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The Journey to the West, Revised Edition, Volume 2

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by Unknown

  Anthony C. Yu is the Carl Darling Buck Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in the Humanities and Professor Emeritus of Religion and Literature in the Divinity School; also in the Departments of Comparative Literature, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and English Language and Literature, and the Committee on Social Thought. His scholarly work focuses on comparative study of both literary and religious traditions.

  Publication of this volume was made possible by a grant from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (USA).

  The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637

  The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London

  © 2012 by The University of Chicago

  All rights reserved. Published 2012.

  Printed in the United States of America

  21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 2 3 4 5

  ISBN-13: 978-0-226-97133-9 (cloth)

  ISBN-13: 978-0-226-97134-6 (paper)

  ISBN-13: 978-0-226-97141-4 (e-book)

  ISBN-10: 0-226-97133-3 (cloth)

  ISBN-10: 0-226-97134-1 (paper)

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Wu, Cheng'en, ca. 1500–ca. 1582, author.

  [Xi you ji. English. 2012]

  The journey to the West / translated and edited by Anthony C. Yu. — Revised edition.

  pages ; cm

  Summary: The story of Xuanzang, the monk who went from China to India in quest of Buddhist scriptures.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN: 978-0-226-97131-5 (v. 1: cloth : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 0-226-97131-7 (v. 1.: cloth : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 978-0-226-97132-2 (v. 1 : pbk. : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 0-226-97132-5 (v. 1 : pbk. : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 978-0-226-97140-7 (v. 1 :e-book) (print) — ISBN: 978-0-226-97133-9 (v. 2: cloth : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 0-226-97133-3 (v. 2 : cloth : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 978-0-226-97134-6 (v. 2 : paperback : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 0-226-97134-1 (v. 2 : paperback: alkaline paper) — ISBN: 978-0-226-97141-4 (v. 2 : e-book) (print) — ISBN: 978-0-226-97136-0 (v. 3: cloth : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 0-226-97136-8 (v. 3 : cloth : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 978-0-226-97137-7 (v. 3 : paperback : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 0-226-97137-6 (v. 3 :paperback : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 978-0-226-97142-1 (v. 3 : e-book) (print) — ISBN: 978-0-226-97138-4 (v. 4 : cloth : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 0-226-97138-4 (v. 4 : cloth : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 978-0-226-97139-1 (v. 4 : paperback : alkaline paper) — ISBN: 978-0-226-97143-8 (v. 4 : e-book) 1. Xuanzang, ca. 596–664—Fiction. I. Yu, Anthony C., 1938–, translator, editor. II. Title.

  PL2697.H75E5 2012



  This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper).


  The Journey to the West

  Translated and Edited by Anthony C. Yu

  The University of Chicago Press

  Chicago & London

  FOR Nathan and Charlotte Scott


  Acknowledgments, Revised Edition

  Acknowledgments, First Edition


  26. Amid the Three Islands Sun Wukong seeks a cure;

  With sweet dew Guanshiyin revives a tree.

  27. The cadaver demon three times mocks Tripitaka Tang;

  The holy monk in spite banishes Handsome Monkey King.

  28. At Flower-Fruit Mountain a pack of fiends hold assembly;

  At the Black Pine Forest Tripitaka meets demons.

  29. Free of his peril, River Float arrives at the kingdom;

  Receiving favor, Eight Rules invades the forest.

  30. A deviant demon attacks the true Dharma;

  The Horse of the Will recalls Mind Monkey.

  31. Zhu Eight Rules provokes the Monkey King to chivalry;

  Pilgrim Sun with wisdom defeats the monster.

  32. On Level-Top Mountain the sentinel brings a message;

  At Lotus-Flower Cave Wood Mother meets disaster.

  33. Heresy deludes the True Nature;

  Primal Spirit helps the Native Mind.

  34. The demon king’s plotting entraps Mind Monkey;

  The Great Sage, ever adroit, wangles the treasures.

  35. Heresy uses power to oppress the proper Nature;

  Mind Monkey, bagging treasures, conquers deviate demons.

  36. When Mind Monkey is rectified, the nidānas cease;

  Smash through the side door to view the bright moon.

  37. The ghost king visits Tripitaka Tang at night;

  Wukong, through wondrous transformation, leads the child.

  38. The child queries his mother to learn of deviancy and truth;

  Metal and Wood, reaching the deep, see the false and the real.

  39. One pellet of cinnabar elixir found in Heaven;

  A king, dead three years, lives again on Earth.

  40. The child’s playful transformations confuse the Chan Mind;

  Ape, Horse, Spatula gone, Wood Mother, too, is lost.

  41. Mind Monkey is defeated by fire;

  Wood Mother is captured by demons.

  42. The Great Sage diligently calls at South Sea;

  Guanyin with compassion binds the Red Boy.

  43. An evil demon at Black River captures the monk;

  The Western Ocean’s dragon prince catches the iguana.

  44. The dharma-body in primal cycle meets the force of the cart;

  The mind, righting monstrous deviates, crosses the spine-ridge pass.

  45. At the Three Pure Ones Abbey the Great Sage leaves his name;

  At the Cart Slow Kingdom the Monkey King shows his power.

  46. Heresy flaunts its strength to mock orthodoxy;

  Mind Monkey in epiphany slays the deviates.

  47. The holy monk’s blocked at night at Heaven-Reaching River;

  Metal and Wood, in compassion, rescue little children.

  48. The demon, raising a cold wind, sends a great snow fall;

  The monk, intent on seeing Buddha, walks on layered ice.

  49. Tripitaka meets disaster and sinks to a water home;

  To bring salvation, Guanyin reveals a fish basket.

  50. Nature follows confused feelings through lust and desire;

  Faint spirit and moved mind meet a demon chief.



  Acknowledgments, Revised Edition

  My thanks are due to the Mellon Foundation for its continuing support through the extension in dispersal of fellowship fund for needed expenses. Dr. Yuan Zhou, Curator of the East Asian Collections in the library of the University of Chicago and his able staff have also been unfailing in their assistance. As I was preparing this volume, the sad news arrived on the death (in April 2010) of Professor D.C. Lau, a distinguished scholar of the Chinese University of Hong Kong known world-wide for his translations of the Analects, the Mencius, and the Daodejing. I owe him an incalculable debt for the genial friendship bestowed since our first meeting in 1975, the generous sharing of scholarly materials and knowledge, the gift of his late father’s private volume of Chinese lyrics that helped to foster and expand my own interest in the genre, and, over the years, the invaluable lessons (many of which involving specific linguistic problems related to Journey to the West) in the demanding art of translation. He was the kindest mentor whom this humble expression of gratitude and bereavement can never repay.

  Acknowledgments, First Edition

  I wish to express my gratitude to the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation for the award of a Fellowship (1976–1977), during w
hich period I was able to complete the translation of this volume of The Journey to the West. My special thanks are due to Najita Tetsuo, Director of the Center for Far Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago, for his support and provision of needed research funds; to Mrs. Susan Fogelson, for expert assistance in the preparation of the manuscript; and to Mr. Ma Tai-loi of the Far Eastern Library, the University of Chicago, for invaluable help in research.


  Antecedents Glen Dudbridge, The “Hsi-yu chi”: A Study of Antecedents to the Sixteenth-Century Chinese Novel (Cambridge, 1970)

  Bodde Derk Bodde, Festivals in Classical China (Princeton and Hong Kong, 1975)

  BPZ Baopuzi , Neipian and Waipian. SBBY

  BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies

  Campany Robert Ford Campany, To Live as Long as Heaven and Earth: A Translation and Study of Ge Hong’s “Traditions of Divine Transcendents” (Berkeley, 2002)

  CATCL The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature, ed. Victor Mair (New York, 1994)

  CHC The Cambridge History of China, eds. Denis Twitchett and John K. Fairbank (15 vols. in multiple book-length parts. Cambridge and New York, 1978–2009)

  CHCL The Columbia History of Chinese Literature, ed. Victor Mair (New York, 2001)

  CJ Anthony C. Yu, Comparative Journeys: Essays on Literature and Religion East and West (New York, 2008)

  CLEAR Chinese Literature: Essays Articles Reviews

  CQ China Quarterly

  DH Daoism Handbook, ed. Livia Kohn (Leiden, 2000)

  DHBWJ Dunhuang bianwenji , ed. Wang Zhongmin (2 vols., Beijing, 1957)

  DJDCD Daojiao da cidian , ed. Li Shuhuan (Taipei, 1981)

  DJWHCD Daojiao wenhua cidian , ed. Zhang Zhizhe (Shanghai, 1994)

  DZ Zhengtong Daozang (36 vols. Reprinted by Wenwu, 1988). Second set of numbers in JW citations refers to volume and page number.

  ET The Encyclopedia of Taoism, ed. Fabrizio Pregadio (2 vols., London and New York, 2008)

  FSZ Da Tang Da Ci’ensi Sanzang fashi zhuan , comp. Huili and Yancong . T 50, #2053. Text cited is that printed in SZZSHB.

  1592 Xinke chuxiang guanban dazi Xiyouji , ed. Huayang dongtian zhuren . Fasc. rpr. of Jinling Shidetang edition (1592) in Guben xiaoshuo jicheng , vols. 499–502 (Shanghai, 1990)

  FXDCD Foxue da cidian , comp. and ed., Ding Fubao (fasc. rpr. of 1922 ed. Beijing, 1988)

  HFTWJ Liu Ts’un-yan [Cunren] , Hefengtang wenji (3 vols., Shanghai, 1991)

  HJAS Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies

  HR History of Religions

  Herrmann Albert Hermann, An Historical Atlas of China, new ed. (Chicago, 1966)

  Hu Shi (1923) Hu Shi , “Xiyouji kaozheng ,” in Hu Shi wencun (4 vols., Hong Kong, 1962), 2: 354–99

  Hucker Charles O. Hucker, A Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China (Stanford, 1985)

  IC The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, ed. and comp. William H. Nienhauser Jr. (Bloomington, IN, 1986)

  Isobe Isobe Akira , Saiyūki keiseishi no kenkyū (Tokyo, 1993)

  j juan

  JA Journal asiatique

  JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society

  JAS Journal of Asian Studies

  JCR Journal of Chinese Religions

  JMDJCD Jianming Daojiao cidian , comp. and ed., Huang Haide et al., (Chengdu, 1991)

  JW The Journey to the West (Refers only to the four-volume translation of Xiyouji by Anthony C. Yu published by the University of Chicago Press, 1977–1983, of which the present volume is the second of four in a complete revised edition.)

  Lévy André Lévy, trad., Wu Cheng’en, La Pérégrination vers l’Ouest, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade (2 vols., Paris, 1991)

  Li Li Angang Piping Xiyouji (2 vols., Beijing, 2004)

  Little Stephen Little with Shawn Eichman, Daoism and the Arts of China (Art Institute of Chicago, in association with University of California Press, 2000)

  LSYYJK Lishi yuyan yanjiusuo jikan

  LWJ “Xiyouji” yanjiu lunwenji (Beijing, 1957)

  MDHYCH Gu Zhichuan , Mingdai Hanyu cihui yanjiu (Kaifeng, Henan, 2000)

  Monkey Monkey: Folk Novel of China by Wu Ch’eng-en, trans. Arthur Waley (London, 1943)

  Ōta Ōta Tatsuo , Saiyūki no kenkyū (Tokyo, 1984)

  Plaks Andrew H. Plaks, The Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel (Princeton, 1987)

  Porkert Manfred Porkert, The Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine: Systems of Correspondence (Cambridge, MA, 1974)

  QSC Quan Songci , ed. Tang Guizhang (5 vols., 1965; rpr. Tainan, 1975)

  QTS Quan Tangshi (12 vols., 1966; rpr. Tainan, 1974)

  Saiyūki Saiyūki , trans. Ōta Tatsuo and Torii Hi-sayasu . Chūgoku koten bungaku taikei , 31–32 (2 vols., Tokyo, 1971)

  SBBY Sibu beiyao

  SBCK Sibu congkan

  SCC Joseph Needham et al., Science and Civilisation in China (7 vols. in 27 book-length parts. Cambridge, 1954)

  Schafer Edward H. Schafer, Pacing the Void: T’ang Approaches to the Stars (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London, 1977)

  SCTH Sancai tuhui (1609 edition)

  Soothill A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms, comp. William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodus (rpr. 1934 ed. by London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. Taipei, 1970)

  SSJZS Shisanjing zhushu (2 vols., Beijing, 1977)

  SZZSHB Tang Xuanzang Sanzang zhuanshi huibian , ed. Master Guangzhong (Taipei, 1988)

  T Taishō shinshū dai-zōkyō , eds. Takakusu Junijirō and Watanabe Kaikyoku (85 vols., Tokyo, 1934)

  TC The Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the “Daozang”, eds. Kristofer Schipper and Franciscus Verellen (3 vols., Chicago, 2004)

  TP T’oung Pao

  TPGJ Taiping guangji , comp. and ed. Li Fang (5 vols., rpr. Tainan, 1975)

  TPYL Taiping yulan , comp. and ed. Li Fang (4 vols., Beijing, 1960)

  Unschuld Paul U. Unschuld, trans. and annotated, Nan-Ching: The Classic of Difficult Issues (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London, 1986)

  Veith Ilza Veith, trans., The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, new ed. (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London, 1972)

  WCESWJ Wu Cheng’en shiwenji , ed. Liu Xiuye (Shanghai, 1958).

  XMGZ Xingming guizhi , authorship attributed to an advanced student of one Yin Zhenren , in Zangwai Daoshu (36 vols., Chengdu, 1992–1994), 9: 506–95. For JW, I also consult a modern critical edition published in Taipei, 2005, with a comprehensive and learned set of annotations by Fu Fengying . The citation from this particular edition will be denominated as XMGZ-Taipei.

  XYJ Wu Cheng’en , Xiyouji (Beijing: Zuojia chubanshe, 1954). Abbreviation refers only to this edition.

  XYJCD Xiyouji cidian , comp. and ed. Zeng Shangyan (Zhengzhou, Henan, 1994)

  XYJTY Zheng Mingli , Xiyouji tanyuan (2 vols., 1982; rpr. Taipei, 2003)

  XYJYJZL Xiyouji yanjiu zhiliao , ed. Liu Yinbo (Shanghai, 1982)

  XYJZLHB “Xiyouji” zhiliao huibian (Zhongzhou, Henan, 1983)

  YYZZ Youyang zazu (SBCK edition)

  ZYZ Zhongyao zhi (4 vols., Beijing, 1959–1961).

  Yang Yang Fengshi , Zhongguo zhengtong Daojiao da cidian (2 vols., Taipei, 1989–1992)

  Yü Chün-fang Yü, Kuan-yin: The Chinese Transformation of Avalokiteśvara (New York, 2001)

  ZHDJDCD Zhonghua Daojiao da cidian , ed. Hu Fuchen et al. (Beijing, 1995)

  Zhou Zhou Wei , Zhongguo bingqishi gao (Beijing, 1957)

  Citations from all Standard Histories, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Kaiming edition of Ershiwushi (9 vols., 1934; rpr. Taipei, 1959). Citations of text with traditional or simplified characters follow format of publications consulted.


  Amid the Three Islands Sun Wukong seeks a cure;

  With sweet dew Guanshiyin revives a tree.

  Hold fast in life the “sword” above the “heart.”1

  Recall the “long” beside the “suffering.”

e proverb says the sword’s the law of life,

  But think thrice to check both anger and pride.

  “The noblest” 2 is peaceful—it’s taught long ago;

  “The sage loves virtue”3—a truth for all times.

  The strong man will meet someone stronger still:

  Come to naught at last he surely will!

  We were telling you about the Zhenyuan Great Immortal, who grabbed Pilgrim and said, “I know your abilities, and I have heard of your reputation. But you have been most deceitful and unscrupulous this time. You may indulge in all sorts of wizardry, but you can’t escape from my hands. I’ll argue with you all the way to the Western Heaven to see that Buddhist Patriarch of yours, but you won’t get away from having to restore to me the Ginseng Fruit Tree. So stop playing with your magic!” “Dear Sir!” said Pilgrim, laughing. “How petty you are! If you want the tree revived, there’s no problem. If you had said so in the first place, we would have been spared this conflict.” “No conflict!” said the Great Immortal. “You think I would let you get away with what you have done?” “Untie my master,” said Pilgrim, “and I’ll give you back a living tree. How’s that?” “If you really possess the power,” said the Great Immortal, “to make the tree alive again, I’ll go through the proper ceremony of ‘Eight Bows’ with you and become your bond-brother.” “Relax!” said Pilgrim. “Let them go, and you can be certain that old Monkey will give you back a living tree.”

  The Great Immortal reckoned that they could not escape; he therefore gave the order to free Tripitaka, Eight Rules, and Sha Monk. “Master,” said Sha Monk, “I wonder what sort of tricks Elder Brother is up to this time.”

  “What sort of tricks?” asked Eight Rules. “This is called the trick of ‘Pulling Wool Right over Your Eyes.’ The tree is dead! You think it could be cured and revived? He’s just putting out some empty formula for show. On the pretext of going to find medicine to cure the tree, he will flee and take to the road all by himself. You think he has any care for us?” “He won’t dare leave us behind,” said Tripitaka. “Let’s ask him where he is going to find the cure.”

  He then called out, “Wukong, how did you manage to deceive the Immortal Master and have us freed?” “Old Monkey is speaking the truth, only the truth,” said Pilgrim. “What do you mean by deceiving him?” Tripitaka asked. “Where will you go to find the cure?”


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