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Best Women's Erotica of the Year, Volume 4

Page 5

by Rachel Kramer Bussel

  “We’re sorry, ma’am,” Kai said, though he didn’t sound very sorry.

  “Don’t call me ‘ma’am.’ It’s captain.”

  “It’s my fault,” I confessed. I was the only one completely naked, sitting on the mahogany table with my cunt dripping wet from Sophia’s attentions. I felt the captain’s eyes fall on me.

  “Is that true?” she asked. “Or do you just want to be punished?”

  I smiled. “Can it be both?”

  She walked over to me and pulled one of the hanks of rope from the wall. “Put out your hands,” she said.

  I obeyed and she began wrapping lengths of rope around my wrists and tying them together. Her hands moved quickly and expertly. The rope was rougher and thicker than what I’d been tied with before; its friction against my skin made me even more turned on.

  “Turn around,” she ordered me, and I stood up and leaned against the table. My bare ass and the rest of my body were open to however she wanted to punish me. She stood behind me as I shook a little in suspense and excitement. First she sank her fingers into the roots of my hair and pulled hard, the pain mixing with pleasure as it ran along my nerve endings. Then she stepped back and I felt her first hit land. Smack! Her hand hit my ass hard, the impact stinging and sending vibrations between my legs. I let out a gasp. She hit me again, the sound echoing in the stateroom, and I moaned. She started building up a rhythm, beating me first on one side and then the other. In the pauses in between, I couldn’t help but cringe in anticipation of the next blow. She laughed low in her throat when she saw how much I liked it.

  “I think you like this a little too much,” she said. But she kept going, pausing in between hits to rub her hands more gently over my body, giving tiny slaps to my skin that was now tingling and pink. My ass was getting more and more tender as the pain and pleasure crested, making me cry out louder. The captain stopped and picked up my panties, balled them up and stuffed them into my mouth as a gag. “That’s better,” she said, then resumed spanking me. Now my yelps were muffled by the silky fabric.

  “Mmm,” I moaned through the gag. Smack! Her hands were strong and knew how to hit so it really stung. By the time she was done, I was high on endorphins and my clit was throbbing. She gave me one last smack and pulled the gag out of my mouth. “Good girl,” she said. “Had enough?”

  “Yes, captain,” I said shakily, but I was smiling. “Thank you.”

  “I’m not finished with all of you yet,” she said. She took me by the rope binding my hands and pushed me down onto one of the chaise lounges. There, Sophia came over and kissed me while my hands were over my head. The captain tied my ankles together, then ran the rope tightly between a few of my toes to cause delicious pain. As I lay there on the chaise lounge bound hand and foot, naked, the captain took off her pants and boy shorts. She lowered herself until she was sitting on my face. I licked her clit furiously, the sweet taste of her cunt filling my mouth.

  I heard the captain giving orders to Sophia and Kai. Then Sophia’s finger was rubbing my clit, and soon after, Kai’s hard cock pressed against the opening of my cunt. He lifted my legs straight up, still tied at the ankles. I moaned as his cock slid inside me. He started fucking me slowly and deeply as Sophia rubbed my clit. I got small gasps of air between eating the captain’s pussy. I could barely see anything, only feel the overwhelming pleasure of being fucked and having my clit rubbed while a stranger sat on my face. Kai started fucking me faster, his cock hitting my G-spot, and I moaned louder into the captain’s cunt.

  “Keep going,” she said sternly. “Don’t you dare come until I do.”

  I would have said, “Yes, captain,” but my mouth was too full. Instead I licked faster, the tip of my tongue pressing against the nub of her clit as hips tensed against me. I took her clit into my mouth and sucked, then ran my tongue to the opening of her cunt and pressed inside her slit. When she groaned, I could tell she was getting close. I went back to licking her clit, fast and steady, until she said, “Fuck, right there. I’m going to come on your face.”

  It felt so good to have a thick cock inside me while Sophia rubbed my clit; I struggled to keep my own orgasm at bay. I focused on eating the captain’s pussy and delighted in her shaking against me as she came, her thighs pressing against either side of my face. I kept going until she pulled away and stood up. I looked up to see her grinning. She took a couple of deep breaths and said, “You can come now, you little pain slut.”

  Then the captain’s mouth was on my nipples, licking and biting hard. The sensation on my nipples combined with Sophia’s finger rubbing my clit and Kai’s cock sliding in and out of my cunt were too much for me to hold back any longer. My orgasm built up and up until powerful waves of pleasure shook me, starting from my clit and radiating out through my entire body. I came hard with Sophia and Kai and the captain all touching me, the muscles of my cunt tightening around Kai’s cock, my hips and legs shaking with the intensity of my orgasm. Finally I lay spent and sweating on the chaise lounge, Sophia kissing me on the lips, not caring that my face was drenched.

  The captain put on her boy shorts and pants, buckled her belt, and looked at us with mock sternness as she walked to the door. “Don’t ever let me see you on my boat again,” she said, “or I won’t be so nice next time.” The door swung shut behind her.

  Sophia raised her head from where she’d been resting it on my chest. She looked at me, her green eyes hazy from sex and contentment. “Let’s go home,” she said.


  Rebecca Chase

  Poppy’s car rumbled across the gravel road, struggling to find grip among the spreading stones. The crunching sounds weren’t enough to silence her oldest friend’s panicladen screeches singing from the stereo’s speakers.

  “Are you sure you want to do this? Because you should know, you might die!” Naomi explained as if she was sharing a secret.

  “I’m not going to die. I’m not even scared,”

  Poppy lied. “I don’t know why you’re doing it. You don’t take risks. You’re the reliable, normal person that no one worries about. You know, the type that marries their first love and lives happily ever after.”

  Silence descended. The only audible noise came from the loose rocks shifting under her tires.

  “Oh no. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean James.”

  “It’s fine,” Poppy replied, worrying the strands of her long black hair, grateful that references to marriage, love, and especially James were no longer accompanied by tears.

  “He wasn’t good enough for you.”

  Poppy sighed. “You sound like his mother, except of course I wasn’t good enough for him.”

  Relentlessly, she’d been made to feel like a working-class lottery winner. She’d “ensnared” the wealthiest man at university, James Mortimore, Junior. But she didn’t entrap anyone: they were two students who had fallen in love. At university, his extortionate wealth and family estate hadn’t been an issue. After graduation, everything had changed and, as his mother told it, she’d capitalized on his good nature and forced herself upon his set.

  “She was a bitch.” Naomi’s shout barely came above the rattle of the car.

  “Don’t you know, dahling,” Poppy replied with her best Lady Mortimore impression, “that ladies with good breeding are never cruel. But we know how to protect our interests from little commoners like you.”

  She could nearly laugh about it now, but the damage done by James and his family had been lasting. After a year of being told what she should be while systematically having her spirit crushed, she’d decided leaving James was the only answer.

  “Like I said, a bitch. But you don’t need to prove anything to anyone.” Naomi had identified her motivation.

  “I do,” Poppy replied, edging her car into a space near the runway. “I need to prove something to—shit!”

  The figure in front of her had her slamming on the brakes. Her face tightened as the piercing sound of metal against metal scratched at her ea
rs. Suddenly the figure took a clearer shape and she realized it was a nice one, that of a blond guy with dark eyes and a full-lipped, wide smile. He must have been millimeters from being crushed by her car.

  “What?” Naomi shouted.

  Words fell out of her head as he lightly touched her car hood. His big hand temporarily drew her gaze before her eyes returned to his cheekbones, then his eyes. Poppy gazed at him with a mixture of awe and annoyance. Now her heart was thumping and it wasn’t due to fear.

  “I almost hit this random guy. Naomi, he’s gorgeous. I’m already imagining him naked.” As an afterthought, she added, “He’s an asshole for stepping in front of the car, though.”

  “Get a photo of him. I want to see.”

  She watched him step back and she eased the car into the space, taking the time to make sure it was perfectly between the lines, not caring how much it might annoy him.

  The stranger stepped around to Poppy’s door, tapping the window lightly. She studied his eyes and hands. The imagery associated with the actions of his fingers was already making her blush. What would they feel like stroking her inner thighs?

  Poppy rolled down the window, in awe of the cropped blond hair that seemed to form like a halo around his head.

  “Sorry,” he said before being cut off by Naomi’s booming voice.

  “When you say you’re imagining him naked, are you imagining doing other stuff too?”

  “Shut up,” Poppy shouted into the air.

  But Naomi’s voice continued to blare from the car’s speakers. “Because you haven’t had sex in ages. Maybe offer him your boobs. Your lady parts probably wouldn’t recognize a penis these days.”

  Instantly, the wide-eyed stranger looked at her breasts.

  “Shut it. I’m talking to someone who can hear you.”

  “Oh, okay,” she lengthened the word. “I’ve got to go. Have a good skydive. Hope you don’t die.” The phone cut off.

  Eventually, the stranger’s eyes returned to hers, his cheeky smile making it impossible for her not to smile back.

  “Welcome to Dalton’s Skydive Center. The payment kiosk and briefing will be in there.” He nodded in the direction of a dilapidated cabin. “I look forward to you not dying. This is going to be the most thrilling experience of your life. It sounds like you need it.”

  He offered her his hand to help her from the car, causing long-forgotten surges between her legs. But they lasted as long as his touch, flowing away as she watched him swagger in the direction of a hanger. She enjoyed the sight of his perfectly formed ass departing, until he turned around and caught her staring, the devilish smile still there.

  Poppy’s stomach dropped as she surveyed the rest of the scene. A bright yellow plane pulled her gaze as she considered what it would take to make her jump to her possible death from it.

  Once payment had been given and they’d had their briefing, all the jumpers were tasked with finding their jumpsuits. The professional they’d be attached to during the tandem dive would find them in the locker rooms.

  One by one Poppy watched the room of anxious and excited jumpers being led from the changing rooms for the pre-jump briefing with their professional.

  Only she was left.

  Her fingers fumbled with what should have been a simple zip.

  “I’m doing the right thing,” she muttered to herself. “I am.”

  Her digits shook every time she got close to gripping the mechanism.

  “It’s perfectly safe,” she whispered. Getting hurt would only serve to make James’s mother happy and prove that Poppy was the “silly little girl” she’d heard her snipe about many times. That James hadn’t defended her was normal, but when he’d publicly treated her like a commoner it had been the last straw.

  Wrestling with the zip once more, she repeated her recent mantra. “I’m not going to die. I’m not going to die.”

  “Of course you are.” Poppy looked up to find the hunk from earlier watching her, the smirk still on his face. “But not today and not on my watch.”

  For a moment she stared back at him, anger at all who’d humiliated her forming into a tight ball in her stomach. The grip of her shaking fingers on the metal teeth caused fresh scratches as she stared him down. “What’s it got to do with you?”

  He ambled closer. “Let me help you.”

  Due to his proximity, she could smell the earthy scent covering his skin. He smelled like James. The ball of anger flamed and she flinched away.

  “You’re going to need to trust me today or this won’t work. I’m your partner in the jump. Without me, you’ll be freefalling.”

  His jumpsuit hung loosely from his hips, his arms not yet in the sleeves, and his white T-shirt clung to his torso, defining every muscle. The battle of thoughts continued inside her, the fear of the next couple of hours making it impossible to focus on any one thing.

  Poppy stepped closer, relinquishing her dislike and fear of him, allowing him to reach her zip. He slowly drew it upward.

  “You’re shaking,” he pointed out unnecessarily. “I’m guessing this is your first jump?”

  “First and only. Maybe not even that.”

  “You’re doing the jump,” he told her, his brown eyes wearing a hint of determination. “But only once we’ve gone through a couple of things. I’m Steve. I’ve done over nine hundred jumps and I’ve never died.”

  If it was an attempt at humor, it was a poor one.

  “Tell me something about yourself. Why do you want to do this?”

  “Does it matter?” Her contempt was an attempt to mask her terror.

  “Yes. My job is to keep you safe. But more than that it’s to give you a fantastic dive experience. Sit down on that bench and help me do that. Take that stick out of your ass too.”

  “It’ll be hard to sit with a stick up my ass,” she joked, relenting a little.

  “If it helps I can remove it.” Steve dramatically pretended to remove it. His absurd mime broke the ice.

  “Shit!” he said when her story came to an end. “That James treated you like crap.”

  “That’s the simple version, but yeah.” The shakes had eased as they sat, knees touching, on the locker room bench. Muscly thighs drew her eyes and she barely resisted pressing tighter into him to feel his heat.

  “And his mum was a bitch?”

  “I was given rules on what my role would be in the family. Nights he worked away became training sessions or her attempts at breaking us up. It wasn’t unusual for her to parade his ex-girlfriends and women she deemed more suitable through the house.”

  Steve shook his head in disgust. “What did your fiancé say when you told him this?”

  “He suggested his mum was working in my best interests. Apparently, she was ‘trying to improve my standing.’ She made it clear I wasn’t accepted in their circle, and he fought to underline that.”

  Stunned silence greeted her. His eyes appeared to appraise her face. Heat rose from her cheeks.

  “Which is why I want to do the skydive. It’s a bit of a fuck-you to those who thought they knew me and decided they could tell me what to do. No one gets to tell me what to do anymore.”

  Poppy’s knuckles ached from the clench of her fists, her nails stabbing into her skin.

  Steve took her hands in his, his touch enough to soften her grip and ease her hands open. “That’s one of the best motivations I’ve heard. But I’m going to need you to relax.” His fingers drew circles against her palms, sending shivers up her arms. “You’re angry, I get that. But you’re terrified too.”

  Poppy opened her mouth to argue but he preempted her fight. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, but save the anger for when you get to the edge of the plane door. It will crush the terror.”

  The reminder had her quaking.

  Steve’s hands rubbed up and down her arms. “Do you trust me, Poppy?”

  She hesitated. “Sure. What have I got to lose?”

  “Your life.”

Her face fell.

  “Sorry, I can be an ass. Let’s check your equipment.”

  Steve helped her into her harness, checking the clips. The intensity of his brown eyes raised her heart rate further. Maybe the increasing adrenaline was pulling her arousal with it, but she basked in the attention he gave her, enjoying the straps rubbing against her crotch when he grabbed them roughly at her shoulders to check they were tight. Once again, his proximity excited her, his scent no longer reminding her of James but associating itself with the hottest guy she’d chatted with in a long time. It might be a blip, created as a reaction to the terror, but she indulged it. Gently, he popped the little hat on her head, his fingers stroking the nape of her neck when he helped her tuck her hair underneath.

  To show he’d finished, he gave her butt a quick pat. “For luck. Let’s go. Everyone will be waiting.”

  “I’m not going to die,” she whispered, conscious of his gloved hand tightening around hers.

  Steve led her to the plane, her body shaking with every step.

  “The tap of the butt helped,” she whispered in his ear.

  “I hoped it might.”

  “Just so you know, you have my permission to do whatever it takes to get me out of the plane.”

  * * *

  The flight up to thirteen thousand feet was filled with thoughts of her former life. Flashbacks of times she’d been insulted, manipulated, and belittled came at her. The anger boiled but fear continued to overwhelm it.

  The tiny plane was filled with skydivers, which forced her to rest against Steve’s lap, practically sitting on his crotch. Every shake of fear made her wriggle against him until suddenly she felt hardness against her back. Poppy stilled in surprise.

  “Sorry,” he whispered in her ear. “Skydives and hot women rubbing against me get me excited. This moment is a lethal combination.”

  His breath in her ear, along with the recklessness of what she was about to do, pushed her adrenaline higher.

  Poppy leaned into his broad chest, inviting the closeness, pushing herself to touch him and forget the madness she was about to welcome.


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