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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

Page 114

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “I’ve got a lot of energy; I think it’s you who will have a hard time keeping it up. Whoops, I mean you’ll have a hard time keeping up with me,” she teased.

  Drake took that as a challenge and quickly slid into Lauren from behind. His body thrust against her sweet tiny ass, and he felt the buildup of desire coming faster than he wanted. He didn’t want to give in to her delicious body just yet. He wanted her to be exhausted. In an effort to prolong their lovemaking, Drake slowed his thrusting and went back to kissing Lauren’s neck. It was a sweet and gentle kiss.

  Lauren would have been fine with spending the day in bed, but she hated to make appointments with people and then cancel them. People already thought she was too young to be responsible; she didn’t like to give them a reason to believe that stereotype was true. They could go back to bed after the Flyboarding guys arrived at the lake. As she thought about the company that was on their way, she started to get anxious that they wouldn’t be done with that round of lovemaking when the crew arrived. She was going to have to speed things up a little.

  She pressed her body tight against Drake’s and started to thrust hard against him. Since he was up against the wall, she had all the leverage she needed to take control. Her hips moved hard against his thrust, and it was only a moment or two before Drake was holding onto her hips and thrusting with her. He couldn’t resist for long, and soon they were both drenched in sweat from the thrusting of their bodies together.

  “I think it’s you that’s going to be tired,” Lauren whispered as she felt her body start tightening around Drake.

  “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

  They continued to move together until they both thrust deeply simultaneously, and Lauren let out a delightful moan. It was a sweet, sexy moan that Drake could have listened to for hours at a time. Everything about Lauren was sweet; it was a big contrast against some of the other women in the house, but Drake could see why she had been picked for him. There was a casual, confident relationship between the two of them already; it was nice, and he liked that feeling of comfort.

  Not a minute had passed, and they heard what sounded like a big truck backing up. The beeping noise that came as a warning startled Drake, and he jumped up and looked out the tiny window to see what was going on.

  “Who are they?”

  “It’s our activity. Let’s get dressed and get out there.”

  “What the hell is it?” Drake asked as he looked out the window and watched the weird contraption they were loading into the water.

  It wasn’t a jet ski or any other water vehicle that he had seen before. It was something totally unique, and Drake felt a little nervous for whatever it was that Lauren had planned for the rest of their afternoon.

  “It’s called Flyboarding. You’re going to love it.”

  “Hmmm, something about this makes me think I’m about to break a leg.” Drake laughed.

  “Nah, it only goes twenty feet or so in the air. You can’t break anything.”

  “What! It goes in the air? Shit.”

  They finished getting dressed and made their way down to the water to watch as the two men got the contraption ready for them to use. Drake wasn’t a shy guy, and he had certainly enjoyed trying daring things throughout his youth. But as he had gotten older, the idea of risking his life to increase his adrenaline was becoming less and less appealing. He still did some wild and crazy things, but they were much farther apart than they had been when he was young.

  Drake watched quietly as Lauren seemed to be overjoyed at the anticipation of getting on the Flyboard. Her level of excitement was contagious, and it was one of the things Drake enjoyed most about Lauren. She wasn’t afraid at all; he could tell it in her eyes. Lauren loved being in the water and around it, so an activity like this was probably right up her alley. Drake prepared himself to be totally embarrassed.

  “Mr. Leblanc, would you like to go first?” the owner of the Flyboarding company said.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing. I could use an example.”

  “Sure, I’ll get on and show you.”

  “I can show him,” Lauren said as she ripped off her T-shirt and grabbed a lifejacket.

  “Have you done this before?” the owner asked Lauren.

  “No, but I’ve seen it a few times. I think I can handle it.”

  Drake jokingly covered his eyes as Lauren suited up. They all loaded onto a couple of jet skis, and Lauren jumped into the water with her life jacket on. Drake felt his heart pounding out of his chest as he watched her get the Flyboard attached to her feet. She was a brave girl, much braver than Drake thought he was.

  “Is it safe for her to be doing this if she’s never done it before?” Drake asked with concern.

  “Everyone’s got to have a first time.”

  “Is she going to get hurt?”

  “No, it’s relatively safe. Most newbies are too afraid to get the board up too high. She’ll just hover over the water a little and then probably crash.”

  Drake felt the anticipation growing as he watched Lauren. It seemed like a really dangerous contraption, and he wasn’t even sure how it worked. Lauren was either extremely brave or extremely stupid; Drake wasn’t sure which one yet.

  The sound of the machine turning on was loud, and Drake flinched as he watched Lauren intently. The owner was holding onto her body in the water as the Flyboard tube filled with water. When it was ready, the owner helped Lauren to stand up on the water and instructed her on how to use the buttons that were in her hands. She quickly started pressing them, and a stream of water came out from below her skateboard-sized board that was strapped to her feet. The pressure from the stream of water forced Lauren up into the air, and she was hovering over the water.

  “Oh, that doesn’t seem so bad,” Drake said to the man who was driving his jet ski.

  The tube from her board was connected to the jet ski, so Lauren couldn’t get too far from them. Drake was impressed with her balance skills as she rocked the board back and forth and pressed the button so she could go even higher into the air.

  “She’s pretty comfortable up there. Most people fall by now,” the owner said as he made his way over to the other two men.

  They all watched as Lauren giggled and maneuvered the Flyboard around the water. She continued to go up higher and higher, but she was also testing her limits by rocking and moving the board. Drake could feel his blood pressure rising as he watched her and prayed that she wouldn’t crash and get hurt.

  Not a moment later, Lauren let go of the throttles, and the water stopped for a moment, and she came tumbling down. But it didn’t faze her at all. She waited for the owner to help position her in the water again and she got back up into the air.

  It was exciting to watch her as she balanced and then started trying to do turns and tricks in the air. She impressed Drake for sure and also the Flyboarding owner.

  “She’s going to do a dive soon,” he said loudly.

  “What do you mean a dive?” Drake asked.

  “She’s going to go headfirst toward the water and then come back up before she hits.”

  “Shit, that sounds like it’s dangerous.”

  “Yeah, it can be. But she told me she wanted to do it when I was out there last.”

  Drake’s stomach churned into a knot as he watched in anticipation. The last thing he wanted to see happen was Lauren getting injured while she was out there. Although they were just getting to know each other, he liked her and wasn’t about to just stand by and watch her hurt herself.

  “We should make her stop,” Drake said.

  “Can’t, she’s got all the control right now.”

  His throat was dry as he watched Lauren go up as high as the tether would let her, and then she leaned her body forward. The first time it didn’t work; her Flyboard stayed up in the sky, but then she leaned forward quickly and flung herself toward the water.

  “Oh, shit!” Drake yelled as he watched Lauren’s head come within inches of hitti
ng the water.

  She pulled up with only a moment to spare and then was quickly back up in the air. The smile that crossed her face had Drake smiling from ear to ear just looking at her. He realized that Lauren was a lot like he was. She wanted to push herself as far as possible just to see where that line was; where that stopping point in life was. Drake liked that. It was a trait that many people didn’t value, but he did. Sure, he was pushing the technology limit and partying limits, but it was all the same thing.

  “Oh, my God did you see that?” Lauren said as she let the Flyboard plunge into the water and then swam over to Drake.

  He jumped into the water, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. Their fat lifejackets prevented them from getting too close, but it was still a very passionate moment for them. Drake felt the excitement in her touch, and he couldn’t wait to get on the Flyboard and give it a try himself.

  “Drake, you are going to have so much fun! It feels like you’re flying. That was amazing,” Lauren screamed excitedly.

  Drake wasn’t sure he was going to have quite as much fun as Lauren had, but he was excited to give it a try. Lauren had made it look so simple that Drake had much more confidence going into it than he had when they first saw the men putting the Flyboard into the water. With a new-found excitement for adventure, Drake strapped on the Flyboard and let the company owner help him get stabilized so he could give it a go.

  “Hold both the triggers down at the same time, be gentle, though,” the owner said.

  Drake pressed the triggers softly and felt his body come up off of the water about six inches. He pressed the triggers harder, and suddenly his body spun out of control, and he did a face plant into the water. It wasn’t graceful at all. Without hesitating, though, Drake gave it another try, and then another.

  After about eight attempts at Flyboarding, Drake succumbed to the fact that he wasn’t getting any better. He continually went up into the air and then fell disheartened into the water. He finally gave up before all of his self-confidence was spent.

  “I think I need to practice my superhero flying skills,” Drake joked as he climbed out of the water.

  Chapter 5

  Lauren wrapped her arms tight around Drake as they walked out of the water, and it was like they were meant to be there together. Her touch felt so genuine that it surprised Drake at first. Lauren wasn’t a girl who was pretending to be happy, or pretending to be proud of someone, she genuine showed affection, something that many other women struggled with. Heck, Drake even felt like he struggled to show emotions and genuineness toward others.

  “You did really good, Drake!”

  “Thanks, but you did amazing.”

  “I spend my whole life balancing on boards. It would have been bad if I wasn’t good at it. Now you, you did amazing.”

  Lauren kept her arms wrapped around Drake and gently kissed him as they stood at the side of the water. She was tiny compared to him, and he lifted her off the ground so he could kiss her more easily. Lauren was excited for the next thing in her plan for the day. So far things had gone perfectly, and she hoped the rest of her date would go off just as well.

  Of course, she was worried about Sophia. But the second she knew that her surgery was over, and her family was there, it was much easier not to worry. Lauren wasn’t used to all the drama like she had seen in the previous few days. Her life was calm and relaxed almost every day. Even when she had events to participate in, the vibe was so relaxed, and everyone got along with each other; it wasn’t like living in the house with the other women at all.

  She understood why Drake was doing what he was doing. He wanted to find love. That was what everyone wanted. But Lauren was positive she wouldn’t be able to participate in another experiment like the one she was in. She liked Drake, and she thought he liked her, but all the other women were just getting in the way. After waiting six days to have her turn with him, Lauren wasn’t about to play it safe at all. She was going to show him how much he would like life with her.

  “We are going to the beach,” Lauren said with a giggle when she saw the look on Drake’s face.

  He didn’t look thrilled to be going to more water. Drake had tried valiantly with the Flyboard, but Lauren could see it in his eyes; he did not want to go surfing. She held back a giggle as he looked grimly at her and questioned what they would be doing at the beach.

  “Surfing?” he asked.

  “Maybe,” Lauren teased as she grabbed her surfboard.

  Drake quickly pulled it from her hands, carried it to the waiting vehicle and strapped it to the top. His vehicles weren’t really designed for carrying large surfboards, but they were able to make it work as they headed the thirty minutes to the coast.

  “Are we going to a specific beach?”

  “Yep, head down to Huntington Beach. I’ve got a little something planned there.”

  The drive to the coast and then south on the Pacific Coast Highway was beautiful, and they both took the opportunity to enjoy the view. It was clear that Lauren was a confident woman who didn’t need to fill the empty space with conversation, and Drake didn’t feel the need to fill it either. He did reach over and grabbed her hand. Holding it made him comfortable.

  The soft touch of Lauren’s hand in his had Drake’s mind suddenly racing all over the place. He felt comfortable with her; she was funny, kind and a great kisser. But Drake had so many great women at his home, and his mind started replaying all of his other dates and wondering if he liked Lauren more than the other women. It was starting to drive him crazy. Every date seemed to go better than the last one, and he thought he liked each girl more and more. They all stuck out in his memory, but the one that was next to him seemed to always be his favorite. Drake knew that making a decision on the final day was going to be horrible.

  “What’s on your mind?” Lauren asked with a serious tone.

  “I’m just thinking.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty messed up.”

  Drake pulled into the parking near the beach and turned to face Lauren. She seemed to know what he was thinking without him even saying a thing. Her eyes looked into his with a deep understanding that surprised him. Lauren seemed like the fun, carefree kind of girl, not the type who could understand the deep emotional turmoil he was feeling the closer it got to the end of the week.

  “It was a bad idea to bring you all here. I know that to be here with me you all are developing feelings, and I’m going to have to break six women’s hearts. That’s not my thing. I have kept relationships casual simply because I didn’t want to hurt people. Now I have you all here, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  Drake didn’t mind hurting people in business. He was often ruthless in that arena. But when it came to love, he was genuinely aware of women’s emotions and tried to steer clear of hurting anyone too much. Sometimes women would say they were fine with a one-night stand, but then clearly become attached. But overall, Drake was forward with his intentions and tried not to purposely make any woman feel bad.

  “Stop it!” Lauren said firmly. “We are all grown women. We came here for a chance at making a connection. I know if it doesn’t work out I’ll be a little heartbroken, but I’ll get over it. So will the other girls. You go with your heart. After going through all this, don’t you dare second guess yourself! You have the opportunity to land an amazing woman … me,” Lauren joked.

  “You’re pretty amazing.”

  Drake leaned in and let his lips gently touch hers. Softly, they moved together as their mouths explored each other. The delicate nature of the kiss was exactly what Lauren loved about Drake. He knew when to push things hard and when to pull back and be sweet. He was a good man, and she could tell the stress of the week was starting to weigh on him.

  “The sun is starting to set, we better get going,” Lauren said as she opened her door and climbed out.

  “We aren’t surfing this late, are we?”

  “Nope, I’m starving. We are going to eat.”
/>   Drake wanted to ask more questions but figured it wasn’t any use. He was excited that they were leaving the surfboard on the car and weren’t going to be climbing into the cold water of the ocean. He just followed her out to the sand where there was a picnic set up and a young lady sitting on their blanket. Lauren hurried up to meet her, gave her a big hug then turned to introduce her to Drake.

  “This is my best friend in the world. I thought you should meet her, just in case we hit it off. Ram, this is Drake, Drake, this is Ramsey.”

  Lauren’s friend looked almost identical to her. It was clear that the two women spent a lot of time together; probably surfing together too. Drake reached his hand out to shake hers, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him instead. Ramsey seemed to be just as sweet and nice as Lauren was; Drake could see why the two women were friends.

  As the two women stood in front of him, Drake couldn’t help thinking that Lauren was a good pick in her friends. This girl obviously cared about Lauren, and the two of them seemed to have remarkably similar personalities; at least from what Drake could tell in their short introduction. Drake liked knowing that Lauren had a good friend like this Ramsey girl.

  “Man, it’s great to meet you. I hear you are like a rock star of the tech world. I love my technology. Great to meet you, man.”

  “Thanks, it’s good to meet you too,” Drake said as he took a little step away from Lauren’s friend. “Are you eating dinner with us?”

  “Oh, hell no. I’m not getting in between you and this kinky ass girl. Oh, by the way, Lauren; here are those handcuffs you wanted.”

  Drake’s eyes got big as he looked at Lauren’s friend and then at Lauren. Her face was turning a deep shade of red, and Drake could tell her friend had just done that to embarrass her. But Lauren went along with it, grabbed the handcuffs and put them into her pocket.

  “Thanks.” She giggled as she tried not to look at Drake.

  “Yeah, we will use those later for sure,” Drake winked at Ramsey.

  “Treat her right there, dude,” Ramsey said as she reached her hand out and shook Drake’s. “This girl is by far one of the most amazing people in the world.”


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