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Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn)

Page 4

by Daniel Harris

  The friendly scribe stepped away, the king returned to his seat, and my brain went into freefall. Some guy was putting this girls hand in mine, I think there was a rope tied around our hands at some point and then he said ‘kiss the bride’. Of the top 10 Oscar award winning kisses of all time, this one was not even close. I leaned in, a quick peck just for traditions sake and it was over. The crowd went wild and the king looked incredibly relieved to have gotten rid of the 16 year old before she was too old to ever marry.

  Chapter Eight

  We walked off the backside of the platform away from the yelling, cheering crowds and I heard the workmen beginning to ready the platform for transport back to storage. As we moved into the castle courtyard, I learned something I didn't know. Castles stink! The smell of enclosed people and animals with the walls to block out any kind of breeze made it stifling. I think I was the only one that noticed. It really was amazing what you could get used to. I was led all the way to the back of the courtyard to a very beautifully built keep. We climbed the stairs and went in the front doors. My bride asked a question of someone and then led me up two flights of stairs on the left side of the building. We went down a long hall and then stopped at a door on our left. She opened it and I followed her through.

  We were now standing in the largest bedroom with the biggest bed I had ever seen. She looked at me and said that I should make myself comfortable. We would go down for supper in a few hours and then leave in the morning for Beryglus Gwyllt. I tossed my jacket down on a couch and started looking around. I couldn’t believe that I was in a bedchamber in a castle! I looked out the window that opened to the west and could see vast numbers of people still gathered around. I saw a doorway to the right and walked in to see what was. There was another door inside that I thought might be a closet. Well, it was a closet of sorts but I wouldn't want to wear anything coming out of there. The stench when I opened it was almost visible. This was a high-class bathroom. A hole cut through the rock with a wooden seat. It seemed as though everything just dropped through. Not a thing you would want to be walking under! Something that was not behind the closed door that did get my attention, there were a couple of large wooden tubs lined with cloth, full of steaming water. A bath would be a very nice thing after a brain-scrambling day!

  I walked back into the bedroom where the girl was sitting on a chair just staring into a mirror. I said, “Ma’am, this being my first time inside a castle I’m not sure of the etiquette. I would like to take a bath. May I do that?”

  “Ma’am?” she giggled, “You were scared out there weren’t you! Do you even remember my name?”

  I stared at my shoes feeling my ears turn the color of a stop light and shook my head.

  “My name is Isabel, my Lord…”

  It is my turn to stop her. “Please, just call me David. This ‘my Lord’ stuff is going to take some getting used to.”

  That brought a wide smile, and I noticed that she, like most women, was much prettier when she smiled. She walked me back to the bathing room, located towels and soap. She offered to bathe me causing me to blush crimson again. I told her thank you but no, I would manage now. She let me know that she was going to go locate some clean clothes for me to wear to dinner and would be back shortly.

  I undressed and crawled into the large tub of warm water. After misplacing my world, sleeping on the cold ground for about a week and other stresses the warm water was heavenly. I soaked for a while and used the strange smelling soap that I had been given. Isabel had dropped a couple handfuls of rose petals in the water too. I hoped that was not a subtle hint at telling me that I stunk! Well, I doubt that these people would notice body odor anyway. My nose really missed the woods and the clean forest air!

  I finished bathing and grabbed a towel, dried off, and wrapped it around me. That is when I recalled that Isabel was going to get clothes and the garb of the people I had seen in the castle. My brain was still working on the 21 century America fashions and I feared I was about to find out how I looked in a dress! Ok, it would most likely be a robe but that is only one-step up from a dress in my opinion. ‘When in Rome…’ I was sure I was going to get tired of having to repeat that line to myself!

  Isabel returned and showed me the clothing that she had located for me. She told me they were mine to keep if they fit well and I liked them. Actually, I liked them the moment I saw the tunic and trousers! The short sleeve, loose fitting tunic and the loose trousers with a belt would make me a lot happier than the long ‘Merlin’s Robe’ that had been running through my head. I went back into the bathing room and dressed quickly. I came back out and asked Isabel what she thought. She felt that I looked much better in these clothes than I did in the strange stuff I had been wearing. I started to ask where I could get my ’strange stuff’ washed but since I had heard we were leaving in the morning I didn’t bother. Someone knocked on the door and announced that supper would be served shortly. While Isabel was busy at the door, I shoved my clothes and jacket under the couch. I didn't want to have to answer any questions about any of the items I was carrying.

  Isabel came over to me, took my left arm so I could pretend to lead, and guided me out the door. Her guiding, with me leading, we went down the two flights of stairs I vaguely remembered and then left deeper into the keep. We entered the Great Hall and then I knew where they got the name! The place was HUGE! There were only a few tables set up, and about 30 people inside but there was room for hundreds! As Isabel led me across the hall to the tables, I could tell we were going to the head of the table. I assumed, and hoped not, that I was going to be an honored guest. I’d had enough of people today to last a lifetime. She had me sit in the chair just to the left of the table end, just diagonal to a chair that looked fit for a king. She sat beside me on my left and patted my arm comfortingly. I guess I was getting the ‘deer in the headlights’ look again.

  Isabel leaned over and whispered to me, “You should try to relax a bit. My Father likes you already because you took his oldest daughter off his hands. I just hope that Chloe and Alba get a kind husband too.”

  I give a questioning look, “Chloe and Alba?”

  “My sisters, they were the other two girls on stage today. Chloe is 14 and Alba is 12.” She sighed, “12 is no age to be given to a man. The things some men would do…”

  “Surely your father would protect them from a man like that!” I whispered almost too loudly.

  “Our father has gotten tired of all the girls being here at the castle. When he has visitors, he has us hide away from them. I feel he’s ashamed of never having a son.”

  “So, are you telling me that because the girls are here and underfoot he may give them to any man that calls?” I asked.

  She nodded, “that is what I’ve gathered from the castle gossip.”

  I smiled and cocked my head to one side looking at her. “You know, I don’t know a thing about this Beryglus Gwyllt place that we are going to but if it hasn’t had a Lord in a while it’s a safe bet that there are no ‘Ladies in Waiting’ there either. Perhaps your sisters would like the job?”

  An ecstatic grin split her face, her feet did something like a tap dance beneath her chair, and she jumped halfway out of her chair to give me a huge hug! I felt as though she was going to choke me to death, but I surely didn’t mind! Chuckles and laughter flooded the length of the table. I heard a comment that ‘the newlywed princess couldn’t wait for the wedding night’. At that, she released me and we both turned a glowing crimson. A door burst open and the king made his entrance and everything settled back down. We all stood as he walked to the table. He patted me firmly on my right shoulder and not knowing what to do, I nodded to him. He smiled and sat down.

  Everyone sat down and then out came the food. There was about everything you can think of. Beef, pork, chicken, turkey… I had to try some of the food, but with everything that had happened, I was not very hungry. Someone filled my cup and I took a swig. Wine! Yuck! I hated wine but wouldn't make a scene. Everyo
ne else seemed to love the stuff and I don’t think I have ever seen that much alcohol drunk in one place.

  The meal seemed to drag on forever. At one point, the king got up, made a speech to welcome me to the family, and wished me luck with Beryglus Gwyllt. At that, everyone gave a bit of an uncomfortable laugh and the dinner wound down. The king said goodnight, signaling everyone that we could leave and Isabel and I headed for the door.

  She walked with me up the stairs and down to our room. Once inside she asked if I meant what I had said about her sisters at supper. I told her ‘of course I’d meant it.’ She told me that she was going to go ask her sisters if they would be willing. Before I let her go, I asked her if she thought we would be able use a young woodworker when we got to Beryglus Gwyllt. She gasped and her eyes looked like saucers.

  She said, “My Lord does see much more than he lets on! I am sure word could be gotten to a certain woodworker and a certain princess would be forever grateful!”

  After she left to chat with her mother and sisters, I guessed that the mother was going to be the means of getting the sisters to go, I shook my head and tried to catch up. Yesterday I was walking in the woods killing birds with magic and today I was a married nobleman preparing to leave for my own castle and huge province. I guess you could say my life had taken an unexpected turn since my last TV dinner! I opened a cabinet, found a spare blanket inside, and tossed it on the couch. I reached up under the couch, pulled my lumpy clothes out, and bundled them up. I would be wearing my jacket in the morning but my pants, shirt and underwear could be carried. Now, I am packed. Talk about traveling light! I had a feeling the same would not go for my new bride and her sisters if they went. The king might have to call for another rental truck if he wanted the daughters gone, I joked to myself.

  I bunched my clothes up on the end of the couch as a pillow, pulled off my shoes and socks and put them on the floor. I left the lights burning for Isabel; I wouldn't want her to stumble in the dark. I laid down and covered up just thinking about all the craziness that had been going on. There were so many things I didn't understand and I hoped that I would find an advisor or something when I got to Beryglus Gwyllt. How could a man give away his daughter as a bride? I knew it when I’d met the Orcs but this really drove it home. I was in a different world and would have to develop different views.

  Isabel returned and saw me on the couch. She went around the room blowing out candles and dimming lamps. Then she came over to the couch. I scooted over so she could sit down and she asked if I was comfortable. I told her that compared to sleeping on the ground as I had for the past week; this was like a cloud and was perfectly fine. She asked if she had offended me in some way and then I figured out the problem. I explained that I had thought that since I didn't know her well and she didn't know me that she might be more comfortable with me sleeping here and her on the bed. She nodded.

  She told me that she had talked to Chloe and Alba and they were excited to go. She had also talked to her mother and she was sure the king would grant permission. Word had been sent to Cador via one of Chloe’s message routes but we wouldn't know anything about that until morning. Chloe sent her thanks and her love for looking out for her. The sisters knew that I didn't have to do any of this and were grateful. Alba had decided that she was going to steal me away. Well, flirting with me this afternoon didn’t do it; I didn’t think it was going to happen.

  After these updates, Isabel blew the remaining candles out and left only the glow of a few dimmed lamps. She went over to the bathing room for a bit and came back out in a nightgown. She pulled back the covers, laid down, and the room was quiet. I laid there for a while looking at the ceiling and wondered if anyone had said how long tomorrows trip was going to be. I couldn’t recall.

  “David” Isabel spoke softly.

  “Yes Isabel? I’m awake.” I answered.

  “David, you don’t have to sleep over there,” she said shyly.

  “You do know what will probably happen if I sleep in the bed tonight, don’t you?” I asked.

  I rose up and looked at her. She nodded her head very shyly and said, “Yes!” Once again a change of plans!

  Chapter Nine

  The next morning a carriage and a wagon were waiting out in front of the keep. The wagon seemed to be loaded down with chests and boxes by the time I got downstairs. The younger girls started the day early and had burst into Isabel and my bedchamber shortly after sunrise. When they had seen the disarray of the bedclothes and the amount of bare skin showing, they had made a hasty retreat. I stood out of the way watching the activity. Cador walked slowly by me and pretended not to see me. I could tell by his actions that he hoped that I would see him.

  “Cador!” I called out.

  He jumped, startled, and turned to come back toward me. “I didn’t know that you knew my name my Lord.”

  “I may be new around here but I do try to keep up with anything that may concern me. So, have you decided to join us on our trip to Beryglus Gwyllt?”

  “Well, my Lord, I received a message last night saying that I was invited to travel with your party but I wasn’t sure if it was legitimate.”

  “Yes, my friend, Isabel and I were talking and decided that we may have need of a woodworker when we got there. I didn’t think that Chloe would mind me having her ask you if you were available.” I smiled.

  “Having me go with you was your idea, my Lord?” he asked stunned.

  I leaned close to him so I could talk quietly without fear of being overheard. “Yesterday when I was asked to choose my bride from the three princesses Chloe looked terrified that I would chose her. She was staring at you and I knew that the man in the crowd and not the man on the stage was who she would rather be with.”

  I stepped away and then spoke as if continuing a thought. “So then we can count on you as a traveling companion? I’ll be sure to put you to work and pay you a fair wage when we get to Beryglus Gwyllt.”

  There were tears in the young mans eyes as he looked at me. “I… um… *swallow* I need to grab a few things. I will be back shortly. Thank you, my Lord.” He bowed low, stood up and ran toward the front gate.

  Isabel came out of the door about the time he left and asked if he was going to be going with us. Chloe was frantic that she had not heard from him yet this morning and none of us knew exactly what time we would be pulling out. I explained that he had been concerned and that I thought that I had fixed it. I let her know that he had said he would be back shortly. I told her that I thought I had made a new friend. Soon I will have to learn the story about the two young lovers but that can wait.

  The house was in an uproar with every servant in the place packing and moving things out to the wagon and carriage. You would have thought that 50 people were going and not just the three girls! They were going to have to stop loading soon or I would be caught using telekinesis to make the wagon even move! Speaking of that, I knew that soon I had to talk to Isabel about magic. I had been wondering for a while now if I could teach someone else how to do it and the first person I would love to teach would be Isabel. I had to figure out a way to broach the subject without scaring her. I didn’t know if this place had the taboo on magic that my world did and I didn’t want to find out the hard way.

  I excused myself and went back inside. I ran upstairs to the room we had slept in the night before and grabbed my clothes from the couch. I took my coin purse, opened it and returned the one gold piece that I had to it. I thought I had about 500 gold coins around somewhere and I hoped that it would get loaded on, or in, the carriage. I put the purse in my pocket and went back downstairs and out the front door. I had noticed a bakery shop not far from keep and I headed for it. I had not purchased anything since I had arrived in this place so this would be as good a time as any.

  I walked in to the bakery and saw five or six people already inside. I guessed bread for breakfast was a common idea. I closed the door softly behind me and stood waiting my turn. The person at the counter finish
ed his purchase and turned around to walk out. He saw me standing in line by the door and almost fell over backwards.

  “Lord Stephenson! Good morning, my Lord!” He bowed low.

  The line in front of me disappeared in bows, curtsies, and people pressed themselves against the wall to get out of my way. I shook my head, smiled and said, “I haven’t even been a Lord for one whole day. Not nearly, long enough to become a snob! Get back in line and I’ll wait my turn like a normal person!”

  The patrons moved back to their places in line. Some people were laughing nervously and some looked like they really hated bread after all. It only took a few minutes before I stood in front of a very agitated baker. “That fresh bread smells wonderful. Would it be possible for me to get a loaf?” I asked.

  The baker quickly grabbed a loaf, sat it in the counter, and turned away. “Pardon me sir, I’m not from around here and don’t know your prices. How much is this?” I ask a bit confused.


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