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Cherry Hill 1-A Place to Call Home

Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer Dixie Lynn Dwyer Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Mother fucker,” Culter said, but Fox and Chase asked questions.

  She continued to explain the rules and her punishments from that day forward. A few nights later, he bruised my ribs, then another time, as men looked at me and I did as I was told and kept my mouth shut and acted polite, he got jealous. Some Middle Eastern guy was staring at me and licking his lips. I looked right at the man and Matias saw. He broke my ribs that night.”

  “Middle Eastern men? Do you remember names, faces?” Fox asked.

  “I remember every one of those disgusting men. Men who thought Matias was so powerful and crazy that he had a woman as a prisoner, a sex slave, a woman he had begging for mercy several times as he met these men and warned them to stay clear of me.”

  “Was one of them Massadan?” Chase asked her.

  Her eyes widened. She nodded her head.

  “Are you certain?” Fox asked.

  “Yes, I remember the way he looked at me one night over a year in a half ago as I planned my escape. Matias and him stood by me. I was wearing a fancy dress, a sexy one Matias picked out that left my back bare to my ass, and my breasts showing more fully than he would ever allow before, or that I ever would think of wearing. That night, he let Mussadan stroke my skin. When Mussadan looked into my eyes and spoke in his language, Matias was breathing through his nostrils as if jealous and angry, but he did nothing to stop the man. It was like I became part of some deal.”

  “Could be why his men were the ones following Ferion and her brothers. He has a stake in her, you think?” Chase asked Fox.

  “I fucking hope not, but this information would lead us to lean that way,” Fox said.

  Tears spilled from her eyes. “He was going to sell me to Mussadan as part of a deal? Of the weapons and training camp they were developing together?” she asked.

  “What?” Kane asked.

  “Wait, you heard about this?” Fox asked, sitting forward.

  “I know all about it. I assumed that Matias was going to at minimum allow Mussadan to touch me. Matias had been talking to this woman, he flirted back at her and she touched him, she kissed his neck. I pretended to be jealous so he would be less violent that night when he took me to bed. I was cooperating, acting like I was finally accepting his dominance and control so that they would all ease up and give me the window of opportunity to escape. I had my gym bag lined with money I sewed into it. A change of clothes. I was set on escaping or dying trying.”

  “You did that day?” Culter asked.

  “No, Matias was rough. Super rough with me that night despite me pretending jealousy. It was like he was really trying to mark me internally,” she said and tears fell. “It hurt so bad.” She started to sob.

  “Don’t, baby. We get it. He was a fucking monster and he will die because of this,” Chase said to her, and Kane and Culter pressed closer and held her between them.

  “I was ready to die. If I got caught I was prepared to take my life the moment the opportunity arose, or I would make Matias kill me. I didn’t care, and that fear of him, that disgust and anger had me running, escaping and not looking back.”

  “Where did you go?” Fox asked.

  “Well, I knew, I thought, my brothers were dead, and of course I didn’t trust my father. He caused me to be taken by Matias, so I headed south. Figured that it would be easier to hide out in a warmer location, and I was in Pennsylvania for four days, then Delaware a week before heading to South Carolina. I got spooked when I felt like I was drawing attention to myself and decided that maybe heading south would be foolish. I knew Matias had business partners in the area, so I headed this way. I saw the sign for Cherry Hill and I got off the bus, and that was it. I checked out Central Valley and felt it was busy enough to work there, and then live here, and you basically know the rest.”

  Fox leaned closer and covered her knees with his hands and squeezed. “You did amazing, baby. You got away, you hid, stayed aware and smart, and you evaded capture. I’m so proud of you, and my brothers and I are going to do everything we can to protect you.”

  “And my brothers? When can I see them?” she asked, and wiped the tears as they fell.

  “Once we get this situation resolved. There are federal agents involved in this investigation.”


  “Yeah, our commander, and our friend, have connections to people they trust. As of right now, without getting into too many details, we know there is a team conducting an investigation on Matias, and this guy Mussadan, who is part of a terrorist cell. They believe they’ve been building a facility up north in New York where they’re training military soldiers to enact a terrorist plot of some sort. Weapons are being sold illegally, money being laundered through businesses. It’s a huge operation and Matias is part of it. Your father, too.”

  “Oh God, then why can’t they arrest them? It would all be over if they stopped them?”

  “Not enough direct evidence, and they want everyone involved not just Matias, your father, and Mussadan. They want everyone. There are people hiding out in mosques, others in business and things. They need to know the other three people who are supplying information from within the government.”

  “Holy shit, Fox, like treason from people in our own government?” Kane asked and he nodded his head.

  “If the feds get this information, then this will be over. I’ll be able to see my brothers, protect you guys, and be free?” she asked.

  “We are protecting you.”

  “No, Chase, they have connections like you said, in government. I remember several men showing up for a meeting and they didn’t look typical, or like men Matias would deal with.”

  “You sure?” Curtis asked.

  “If it can help, I kept logs, journals of things I saw, people, names, some things I didn’t know what they were, but I jotted them down.”

  “Jesus, baby. Where do have this stuff?”

  “At the apartment. It’s all hidden.”

  “Holy shit,” Chase said to her.

  Fox smiled. “You are so fucking strong, so damn smart and beautiful, and I love you, woman, and I am going to do everything in my power to help you, to end this, so you can see your brothers again and be free.” He got up and lifted her into his arms and kissed her before he hugged her tight.

  Chapter 8

  “We have a problem.”

  “What the fuck is that?” Postatan asked.

  “Chatter and a bit of suspicious activity in the department. I think the gig is up and we’ve been discovered.”


  “Fuck yeah, and I will do my best to keep you out of this, but you need to pull out of the deal with Matias and Mussadan.”

  “Not with all the fucking money I’m making.”

  “This is beyond our jobs being on the line here. Word is the woman Matias has been looking for was found, and not by Mussadan’s men, but mercenaries.”

  “What the fuck? Did you let Matias know this?” Postatan asked.

  “Hell no, I need to keep my shit out of this, how else are we going to find out where she is before we nab her and get her to Mussadan.”

  “To Mussadan? Why? Matias wants her.”

  “To sweeten the deal for us. Then we can disappear with ten million and never look the fuck back.”

  “You’re crazy, but fucking smart.”

  “I’ll take care of everything and be part of the team of agents to go in and grab her. It will be risky, but a call to Mussadan asking for a big payoff should make the risk worth it.”

  “And Matias?”

  “Fuck him. He got greedy and he’ll die before the feds even have him in custody. Mussadan will take off for Saudi Arabia with his new pet, and the others will take the fall for treason, for aiding in an attempted terrorist operation, and we’ll never hear another word about it.”

  “Good. See you on the other end then.”

  “Yes, I’ll text the meetup spot in a few days.”

  She ended the call and leaned
back against the wall in the basement. These dumb fucking men. All the money, the power in the world and they fall because of their desire for a woman.”

  * * * *

  “This is great. The feds are pulling everyone in. Nothing cleaner than the actual location of the building, storage facility, and training camp” Ferion said to Fox over the phone.

  “It was crazy. She had the information secured in the floor board with money and a plan to escape.”

  “She’s incredible and I can’t wait to meet her,” Ferion said.

  “Will it be safe for her brothers to come here then?” Fox asked.

  “The arrests have been made. The only thing to do is to escort Athena to a meet up location in a nearby city to go over the information she had, and any questions the feds have to wrap things up.”

  “Excellent. She’ll be thrilled to learn she can see her brothers.”

  “They’ve gone through so much. Let them know.”

  “Will do.” Fox ended the call and smiled.

  “She’s working. Do we go tell her?” Chase asked.

  “I think we should call Louis and Voight, and maybe have them head here and surprise her. Make this a happy moment they can truly enjoy together,” he said, and Chase smiled as Fox made the call.

  When he was done, Chase looked at him. “What do you think about Mussadan’s men suddenly disappearing and no longer following Ferion and her brothers?”

  “I think once word spread about the arrests, the warehouse was raided, her father and Matias were arrested on site at their businesses, Mussadan knew he was next. If Ferion decides, or gets the order for us to find him and take him out with the team, I’m in.”

  “He won’t have to ask me twice,” Fox said, and then Chase nodded.

  “I’m still going to be super fucking protective of her.”

  “Won’t we all be? She deserves happiness from here on out, and we’ll make sure she gets that.”

  * * * *

  Athena was working at Harper’s, and at this point, everyone found out about her real name being Athena. Fox made up a story about her hiding out to help catch some major bad guys, and she needed to have a fake name. No one pushed for more information, and Ade told her how sexy her real name was, and it suited her better than Hannah. She had to laugh. Then as the evening went on and the place was crowded, she saw her men arrive. She gave a wave and then stopped, her jaw dropped, and she couldn’t believe what she saw. Louis and Voight were there and looking serious as they caught her eye. She ran from the bar, and then right through the crowd and into their arms. They held her tight, hugged her as she cried. “Oh God, I thought you were dead. He told me you were dead.”

  “We were told you were dead, too. Let’s put it all behind us. You took him and his operation down. The rest of us will finish it soon enough,” Voight said, and they continued to hug one another, with her men joining them and looking just as happy as she felt. She was finally free, and could have her family, her brothers, her lovers, all safe and sound in Cherry Hill.

  * * * *

  “Kane!” she cried out as Kane thrust upward and she rode him on the edge of the bed. Athena held onto his shoulders, the feel of thick, hard muscles making her want to please him and give as good as she was getting. She held his gaze, was in a sexy stare at him, when Fox slid fingers of lube to her ass.

  She gasped when Fox slid his cock into her well lubricated asshole. “Mine, woman, all fucking mine. Hold on tight while my brother and I take you for another ride,” he said firmly in such a tone it gave her goosebumps.

  “I’m ready for you, Fox,” she challenged.

  “Oh shit,” Culter said, chuckling as Chase laughed. Chase cupped her cheeks. They were relentless, filling her with cock and she was welcoming to it all. She opened her mouth just as she grunted from Fox’s thick, hard cock stroking into her asshole. Her body erupted, but she sucked on Chase’s cock, immediately going into action to please her men.

  Culter cheered her on. “All ours, woman. All fucking ours,” he said, and Chase pulled from her mouth and Culter took his place.

  She sucked him next, until Fox came and Kane followed. In a flash, before she could catch her breath, Chase and Culter took over. Chase lay on the bed and she immediately sank down over his cock, and then she felt the lubed fingers press to her asshole from Culter. She rocked her hips and moaned, clenched her teeth and gave as good as she was getting. “Someone is feeling wild I see,” Fox said, and stroked her jaw as she moaned, and Culter thrust into her asshole. Him and Chase were thrusting at the same time and chanting her name.

  Smack, smack. He spanked her ass as he thrust balls deep into her asshole.

  “Oh God!” She cried out her release and rode out the thrusts and penetrations best she could, as she felt so in tune to every sensation, to the feel of her thighs shaking as she squeezed and continued to thrust and counterthrust between both men. It went on and on, and she thought she may not have the energy or strength to continue when her own orgasm overcame her. In that same moment as a wave of pleasure consumed her, both men came inside of her with a roar. She collapsed against Chase’s chest and Culter kissed her everywhere he could as he eased his cock from her asshole.



  She complained, but didn’t move her cheek from Chase’s chest as he chuckled while he caressed her hair, and the rumbling of his chest made her smile.

  “Hot damn, that was even better than the first two rounds,” Culter said, squeezing her ass cheeks before leaning down to kiss her neck and make her giggle.

  Chase rolled her to her side, easing his cock from her body and then cupped her breast. “I don’t think we’ll ever get enough of making love to our woman, that’s for sure,” Kane said to her, and gave her a wink. She nibbled her bottom lip and she couldn’t help but smile, especially as her men gathered around her, and Chase on the bed, shirtless and looking absolutely perfect.

  “I love you guys, and it isn’t only because you’re so hot and sexy,” she said, and Chase chuckled then lowered his mouth to her nipple and teased it. She ran her fingers through his hair and brought his muscular forearm around her waist and squeezed against him.

  “You sure do love to snuggle,” he said.

  She smiled and thought about that. About how much she longed to be held. A simple thing like a hug taken for granted. Tears filled her eyes and she closed them. She felt the caress to her cheek, and then one her thigh. “Hey, why so serious?” Fox asked.

  She blinked her eyes open and knew they could see the emotion in them. “I was alone for so long, I…ahh, it’s stupid just forget it.” She started to ease up, only for Chase to pull her back down and wrap her up tight.

  “No, what is it?” he pushed.

  She looked at him then at his brothers. “I missed something as simple, yet as effective as a hug, that’s all. I really, really missed getting hugged and giving a hug.”

  “There’s nothing stupid about that, baby,” Chase told her, and kissed her lips tenderly. When he released them, Fox was there sliding up behind her and taking her from Chase so he could hug her to him.

  “Don’t tell anyone, but I love being hugged by you and hugging you.”

  “Oh really?” she asked, and his brothers teased him.

  “I especially like this position,” he said, and lifted her up so she straddled his waist and was underneath him on the bed, her ass and pussy off the edge, so he could reach back and under her to stroke her cunt.

  She slapped his shoulder. “Fox,”

  “You asked for it,” he said, and then kissed her tenderly, scattering those kisses along her neck and over her chest before lifting up and bringing her to the shower.

  She hugged him and looked at the others, who were smiling and watching them walk away. She loved them so very much, she never wanted to be apart from them ever. With that thought came a twinge of fear. Tomorrow she was heading to meet some federal agents and answer a few questions before completing this o
rdeal. Once she was done, it would all be over.

  * * * *

  “Don’t worry, they’re federal agents involved with the case. It’s only been fifteen minutes since she went into the room down the hallway,” Ferion told them.

  “I also want to update you on what we found out so far on Mussadan. Seems the feds think he may have had help from some people who work with Homeland Security. If it turns out that more clues turn towards that area, then we may be asked to assist in locating him and those individuals and bringing them in,” Ferion explained.

  “Holy crap, that isn’t good at all. How do they know the leaks were in Homeland Security, and not anyone associated with these federal agents?” Fox asked, and he stood up and began to have great concern for Athena. He looked at her brothers and gave a nod for them to go check on her. This wasn’t a federal building with security. It was a hotel, with meeting rooms and small offices in the basement level. When two of the agents came running down the hallway just as Louis and Voight headed that way, Fox knew something went wrong.


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