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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

Page 103

by Sarah J. Brooks

  She felt his strong fingers as they moved up and down her thigh and all Allison could think about was how much longer she needed to be polite. How much longer did she need to sit and listen to the speakers? How much longer did she have to be sweet and kind with the lovely girls that had come to attend the pageant that day?

  She wanted to be polite and fulfill her duty as the MC for the event. Allison wasn’t the type of person who would just bolt on an event because the main part was finished. She knew how much the girls wanted to talk to her and take pictures, but Allison didn’t know how much longer she could hold back her desire for Drake.

  With their little closet incident, Allison’s brain had gone full-force into thinking about being in bed with Drake. She couldn’t help but imagine him naked on top of her. Their bodies moving with each other as she screamed out in delight. Allison needed to finish up the event so she could get her hands on Drake. She wanted to torture him like he had tortured her in that closet.

  To keep herself entertained, Allison let her hand slide over to the bulge that was in Drake’s pants.

  “No,” Drake said firmly as he stopped rubbing Allison’s thigh and moved his hand on top of Allison’s.

  “Shhh, we are listening to the speaker,” Allison said with a huge smile as she turned to face the speaker but left her hand rubbing Drake’s hardness through his pants.

  He was large -- a significantly large member that enticed Allison to rub him harder. She wanted to slide her hand inside of his pants or unzip him and pull him out right there under the table, but she decided not to. The last thing she needed was some young girl seeing his raging hard cock exposed and outside of his pants. But inside of his pants, well that was fair game.

  Drake held onto Allison’s hand as she moved it up and down his hard cock. He couldn’t take it though and he had to make her stop. His body had been hard for almost a half an hour and he needed to get some relief soon.

  “When can we leave?” he whispered into Allison’s ear.

  “After dessert,” she said as her hand continued to stroke him.

  “Then you need to stop, I can’t take anymore.”

  “You’re a big tough man, you can handle it,” she teased him.

  But she did slow down her strokes and eventually stopped to give him a small amount of relief while they listened to another speaker and waited for the dessert to come.

  “How much longer?” he asked as he looked around desperately for the waiter.

  “I don’t know. You won’t die, though,” she laughed.

  “I might. I just might die right here with this raging cock and no relief.”

  Allison giggled and then caught the eye of a young girl who had been watching them. She was probably about thirteen years old and she was sitting with her parents at the table right next to them. Allison quickly pulled her hands over to her own lap and turned her attention to the speaker again.

  When the speaker finished, the young girl came over to Allison and Drake with a huge smile on her face.

  “Are you two getting married?” She asked.

  Allison turned and looked at Drake in terror, hoping that the girl had not seen anything that had been happening between the two of them. She desperately hoped the little girl had not been looking at them when Allison had her hand on Drake’s pants and was playing with him. Allison was so mortified that she couldn’t even say a word as she looked at Drake and hoped he would do the talking.

  “She is really pretty isn’t she?” Drake said as he leaned in and took control of the conversation.

  “Yes, she’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”

  “I’m really lucky she’s here with me, aren’t I?” Drake said as he wrapped his arms around Allison and continued to talk with the girl.

  “So, are you getting married?” the girl said again.

  Her parents stood behind her and let her ask the questions she wanted. It was interesting how they didn’t interrupt her or try to apologize for her asking questions. Drake paid attention to them and remembered thinking that it was a good thing her parents let her have some independence.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe we will,” Drake said. “Would you like to get a picture with us?”

  The girl didn’t answer, but she did turn around and look at her parents. One of them quickly whipped out a camera and took a picture of the couple with the girl.

  “Mommy, I think they are going to get married,” she said as they walked away.

  The parents mouthed the words ‘thank you’ and then followed their daughter across the dining area to another table where she went to talk to another group of people.

  “That was really sweet,” Allison said as she watched the girl and her family.

  “Dessert?” The waiter said as he appeared behind the couple.

  “Oh, thank God!” Drake exclaimed. He appeared overly eager for dessert and the waiter decided to leave a couple extra slices to make him happy.

  “That chocolate cake does look delicious,” Allison said as she sat back and looked at the chocolate cake that was now at the table.

  “Eat it,” Drake said as he pushed one of the plates in front of Allison.

  “Oh, no. I don’t eat dessert. I have a swimsuit photo I need to take in a week. I’d have to run for like six hours straight to burn that off.”

  Drake just laughed and continued to eat his piece of chocolate cake, but then he grabbed a fork full and brought it up to Allison’s mouth.

  “How much exercise would one bite cost you?” he asked with a mischievous look in his eyes.

  “What kind of exercise are we talking about?”

  “The horizontal kind.”

  “Hmm, I’m not sure, maybe fifteen minutes.”

  Drake pressed the cake toward her mouth and Allison opened up and took it in. Fifteen minutes of fun in bed would be well worth a bite of the cake. But then Drake grabbed another fork full and brought it up to her mouth again.

  “No, no, no,” she laughed as she covered her mouth.

  “Open,” Drake demanded.

  His voice was firm but he had that same smile on his face. Allison couldn’t resist and she opened her mouth again. The chocolate tasted like heaven to her lips. She had avoided things like cake for years and it was so good to taste the forbidden deliciousness.

  Again, Drake grabbed a fork full of chocolate cake and brought it up to Allison’s lips. She couldn’t resist and she opened her mouth to take it in. Over and over again Drake fed Allison a whole piece of the rich, delicious chocolate cake.

  “So that’s six hours worth of fun, right?” Drake smiled as he gathered Allison’s bag and pulled her chair out for her.

  “It’s five thirty in the afternoon. We won’t get back to your place for at least an hour and a half with all this traffic. I guess I won’t get to burn off all those calories after all,” Allison teased him as they made their way out the back entrance.

  At the car, Drake pressed Allison up against the door and kissed her. She was surprised by his passion and appreciated his excitement. Having Drake with her for that event had made her night and Allison couldn’t wait to continue their date some more. Drake was fun to be around and sexy as hell, he was just the kind of guy she had been looking for.

  “Thank you,” Drake said.

  “For what?”

  “For today. I feel like I grew as a person because of these girls. Thank you so much for bringing me here with you today.”

  “I’m glad you had fun. I was nervous that I would bore you to death and you wouldn’t have enjoyed yourself.”

  “Where do you live?” Drake said as he suddenly appeared to have an idea.

  She couldn’t help but laugh at the look that came across his face. Drake appeared to have been graced with a fabulous idea and he could hardly contain his excitement as he waited to hear where Allison lived.

  “I’m just down the street, maybe five miles or so. I’m near the coast.”

  “Show me,” Drake said as he handed
her the keys to his car.

  “I can’t drive silly, remember.”

  “Sure you can. I’ll teach you.”

  Allison felt the sweat as it rushed across her brow. The idea of driving hadn’t been something she thought too much about before. But as he handed her the keys she really did want to try it. Being able to drive would give her some increased independence and that was always a good thing.

  “What if I crash your car?” she said as Drake walked her around to the driver's side and opened the door.

  “Then you’ll buy me a new one,” he teased. “I have car insurance, don’t worry.”

  “What if I hurt someone?”

  “You aren’t going to hurt anyone. I’m here to teach you. We will go nice and slow. Well, not too slow. We need to get to your house in the next half an hour.”

  Drake smiled from ear to ear as he saw Allison’s face as she figured out what he had planned. He wanted to take her back to her place so they could spend their time together there. It would be fun to see Allison’s house and see how she lived. All the women got to see his house and look through his things; it would be a good change of pace for Drake to see hers.

  “Ok, I’ll drive for a little bit, but if I am horrible, you are going to take over!”

  Drake agreed to her terms and got into the passenger side of the vehicle. They both put their seatbelts on and Drake showed Allison where all the controls were to his car. She actually seemed very comfortable in the vehicle and he didn’t feel too afraid to have her driving. Allison was twenty-four years old; she really needed to know how to drive.

  “Put your foot on the brake and pull that gear shift down to the letter D,” Drake said as he looked around the parking lot to find the easiest way out.

  “Which pedal is the brake,” Allison asked.

  Drake’s eyes got wide and he instantly feared what he had started. But when he looked over at Allison she was laughing hysterically.

  “Oh, God, I thought you were serious.”

  “Ok, brake, and then move it to drive,” Allison said as she followed his directs closely. “I’m pretty good at this aren’t I?”

  Allison moved slower than an eighty-year-old grandma would drive as she inched through the parking lot. Drake sat and smiled as he watched her steer with precision around other parked cars and out toward the street.

  “We are going to need to speed it up as we pull out into the street here,” Drake said. “Wait for this last car and then pull out into the far right lane.”

  Allison held onto the wheel tightly and waited for the car to pass then she pressed hard on the gas and they flew out into the street. She quickly regained control of the vehicle and lifted her foot off the gas as she moved down the street in her lane.

  Drake held on tight to the handles of the car and tried to keep himself from laughing. She was by far the worse driver he had ever been in a car with. He had to keep reminding himself that she was like a young teenager who was learning for the first time.

  “Remember to watch your speed,” he said calmly. “Stay in your lane and keep your eyes out for the other drivers.”

  Luckily the drive to Allison’s house was only a few minutes away from the event they had attended. As she pulled into her driveway, Allison put the car into park and started to scream with delight.

  “I’m a driver!” She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Drake and kissed him. “Thank you for teaching me to drive!”

  “It was a good start. Do you think you’ll try and take the test to get your license now?”

  “Yes, I can’t wait to buy a convertible and cruise through town,” Allison said as she climbed out of the SUV and they made their way up to her house.

  “Let me know when you’re on the road so I can stay off of it,” Drake joked.

  “Oh, you know you want to be my co-pilot,” Allison said as she unlocked her door and brought Drake into her house.

  Chapter 7

  As they made it into Allison’s house, Drake slammed the door behind them. They could hear music in the other room, but he just assumed she had left it on before she left the house the last time.

  “Do you hear that?” Allison asked as she looked toward her bedroom.

  “Did you leave the music on?”

  “I must have,” she said as Drake pressed her up against the wall and turned her around.

  He let his hands slide her zipper down and the gown she had on slid to the ground. Drake kissed her bare back and let his hands move around to cup her breasts.

  “That was fun,” Allison whispered as she held her breath with each of Drake’s kisses.

  “Yes, it was, now we need to burn off that chocolate cake,” he teased.

  His hands grabbed a hold of her lace panties and pressed them to the ground as he made his way down her body with light kisses. She bit her lip with excitement as each kissed moved closer to her ass.

  When his lips finally made it to her round cheeks, Allison let him kiss her a couple of times and then she turned around and pulled him back up so his lips were on hers. Allison pulled Drake toward the living room and they leaned up against the couch as she started to untie his tuxedo tie. It proved to be more difficult than she had expected and Drake ended up untying it himself.

  As Allison stood naked in her living room she worked with Drake to get all of his clothes off. Each piece of his tuxedo seemed to trip her up, though and Drake ended up removing most of it himself. In all the excitement, the intricate buttons of his tuxedo were just too much for Allison. Plus, she did love watching Drake take off his clothes. Kind of like her own personal strip tease.

  “That’s a tricky outfit you’ve got going on there,” Allison said as she grabbed his hand and walked him back toward her bedroom.

  “It’s gone now. Nothing to hold me back,” Drake said.

  He pulled Allison into the hallway and pressed his naked body up to hers. The feeling of her soft smooth skin against his body was delightful and his friend the hard-on, was instantly back and ready to show off.

  “Shh, get out before she sees us,” a man’s voice said.

  Drake looked at Allison and they both looked toward her bedroom. Allison stormed off toward the room and flung the door open to find her assistant and his boyfriend running around the room trying to find their clothes.

  “Michael, you have a house of your own! Why are you here?” she said firmly.

  Michael and his boyfriend stopped to look at naked Allison as she stood in the doorway, but then they quickly looked at naked Drake who stood right behind her.

  “Drake Leblanc!” Michael exclaimed as he rushed over and tried to hug Drake.

  Allison put her hand out to prevent what she assumed would be a pretty awkward encounter. Drake didn’t strike her as the kind of man who was so comfortable with himself that he could hug another man while they were both naked.

  “Put your clothes on, Michael,” Allison said firmly.

  Drake slipped back out to the living room and took a moment to put his boxers back on too. He found it hilarious that Allison’s gay assistant was sleeping with a man in her bed. It was much more exciting than anything that ever happened with him and his assistant.

  “Allison, please introduce me. I love him,” Michael was saying when Drake returned. “Oh, my God. He’s right there. I’m going to tinkle.”

  “I’m not introducing you until you both are fully clothed. Get your clothes on and come out to the living room and I’ll introduce you.”

  Allison walked into her room and pulled open a drawer with some t-shirts. She slipped one on over her head and pulled on a pair of clean panties from her drawer. She certainly wasn’t afraid to be naked, but figured it was only proper that she put some clothing on too, since she was making everyone else in the house get dressed.

  “I’m sorry,” Allison said as she made a sad face when she walked back out to the living room with Drake.

  “Don’t be. I wish I could catch my assistant boning someone in my house
. It would be much more exciting than her always yelling at me. I think she’s too responsible to do something like that. though.”

  “Your assistant is Samantha?”

  “Yep, she’s been with me for years. And before you ask, no we haven’t ever slept together. We have kept it professional since we met.”

  “That’s surprising.”

  “Why? I don’t seem like the kind of guy who can keep things professional?”

  “No, she just looks at you like she is in awe all the time. I would have thought she would have thrown herself at you at some point in your working relationship.”

  Drake thought back to a previous night when Samantha and he had flirted on the phone, it was the closest they had ever been to actually having sex. Samantha just wasn’t interested in him and he had come to accept it. He didn’t like it. But Drake accepted it as her boundary and he wasn’t about to press her to go against what she thought was best.

  “Drake Leblanc, we are huge fans of yours,” Michael said as he and his boyfriend made their way toward the couch where Drake and Allison were sitting. “I think I’m going to tinkle all over the place.”

  “Huge,” said the friend as he looked at Drake’s boxer shorts.

  Allison couldn’t help but laugh at their sexual innuendo and the little bit of shyness that came across Drake’s face. Allison didn’t think gay fans were something new to Drake; he was a very handsome guy. But she suspected he wasn’t used to having to talk with them while he was sitting in his underwear.

  Drake was gracious and continued to talk with the two men for at least twenty minutes before he looked over at Allison in hopes that she would rescue him.

  “Ok, boys, I’m all for a fun threesome, but foursomes are too much for me. Why don’t you call me on Sunday, Michael, and we can discuss some things. Take the rest of the week off, or at least stay at your house please,” Allison said as she hugged her assistant.

  Michael and his boyfriend said their goodbyes and gave both Allison and Drake a kiss on the lips before they left. Allison laughed as Drake’s eyes got big when Michael kissed him. They all stood in the doorway of her house and waved goodbye at the men as they finally left for good.


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