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Page 6

by Lexi Buchanan

  Sliding my hands into the back of his hair, I respond, “Crystal clear… Now shut up and kiss me.”

  I pull his head toward me, but before our lips meet, I catch his smirk then his mouth is on mine—our teeth clash—our tongues tangle.

  I’ll never get enough of Ruben. He makes my head spin and sets my body on fire. His arms wrap around me, pulling me tight against him. My arms wrap around his neck as we continue to kiss—deeply.

  “Let me love you, Rosie.” He kisses down my neck to my collarbone as I throw my head back, moaning. My whole body feels like jelly, and I have tingles running through my blood stream straight to my pussy, which throbs with an ache only Ruben can ease. I want this man so much that I don’t have the strength to refuse him. He asked me to let him love me even though I asked first. He didn’t say anything vulgar or sugary to get into my panties, but he said ‘let me love you.’

  My leg wraps around his hip bringing me up close and personal to the rock hard bulge in his jeans. He rears back and hisses as I rub against him. “Don’t stop, Ruben. Please don’t stop. I want you inside me,” I tell him wondering where the hell those words came from. Me being forward and asking for what I want doesn’t normally happen where sex is concerned.

  “I’ll love you, babe. But the first time I take you it’s not going to be a quick fuck in my office.” He breathes heavily into my neck. “My apartment—now.”

  Without question, I let him push me away from him and watch as he rearranges himself in his jeans before dragging me out of his office and through the door that leads up to his apartment, which he locks. “I don’t want us to be disturbed.”

  When he turns to look at me standing on the stairs, I can’t think. His eyes are hot, and he has an aroused flush on his cheekbones—sexy.

  “Rosie, stop looking at me like that or I’m not going to last until we’re in my apartment.” He clenches his fists at either side of his body.

  It’s a powerful aphrodisiac knowing this man wants me so much. That he’s close to losing it, right here—right now.

  Turning, I start walking upstairs with an added sway to my hips. Halfway up, I nearly stumble when I feel his hands on my hips, and then I do stumble and end up on my hands and knees on the stairs when he bites me on the bottom.

  I can’t think, his hands are everywhere; on my breasts, my belly, my hips, and my legs before he moves under my skirt and rubs me between my thighs. Moaning, I drop forward with Ruben following me.

  “You’re so wet. Have you got any idea how hot it is, knowing I make you so wet? I need to taste you.”

  Ruben wraps his arms around my waist and hauls me up a few more stairs to the landing. Turning me in his arms, he lays me down and stays kneeling on the stairs between my spread legs.

  My skirt is around my hips as Rubens slides his hands up my thighs to my panties, which he rips from my body. Holding them to his nose, he closes his eyes and inhales before shoving them into his pocket.

  He strokes between my nether lips, coating his fingers in my wetness—driving me crazy. Losing all inhibitions, I yank my shirt over my head, following it with my bra.

  “Fuck, Rosie,” Ruben hisses staring at my breasts.

  Wanting to tease him, I bring my hands up and play with my nipples as I hear Ruben cussing before he inserts a finger inside me. I arch up from the floor in pleasure, not wanting him to stop.

  My hands drop from my breasts when I feel Ruben’s very talented mouth on me—his tongue lapping me up before darting in and out of my channel.

  Threading my fingers into his hair, he holds my quivering thighs open while he goes to town on me. I’ve never come this way before, but I feel the ball of fire gathering in my belly—the tightening in my nipples…

  “Ahhhh… Oh God… Ruben!” I shout as my orgasm rips through me, making my toes curl and my head feels like it’s going to explode. It feels too good. He’s still lapping me up. I can’t take much more. “Ruben…I want you inside me…Oh God, please.” I’m begging. I’m lost.

  Ruben lifts his head from between my thighs and crawls over my spread body, sealing his lips with mine. My taste is on his lips—erotic. I wrap my legs around his hips and use the heels of my feet to push him down onto me.

  Shoving a hand between our bodies, I try to undo his belt, but it’s too damn difficult so giving up, I rub him through his jeans with my hand and scrape my fingernails along the rigid length of him. I need to feel him—see him.

  “Help me,” I beg as I move back to his belt.

  Ruben knocks my hand away and lifting up from me, sorts his belt out while I unzip him. Shoving my hand in to the opening, I wrap my fingers around his width and hear him gasp when I bring him out from where he’s been hidden.

  He’s gorgeous and pulsing in my hand. Rubbing my thumb over the leaking head of his shaft, my nail presses into the slit causing more pre-cum to leak out in excitement. He knocks my hand away, rears back to a kneeling position and pinches the head of his long, thick penis with his other hand squeezing his balls.

  Chapter 9 ~ Ruben

  Fuck fuck fuck! I nearly came from just her touch.

  Kneeling between her thighs with my hands on my cock and balls to try and ward off my orgasm, I try to get my breathing and lust under control for this woman.

  I’ve wanted her for so long that now that I have her under me I’m too damn excited, and I’m unable to go slow. But I need to.

  “We need to get inside. I want you on my bed. I’ve dreamed about you lying naked on my bed—in my arms.”

  She scrambles away from me and quickly picks her clothing up. I get to my feet more slowly and hold on to my jeans to stop them from dropping to my ankles.

  God, she’s beautiful.

  She’s standing in front of the upstairs door to my apartment; her breathing as uneven as mine. Walking up to her, I slide my hands under her skirt bringing it up to her waist, which allows me to caress the golden globes of her smooth ass.

  Letting my cock rest between her buttocks, I wrap my arms around her, and let her lean against my chest before I dip my head and kiss the curve of her neck. She shivers against me.

  “Ruben,” she whispers, “open your door.”


  Not letting her go, I reach with one hand and blindly punch in the passcode to my place. I sigh in relief when the door opens.

  Walking her inside, I kick the door shut behind me and grumble when she steps out of my embrace, but my heart rate picks up when she turns and removes her skirt—leaving herself naked in front of me.

  My cock jumps trying to get to her. I can’t wait and quickly remove the rest of my clothes before I walk toward her. I pick her up in a fireman lift and stride into my bedroom, depositing her on my bed.


  I crawl on the bed, spreading her legs so I can get closer to her not knowing what the hell to taste or touch first. Whatever I choose, chances are I’m going to come. She has me so worked up and the passion I’m feeling for her hasn’t dimmed at all since we moved from the landing to my bed. I want her with a desperation I’ve never felt before. Keeping myself in check so I don’t frighten her is killing me.

  Settling over her, using my forearms at either side of her chest to keep my weight from her, I caress around her breasts—teasing. I know where she wants my hands, but I want my mouth on them. Dipping down, I capture one cherry nipple between my lips and suck. Rosie reacts as though a bolt of electricity has struck her.

  Having her rub her pussy against my aching dick is driving me totally insane. My balls are already tight against my body, and I’m leaking all over her in excitement. I need to be inside her.

  Quickly shoving a finger inside her to make sure she’s ready, and boy is she ready, I take my cock in hand and push the mushroom head of my dick inside her. I clamp my teeth together and try to breathe through the pleasure I feel on entering her body. Moving deeper and deeper, I pray I don’t come. Fuck! I’ve never lost control of my body’s responses b
efore, but I’m so damn close to doing just that. Then I’m balls deep inside her. She’s so good…so wet and hot…so tight; I bite down on the orgasm that is threatening to overcome me. She’s just so good.

  She arches under me…and…fuck! “Oh God, no! Shit, don’t move… Please don’t move,” I beg, “no condom.” God, I’ve never once been inside anyone without before. Not once. I’m in way over my head with this woman.

  Sliding out of her, I grab a condom from the bedside table and quickly suit up before slamming back inside her, seconds from exploding.

  Holding her gaze, I slowly slide out to the tip, and then back in just as slowly.

  She reaches up and pulls my full weight on top of her, searching for my mouth, which I give her. Her legs wrap around mine—we’re skin-to-skin. I’m closer to her than I’ve ever been to any one before.

  Using my tongue, I lick a path from her mouth to her breasts and take one engorged nipple into my mouth as I slide back and forth inside her—my balls slapping against her.

  “Ruben,” she kisses the top of my head, “you make me feel…feel…never before…not like this.”

  God, her words make my head swell—and I don’t just mean the one inside her about to detonate.

  “Rosie, I need to come. I can’t hold off. I’ll make it up to you.” I kneel up between her legs with my cock half buried inside her, and grabbing hold of her hips, I bring her bottom to my lap as she wraps her legs around my waist.

  Having her spread out and around me is so fucking sexy. I start to move and feel the prickling sensation starting in the base of my spine as she arches up against me, clinging to the quilt beneath her.

  I reach between us and, finding her clit, I roll it between my fingers and watch as she flies apart taking me with her as the fire in my balls explodes through the tip of my cock.

  My release goes on and on as I fill the condom with Rosie still squeezing more cum out of me. Her little aftershocks are fluttering up and down my dick—keeping me hard-as-fuck, even after my orgasm.

  Collapsing forward, I wrap her tight in my arms and bring her against my chest as I roll on to my back, still connected to her in the most intimate way a man and woman can be connected. Never wanting to give this up.


  Dressing after our shower, I find I’m too distracted with the image in my head of Rosie on her knees in the shower while she sucked me off. It had been like nothing I’d previously experienced. Her innocence and enthusiasm had me spilling my seed within minutes of having her hot, little mouth wrapped around me.

  Shoving my feet back into my boots, I stand and leave my shirt untucked to hide the fact that I want the woman across the bed from me who doesn’t seem to know what to do about her lack of panties. She’s not having back the ones I ripped from her. They’re mine.

  Walking to my dresser, I grab a black pair of my boxers and root around for a pin or something to hold them up on her slim hips. The thought of her walking around Kenza in my underwear is fuckin’ hot.

  “Here, you can wear these.” I hand them to her and throb so badly when she hitches her skirt up and slides the boxers up her legs. “Let me.”

  My hands shake as I pull the band around the top together and fasten them with the pin. Pulling her skirt back down over her legs, I crouch down and can’t resist sliding my hands up and down her mouth-watering legs.

  “Ruben… Mmm… Simon’s waiting for you.”

  “He can wait,” I breathe against her leg. God, I’m so close to rutting against her like a dog in heat.

  “Nope, c’mon.” She steps back, and taking my hand, pulls me back to my full height.

  I kiss her quickly on the lips before sliding my fingers between hers and holding her hand tight in mine. “Stay with me when Kenza closes.”

  Being with her terrifies me because I sense nothing is going to be the same again, but at the same time, I want something more with her. I don’t want her being another notch on my bedpost. I want her for a lot longer.

  “Ruben,” she says softly under her breath, “I want to be with you, but I’m frightened I’m not going to satisfy you. I’m not in to, um, toys.” She bites her lip.

  “I like playing with toys, but if it means I get to spend my nights with you then I can do without. Hasn’t our time in my apartment shown you just how much you satisfy me? Christ, you nearly had me coming on the landing and I wasn’t even inside you.” I give her an embarrassed chuckle. Because hell, nearly coming like a randy teenager is damn embarrassing at thirty-five.

  “Then I’ll stay.” She offers me a slight smile.

  Opening my apartment door, I let her hand go and catch the frown that crosses her features. How do I tell her to keep this between us without sounding like a jerk?

  Needing to just get it off my chest, I say, “Rosie, we need to keep this between us. I don’t want the rest of the staff knowing you’re sleeping with the boss.”

  She gasps, and I realize I could have worded my statement differently so it didn’t sound so…so sleazy.

  Rosie backs toward the stairs, I reach out to her, but she ignores my hand.

  “You know what. I don’t think sleeping with the boss is such a good idea. Especially when he’s too embarrassed to let the rest of the staff know he’s fucking the hired help. Perhaps you don’t want them getting excited, wondering who’s next.” And with that she flees down the stairs.

  “Rosie,” I shout. “Rosie, Fuck. Stop. I didn’t mean…” I trail off as the door at the bottom of the stairs slams shut behind her retreating back. “I’ve never fucked a member of the staff,” I whisper, “but I’ve just made love to one…”

  Chapter 10 ~ Rosie

  A week later ‘sleeping with the boss’ still rings in my ears. During my late afternoon tryst with Ruben, my heart fell more in love with him, and he made me feel like I was on top of the world, more so after he asked me to spend the night with him. But then he went and opened his mouth, which brought our afternoon into focus and burst the bubble I was in.

  Sighing, I move toward Hunter when I see Ruben enter the main floor. His eyes always follow me, and I’ve sensed his urge to talk to me since I left him at the top of the stairs last week, but he’s stayed away from me. I wanted him so badly to come after me that night, but he didn’t. He let me go, and that hurt—badly.

  “Hey, gorgeous.” Hunter brings me out of my distressing thoughts. “Who has that look on that pretty face? Do I need to knock some sense into him?”

  I don’t think as I step into him, wrapping my arms around his waist, I hold on to him. Just needing someone to hold me. I need the comfort from anyone; just a warm body to hold me and make me feel like everything is okay.

  He stills before I feel his arms wrap around me. “Hey, babe. You have me worried.”

  I shake my head and look at him, saying, “I’m okay. I’ve missed you.”

  “Well, if that’s what it takes to get you in my arms what will it take to get you under me?”

  I pinch him on the ass. “Don’t be a dick. I need a friend.”

  He chuckles. “Well pinching me on the ass isn’t going to get my friendship. I love being pinched on the ass by a hot little spitfire—turns me on…”

  He pauses when he sees the glare I shoot him.

  Clearing his throat, he continues, “I’ve never had a female friend before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.” He grins, and keeping his arm around me, he leads me to the bar. “Did I do good that time? Maybe, I deserve a drink for controlling my urges.”

  Walking around the bar, I grab a longneck, open it and pass it to him. “You’re a big flirt and would probably run a mile if this little spitfire accepted what you keep offering.”

  I wink at him before turning and leave him with his mouth hanging open as I make my way down the bar to serve Ramon. The grin on my face says it all… I love having the last word. It doesn’t happen often, but that felt good.

  Placing a whiskey in front of Ramon, I look back up t
he bar at Hunter and laugh out loud. He’s grinning at me and toasts me with his longneck.

  “Rosie, stop flirting with the customers,” Ruben tells me. Anger flashes in his eyes as he passes by the bar towards the floor.

  Sticking my tongue out at Ruben’s back, Ramon laughs. “I take it you and my brother aren’t getting along.”

  I snort—very ladylike—but he’s starting to piss me off. The anger is even worse now that I’m not crying every time he looks at me with disgust written across his face. “You could say that,” I respond to Ramon’s observation. “He might be your brother, but he’s a dick.”

  “Hmm.” he nurses his whiskey. “What’s he gone and done?”

  I ignore his question.

  But he persists. “Rosie, if you’re calling my brother a dick, don’t you think I have the right to know why?”

  Slowing my movement down as I wipe the bar top, I meet his eyes and try to hold back my tears, but me being upset is obvious. So I tell him the truth, “After… After,” I clear my throat, “well, I think you know what I mean, so afterward he told me not to ‘let the staff know I’m sleeping with the boss.’ I don’t want to be with anyone who isn’t proud to acknowledge our relationship. He was more than a quick fuck, and I thought it meant more to him as well. But I was wrong. I’ve been there before and I’m not going there again. So now you know why I think your brother is a dick.”

  Uncapping a bottle of still water, I take some strong gulps and nearly splutter when Ramon opens his mouth.

  “I think I’d have to agree with you. He is a dick for that. But in his defense Ruben does have the habit of saying one thing and meaning something completely different. And whatever you have going on with Hunter is going to make him admit the mistake he made sooner rather than later.”

  “I don’t have anything going on with Hunter. He’s a friend. He doesn’t want me either. It’s nice to have a friend—a male friend who doesn’t want anything else from me. It’s refreshing.”


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