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Blackthorn (Taurian Empire)

Page 18

by Nate Johnson

  Both the secretary and the admiral raised their eyebrows waiting.

  “Well, Sir,” Logan began. “I noticed that it appears that Montlake receives almost four times as many messages from the Navy as Pyre does. But those messages weren’t really from the Navy.”

  The secretary frowned. “How can you tell they weren’t from the Navy and how can you know how many messages Pyre gets. I thought you said you didn’t have access to the beacons on the other side of the galaxy. And until we get the planet ‘Intrepid’ set up. Pyre is about as far away as you can get.”

  “Because,” Admiral Harris answered before Logan could say anything, “all messages are sent to all beacons. It is a holdover from when messages were relayed ship to ship. We never knew who would be sending to whom. So everything gets sent to everyone. Only the final recipient can decrypt it, though. So there is no chance of someone seeing something they shouldn’t.”

  “Correct Sir,” Logan said. “But, the thing is. The message is wrapped with routing instructions. It’s what informs the recipient that it is a message for them. Those routing instructions include the originating station.”

  The admiral nodded. “Let me guess, the Montlake Naval Attaché is receiving a large number of messages from an originating station other than Navy Headquarters.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Logan answered. “They are almost all from station V271.”

  “Where is station V271?” The Secretary asked with a deep frown.

  “Valeria,” the admiral replied with a shocked expression.

  The secretary’s face grew white as he studied the Admiral then quickly looked at Logan as if to confirm what he had just heard.

  Logan simply nodded. He had no idea if the information would mean anything, but seeing the expression on their faces. He was pretty sure it was important.

  “What do you think,” the admiral asked the secretary.

  The short man slowly stood up. “I think I need to see the Emperor.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Kaylee wanted to strangle someone. Anyone. If she had to live one more day in the same house as her mother, she would go mad.

  The woman was impossible. Somehow. The fact that Kaylee was prohibited from leaving Aunt Carol’s was Kaylee’s fault. Her mother was so disappointed. Here, her daughter finally becomes interesting, and her mother can’t show her off.

  “Really, Kaylee, I don’t understand,” she said as she finished applying her makeup for the night out. “Why can’t you come? My friends so want to meet you. I am sure we can find someone for you. There are so many handsome men around. That is the thing about Taurus. The center of power does seem to attract the right people.”

  Kaylee’s security didn’t seem to be much of a concern to her mother. But, then, what else was new. Kaylee rolled her eyes and bit the inside of her mouth to keep herself from yelling at the top of her lungs.

  “Thank you, Mother,” she managed to get out. “But that won’t be necessary. Besides, I am sure my having to stay here won’t last much longer.”

  Her mother’s hand was rock steady as it applied pink mascara. “It’s been thirteen days.” Elsbeth Williams said. “You would think they could finish these things and let a person go on with her life.”

  Kaylee wondered if her mother was talking about herself or her daughter. The fact that she didn’t know which, said a lot.

  Turning, Kaylee tuned out her mother. Her mind wandered off to think of Logan. What was he doing? she wondered. They hadn’t had a chance for a real goodbye. Not with Admiral Harris standing there like a long lost uncle watching everything.

  Logan had smiled at her and quickly squeezed her hand before he started to get into the admiral’s vehicle. A sad, soft smile full of regret.

  She’d stood there, stunned. Unable to believe they were no longer going to be together.

  For the thousandth time, she berated herself for not stopping him. For not throwing herself into his arms and thanking him.

  What if the Blackthorn left before she could say goodbye? What if Logan disappeared into the blackness of space? Never to be seen again? He onboard his ship, she stuck here on Taurus working with her father?

  The hurt, sick feeling in the pit of her stomach scared her. She was afraid that the feeling would always be there. Was this her future? She wondered. Alone, missing the one person she wanted to be with?

  Life couldn’t be this cruel.


  Logan continued to pace between the racks in the berthing area onboard the Blackthorn. It was a tight squeeze, but he had worn a path back and forth over the last two weeks.

  He was going crazy. Half of the crew were loving life. Liberty every night. An easy work schedule, just enough to keep up the ship while they awaited permission to return home.

  Logan had caught a few ugly stares and more than a few grumbles from the other half of the crew. They might not say it out loud, but they were blaming him for keeping them away from their wives and families.

  What was more, this time on Taurus would cut into their time on Siska. Beacons would still need servicing. Every day spent here was one less day at home.

  Jonesy and Peterson, of course, were ecstatic with the long layover. It seemed the women Kaylee had set them up with were rather remarkable. A spacers dream, rich, pretty, and willing.

  What was even more remarkable, they found Jonesy and Peterson interesting and fun. Jonesy had pulled him aside that very morning and told him that if she wanted, Kaylee could have his first born son after all. He owed her that much.


  The thought of her sent a sharp pain to his chest. Where was she? Was she all right? Had she already moved on with her life?

  He’d thought about asking Jonesy to see if her friend would pass a letter to her. But something held him back.

  She’s back in her world now, he thought. Leave her alone.

  Slamming his hand into his locker, he turned to start back the other way only to find Lieutenant Commander White standing there. Looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

  Logan froze as his heart fell. The skipper did not come down to the crew quarters. It just wasn’t done. Not unless he had real bad news to deliver.

  “Sir,” Logan said as he came to attention.

  “At ease,” the skipper replied as he waved his hand to dismiss all formality.

  Logan relaxed and studied him for a quick moment. He didn’t look happy. Not angry. More upset about something. The strangeness of the situation made his heart jump just a little.

  The senior officer looked down at his tablet and silently shook his head.

  “I don’t know what I am going to do with you, Miller. You keep finding ways to get me into difficult situations.”

  Logan’s brow narrowed with confusion.

  “It seems,” the skipper continued, “that you and I will be attending a reception at the Foreign Ministry tonight. Full dress uniform.”

  “Why Sir?” Logan asked.

  “Because we were told to,” the skipper said as if the answer was obvious.

  “No, Sir,” Logan said. “I mean, what is the reception for?”

  The skipper shrugged his shoulders. “Who knows? All I know is that Admiral Harris’s aid –A full captain no less – just called me and informed me that the two of us were expected at the reception tonight.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Logan said as his mind flew to wondering what shape his dress uniform was in. Would he have time to get everything ready? His next thought was that perhaps Kaylee might be there. Foreign receptions were something she might attend? Right?

  “The admiral is sending a vehicle for us at seven,” the skipper said before he paused a long moment. “And Miller, I don’t know what you told them. But, I do know the fleet has been acting kind of strange recently. Ships departing suddenly. A friend of mine at headquarters called me and wanted to know what had happened. He said that half of HQ is running around like chickens with their heads cut off.”

  “Yes, Sir,”
he said

  “What I am getting at, is just be careful tonight. There is no telling what is going on.


  Kaylee stood up on her toes to get a look out over the crowd. He wasn’t here. She would have known. Logan would have stood out in any crowd. Especially in this crowd of old men and women dressed in their Imperial finest.

  “Who are you looking for,” her father asked with a curious bent of his lips.

  She smiled up at him and shrugged. “Just looking,” she said. Her father had arrived earlier that morning and been whisked away into meetings all day.

  It wasn’t until she had learned of his return to Taurus that she had realized how worried she had been. Knowing that he was safe meant the world to her.

  He smiled at her and tucked her hand under his arm as he patted her hand.

  “I don’t imagine this will take long. Then we can go home and catch up,” he said. “From what you have told me. I feel as if I don’t really know you anymore. Pirates, spacer battles, stealing starships. That doesn’t sound like my daughter.”

  The twinkle in his eyes let her know that he was only teasing.

  A movement at the entrance way caught her attention, and her world came to a screeching halt. Any and all thoughts of her father leaped from her mind as she saw Logan walk into the room.

  The man was a girl’s dream. Tall, powerful, strong. His dark navy blue uniform stretched across broad shoulders tapering down to narrow hips. It was enough to make a girl forget she was standing next to her father.

  The Imperial Shield on his right shoulder was covered by an arch with the words ‘I.S.S Blackthorn’ in white. On his left arm three red chevrons under a Taurus eagle.

  He was so handsome she couldn’t help but smile.

  He looked out over the crowd, searching. She knew in an instant that he was looking for her and her heart soared.

  At last, their eyes met, and the galaxy once again felt right. They stared at each other for a long moment. A thousand messages being sent and received. Each of them private and meant solely for them.

  “Daddy, there is someone I want you to meet,” she said as she pulled at her father’s arm.


  Logan’s insides grew tight as he watched Kaylee and a strange man walk towards them.

  “Ambassador Williams,” Admiral Harris said as he stepped forward to shake the man’s hand. “May I introduce Lieutenant Commander White, and Petty Officer Miller. Both of the I.S.S. Blackthorn. Gentlemen, Ambassador Williams.”

  Kaylee’s father smiled and shook their hands. Logan noticed that the man took his hand in a firm grip and held his glance for a long moment as if trying to learn something.

  He quickly glanced over at Kaylee. The woman was a goddess. No two ways of thinking about it. Dressed in forest green. Her hair was up and she wore just a little makeup. But it was her eyes that pulled him in. Soft, welcoming, tender, and focused on him.

  “Thank you gentleman,” the ambassador said. “I will never be able to repay you. From what my daughter has told me. It is a miracle that she survived. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you.”

  Logan swallowed hard and dipped his head in acknowledgment but kept quiet. What do you say to a man when he thanks you for saving his child?

  He shot Kaylee a quick glance and could have sworn that her cheeks grew a little pink. She smiled shyly back then looked at her father.

  God, this was going to be a long night, he thought. Would he get a chance to be alone with her? he wondered.

  “How was your trip?” Admiral Harris asked. “I am going to have to commend Commander Jenkins. Thirteen days to Montlake and back is rather remarkable.”

  “Yes,” the ambassador. “The captain did seem to be in a bit of a rush.”

  The two men fell into an easy conversation about mutual acquaintances. Logan bit down on the inside of his cheek.

  This was the man who had ordered the quarantine. This was the man who had let them die.

  Swallowing hard he tried to put it behind him. The man had done what he had thought right. He had protecting the Empire. Just like Logan had done.

  Drake might be alive right now, if Logan had made different decisions. Different choices. The thought pulled him up short. Were they really any different he wondered. The ambassador and himself.

  Kaylee shot him a quick glance from under her brow.

  Logan knew that she was wondering how he was going to react to her father. He smiled back to her, silently letting her know that he was trying to move past it. He wouldn’t forget, but perhaps he could start to forgive.

  As the conversation died down, the skipper frowned and then turned to Admiral Harris.

  “Sir, is that Captain Townsend? The attaché in Montlake.”

  “Yes,” Ambassador Williams interjected. “He returned with us.”

  “Who is that he is talking to?” Kaylee asked.

  “That is his aunt,” the ambassador said. “The Duchess of Kent. We retrieved her and her husband on our way back.”

  Logan’s stomach turned over. What was going on? Before he could even attempt to figure things out, his world was interrupted once again by the Foreign minister stepping up onto a small stage at the head of the large room.

  The man nodded to the small quartet. The music stopped. Followed instantly by a royal flourish.

  The crowd gasped. Logan felt an electric current pass through everyone as they looked with disbelief back and forth. Even Kaylee had gone a little pale.

  The Foreign Minister smiled broadly and raised his hands to quiet the crowd. “Ladies, and Gentleman,” he said. “May I introduce, His Royal Majesty, Emperor Henry IV.”

  A tall man, dressed in gold, flanked by four large Imperial marines stepped into the room. The man appeared to be in his mid-thirties with light golden hair that matched his suit. A faint shimmer surrounded him. The only indication of his personal force field. Between the shields and the Marines. No assassin would ever reach him.

  A murmur of surprise washed through the crowd as they scuttled back to make way.

  Logan shook his head. What in the hell was he doing here? This was not his world. He was not the kind of person who went to parties with the emperor. It just wasn’t supposed to happen.

  As the Emperor passed down the center of the room, each lady curtsied, and each man bowed at the waist. The emperor smiled and nodded. Occasionally saying a quick hello before moving on.

  When he reached Logan’s group, he stopped and stepped towards them.

  “Jason, introduce me,” the emperor said to Admiral Harris. His voice sounded firm, commanding. Logan’s mind buzzed with a thousand thoughts as he fought to understand what was going on.

  The admiral gave a small hand gesture, letting the rest of them know they should rise also.

  “Your Highness,” the admiral said. “I believe you know Ambassador Williams, and his daughter Kaylee.”

  The emperor smiled. “Of course, Franklin,” he said to the ambassador. “It is so nice to have you back on Taurus. We have much to talk about. And Kaylee,” he added with a smile directed just at her. “I don’t know if you remember. But my wife and I attended your coming out party. You were seventeen, I believe.”

  “Yes, Your Highness, I do remember. It was very gracious of you to attend.”

  Logan watched as her cheeks grew very red at all the special attention. However, he noticed, that she handled it like a pro. No stuttering, no hemming, and hawing. She looked the emperor in the eye and talked to him as if he were a real person.

  How many women or men in the galaxy could do that? he wondered.

  “And this must be Lieutenant Commander White of the Blackthorn,” the Emperor said to the skipper. “I have read you reports. Impressive. I must say.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” the skipper said,

  “Admiral Harris,” the emperor continued. “The next time his evaluations are due, please let me know. I want to put a positive endorsement on them for the r
ecord. We need men with initiative in the Navy, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, Sir, I will forward you the evaluations,” Admiral Harris said. Logan noticed the man fighting to hide a smile. He obviously approved.

  “Thank you, Sir,” the skipper said as he swallowed hard. Logan smiled to himself. A positive endorsement from the emperor himself assured promotion and the fast track to advancement.

  The skipper was not going to be held responsible for Kaylee’s and his actions. A massive weight felt as if it had been lifted from his shoulders. The idea of the skipper being blamed had been eating at his soul for the last two weeks.

  “And this must be the famous Petty Officer Miller I have heard so much about,” the emperor said, looking him directly in the eye.

  Logan held the stare for a brief moment then nodded and said “Yes, Sir,”

  The Emperor continued to stare at him for a long moment then nodded and said, “Come with me. You too Kaylee.”

  Logan’s stomach dropped as he quickly glanced at Kaylee. She gave him a shrug as if to say, ‘don’t ask me.’ Logan swallowed hard as he stepped out to follow behind the Imperial marines flanking the Emperor.

  Kaylee fell into line next to him, her eyes straight ahead. Logan took a deep breath and tried to settle his nerves.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “There is someone I want to introduce you to,” the emperor said to both Logan and Kaylee.

  Before Logan could figure out what was going on, the Emperor stepped off the stage, then waited for them to join him.

  “They tell me, you know about radios,” The Emperor said. Logan had to fight from shaking his head at the random statement.

  “Yes, Sir. That is one of the things I work on.”

  The emperor nodded. “Did you know, I built my own KC182 from scratch? Fully functional across all frequencies.”

  “No Sir,” Logan answered. He was surprised who would have thought.

  “Yes,” the emperor continued, obviously delighted to be talking about something he enjoyed. “Talking to people who have no idea they are talking to the emperor of Taurus is one of the few joys in my life.”


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