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Cherry Hill 1-A Place to Call Home

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer Dixie Lynn Dwyer Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He was angry, distraught and he took it out on everyone. A rampage that got him involved with terrorist organizations, but the profit was well worth the risks he was taking. Plus, he was setting up the perfect person to take the fall for it all. Especially if it turned out that he was helping Athena.

  He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He could no longer smell her scent. Couldn’t feel her shaking in his arms or begging him to take her harder as he thrust into her perfect body. The thought of her with any other man than him enraged him and he showed it. He acted out that reaction with the women his men set him up with to help him. They were good loyal men, and especially Ferno. Ferno was just as enraged as Matias to know she had escaped under his protection. For that he would allow Ferno some alone time with Athena to be punished accordingly.

  Someone knocked on the door to the office and he nodded for Hernandez to let them in. It was one of the men he hired to track Athena down and to cover her brothers and father with his associates.

  “Mathews, so good to see you.”

  “Good to see you too, Mr. Garcia.” They shook hands.

  “So, tell me where you are at. Anything new?”

  “Actually, a new direction, sir. It seems her brothers have been making some phone calls to a Ferion Dortry. Now under normal circumstances we wouldn’t have bothered to look deeper into this man, and would have assumed he was military like Louis and Voight, Athena’s brothers. However, further investigation into him revealed that he is quite a resourceful individual, and all avenues and attempts to gather more information were denied. Top secret files, government access beyond any of my resources and most, unless you are basically a government operative.”

  “Government operative?” Matias repeated and narrowed his eyes at him. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that you asked me to push as far as possible without jeopardizing your name and involvement, or alerting any authorities to the search for Athena. I’m doing my best not to push too far, and I think you’ll find this information interesting.” He slid a file across the table toward Matias.

  “Before you open it, know that this man, Ferion, is beyond mercenary level. He kills for a living. He invades locations, people, groups, whatever the government asks him to invade and he overpowers and destroys, sometimes from within and sometimes from without. While investigating him, and these calls to Athena’s brothers, we realized that they are aware of Athena’s escape from you, and are actively searching for her, as well. I have two men, very capable, military backgrounds, shadowing her brothers. I have several on her father, and men in place if you give the okay and accept the cost, that can tail Ferion Dortry. If any of these men go anywhere, meet anyone, we will know it,” Khan Mathews told him.

  Matias took several breaths and then looked at Ferno. “What do you think?” he asked him.

  “Could be that these men are why we haven’t been able to find Athena. There’s no way she’s remained hidden and on the run all this time alone without any help. No way.”

  “I’m not too sure about that. I think we both underestimated her abilities, and that won’t happen again.” He looked at Khan Mathews. “Do it. Do whatever is necessary to locate Athena.”

  Khan Mathews nodded toward the folder and Matias opened it up. He looked inside and saw the information. Top secret documents, and some of the capabilities of this Ferion Dortry as well as a few of his associates.

  “I took the liberty of highlighting some names on the first page and then again on the back. Not a coincidence that they know Louis and Voight, nor is it one that Louis and Voight have the same security clearance and file type listed under their names, and top secret files about them. I’d say they’re part of that team. They’re extreme on every level, and perhaps the easiest thing to do when the time comes is to take them out.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. The less dead bodies the better. My goal is to grab Athena and take her out of the country for good. My team can handle things here, and I can ensure no one will say a word to me when I travel with my wife on a leash.”

  * * * *

  Sheriff Kane McCabe was off duty when he walked into Harper’s dance hall. He had to see for himself that Hannah Murphy was working behind the bar. All day he’d heard about the good-looking brunette with the deep green eyes and sexy smile who stepped in to assist when Harper’s bartender didn’t show up for work. Now here he stood, a good distance away and watched as she shook up drinks in some silver shaker while her abundant breasts bounced in the tight T-shirt she wore. He could see all the guys gathered around there, and then as he walked closer and closer, her exceptional body came into full view. The shirt was tight, her breasts extra-large with deep cleavage, and her hair pulled up and back in some fancy style that showed off her thin neck. She looked to be in superb physical condition, her arms muscular, defined, as well as her legs as jeans stretched across them tight. She looked exotic, sexy, and she smiled with those full glossed lips, until she caught sight of him. Then suddenly, as his heart pounded inside his chest and their gazes locked, she nearly dropped the shaker.

  The guys in front of her by the bar turned around to see what put her into a state, and then greeted him.

  “Sheriff, good to see ya. Did you come out to meet Hannah? She’s new here,” he said, and Hannah stepped closer to pour the concoction as Kane looked at her full breasts and gorgeous face, and realized he was still staring when she looked up to ask him what he wanted.

  “What can I get you, Sheriff?”

  He was tempted to say “you.” Which shocked the shit out of him, but he didn’t show his desire.

  “Murphy’s,” he said, and she nodded. He watched her walk to the other beer spouts to get his Murphy’s Irish stout. Maya walked by saying hello, and he noticed that her uniform was a bit different. She had the top tied up underneath, showing off her flat belly, a tattoo and belly ring, and her top was lower. Glancing back at Hannah, after he said hello to Maya, he realized that Hannah’s uniform was not as skimpy or revealing, but Hannah had more curves and was more well-endowed up top.

  She returned with the beer and placed it down on the coaster, and he inhaled, catching her sweet scent. She smelled good as he absorbed the attraction he felt, and then placed a twenty down onto the bar. She reached for it, worrying her bottom lip, which she seemed to do every time he was around. He knew he was taller and larger than the average man and it showed. He stood straight, moved between Lenny and Fred as she got him his change and then placed it down onto the bar. He had to look down at her, towering over her so much and it made him feel protective of her like she was fragile, and in need of protecting.

  “When did you start working here, Hannah?” he asked, and took a sip from his pint of Murphy’s.

  “Last night, Sheriff. She was coming in to check out the job after Harper went to her house and talked her into helping out since Cass and another woman left. She started to check things out when the place got super crowded and she stayed and worked. It was meant to be,” Lenny said, and then looked at Hannah and raised his beer to her smiling.

  She chuckled.

  “That’s how it went down?” Kane asked, and she looked at him shyly.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Interesting,” he said, and held her gaze while he took a sip from his beer. She stared right back at him, her eyes gazing over his chest and then his face, perhaps feeling the attraction he felt.

  “Hey, sexy. I need another round.”

  She snapped out of her stare and turned to the left. He glanced that way and saw Ike Bravalo with his brothers Stan and Barkly. Ike smiled wide and licked his lips as he looked at Hannah. It pissed Kane off, but she handled him with calmness. Perhaps she had been warned about the types of men the Bravalo were, especially when they were drunk.

  “Meet my brothers. This is Stan and Barkley,” he said, and she nodded.

  “Nice to meet you. So what do you need?” she asked, and he told her. When she turned, all three men were staring
at her ass.

  “She’s fucking hot,” Kane heard Barkley say.

  She returned and placed the beers down and Ike gave her the money. Kane kept eyes on them as they walked away, but Ike kept looking at her. When she came back over his way to refill Lenny’s beer mug, Kane warned her about the Bravalo men. “You make sure you don’t take any crap from those guys. Any issues, call over the bouncers, ya hear?”

  “I heard about them from Maya and Ade.”

  “What time do you get off?” he asked.

  “You’re about the hundredth guy to ask her that question tonight,” Lenny said, and laughed. “She ain’t biting, Sheriff.”

  “What the hell? Seriously?” Kane asked, and he was pissed. His response and his attitude obviously intimidated Hannah as she walked away to help more customers. When he saw Harper walking his way, he stopped her. “Hey, Harper.”

  She kissed his cheek hello and then moved next to him. “What’s going on, Kane? I haven’t seen your brothers for a while. They due back soon?”

  “Yeah, tomorrow actually.”

  “Ahh, in time for the fight?”

  “Maybe. Culter will be here.”

  “Good. It will be nice to see him.”

  Kane looked back at the bar and at Hannah.

  “Ahh, something finally catch your eyes around Cherry Hill, Sheriff?” she asked, and was smirking.

  He squinted. “What?”

  She nodded her head toward Hannah’s direction. “Hannah? Interested, huh?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh come on, you can’t take your eyes off of her. I’ve seen you striking up conversations with her in town, too. What’s the deal?”

  “I’m the sheriff. I need to know everyone around the town.”

  “Ahh, so men are already asking you for guardianship of her or something?”

  “Not yet, but I’m sure soon enough they will be.”

  “And what will be your response?” she pushed, and he shook his head.

  “My usual, I’m sure. That I need to see a shared interest from all parties and know it’s something that will last and not some sort of game.”

  “I know you’ll do a good job. She’s real sweet, and to be honest with you, I don’t think you need to worry about her accepting anyone any time soon.” Harper glanced at Hannah.

  “Why is that?” Kane asked.

  “She isn’t interested,” she replied, and then looked him over and stared at him in a way that made his gut clench and feel like Harper knew something or believed she did.

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “I run a safe town here, Harper. I make sure my men look out for the community members, old and new.”

  “Which is why I think right here in Cherry Hill is where she belongs,” Harper said, and squeezed his shoulder.

  When he looked past her to where Hannah was, she was looking right at him, then at Harper’s hand as she released his shoulder and walked away. Hannah looked sad, or maybe jealous? Or did he just imagine that? He exhaled and then waited for her to come by again. How did he feel about the fact that other men might be asking him for guardianship of Hannah, or to pursue a relationship? He knew the answer. Hell, he felt it. He was jealous and that was it. Holy fuck. Who is Hannah Murphy, and what will Culter think of her? What about Fox and Chase? Holy Christ.

  * * * *

  Athena was pretty tired, but she actually enjoyed working at Harper’s. What she didn’t like were certain men staring at her with bad intentions. It just made her want to quit and go hide in the apartment, but she couldn’t. She was on her own. She had to make money, train hard, and be prepared. What was throwing her for a loop was the sheriff. When he showed up tonight in his plain clothes looking sexier than a man had the right to look, it shocked her. So did her body’s reaction and her eyes. She was staring at him. Hell, drooling. Then came the fear. She wasn’t normal. She had a past. A terrible, painful past, and deep down inside she felt like she would never be able to let down the walls, the protective force field she had over her body and heart.

  There were so many attractive men around this town and in Central Valley. The thing was, they did things differently. They claimed guardianship of women, and some shared. She couldn’t imagine being involved in any kind of relationship with one man, so forget about multiple. If she had been able to seek some kind of counseling or therapy to deal with her fears, the effects of being a prisoner and a victim, then maybe she would not only have someone to talk to about these feelings, but also a way to cope. Instead, she chose to put her energy, her therapy into training. Even after the dojo and during any free time she had, she would work out and train. She watched some videos at the library in Central Valley about self-defense moves, military hand-to-hand combat moves, and other things. She taught herself the techniques and also relaxation and therapy exercises. Things like breathing, clearing her body, her mind and soul of negative forces, very cool and different martial arts techniques that warriors traditionally practiced. She trained herself to believe she was a warrior, and one without a troop to back her.

  Perhaps all the therapy, the training, and time itself could help her resist the appeal of such an amazing and good-looking man like the sheriff.

  The reality was that she truly wasn’t free. That day would only come when Matias was dead. When his men were all dead. Then she would be free. Knowing he was alive and well directed her decisions. Intimacy, even a kiss could send her mind back into the fearful thoughts and actions. The thought of being so close to another man, to such a large man like the sheriff, after someone just as big like Matias, brought on panicky sensations. It was like it was fine to admire him or another good-looking guy from a distance, but close up was a totally different story. Certain things set her off, and a man even one she may feel an attraction for, would definitely set her off.

  As uptight as she felt having the sheriff there watching her, engaging in conversation with her every time she went past him, made her like him, and respect him even more. She felt like he was watching out for her. By the time the evening ended, she smiled at the thought that he offered her a ride, which she declined immediately, and then said Harper would drop her off. Meanwhile, she rode her bike here.

  “Not so fast. I’m not going to let you ride your bike home at this hour.”

  “Harper, I’ll be fine. I even have a flashlight,” she said, and pulled one out of her backpack.

  “No way. Flashlight or not. Too many dangers,” Ade said.

  “You should have accepted the sheriff’s offer of a ride,” Maya added.

  Harper gasped. “He offered you a ride home?”

  “He might have,” Athena replied.

  “Holy shit. Well ain’t that something,” Harper said, and then nodded for her to follow. They locked up after turning out the lights. Ade and Maya said goodnight and then Harper and Athena headed to the truck.

  “I feel badly that you’re having to drive me home. I live in the opposite direction,” Athena said as she grabbed her bike, and Harper helped her put it into the back of the truck.

  “It isn’t a big deal. You aren’t far at all, but too far to ride a bike in the dark at past 3:00 a.m. No way is that happening, safe town or not.” They got into her truck.

  “Well thank you.”

  “No, thank you. You did awesome and everyone loves you and the drinks you make. You’ll do well.”

  “I actually felt pretty good about the job tonight and the tips were great. I’m shocked. I think I should have given this a shot sooner than Spark’s place.”

  “Waitressing at the diner there isn’t good?”

  “It’s okay, but not the same atmosphere, and the tips are not even close. Plus a couple of the girls look at me like I’ve taken hours from them.”

  “Well, you can always work for me more nights.”

  “Seriously?” Athena asked her.

  “Sure thing.”

  “I guess it’s something to consider, but I can’t expect you to drive me home all
the time. I’m used to handling things on my own. Even riding my bike in the dark late at night. It isn’t that far really.”

  “I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you. Just because Cherry Hill seems perfect, and Kane, the sheriff enforces the law and has established quite the reputation, doesn’t mean that some people won’t try to commit a crime or go after a young woman who’s made herself accessible.”

  “I’ve been taking care of myself for a while now, Harper. Been halfway across the United States actually, and wound up here. I don’t have much of a choice, so I need to take those chances. Rest assured I’m prepared.”

  “Hmm…well there’s this thing called rules, and I can guarantee that once word gets out that you ride your bike to and from work, you’ll be getting offers for a lift all the time.”

  “Well, I’ll decline.”

  “We’ll see, perhaps you’ll let down your guard for the right person and make a friend. One you can trust.” They pulled into the driveway and Harper helped Athena get her bike out of the back.

  “See you tomorrow night. Remember, it’s the big fight night so get rested up. Don’t overdo it at the dojo.”

  “I’ll be ready. Thanks again, Harper,” Athena said, and then put her bike against the side of the garage door out of the way, and then headed upstairs to the apartment. She couldn’t help but smile. She got inside, locked the doors, and then turned on the light. She looked around the place, checked every spot. The closets, her bedroom, the bathroom, doing a thorough evaluation of the place like she did every time she came back here. Nothing was out of place. She sighed in relief and then went to take a shower.


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