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Wish Upon a Wedding

Page 16

by LuAnn McLane

  The very thought of making love to Easton made Carrie Ann feel warm despite the cool breeze blowing her carefully arranged hair across her face. She really needed to go inside and put the potatoes in the oven and the salad in the fridge. And she needed to pee.

  And yet she stood there wondering if she had the nerve to go to her car and get the extra clothes and makeup she’d brought to leave in the closet and bathroom.

  What if Easton someday asked her to . . . to marry him?

  Could she give up her home? Change her name? Could she give up her independence and not have a place of her own to go to if she wanted to escape? Carrie Ann knew that Easton wouldn’t give up the cabin and his magnificent view to live in her little brick house in town.

  Dear God, should she toss the key into the woods and run like a bat out of hell? Well, putting it back under the mat would be more sensible, but she was starting to have a bit of a panic attack. Maybe she should run into the woods too!

  And run where? Back to her empty home? Was she clinging to something that could be healthier to give up? Carrie Ann closed her eyes and tried to slow her breathing down. Losing the father she’d love so dearly was the deepest pain she’d ever experienced and she never wanted to feel that kind of despair again. “But running away in fear isn’t what Dad would want for me,” she whispered. Opening her eyes, she stood up taller, felt inner strength stiffen her spine. “I will not cave in!”

  With a little growl of frustration at her silly self, she hurried over to her car and took the tote out of the trunk and put it on the porch next to the food. Before she could start another series of worries and doubt, she slid the key into the lock and opened the front door.

  Flipping on the recessed lights, Carrie Ann stopped and inhaled a deep breath. The cabin smelled of pine and wood with a hint of vanilla and cinnamon. She took determined steps into the kitchen and put the covered dish of salad into the fridge and began to preheat the oven for the giant potatoes. With equally determined steps, she went back out to the porch and hefted the tote bag over her shoulder with her extra stuff. With her heart pounding she lugged her things into the master bedroom and flicked on the light in the huge walk-in closet.

  And there it was . . . a big space created on the left for her to hang her clothing. The sight was so touching that it brought a lump to her throat. With her hand to her chest, she stood there for a moment and looked at the metal rod ready for her things.

  And when she hung her feminine attire next to his masculine clothing she took a step back and managed to smile. “There, that wasn’t so hard, now was it?” She’d brought a few bras and panties along with a brand-new black lace teddy that she planned to wear sometime soon.

  As promised, he’d cleared out a drawer in his dresser and she put her satin and lacy lingerie there. The massive bathroom had lots of extra space for her toiletries . . . and oh, it smelled of his soap and aftershave. Easton’s spicy masculine scent caused a tingle of anticipation. She looked over at the big open shower stall and recalled when they’d soaped each other up and made passionate love against the wet wall while being pelted with warm water.

  “My, my, my,” Carrie Ann said with a long drawn-out sigh. If they lived together would they grow tired of each other or would the magic wane after a while? She glanced at her flushed face in the big mirror and decided that she would never say no to making sweet love to sexy as all get-out Easton Fisher. “Well, would you just look at my hair?” she mumbled, and then frowned. “Mercy . . .”

  “I think your hair looks just-out-of-bed sexy.”

  Carrie Ann yelped and looked in the mirror at Easton. “You scared the living daylights out of me!”

  Easton leaned one shoulder against the doorframe and laughed. “I know. It was damned funny.”

  “You didn’t have to sneak up on me. I am in the bathroom, you know.”

  “The door was open. And I called your name but didn’t get a response so I came lookin’ for ya.”

  Carrie Ann tried to glare but ended up laughing instead. “My mind might have been elsewhere.”

  “Like where?” When Easton crossed his arms she had to admire the sexy bulge in his biceps.

  With a sideways nod toward the shower stall she said, “Remembering what we did there.”

  “We can re-create that memory later if you like.”

  “I’m sure I would like to,” she replied, and was glad that he didn’t mention the key or her clothes just yet. She wanted to keep things light and playful and not think about the future right now. “I need to put those potatoes in the oven to bake.”

  “And you need a glass of wine. I bought your favorite and a bottle of white if you’re in the mood.”

  “Oh, I’m in the mood all right.”

  Easton chuckled. “Good. So am I. All I have to do is take one look at you.” He shook his head. “No, I take that back. All I have to do is think of you, Carrie Ann.”

  “You’re such a charmer.”

  “I’m being completely honest.”

  Carrie Ann felt a warm glow of happiness that he was learning her favorite things and thought of her throughout the day. He popped in the salon with fresh flowers at least once a week or brought her lunch if he was working in town and she was too busy to leave the salon. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.”

  “And what do you need, Easton?” When she arched an eyebrow he gave her a slow smile.

  “I think you know the answer to that question.”

  “Say it.”

  “You.” A moment later he had her pressed up against the wall giving her a kiss so hot that she wouldn’t be surprised if the mirror steamed up. Big strong hands, callused from hard work, slid beneath her blouse and stroked her back. She felt her nipples tighten in response to his kiss, his touch, and she pressed closer wanting to feel the hardness of his arousal pressing against her mound. She loved how he tasted and the stroke of his tongue against her sent a jolt of desire so potent that she moaned.

  Easton pulled his mouth from hers and said in her ear, “I think dinner can wait.”

  “I think you’re right,” she said, and caressed the steely hardness straining against his jeans. She found the buckle of his belt and laughed when all she could do was fumble with it.

  “Need some help?”

  She chuckled low in her throat. “I need you naked.”

  “We both seem to be needy tonight.”

  “I’ve thought about you all day. Nearly nicked the ear of one of my customers when my mind wandered to doing this . . .”

  “Oh wow.” Easton laughed. “Are you telling the truth?”

  “I am. You’re going to have to stop by the salon from time to time so I can get a little nooner now and then.”

  “Or we can make love in the morning before you go to work,” he said.

  Carrie Ann nodded but felt a little jolt of alarm and she stiffened. He must have felt it because he pulled back and cupped her chin in his hand.

  “Carrie Ann, I . . .” he began, and for a heart-pounding moment she thought he was going to tell her that he loved her. “I think we need to get dinner going and get open the wine. The steaks need to come to room temperature.” He gave her a light kiss on the lips and took her hand, tugging her forward. “I’ll turn on the fireplace and we can relax and listen to some music while the potatoes bake.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” she said, and was surprised by the pang of disappointment that gripped her heart. Maybe he wasn’t going to say it, she reasoned. And if he had . . . would she have said it back?

  “Maybe a soak in the hot tub after dinner and then back here to finish what we started?” He tilted his head back toward the bedroom.

  “I do believe that you just described the perfect night.” Carrie Ann smiled at Easton. She suddenly wanted to tell him how she felt. Why wait for him to say it? “Easton, I . . .” Her h
eart hammered and she felt a little light-headed.

  “Are you okay, darlin’?” He stopped walking and gave her a look of concern.

  The words were there.

  In her brain. On her tongue. From her heart.

  “I love . . . being with you.” Her smile trembled.

  Easton dragged her against him. “Carrie Ann, I love being with you too. I was serious. When I’m not with you, I’m thinkin’ about when I will see you again. You’re a dear friend and an amazing lover. Being with you is my favorite part of the day.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “And my nights too. When you’re not with me I feel as if something is missing.”

  “Oh, Easton, I feel the same way.” I love you. Just say it! She inhaled a breath but the words stuck in her throat.

  “Good because there’s something I’ve wanted to ask you.”

  Her heart hammered but she could only nod.

  “Why don’t you go have a seat on the couch? I’ll go get the wine and we’ll sit by the fire. Then we can talk.”

  “Okay,” she managed to say and walked over to the butter-soft leather couch. She sat down and stared at the flames of the gorgeous gas fireplace. Absently, she thought that the logs looked so real that if Easton hadn’t told her she would not have realized that the stack of wood was actually a fake. The embers glowed and the whole thing came to life with a remote. Easton also had a remote for the overhead fan, television, and music. Carrie Ann shook her head and looked up when Easton approached.

  “What are you shaking your pretty head about?”

  “Wondering how you keep all of your remotes straight. I have trouble enough with one and even now it takes me forever to find the MUTE button.” She took a sip of the wine, knowing she was rambling, but she was so nervous wondering what he was going to ask her. To move in permanently? “I remember when we had three television channels and had to walk over the ugly orange shag rug to turn the dial on the TV.”

  “And everything went off the air at midnight.” Easton chuckled as he sat down. “Funny thing is that when we had those three channels there always seemed to be something on that I wanted to watch. Now I’ve got hundreds of channels, most of which I don’t find one bit interesting.”

  “I hear ya on that one.” What was he going to ask her?

  “But I’ve always loved tools and gadgets.”

  “Did you always have a knack for fixing stuff?”

  “Yeah.” Easton took a sip of his wine. “It came in helpful, because I also had a knack for breaking things.”

  Carrie Ann couldn’t stand it any longer. With a thudding heart she put her wineglass on the coffee table and shifted to look at Easton. “Weren’t you going to ask me something?”

  “Yes.” Easton cleared his throat. “Carrie Ann . . . I’d like to take you on a nice vacation this coming summer.”

  “Vacation?” His offer took her by surprise.

  “You know, that thing where people pack a suitcase and go someplace fun for a week or two? Take a break from work?”

  “I know what a vacation is.”

  “Really? When was the last time you took one?”

  “I went to visit my mother in Naples a few months ago.”

  “That was a visit, Carrie Ann. I want to take you someplace exotic and . . . fun. We can do whatever you want to do. A cruise? An all-inclusive resort? Hawaii? Europe?”

  “Out of the country?” Her eyes widened.

  “We will need passports, but yes, if that’s what you want. Anywhere your little ole heart desires. I’ve been doing some research with Pete Sully’s travel agent.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes. You work your tail off. I want to take you somewhere where all you have to do is relax. So, what do you say?”

  Carrie Ann smiled. “I think that’s pretty much an offer I can’t refuse.”

  Easton picked up her wineglass and handed it to her. “I was hoping you’d say that.” He tapped the rim of his glass to hers. “To our first vacation.”

  Carrie Ann nodded and took a sip of the Merlot. “Thank you, Easton,” she said, and felt a warm rush of emotion wash over her. “No one has ever . . .”—she had to stop and gather herself together—“done something this sweet and thoughtful.”

  “Well, those days are over.” He leaned over and gave her a tender kiss. “Get used to being pampered because it will never end. So where do you want to go?”

  “Well, I don’t have any idea. But we can have lots of fun figuring it out.”

  “Then it’s a yes?”


  Carrie Ann thought that Easton made it easy to say yes. Instead of holding back she should be embracing each and every moment with this wonderful man. “Well, we should get to fixing dinner soon.” Say it!


  “But there’s something else I have to tell you.” She felt a rush of emotion.

  “What, sweet pea?” He ran his fingertip over her bottom lip.

  “Easton . . . I—I love you,” she said softly. Her heart knocked against her ribs and her breath caught, but she’d said it, and she was suddenly very glad that she had the courage because it was worth seeing the happiness shining in Easton’s eyes.

  His finger stopped moving and he pulled her into his embrace. “I love you too, Carrie Ann. I’ve wanted to say it to you for a long time. I mean, I know we both knew it. But saying it just makes the bond so much stronger. We’re older. Set in our ways. And our past has a lot to do with both our strengths and fears. But I’ll be honest with you. I can’t imagine not having you in my life.”

  Carrie Ann felt a hot tear slide down her face.

  “Aw, sweetie.” He rubbed the moisture away with the pad of his thumb.

  “I’m sorry,” she said in a husky voice. “I’ve wanted to say it too but I was so afraid. I know this sounds crazy but I felt like if I said it that what we have would somehow change. I was having an ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ kind of thing rolling around in my head. But I have to say that saying those words has strength and power that we both needed to hear and to say.”

  Easton cupped her cheeks with his palms. “Say it again.”

  “I love you, Easton Fisher.” She put her hand on his chest and felt the solid beat of his heart. He was a strong, healthy man and would live for a very long time. She needed to put her fear of him dying, of losing him, to rest for good and to simply enjoy being with him every minute they had together. There would always be some complications but this was a solid beginning to what could be a long future together. “Now, let’s get dinner going and then on to the other fun activities we have planned for the rest of the evening.”

  “No arguments here.”

  “I will have to start thinking about where I want to go on vacation.”

  Easton reached over and took her hand. “Like I said, wherever your little heart desires. And this is only the beginning.”


  Just One Look

  Sophia opened the oven a few inches and peeked at the lasagna. “Oh, it’s getting there.” She nodded with satisfaction when she noted that the marinara sauce was bubbling around the edges. “I’ll start tossing a salad now,” she said over her shoulder to Avery who sat on a stool at the small kitchen island.

  “Dinner smells wonderful.”

  “Oh, I love the aroma of Italian food.” She smiled at him thinking he looked too cute for words. “I would pay a cover charge over at River Row Pizza just to walk in the door and sniff.” Avery smiled back and it occurred to Sophia that whenever she was around him, she did a ton of smiling. All she had to do was look at him. That was all it took.

  “I could do this all night, you know.”

  “Watch me cook? I tend to overcheck things and putter around even after everything is actually ready. You would get bored.”

  “No way. I think
your puttering around is so cute.”

  “You do? Maybe I need a few moves.” She danced her way over to the refrigerator making him laugh.

  “I think I’ll buy you a sexy little apron. Would you wear it?”

  “For you, of course. Make sure it says, kiss the cook.” She swiped her finger across her chest.

  “Then you’ll definitely only wear it for me.”

  Sophia knew he was flirting but she loved the fact that he spoke as if their relationship was real. “I can be very entertaining. I know I should leave well enough alone because at some point I’ll knock something over or not be able to reach something and have to climb up onto the countertop to get to the upper cabinets.”

  “You do that?”

  She nodded. “I’ve been doing that sort of thing since I was a kid. It used to drive my mother crazy. And you should see how I get things down from the top shelf at the grocery store. I would be good at mountain climbing.”

  Avery appeared horrified. “You could fall, Sophia. And the washing-machine thing?” He shook his head. “You need to stop doing that stuff.”

  “Or break my neck as my mom used to say?” She laughed, but felt a warm pull of happiness that he was concerned for her safety.

  “I need to get you a step stool for here, too. Have you been using the one at the salon?”

  “Yes, that step stool has become my best friend.” And she thought of him every time she used it.

  “Well then, I’m jealous.”

  “Of a step stool?” She opened the refrigerator and handed him a bottle of Black Magic Ale from Broomstick Brewery. “Why is that?”

  “I want to be your best friend,” Avery said in a teasing tone, but there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes. He lifted the swing-top from the bottle and poured the ale into the pilsner glass she’d provided.


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