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Zombie World

Page 1

by Ronald DuBois

  Surviving the zombie apocalypse

  written by Ronald L DuBois

  I dedicate this book to my wife and kids who inspire me to write it.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are a product of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter 1

  It was a beautiful sunny day; the sunlight was shining through the window of my room. I awaken to the sounds of people screaming and yelling. I got out of bed and looked out the window, people were running from other people.

  My wife asked me what was going on? I told her I did not know, all I see is people running and screaming from other people.

  I put on my clothes and ran downstairs. I went to the front door, and opened it to see what was going on.

  I could not believe what I was seeing. The people were running from zombies. My wife came down the stairs, and once again asked me, what the hell is going on! I told her that the dead are eating the living.

  My wife, Mia said that we need to get the hell out of here.

  Mia told me that she was going to the kitchen, packed up what food we had. I told her that we needed to head the cabin.

  I headed upstairs to the gun cabinet, to grab the 9 mm pistols and ammo. Mia, yelled up to me and told me to grab our go bags.

  We put everything into the Dodge journey that we had. Mia, grabbed a sports bag, and ran upstairs and throw mine and her clothing into it. She said that we were going to need the extra clothing.

  We both got into the journey, and headed for the cabin. On the way we could not believe what we were seeing. There were bodies and blood laying on the ground. Some of the bodies that we see were coming back as zombies.

  My wife asked me, if the cabin was going to be safe enough. I told her that I hoped that it was going to be safe and secure.

  It took us about 45 minutes to drive to the cabin. When we got there it was peaceful and quiet.

  Mia, and I unloaded the journey and put everything into the cabin. I went down into the basement, to crank up the generator.

  Mia, unpacked the food, and was putting it away. I took care of the bags of clothing. I loaded the six extra clips with ammo. I handed Mia, three of them. I kept the other three.

  When I woke this morning, I was still sick to my stomach. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I can see that I looked flushed. I know if I was sick to my stomach that my wife would worry. I thought to myself, that with everything that was happening is what making my stomach upset.

  I walked out of the bedroom, Mia was sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Mia asked me what was wrong, you look flush this morning?

  I told her not to worry, that my stomach is all upset. With everything happening my nerves are rattled.

  By that afternoon, I was feeling better. I went outside to get a little fresh air. I looked around and I thought to myself, that we did not have enough food to survive up here. I knew that we were going to have to get more supplies, or we were going to have to find more survivors if we were going to survive.

  I went back in and told Mia, that we were going to have to leave within the next few weeks. I told her that we would not have enough food to survive. I told her that we were going to have to find more people if we planned on surviving.

  Mia agreed with me, she said she was thinking the same thing. She said that we could, go to the RV place and take an RV. She told me with the RV, we could find survivors and food and have a place to stay while on the road.

  I told her that was a good plan, I also said that we need to be looking for more weapons and ammo.

  I told you through late today to head out, that we would get a fresh start in the morning.

  Mia walked back into the kitchen, she said that she was going to go make dinner. I asked her what was for dinner?

  Mia told me were having hamburgers and French fries. Mia asked me to make some sun tea for dinner?

  I told her that I would make sun tea if that's what she wanted. I also told her that I loved her very much, and that were going to make it through this.

  Mia told me that she loved me to. My also asked if I thought any of the family might still be alive?

  I told her I did not know, that I was hoping, praying that they would still be alive.

  We finished eating dinner, we went out and sat on the porch. We sat there and watch the sun go down. We were hoping that it wasn't going to be our last.

  Mia asked me that she got bit, but I promise I would kill her?

  I told her that she had to promise me the same thing. I did tell her that I would not shoot her until she was dead, and before she became a zombie.

  She promised me that she would kill me before I became a zombie would not until she knew I died first.

  She was wondering if we would be able to find some if not all of our family. I told Mia that I knew that we lived in New York and the kids were in other states that we would do everything we could to find them. I also told her that we will look under every rock and go through every building in every city until we found them. Mia told me she didn't think she could kill any of the kids. If there are zombies are not.

  I told her that I didn't know if I could do it but with the two of us together that we were going to be strong enough to make sure if they were zombies that we would take them out and not let them suffer that way.

  The morning came very quickly, by the time I got up Mia had almost everything ready to go. I wrote a note to put on the door so that any of our kids or family members came here looking for us that they knew where were going first and that we would leave more notes and clues along the way.

  I asked Mia that morning if she had everything packed that we were going to take with us? I also asked her if she grabs the extra ammo that was in the closet? I told her to make sure that she packed what he and food that we had left.

  Mia told me that she had all the food and the tea that was left in the kitchen. She also told me that she grabbed all the canned food and the food that was in the freezer in the basement was also packed and ready to go.

  I helped Mia packed the vehicle. I also walked the cabin to make sure that we did not leave anything behind. As I closed the door. I stuck the letter on the door with duct tape so that I knew it would not fall off. We both got into the car and headed to camper world. So that we could get an RV so that we could start our long journey.

  As we got closer to town. There were a lot of cars on the side and in the roads. We had a stop a few times to move them out of our way, so that we could get through. We came to the exit and Cooper's plains New York, we got off there because camper world was just off that exit. We pulled into the parking lot and Mia spotted the camper that she wanted to take for our long journey.

  Mia was so excited that we were going to find the kids and family that were lost in this madness.

  We unloaded the vehicle and put everything in for the RV that Mia pointed out. Once we got everything loaded we were ready to head out. As you point out the parking lot. Mia told me to go right that there was a little store that we might be able to get some supplies.

  I told her that I did a little store that she was talking about and that we would go there.

  It only took us about 15 minutes to get there. Mia and I both got out of the vehicle with a pistol drawn so that if any zombies that we saw, we could shoot them. When we got to the front door. We look into the windows to see if we could see if there was anyone or any zombies in there.

  We entered into the store because we didn't see anyone or any zombies in there. The store was a mess. It was like a hurricane came and us through everything about it was somewhat dark towards the ba
ck of the store so we moved very slowly. Mia was picking up cans of food and putting them in a shopping cart as we got back towards the freezers we could smell the rotting meat.

  I told Mia to pick up the batteries and the flashlights that were lying on the floor. We were getting ready to head out of the store we heard a noise coming from the back. We slowly walked back to investigate the noise. The noise was coming from the freezer. I told Mia to step back and to be ready to shoot whatever comes out of there. I got all the freezer door and I whipped it open. There was a zombie in their Mia shot it in the head as fast as she could before he even got out of there.

  It looks like this person worked here. He had on a store uniform, it was like he was bit on the arm. And I believe he came in here to get away from whatever bit him. Mia and I left the store. We loaded up the RV with everything that was in the shopping cart.

  Mia said that we found enough food that should last us about a week maybe two. I told Mia that we were going to need to find gas for the vehicle. We have about three quarters tank of fuel left. I told her that we should be able to make it to Virginia before we need to get more fuel.

  We were back on the highway heading south. The Sabrina our daughter lived in North Carolina and that is where we were going to start first.

  You are just on the other side of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When Mia spotted two little dogs that were on the side of the road.

  I told Mia that I was surprised that the zombies have not eaten them yet. Mia told me to stop because she wanted to get the two little dogs and keep them. I pulled over and the dogs ran over to us like they knew us. As we were standing there outside holding the dogs I saw zombies coming toward us. I told Mia to get back in the RV that we needed to leave now.

  My asked me what the hell is going on?

  I pointed to the zombies and I told her that is what the hell's going on and get into the RV we get the hell out of there.

  We got into the RV and I drove out of there as fast as I possibly could. I could only get up to the road about 2 miles before I had to stop because there were vehicles blocking the road. We had to get out and push to vehicles out of our way.

  One of the vehicles that I walked up to there were two zombies in the car. I told Mia to shoot the one on the passenger side and that I would shoot the one on the driver side. It took us about 10 minutes to clear the highway. We got back into the RV and we headed out. Mia walked back to the kitchen to make us some sandwiches. I was only going about 45 miles an hour only because I didn't know if there were going to be any more vehicles in our way.

  I drove for 4 1/2 hours before it started getting dark, we were just about into Virginia. When I told Mia that were going to stop here so I can get some sleep and that we could move out in the morning. I told her that we only had about a fourth of a tank of fuel left, and that in the morning we were going to have to find someplace that had fuel so that we could fill the tank.

  We were lying in the bed when the dogs we had jumped up onto the bed and laid at our feet.

  I told Mia that it seems that the dogs are happy that we found them.

  Mia told me that when we look for gas in the morning that we were going to have to find a small store that has dog food so that we could feed the dogs. She said that it was going to be hard enough to feed us with what food we have.

  I told Mia that we better get some sleep because it's going to be another long day tomorrow. I told her good night and that I loved her. I gave her a kiss and I drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning, we woke because of the dogs are growling at the door. Mia said that she could hear something outside.

  I got up out of bed and looked out the window. There were zombies all over outside it looks like a herd of them. I told Mia to be very quiet and that we need to keep the dogs quiet as well. I moved to the front of the vehicle vary so slowly with every step I took I made sure that I was not going to make any noise. I looked out the front window of the vehicle and it looked like there was hundreds of zombies walking down the highway. I snuck back quietly and told Mia that there were hundreds of zombies walking down the highway. I told Mia that we needed to say here until we were clear. Mia said that she understood and that she would sit there quietly.

  I looked out the back window and I could not see any more zombies. We were sitting there for about 25 minutes before I made my way back to the front of the vehicle, moving as quietly and as slowly as I could. When I looked out the front window. I could not see any zombies. I started up the vehicle and pulled back out on the highway. We drove for about 15 minutes before we caught up with the herd of zombies. I pull off the highway onto an exit to see if we could go around all the zombies before they spotted us.

  We pulled into a small town there is a corner market. I thought that we might be able to find more food and dog food. I figured when we got done searching the market, we go up the street to see if there's any gas at the gas station. We walked up to the front door of the market. I told Mia to hold on that I was going to bang on the glass door to see if any zombies or anyone comes.

  Mia told me that she would wait until I told her it was clear.

  I walked up to the glass door and looked in, but I could not see very clear. It was very dark in there. I took the butt of my pistol and banged on the glass. I step back and waited for a few minutes. It seemed like there was no one or any zombies in the store. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I told Mia to hand me the crowbar so that I could pry the door open.

  Mia handed me the crowbar and told me to be very careful.

  I told Mia not to worry that I have everything under control. I stuck the crowbar in the crack of the door and began to pry and pry to pop the door open. It took me roughly 5 minutes before I got the door to pop open. I singled Mia to come we both had our pistols out and ready just in case. Mia, grabbed a small shopping cart and began putting chips, cans, batteries and dog food, canned and bagged in a small shopping cart. Did not take long for her to fill the cart.

  Mia told me that she was taking the car up to the RV to unload at and that she would be right back.

  I told her to look around before she walked out the door to make sure there were no zombies around.

  We are finished of the store and we headed to the gas station.

  My asked me how we were going to get the gas out of the tanks and into the RV? I told her that we were going to have to use hand pumps to pump the fuel out of the tanks in the ground and that it would take us a couple hours.

  Mia asked me where are we going to get the pumps?

  I told her that they would have pumps and the hose. There were going to need inside of the station. I walked up to the front door. The gas station and banged I like I did the corner market. No one and nothing was inside and the door was unlocked. Mia was right behind me as we walked into the station. She and I had our guns in hand, we were going to be ready for anything.

  I pointed to the counter and told Mia that the pumps were over there. I told her that I was going over here to get the hose.

  Mia, yelled over and told me that there was only one hand pump. She said the other one was a broken.

  I told her that I was fine, but it was going to take us just a little longer to fill the tank. We went back outside. I popped the cap off the ground, slid the hose into the tank. I connected the pump to one and I could connect the hose to the other and put it in the gas tank of the RV.

  Mia told me that she was going back into the RV to make a lunch and that she would let me know when it was done.

  I told her okay and I began to pump the fuel into the RV.

  It took me 45 minutes to fill the tank on the RV. I began to fill five gas cans that I found here at the station. I was just finishing up when Mia, yelled out the window and told me that lunch was done.

  I told her that I would be right and about five minutes. She stuck her head out the window and said okay.

  I walked into the RV the dogs are eating. Mia was sitting at the table waiting for me to come o
ver and eat. She made meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I asked her why she made meatloaf and mashed potatoes for lunch.

  Mia told me that she only made a because the meat needed to be used before a went bad.

  We were sitting and talking. I told her that we should be in North Carolina by tomorrow night if we don't have to keep stopping and moving vehicles. She said that she wished that we could get there faster so that we could be with our daughter.

  I told her that we trained our kids well. I how to survive in almost any situation. Mia said that she never thought that zombies whatever exist and how do you prepare to survive any type of apocalypse like this.

  I told her that all the kids know how to shoot know how to find food and how to make clean water to drink. I told her not to worry that I'm pretty sure the kids would be fine until we get them.

  Mia looked at me with a kind of a helpless look on her face and said, we just need to hurry and get there.

  I finished eating and got back into the driver seat we got on our way.

  I am drive a little faster now only because I knew Mia wanted to hurry and get to North Carolina. It was well past dinnertime. When I told Mia that we should be in North Carolina by morning. We should be at our daughter Sabrina's house by noon. I can see a smile come across Mia's face. I knew that would brighten her up. Mia looked at me with her halfcocked smile and said I love you now hurry of and get there.

  I smiled and chuckled at that yes ma'am. Mia laughed and walked back to the kitchen, she turned around and asked if I wanted a sandwich.

  I asked her what she had for sandwiches?

  Mia responded we have peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese.

  I told her that I would take a ham and cheese. I asked her what we have to drink. She told me that we have beer, wine, tea, soda, Cool-Aid, or water.

  I told her that I would have a glass of tea with my ham and cheese sandwich. I asked her where she was feeding the dogs.

  Mia told me that she was going to feed them a can of beef and vegetables. She also said that one never done eating. She was going to give them a treat.


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