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Taming The Bride (Brides of Mayfair 2)

Page 12

by Michelle McMaster

  The man who had offered her his strength, and demanded nothing in return.

  The man who had generously taken her and her students—not to mention Mungo and Dolly—into his home.

  And now he stood before her like a dark god, dangerous and mysterious as midnight, offering her shelter once again.

  “Aren’t you going to taste the brandy, Prudence?” he asked, his voice like velvet.

  She lifted the glass to her lips, and took the brandy into her mouth. It burned her throat a little, but she liked the sensation.

  Alfred took a swig of his as well, all the while studying her with those dark eyes. He made no move to close his shirt together as a proper gentleman might.

  She had an urge to slip her fingers inside and feel his skin there, knowing his chest would undoubtedly be as warm and hard as it looked.

  Instead, she met his riveting gaze.

  “The fire wasn’t an accident, was it?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No. I don’t believe it was.”

  “But why?” she said, shaking her head in confusion. “Why would someone do this? If we hadn’t come along when we did—”

  “Dolly and the girls would be dead, yes,” he interjected. “But our villain was hoping you would have been in there, too. Someone tried to kill you tonight, Prudence. And the fact that they failed only means they’ll most likely try again.”

  Prudence turned away. She didn’t want to hear such things.

  “You are in grave danger,” Alfred continued. “I don’t know how else to say it. You must be protected from this villain. To do that may mean protecting you from yourself.”

  “From myself?” She felt anger rising and fought against it.

  Was he going to blame her for this?

  “From now on,” he said, “I want you to do as this criminal wants. You must stop going out on the streets and stealing his girls away from him.”

  “What? But they need my help!” she protested.

  “I agree,” Alfred answered. “They do need your help. And if you want to continue helping them, you will have to leave them alone for awhile. Until we can make a plan to trap the bastard.”


  “No ‘buts’, Prudence,” he argued. “You and your girls narrowly escaped a fiery death tonight. Your school was burnt to the ground. Don’t think that this person is going to leave you alone with just a good scare. Oh, no. He’ll want to finish the job, I assure you. Unless, of course, you back off.”

  “How can you ask me to do that?” she demanded.

  “I’m not asking, Prudence—I’m telling you,” Alfred countered, pulling her toward him and against the hard wall of his chest. “Don’t you know how afraid I am for you? Don’t you know that if anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself? This madman tried to kill you tonight. He tried to abduct you only days ago. I won’t lose you, Prudence. Not now.”

  He dipped his head and covered her mouth possessively. His hands molded her body to his own, and she heard him groan in need.

  Sensation rocked through her, dancing across her limbs and making her feel light as air. His mouth was doing wonderfully wicked things to her, and she wanted it…needed it. More than she’d ever needed anything before.

  This man could bring her to the edge of desire. He was her protector, her dark knight—battling fiery demons for her. In his arms, she’d be safe.

  His lips trailed hot kisses down her neck, across her breasts. This time, she wasn’t afraid.

  Delicious shivers danced up her spine as his mouth tempted and teased her.

  Suddenly he stopped and stared down at her, his gaze dark with heat.

  To her surprise, Alfred gently pushed her away. “You’d better go, now, Prudence.”

  She looked up at him, confused.

  “If you don’t go now, I won’t be able to stop myself,” he said. “I want you too much.”

  His words sent a thrill through her belly.

  “But I don’t want you to stop,” she said, finally. “I want to be with you. Please let me be with you.”

  “Alright,” he said, smiling wickedly, “if you’re going to be pushy about it….”

  He tugged at the ribbon of her robe and slid it slowly down her shoulders, where it fell to the floor at her feet. She was now clad only in the delicate lawn nightdress.

  His eyes raked over her body, and she could see his desire, heavy and dark, burning there.

  “I’m going to make it good for you. So good.” He took her hand gently in his. “Touch me, Prudence. I can see that you want to. And I want you to. I want to feel the softness of your hands on my skin, like this.”

  He closed his eyes and tilted his head back as her fingers slipped inside his shirt.

  Prudence stared in wonder as her hands explored him. His skin was so soft, yet the hard muscles were like granite beneath. His breath caught as she brushed a taut nipple. She smoothed her hand down to slide over his flat stomach.

  “Take this off,” she said, pulling at his shirt. “I want to see all of you.”

  He chuckled under his breath, and obeyed.

  The warm glow of candlelight made his skin glow golden, made shadows play in places that Prudence ached to touch. He looked like a bronze statue of an ancient god, standing ready for battle.

  Unable to help herself, she ran both hands up over his chest, down his powerfully solid arms, up over broad, well-muscled shoulders. Then daringly, she skimmed back down his chest and toward his narrow hips.

  She looked into his eyes and saw the raw desire there, saw him fighting to retain control as her hands took their pleasure with his body. She touched his waist, brought her hands around, down the sides of his muscular buttocks, and finally to rock-hard upper-thighs.

  “Are you through with me, Prudence?” he asked, his voice low and heavy with passion. “Or would you like to see more of me? Would you like to feel more of me under those delicate hands? Undress me, then. If that’s what you’d like.”

  Unable to resist his command, Prudence let her hands roam downward to the laces that fastened his trousers at each side. They were tied with innocent-looking bows that seemed to beckon her hands of their own accord. She pulled gently and each bow unraveled itself in her fingers. She spread the laces apart, dipping her fingers in to feel his warm skin.

  He hissed in a breath as she reached back to touch the roundness of his buttocks. Slowly, she pushed his trousers down to rest on the top of his hips.

  He winced as if in pain, closing his eyes and turning his head away. Then he looked back at her, his eyes glittery in the soft light. “Touch me, Prudence. I beg of you….”

  She reached down over his trousers, and with a mixture of desire and unabashed curiosity, pressed her hand against his hardened sex.

  He moaned.

  She felt the masculine power of him in her hands, felt the thrill sing through her veins, and let her fingers explore the mystery of him. He gripped her shoulders as if he needed support, and letting her have free reign over him.

  “You witch…,” he said, his voice rough. “As hot and dangerous as fire. You’d think a man would learn his lesson.”

  He pushed her hands away then and pulled her into his arms, holding her captive against the wall of his chest. Backing her against the bedpost, his mouth covered hers as a low growl rumbled in his chest.

  Sensation flooded through her, hot, wild, and dizzying. She felt his hands, large and rough, roam up her sides and cup her breasts over her nightdress. Now it was her turn to moan as he rubbed his hands over her breasts, skimming his thumbs over the sensitive tips.

  “I want to see you….” He kissed her neck, her shoulders. “I want to touch you. All of you, Prudence. I’ve dreamt of touching you like this. Of making you tremble with desire.”

  He picked her up and lifted her onto the bed, and when the weight of him pressed on top of her, Prudence almost cried out with delight. He was so solid, so powerful, it quite took her breath away. Her hands twin
ed themselves in his hair as she pulled his mouth down for a feverish kiss.

  She felt his hands undressing her, but her mind was too muddled to understand just how deftly they accomplished their task. Then she felt his naked skin next to hers—all of him—warm and heavy as his body pinned her easily to the soft bed.

  Alfred leaned back on one arm, and she watched him looking at her, taking his pleasure with his eyes now. It sent a fresh thrill through her body. Softly, he ran his fingertip from the tip of her chin, down her neck and between her breasts, across her stomach….

  Prudence closed her eyes in helpless pleasure as his strong hand caressed between her legs. She dug her fingers into the flesh of his arms and she moaned as his hand moved against her in sweet torture.

  His mouth covered hers and she clawed at him as he stoked the flames of her desire ever higher. The intensity of feeling frightened her, and yet she knew that she had no choice but to go through the fire, and that Alfred would be there on the other side to catch her.

  It was madness, sweet, hot madness, and she cried out, thrashed against him—against her own desire because she knew it was near, it was almost there now—consuming her, melting her heart and shattering everything that she ever was.

  She felt something wet on her face, and realized in a haze that they were tears, her tears, and Alfred was brushing them away.

  “Oh, my darling,” he said, kissing her neck, her hair. “My glorious beauty. To let me see your passion, to let me hold you in my arms as you yourself discovered it. It’s more than a man could dream of.”

  Prudence held his face in her hands and kissed him. “Can I make you feel like that, too?”

  “Oh, yes, Prudence.”

  He rolled on top of her and she reveled in the weight of him. When he pressed his mouth to hers, she opened her lips to him, letting him take his pleasure there. She ran her hands down his shoulders, over his muscular back, thrilling as she felt the muscles bunch beneath her hands. Then, lower, to his hips and hard buttocks as she pressed him close against her.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, his voice rough with desire, “but I want to be inside you.”

  “You could never hurt me, Alfred, never.” She kissed him hard, spurring him on as the heat of her own desire grew stronger. “Please, Alfred….”

  He answered her with a kiss, deep and hot. And while he kissed her, she felt him ease her legs apart, and then he pressed himself against her.

  Prudence gasped at the quick shock of pain. But then the pain was gone, and in its place was the wonder of this man, the pleasure of his body.

  He leaned up on one arm and shifted his weight so that he could thrust deeper inside her. Prudence closed her eyes at the glory of it.

  She felt the heat of passion singing in her veins again, only this time it was hotter, more wicked than before. She opened her eyes and saw Alfred throw his head back, gritting his teeth as he groaned.

  Was she doing that to him?

  He leaned down and buried his face in her neck, and she knew his pleasure was getting nearer, like her own.

  She felt it then as it grabbed hold of her, and she clawed at him as it consumed her, as he consumed her—surrendering to his own pleasure with a tortured groan.

  He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, feathering her face with kisses. “I’ll always keep you safe, Prudence. I promise.”

  She snuggled against him and promptly fell asleep.

  Chapter 15

  Prudence slowly opened her eyes to the golden pre-dawn light that crept through a crack in the heavy draperies. Absently, she burrowed closer to the warm male body next to her, rubbing her hand over the muscular arm that held her close.

  She jolted slightly as she realized where she was.

  Lord Weston’s bed.

  And she wasn’t just in Lord Weston’s bed. She was lying naked in his bed after a night of forbidden passion.

  Heavens, she had to get out of here before the household awoke!

  She only hoped that Dolly had slept through the night, and hadn’t noticed her absence from their shared room.

  Prudence gazed at the man who slumbered beside her, and felt her heart tingle with emotion. In sleep he looked boyish, and she couldn’t resist the simple joy of watching him for a moment. She fought the urge to touch the dark lashes that brushed his cheek, or push away an unruly curl from his forehead.

  Sleep seemed to make Alfred’s masculine perfection even more powerful to behold. His lips, sensuous and full, were parted slightly, and she yearned to press her own against them in a soft kiss. The thought of what his mouth had done to her trembling body in the night sent a hot thrill through her veins.

  If she woke him now, and asked him with a kiss to love her again, she knew he would do so slowly, softly, as tenderly as the morning light touched the window. But such joy would not come cheaply, Prudence knew. For if she allowed Alfred to take her again, he would end up with much more than he bargained for.

  He would have her heart.

  And if she gave him that, Prudence would have to give up everything that she held dear. Her dreams for the Atwater School, her promise to her father, and to herself.

  It was far too high a price to pay for such pleasure.

  Even with a man as strong and wickedly passionate as Lord Alfred Weston.

  Her decision made, Prudence gently lifted his arm from around her waist. As she tried not to wake him, he obliged her in sleep by rolling onto his back and freeing her completely.

  Prudence quietly slipped out from under the covers and tiptoed across the floor to find her nightdress and robe. The robe lay at the foot of the bed where Alfred had slid it off her, but the nightdress had somehow made it across the room and was flung upside-down over the wing chair.

  Hastily donning the lawn nightdress and robe, Prudence headed toward the door, quiet as a mouse. She put her hand on the door-knob and began to turn it, when a rough voice stopped her.

  “Just where do you think you’re going?”

  Prudence froze, afraid to look behind her. Knowing it was no use, she turned to see Alfred standing beside the bed, tall and naked, and staring at her with dark, dangerous eyes.

  “I—was just—” she began to explain.

  “Leaving,” he finished, walking slowly toward her. “And I was so looking forward to waking with you in my arms, pulling you close for a kiss, and more.”

  Prudence opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She simply stared at the man who stood before her, looking for all the world like Adonis himself.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at her. “Haven’t you ever seen a naked man before?”

  He was playing her like a violin, and he knew it.

  However, two could play at that game.

  “I confess, I had not truly seen a naked man until now,” she replied. “I have been quite close before, but I was so busy at the time, I did not have a moment to examine the gentleman’s physiognomy.” She looked him up and down, fighting to keep a straight face. “Yes, well, that was quite interesting. I am much obliged.

  Good day to you, Lord Weston.”

  She turned to go, but Alfred caught her arm gently. When she looked up into his eyes, she saw the obvious amusement there.

  “Well,” he said, “of all the things I thought might have happened between us this morning, that wasn’t it.”

  “No?” she asked innocently.

  “No.” His brow furrowed with disappointment as he studied her. “What are you about, Prudence? There’s no need to rush off. The house is not yet awake. And I want you again.” He pulled her into his arms and placed a soft kiss upon her lips.

  Prudence felt her resolve crumbling like stale bread. Perhaps she was truly weak-willed, because she was perilously close to jumping into Alfred’s arms and begging him to make love to her for the rest of the entire day.

  “I must go,” she said, pulling away. “Dolly is sure to awaken soon, if she hasn’t alr
eady. And I’ll have the girls to see to. Really, I must.”

  He lowered his head for a kiss. As his mouth warmed hers, she felt her blood heat slowly with dangerous desire.

  Goodness, she had to get out of here, now!

  Prudence wriggled out of Alfred’s embrace and squeezed the door open.

  “Prudence, wait—”

  She glanced back at Alfred, trying to keep her gaze from roaming hungrily over his muscular, nude body.

  “There is something we must discuss,” he said. “Later today.”

  “Yes, of course,” she whispered and crept through the door. “Now, I must go. I hear someone about.”

  Then, closing the door quietly behind her, Prudence turned and tip-toed down the hall. She should have peeked around the corner first, but as it was, she narrowly missed slamming directly into Crawford and his stack of neatly folded towels.

  “Oh!” Prudence stepped back and caught her breath.

  The grey-haired butler peered down at her, completely unperturbed. “Have you lost something, Miss Atwater?”

  “Yes, I have,” she replied. “The way to my room.”

  “Is that all…” he muttered under his breath.

  She cleared her throat, saying, “Would you be so good as to point me in the right direction, Crawford?”

  “Of course, Miss Atwater,” he said. “It is around the corner, at the end of the west hall. Shall I escort you?”

  “No, no, that is quite alright,” Prudence replied. “I am sure I can manage to find it myself. Have any of the girls risen, yet?”

  “No, Miss. It seems that aside from the staff, you are the only one about this morning. Lord Weston is not an early riser. Usually,” he added.

  Prudence forced herself to smile sweetly, saying, “I thank you for your assistance, Crawford. You have been most helpful.”

  She thought she saw a hint of a smile on the butler’s lips as he nodded before turning down the hallway toward Alfred’s rooms.

  Once around the corner, Prudence bolted, running as fast as she could, and at one point almost slid into a bust of Julius Caesar that stood frowning in an archway.

  Finally she reached the door to her room, terribly pleased with herself for avoiding any other servants en route. Now, if she could just sneak past Dolly.


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