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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

Page 110

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “I remember you lying on that bed begging me to untie you,” Cynthia commented with a wry smile.

  Before Cynthia could suggest that Drake get tied back up to the bed, Drake had her pressed up against the door and her hands pinned over her head. He felt her chest as it rose and fell in excitement. He felt her breathing increase as she tried to slow down her excitement.

  “There is something I wanted to do,” Drake said as he let his lips move in and kiss Cynthia gently. “I have some plans of my own for you tonight.”

  Cynthia didn’t respond. Instead, she just looked up at Drake and nodded her head yes. She was alright with anything that Drake wanted to do. Her heart was beating a million miles a minute as she waited for him to kiss her again. There wasn’t anything else that she wanted more at that moment.

  Again, he moved in slowly and gently kissed Cynthia as he released her hands and held her face passionately. His lips and hers moved together and their tongues jetted in and out of each other’s mouths. The passion between them built the more they kissed, and soon Drake felt Cynthia’s hands as they started to rub on his bulging cock.

  But he wasn’t about to let her take control. Drake was done with that, he wanted to let Cynthia feel what it was like to have someone else in control. She was always so worried about being in charge in the bedroom, it was about time she let someone else deliver pleasure to her.

  “I want to tie you to the bed,” Drake whispered in Cynthia’s ear.

  He didn’t wait for her to respond before he started to kiss down her neck and pull off her clothes. He knew her answer would be yes. There was no way she would deny him the pleasure of playing with her.

  Methodically, he removed each piece of her clothing and then let her stand there naked for him to enjoy. Her hands instantly went across her stomach to protect herself from showing off her womanly rolls. But Drake pulled her hands away. Cynthia was a plus-sized woman and beautiful. She had the most womanly body, with curves that drove Drake crazy. He loved how confident she could be when she wanted to, but hated that she felt like she needed to hide her body at all.

  “I don’t think I can,” Cynthia said as Drake grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the bed.

  “You can,” Drake said as he kissed her. “Don’t you want to know what it feels like?”

  Cynthia had never thought that she would want to be on the other end of a flogger or riding crop. Most of her adult life she had been the one wielding them, but the idea of Drake slapping her ass with one of her toys was a total turn on. Much more exciting to her than the idea of him tying her to the bed; she wasn’t sure she could do that.

  On the way to the bed, she grabbed the flogger off the table and carried it with her. She smiled widely as she handed it to Drake and then leaned over the bed in the perfect position for him to hit her ass.

  “Your ass is beautiful,” Drake whispered.

  “Thank you. Now hit me,” she said firmly.

  She just wasn’t able to totally get the dominatrix out of her system as she ordered Drake to slap her ass with the flogger.

  The moment was erotic and filled with anticipation as Cynthia closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She wanted to fully experience the moment. No vision to get in her way, no looking at Drake in anticipation.

  “I’m going to slap your ass five times, baby,” Drake said. “One,” he moved the flogger gently and barely tapped her ass.

  Cynthia didn’t even flinch at the first hit, and Drake knew he was going to be expected to do a better job. With each additional hit, he swung harder and harder to try and get some sort of reaction from Cynthia. But with each hit she stayed motionless on the bed with her ass pointed up at Drake.

  “Did I do good?” Cynthia asked when Drake finished.

  “Oh, yes,” Drake said as he fell to his knees and started to kiss the marks on her ass.

  He let his hands move around to explore her wetness as his lips gently kissed each one of the marks on her bottom. He was gentle with his touch and soon found his fingers dipping inside her in an effort to bring Cynthia more pleasure.

  She held onto the bed and remained bent over as Drake moved his fingers inside of her. Every part of her body screamed out for more and more from Drake. Cynthia didn’t know what was going on, but she wanted Drake to take her on the bed right away. She could hardly contain her longing for him and didn’t want to wait any longer.

  As she climbed away from Drake onto the bed, she felt his hands wrap around her left ankle with the leather strap that was attached to the bed.

  “No, you don’t need to tie me up,” Cynthia said as she flipped around and started to kiss Drake.

  She wasn’t afraid of the straps themselves, or of Drake. Cynthia was afraid of feeling out of control. She had never been in a situation that she didn’t feel like she was in control and really wasn’t sure she could handle it.

  “I think I do need to,” Drake said as he held Cynthia’s arms above her head and pressed her back onto the bed.

  “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be, I’m going to take care of you.”

  Drake gently stretched each of Cynthia’s arms above her head and connected the leather straps to them. Then he connected the final one around her other ankle as he stood next to the bed and looked gloriously at Cynthia. Her body looked magnificent as it lay there stretched out on the bed. Her pale white skin in total contrast to the deep red sheets on the bed.

  “You’re shaking,” Drake said as he took his clothes off, climbed onto the bed and lay next to Cynthia.

  “I’m cold, or scared, or something, I’m not sure. But I’m fine,” she responded.

  Drake leaned over and started to kiss Cynthia as his warm hands moved up and down her body. He explored every inch of her that he could reach while their tongues worked together in the perfect kiss. It was a sensual moment and so unique to Drake. Having Cynthia dare herself to push her own boundaries was beyond what Drake had expected from their evening. He loved that she was afraid but still wanted to move things forward.

  “I’m going to make you scream now,” Drake said quickly as he moved his kisses from her lips, slowly down her body.

  He stopped and paid special attention to each of her nipples before he traced a path down her belly to her delicious center. With her legs spread open and tied down, Cynthia couldn’t clench her thighs around Drake to make him stop pleasing her. She also didn’t have the use of her hands to stop him, either. Drake couldn’t help feeling excited about the endless pleasure he intended to give Cynthia that evening.

  “Be gentle,” she teased him.

  He started slowly and moved his tongue around the exterior folds of her core while he watched as she wiggled against his tongue. Each minute that passed, Cynthia’s hips moved more and more against him as the pleasure he provided her built up higher and higher.

  When he finally slid two fingers, inside of her, Cynthia screamed out in pleasure as her body tightened down on him. But Drake wasn’t about to slow down just because she had released an orgasm. Instead, it drove him to thrust his fingers harder while he pulled her clit into his mouth. The more she moved, the more intensely he moved his fingers. Soon she was screaming out as another orgasm hit and thrashing around in an effort to move her clit away from Drake’s mouth.

  Her moans were like music to Drake’s ears, and he wanted to hear them over and over again. It didn’t matter that she had just orgasmed twice; he wanted to watch her body shake and moan all night long. He even wondered just how many orgasms he could deliver to Cynthia before she would beg him to untie her.

  “Have you ever squirted?” Drake asked as he slowed his fingers inside of Cynthia.

  He started to curl them up toward the front of her pubic bone as he sat up and watched her body.

  “No, I can’t do that,” she said, and then after a long pause, she added, “but I’d like to try.”

  That was all Drake needed to hear, and he moved his left hand over her pubic b
one and pressed down as his right hand continued to stroke inside of her. The moans were quiet at first, but much deeper than before. As she got comfortable with the movement, Drake started to move his whole hand up and down inside of her as his fingers thrust into the top and bottom of her opening.

  The change in movement instantly had Cynthia quiet as she felt her body start to shake.

  “It’s okay, close your eyes. Let your body release,” he said softly.

  As his fingers continued their up and down movement, he watched Cynthia’s body as she finally closed her eyes and started to relax. He felt the muscles in her center release, and he quickened his movements to help her body release the best orgasm she had ever had.

  Cynthia wasn’t exactly sure what happened, but she felt her body start to vibrate from near her belly button. It was a quick sensation at first, but then soon she felt a rush of fluid and her whole body started to shake. It was a twitching of an orgasm as her muscles tightened and she felt a sensation that she had never had before.

  Her pelvis tightened as she screamed out in pleasure and tried to pull her thighs together to prevent the intense feeling from continuing. But with her legs tethered to the bedposts, that left her body exposed as Drake continued to move inside of her and stretched her orgasm even longer than she thought possible.

  “Oh, please, please, untie me,” Cynthia moaned.

  Drake felt her body releasing as she shook with pleasure, and he quickly went around to all four straps and unhooked them. He pulled Cynthia to one side of the bed and wrapped his arms around her as her body continued to shake with pleasure. It was an intense moment, and yet extremely intimate.

  Cynthia had her eyes closed still but moved her face toward Drake’s, and he met her with a gentle kiss. He reached down and grabbed a blanket from the floor and wrapped it around Cynthia as he held her close to him.

  Cynthia wasn’t sure why the moment had been so emotional, but she felt herself fighting back tears. It was such an amazing orgasm, and she had never been with a man that she felt so comfortable with. She kept her eyes closed as she felt the warmth of his body wrapped around her and the ultimate feeling of safety in every part of her body.

  “I still want to ride you,” Cynthia said, pulling Drake close to her. “But my legs are too weak.”

  Drake just laughed as he held onto Cynthia and let her rest. As much as he would have loved to slide inside of her and watch her bounce on top of him, Drake knew she was exhausted, and there was no way he wanted to push her any harder. They could certainly rest for a while and then pick things up again when they woke up.

  He had already decided he was spending the night with Cynthia, so there was no big hurry in rushing through their night of fun.

  As Drake closed his eyes, he remembered thinking how comfortable he felt with Cynthia. She was like a friend he had known for years and years without ever having the worry that he would say something or do something wrong. He liked how he felt when he was with Cynthia, he liked it enough to consider that she might be the one he picked at the end of the week.

  Chapter 8

  The night flew by, and before she knew it, Cynthia woke up and it was almost 3 o’clock in the morning. She was dying of thirst as she crawled over Drake and made her way to the bathroom. Her legs still felt wobbly from their earlier fun, but in a good way. The kind of wobble you got from having multiple orgasms.

  Cynthia wasn’t sure why she felt so comfortable with Drake, but as she stood in the bathroom doorway and drank her water, she smiled at the thought. She was standing there naked and didn’t even care if Drake woke up and saw her. It was the first time she could remember ever feeling so comfortable in her own skin.

  Drake hadn’t done anything specific to make her feel comfortable; it was just the way he looked at her. It was clear that he didn’t see the extra weight she carried around. Cynthia had looked at her own body so critically for so many years; it was like a weight was lifted off her shoulders when she stood there without the worry at all.

  Cynthia couldn’t stop thinking about how wonderful their day together had been. It was nothing like any date she had ever experienced. Certainly, the circumstances were much different than anything Cynthia had encountered before, but it was much more than that. Cynthia and Drake had a connection that was stronger than she had felt with other men she had dated.

  The other issue with those other men though, was that they weren’t nearly as funny as Drake. The men she normally went out with were boring money men who loved to talk about their money and how good they were at investing it.

  Cynthia was pretty damn good with investing too. She had built her company up from hardly anything. It was now a multi-million-dollar organization with over a hundred employees. But just because she was smart and knew how to invest didn’t mean that she thought it was good conversation for a date. In fact, when a man started a date off talking about his investments or money, that instantly turned Cynthia off for the rest of the night.

  It was comical to Cynthia that she had spent the whole day with Drake, and neither of them had mentioned money at all. That was something she had dreamed for in a man. She had even talked with her friends over drinks one night about how she would keep the first man who could make it through a meal without talking about his investments.

  Unfortunately, it wasn’t going to be up to Cynthia on whether she got to keep Drake or not. He was going to have to make the decision at the end of the week. It made Cynthia horribly sad to even think about losing Drake, and she needed to find something to keep herself occupied really quick before she started to lament about her fears.

  She returned to the bed and uncovered Drake slowly. She was trying not to wake him up, but as soon as the cold room air hit his skin, he started to stir. Cynthia quickly wrapped her lips around his member and stroked slowly up and down his shaft as she worked to wake him up. If she were awake, certainly Drake should be awake as well, she thought.

  “Good morning,” Drake said groggily. “Or is it still nighttime?”

  He turned toward the bedside clock and saw the time. It was a bit of a relief to him as he wanted more time with Cynthia. He wasn’t ready to give her up just yet. She was a special woman and someone he would have never found if Samantha and Robert hadn’t brought her to the house for the week.

  As her mouth moved around him, he felt his energy surging, and the throbbing started to increase. It was so easy for her to arouse his energies, easier than he thought it would have been at such an hour of the night.

  “Good morning,” Cynthia said as she climbed on top of Drake and sat near his stomach for a moment.

  She was certainly planning to slide him inside of her, but first, she wanted to talk to him. They hadn’t spent much of their time talking at all throughout their day. It made Cynthia feel like she was at a disadvantage compared to the other women in the house. Most of them had talked in depth about all the conversations and bonding they had done with Drake. But Cynthia and Drake had hardly talked at all.

  “You know, I could flip you back over onto the bed and tie you up again,” Drake said as she grabbed her ass and pulled her body toward him.

  “Nope, I have something better planned.”

  “Anything you want, babe,” Drake said as he let his hands massage her ass.

  “I’m going to make you scream,” Cynthia teased him.

  As much as she genuinely wanted to talk with Drake, she quickly found herself flirting with him and teasing him again. She just couldn’t stop herself. There was something about Drake that made Cynthia almost giddy with excitement. She couldn’t hold back from sexually teasing him and wasn’t sure she wanted to.

  She had to hope that they would have time for conversation on another day before everything was over because for the moment, Cynthia wasn’t going to be talking with him much.

  “Oh, you think so?” Drake asked as he raised an eyebrow at her.

  “No,” she laughed. “But I am going to ride you like a cowboy.”<
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  Drake had to laugh at her analogy. He wasn’t sure anyone had ever referred to him as a cowboy before. He was probably the farthest thing from a cowboy there was. He dressed in trendy clothes and didn’t really know how to work with his hands much, except in the bedroom. But it was a fun idea to be a cowboy for the evening.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m your cowboy and you should give me a good riding. You know the kind where I try to buck you off and you just hold on for dear life,” he teased her.

  Cynthia looked intently at Drake as she lifted her body off him and moved over his throbbing member. As she slid down on top of him, she felt the release of his breath as he closed his eyes and took in the pleasure of the moment.

  The feeling of him filled her up, and she pressed her hands against his chest to stabilize herself. Slowly she rocked her hips back and forth as she pressed his body deep inside of her. It was an intense feeling to have him all the way in her, and she felt her body tightening around him.

  Soon, Drake started to move his hips with her thrusts in perfect unison as their bodies worked together to create pleasure for both of them. Harder and harder he thrust as he held onto her hips for leverage.

  Her breasts moved freely as she bounced up and down on his body. Normally, the sign of her bouncing breasts would have worried her. She would have wrapped an arm around them in an effort to hide their movements. But with Drake, Cynthia didn’t worry at all. She relaxed and felt the sensation that was going through her body. It was a liberating experience for her and one that resulted in a far larger amount of pleasure for her.

  Cynthia felt comfortable on top of Drake, and even felt fine with his hands on her hips as their bodies thrust together. It was a totally unique moment for her, and she knew she wouldn’t forget it. No matter what happened at the end of the week, Cynthia wanted to always remember how safe and confident she felt with Drake. That was what she wanted for her future.

  The more they moved with each other, the more their moans increased as the climax built up inside both of them. Soon they were both ready to explode as Cynthia clenched her hands onto Drake’s chest and he pulled her hips even tighter to his body.


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