiations. He wasn’t about to get stuck going through the whole contract alone.

  “Certainly, Mr. Sukimoto, I’m going to invite my partner Robert to sit in with us on this. He was the one who drew up the contract so he will be best to answer any of our questions. Let’s get started.”

  Robert came into the room and sat next to Drake, he made sure to flash an apology smile at Drake as they started to work on the contract. Robert knew Drake wasn’t the type of boss to get upset about things like that, but Robert still hated that he had called Drake all the way into the office in the middle of the night just to go over the contract that Robert had written.

  “Item number one,” Mr. Sukimoto started. “I’d like to add a clause that states my name will be removed from all business identifications.”

  “Of course,” Drake said as he looked at Robert and waited for him to write down what needed to be changed.

  Contract negotiations were one of the things Drake dreaded the most. He had always thought email was a much better way to do the negotiations. The client could simply submit the changes they were requesting and then Robert would make the changes and get back to them if they had any other concerns.

  Obviously, there were times when the clients wanted changes that Drake wasn’t willing to agree to and during those cases a teleconference was the perfect way to settle things.

  But even then, Drake preferred in-person meetings when it came to contracts. It was much harder to argue about a small point if Drake was right there in the room with someone. He just had the ability to put people at ease and they wouldn’t argue with him very much.

  Drake, Robert, and Mr. Sukimoto spent the entire evening together as they went line by line through the contract. There were some areas where it was important for Drake to be there so they could negotiate, but most of the changes were simple things that Drake and Robert didn’t have a problem with changing.

  As other office employees started to arrive in the morning, Mr. Sukimoto noted that it was getting late for him and he would have to leave for the evening. It hadn’t occurred to him at all that Drake and Robert had just stayed up all night long to talk with him.

  But they were buying his company so Drake was going to make any necessary concessions to make sure the deal went through without a hitch. Buying Textron Industries out of Tokyo was going to be a huge deal for Leblanc Enterprises. Drake was going to have a footprint in Asia and that was a big start for his company over there.

  “I’m sorry Drake,” Robert said as they hung up the conference call.

  “It’s alright. It isn’t like I have seven beautiful women at my home just waiting for me to spend time with them or anything,” Drake laughed.

  “How is that all going? Have you found one that you like the best?”

  Drake had to think about the question a little bit. He liked them all for vastly different reasons but he wasn’t sure he had found one that he liked so much more than the rest. It was going to be a horribly difficult job when he had to decide on just one girl at the end of the week.

  “Man, I really don’t know who I’ll pick. Every girl is better than any other woman I’ve dated before. You guys did a really good job picking them.”

  “It was mostly Samantha. She knows you very well.”

  “Speaking of Sam, I better get my ass back over to the house before she gets here,” Drake said as he started to pack up his laptop and notes so he could head back over to his house.

  But just as he was leaving the conference room Drake ran into Samantha as she came in to work. Her short skirt and hi-heels still made his heart flutter, even after working together for years. It was a real shame that she continues to deny him his desire to have her.

  “What are you doing here!” she exclaimed as she walked toward her desk.

  “Robert needed me, I’m just leaving now.”

  Drake always laughed at the serious nature by which Samantha always took things. She was so by the book about rules and work, but every once in a while, Drake got a glimpse of her when she relaxed. Man, oh man, did he love to spend time with Samantha when she let loose and actually relaxed.

  “You aren’t supposed to be here, Drake. You are never going to learn work/life balance if you keep coming into the office or doing work. Take a vacation, damn it.”

  As much as Drake loved Samantha, he didn’t like when she yelled at him like he was some sort of child. He ran a multi-billion-dollar company; he didn’t need her telling him what to do. She was wound up too tight and he wasn’t going to let her tight-ass attitude rub off on him. Plus, she needed to know that it wasn’t alright to talk to him like that. He didn’t care if they had been together for years; she needed to respect him.


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