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Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn)

Page 11

by Daniel Harris

  Dusk approached quickly and we took up our positions. There was no guarantee that anything would happen but the villagers seemed convinced. There was not a person to be seen on the streets. We used the buildings on the south end as cover. We could see between the buildings across an open field to the road and tree line beyond. As the daylight dwindled we didn’t have long to wait. Five Orcs walked into the road and stood there staring at the village. They waited for a couple minutes and then, as if on a signal, started moving toward their favorite target. They got ten yards into the field and the Captain made his appearance. He looked much larger than I remembered them but this one is much more alive than the last one I’d seen.

  As they drifted closer I waited for the Captain to come into range. I knew that the girls were waiting for me to open up first and I could feel the tension building down our tiny defense line. At about sixty yards out it was time. ‘fulmen!’ And lightning streaked down onto the head of the Captain. I heard energy bolts being cast on both sides of me. The Captain staggered but stayed on his feet. I brought down the lightning again and he toppled forward on his face. I looked around and saw one Orc down on my left but another still coming. My energy bolt and Alba’s hit it at almost the same time. He dropped like a stone. Now I had lost track of the rest. I knew that two were down but that would leave three somewhere! Alba ran up to me and said that our side was clear but the other three had gone to the east side where Chloe and Isa were. We went that way on the run. The scream will haunt me forever. Alba and I saw an Orc standing over Chloe. She was lying perfectly still on the ground, and the beast was raising a claw to strike. Alba and I cast at the same time and our energy bolts barely beat one from Isa coming in from the other side. It crumpled and then fell backward.

  Isabel was on the scene first. Chloe was bleeding from a wound to her head but had her shield up and I was sure that was what saved her. Isa healed the head wound, which only amounted to a small cut. We then checked her for any other injuries and found none. She stirred, brought sighs of relief from all of us, and came around. We helped her sit up and she saw the Orc near her feet. She shook her head and looked at all of us.

  “I’m really sorry! I don’t know how that one got to the building but he came down the side and got behind me! I saw that huge paw swing and he slapped me into the building. That’s about all I remember. I did get one though!” She smiled.

  I did a quick count. Isa got one, Chloe got one, the three of us got one, and Alba and I got two. And with the Captain, that would make the whole attack force. I told Isa to take the girls back to the center of the village and wait there for me. I let her know that I was going to go salvage what I could from these things. She wrinkled her nose, smiled and nodded. With Chloe gathered up between them Alba and Isa headed off.

  I started off on my looting run. I quickly checked the Orcs and found nothing very interesting. All they had was just the typical coin purse that the each carried. Not a knife, dagger, or sword worth salvaging. I was a bit confused because if they had been raiding so often I would think there would be more loot. I then trekked across the field to the Orc Captain. He was quite dead with his feet and boots melded together. There was no telling what strangeness you’d discover when you used lightning! He was wearing a large backpack. I worked it over his arms and lifted it. It was quite heavy but still wouldn’t account for a twice a week raid. There was something to this that bore investigation. For now my room at Valeview was calling, and getting Chloe back so we could make very sure she was alright, topped my to-do list.

  Hauling the pack onto my back I walked back to the village square. The inhabitants had realized that the fight was over and were now pouring out into the street. I told the Elder that the beasts were dead and that he should round them up and burn the bodies. I warned him that Orcs stunk and he assured me that he knew that very well. As I started over to the girls I saw that our new recruits and their families had gathered around them. Good, I wouldn’t have to round them up before we took our leave. I walked up, put a hand on Chloe’s shoulder and asked if she was ok.

  She looked up at me, smiled and said “I was just shaken up a bit. A building is harder than my head!”

  “That’s debatable! The villagers might make us replace that wall!” I teased.

  She smiled and shook her head at me. I felt much better knowing that she was alright. I caught Isa’s eye and signaled that it’s time to go. She nodded and got to her feet.

  “Alright everyone.” I addressed the group of new recruits and parents. “I assume that items have been packed and goodbyes said?”

  There was a general assent and with a few last minute goodbyes and tears the three new girls joined our group. I led the group to an open spot to the north of the beautiful tree in the center of the square. I looked at Isa, Alba and Chloe and said that I was in a hurry to get home and we couldn’t fly so I was going to use a spell they hadn’t seen before. I didn’t want them to try it until we could discuss it later. They nodded, confused and excited and that caused even more excitement among the new girls. I had everyone gather in a circle, arms over the shoulder of the one beside them. I made sure that everyone was holding on to everyone else and then closed my eyes. I focused on the open field twenty yards across the road from the gate of Valeview Castle. When I had the image clearly in mind I said ‘receptui’!

  With a loud ‘crack’ the village of Jaoca was gone and with another loud ‘crack’ the gates of Valeview came into focus. The guards in the guardhouse exploded to the outside drawing weapons! I stepped between them and the girls, holding up my arms.

  “Hold on!” I yelled. “It’s just us. Sorry for our sudden appearance but we were in a hurry to get home!”

  The Captain of the Guard walked up as weapons were sheathed and nerves settled. “My Lord! You scared the starlight out of us! Please tell me that this kind of entrance isn’t going to become the norm!”

  I shook the Captains hand, and eased his mind, letting him know that we wouldn’t be using that spot as a return spot often. He sighed in relief and had the gates opened. I led our troop through the darkening courtyard and up the stairs. Pariset had been keeping a worried watch for our return. He saw the new girls and asked if he should have rooms prepared. I explained that they were new trainees and would be staying with us. With no sign of dissent he signaled for maids and sent them up to prepare the empty rooms on my side of the top floor apartments. He asked if I’d need two or three rooms and I told him that I thought the sisters would be fine sharing a room. That made him even happier. I asked if he was going to be in his office for awhile and he said that he would be there for a couple hours. I let him know that I might be down in a bit to talk but if he was ready to go before I made it to not hang around. He nodded and we went on our way.

  We all went up to Isa’s and my room. As we walked in I recalled that the three new girls with us had never been outside of the tiny village they had just come from. They were staring around in wide-eyed wonder at things they never even knew existed. When they saw the bed they were astounded! Emma wanted to know how many people slept there. When Isa told her that she and I were the only ones, her mouth gaped and she shook her head. I could understand. That bed looked like it could comfortably sleep eight! I told Emma that she could lay on it if she wanted. She was hesitant but made her way over sat on the edge and laid back. As she sunk into the mattress she sighed and giggled. I saw that Elizabeth and Alice were staring at me and could barely contain themselves so I grinned and nodded at them. They ran across the room and joined Emma. Sighs and giggles filled the room. The three other girls were just looking at them. They had no idea what could be so wonderful about a bed! I laughed, told them I had something to do and walked to my closet.

  I pulled the backpack off and set it on the dresser that housed my trusty ‘junk’ drawer. I opened the pack and looked inside. There was a large bag and a large box. I pulled out the bag and found it quite heavy. I opened it and it was packed full of gold coins. I dug ar
ound in it and made sure that is all that it contained. I had no idea how much was there but I knew what I would do with it! I was planning a meeting with Pariset already because I was starting to feel bad about room and board, since he was still running the place and I was just a figurehead Lord. I had planned to work out some kind of payment, especially now that I had brought more people to the castle. I set aside the bag and pulled out the box. It was even heavier than the bag! The box was, I guessed because I didn’t have a ruler, twelve inches by eight inches by six inches. It was beautifully made of engraved solid gold and filled, to the brim, with gemstones. I knew I was rich!

  I stuck my head around the corner into the room. I called to Isabel and asked her to come over. She walked to me questioningly and then into the closet. I couldn’t do anything more than just point at the top of my dresser. Her jaw dropped! A princess rendered speechless by wealth? Now, that was a good sign!

  She turned to me and said, “Is that yours?”

  I laughed, “Wife, I believe that is OURS!”

  “Where did it come from?” she asked.

  “I found it in the backpack that the Orc Captain was carrying” I replied.

  She ran her hands through the gems. In a hushed voice that I could barely hear she said, “We could buy our own castle with this!”

  I put my hand on her shoulder. “We’ll talk about this later. For now, I have to talk to Pariset and discuss finances we’ll need to stay here without offending his budget and then we can get the girls tucked in. After that we’ll discuss being rich!” I took the box and put it in the top ‘junk’ drawer. That left the dowry box of gold and the bag. I lifted the lid on the dowry box. Isa looked in and saw the piles of gold inside. She looked a bit confused. I told her that we still had all this too! I pulled ten coins from the bag and put it in the box. “I borrowed that from us.” I laughed.

  “We actually have more money than we know what to do with!” she exclaimed quietly.

  “I’m going to take some to Pariset, I’m sure he won’t have a problem knowing what to do with it!” We both laughed, I grabbed the bag and went downstairs.

  Pariset was sitting in his office, writing away like a scribe, when I walked in. He started to get up but I held up a hand. “I’m sitting too, if you don’t mind.” I said.

  He nodded, “Of course my Lord.”

  “David, please! We’re the only two here and all the formality is overwhelming!” I protested.

  “Ok, David. What can I do for you this evening?” He asked.

  I told him that lately I’d felt that I had been relying too much on him and not paying my way. I held up a hand to stop a protest and continued. I explained that I wasn’t really a Lord and knew nothing of the business of running a keep. I was happy with the title and the privilege but would feel better if I could, at least help with the finances of the castle. He nodded and said that he could understand. He told me that he knew when the tournament was held for the job that he could get someone that either would know nothing, or would think they knew everything. No offence intended, he was happier with the ‘know nothing’ type as opposed to the ‘know everything’. I told him that with the six girls and I taking up five rooms it might cost a bit for upkeep. He nodded and said, cringing a little, that it would cost roughly thirty gold coins a month for the room and board. He said that if we couldn’t afford that he could always write it off on the Lord’s account.

  I’d been waiting for a number and the number I heard, I liked. I lifted the bag from the floor beside me and poured it out on his desk and laid the empty bag beside the pile. His eyes went wide and I think mine did too! There were a bit more than the one hundred gold coins I’d guessed at. Down at the bottom of the bag there had been ten platinum pieces worth a hundred gold coins by themselves! Pariset, with skilled hands, began stacking and counting the coins. 230 gold and 10 platinum coins was the final count. I looked at him and said, “Orc Captains sometimes carry a large purse!”

  He shook his head, “the age of the coins would say they come from the old dragons hoard!”

  “Pardon?” I asked.

  “Somewhere in this province, over run by the Orcs, trolls and other unfriendly creatures is rumored to be an old hoard of a deceased dragon.” he explained.

  “I guess that the Orc Captain found it or some other creature that had it and acquired it from there or them!” I commented.

  “That would make sense” Pariset nodded.

  “So, you’ll put that on my account then?” I asked.

  “David, I’d be honored. Actually, now that I think of it, this is the first real financial contribution that has been made to the castle by a Lord in decades! This will clear your account, if we kept one, for almost a year!” he exclaimed.

  “Well, my friend, it has been a long day. I’m calling it a night. Now I need to get everyone’s battle nerves calmed and the new girls to their places. Goodnight!” I said.

  “Good night, David. Sleep well.” He returned to his chair and grabbed a quill.

  I walked quickly upstairs and found all six girls piled in the middle of the bed talking and getting to know each other. They hardly acknowledged me when I walked in. It seemed that they had calmed down just fine with out me. I took off my cloak and dropped it on the dresser in my closet. Then I wandered over and sat on the foot of the bed to listen to the conversations. As soon as I did I knew I would never be able to keep up. To me it sounded like a record on high speed. I’m sure they were talking but it must be that secret girl language that a man will never understand. I waited for what appeared to be a lull and cut in.

  “Would you girls like to see your rooms?” I asked.

  A trio of “Yes, my Lord” grated my nerves.

  I took a deep breath. “Ok, here’s a new rule. When we are alone, we are now all wizards and wizards in training. The ‘My Lord and My Lady’ needs to stop. I became a Lord at a tournament and really don’t know what it is or how to act. When I’m with people I care about I don’t want to be reminded. My name is David! Do we have a deal?” I ranted mildly.

  Isa, Alba and Chloe giggled and the three others, with ashen faces, chanted ‘Yes, David.’ I looked at the three sisters, smirked and shook my head.

  “Ok, let’s go look at these rooms. I haven’t seen them either but judging from other parts of the castle, they should be livable.” I led through the closet closest to my side of the bed and opened the door at the end of the short hall. The maids had been in and lit candles and lamps and turned down the blankets on the bed. It was a very nice room. Nice décor and plenty big for two sisters to share. I told Emma and Elizabeth that this was going to be their room. I asked if the bed would be big enough for both of them and they giggled. At home they had lived in a one bedroom cottage with their mom, dad and older brother. They’d slept on the floor. The idea of having a bed to share was thrilling to them and the fact that it was a king sized bed was over the top.

  “David, we love it! Thank you very much!” they exclaimed.

  I nodded, told them that they were welcome and turned back to the closet as they walked to the bed. I walked the length of the wall to the other closet, made sure my junk drawer and dowry box were closed, and continued to the door. I opened it and let Elizabeth in. She gasped looking around. I guess it was about the finest thing she had ever seen.

  “Who will I be sharing with, M…? David?” she asked with a slight red flush.

  I laughed, “Good catch! This room is all yours. I had the twins share so I could keep all you girls on this side of the castle and to myself.”

  At that the flush deepened and I had to let her know that I was kidding about the ‘to myself’ part.

  “For a moment I thought there may be parts of this wizard training I didn’t know about!” she said a bit shakily.

  “I’m sorry,” I said “I didn’t mean to frighten you. I was just being my silly self.”

  “Oh! I wasn’t frightened. Just caught off guard! I’ll learn when to take you seriously
sooner or later, or so I‘ve been told.” she said.

  “Well, good night Alice. Try to get some sleep because, around here, you never know what tomorrow will bring!” I suggested sleepily.

  “Good night, David. Sleep well.”

  I returned to my room in time to wave to Alba and Chloe as they headed off to their respective rooms. Isa was already in a night gown and had blown out the candles. I dimmed down the lamps, went to my side of the bed and undressed. I slipped into bed and wondered what I had forgotten. I hated that nagging feeling I got just before sleep that would tell you your day wasn’t really done. I rolled on my side to talk to Isa.

  “So, what do you think of the new girls? You got a chance to talk to them a bit. Do you think that they’ll fit in with our little group?” I asked.

  “They are very nice and friendly enough after we got them to get over the royalty thing. Alice did ask how many of us you were sleeping with. I told her just me for now.” she giggled.

  I groaned and told her about telling Alice that I had them rooming on this side of the castle to keep them all to myself. Now I knew why she blushed so deeply!

  “Just so you know,” said Isa more seriously, “multiple consorts are quite common and accepted for noble lords but the wife does have a say in the choices made. Just so you’ll know, I’ve thought about it and any of our group so far would be acceptable with me.”


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