Wish Upon a Wedding

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Wish Upon a Wedding Page 25

by LuAnn McLane

  “Well, now I’m safe and sorry,” he said with a halfhearted chuckle.

  Carrie Ann returned her attention to the perky nurse. “What was the cause of the pains?”

  “Acute indigestion. Apparently those superhot wings for lunch didn’t agree with Mr. Fisher.”

  Carrie Ann looked at Easton for answers and he said, “I feel like a complete ass. I’m so sorry to have caused you so much worry.”

  “Hot wings?” Relief made Carrie Ann feel weak in the knees but she also felt an acute flash of annoyance. “Is it wrong for me to want to box your ears?”

  “No, feel free,” Easton answered.

  “How hot were those wings?” Sophia asked.

  “Way too hot and I ate them on a dare over at Sully’s.” He shook his head. “Damned stupid of me.”

  “Did Avery dare you?” Carrie Ann asked. “If he did I’ll—”

  “No . . . it was Sam Hanson. I do believe he added a couple of shakes of extra hot sauce when I wasn’t lookin’.”

  Carrie Ann felt another flash of irritation. “Okay, I am going to box your ears.”

  “Stupid . . .” Easton said, shaking his head as they reached the entrance to the hospital.

  “Okay, you’re all set, Mr. Fisher. Stay away from superhot foods from now on.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that,” Easton answered.

  When they were outside in the bright sunshine and fresh air Carrie Ann’s stomach felt nearly normal.

  “Why don’t you go on home with Easton,” Sophia said. “I’m going to wrap things up at the salon as soon as I get back anyway. I’m more than ready for the open house and if I go back there I’ll just start rearranging things for the millionth time.”

  “Sophia, White Lace and Promises is perfect. You don’t need to change one little bitty thing.” Carrie Ann looked at Easton. “That okay with you?”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want for you to cut your day short on account of my stupid drama,” Easton said. “Sophia, I’m really sorry for all of the bother.”

  “No worries.” Sophia shook her head and went up on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’m just glad that you’re okay. That’s all that’s important.” She gave Carrie Ann a hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Sure thing, sweetie. I blocked myself off at A Cut Above tomorrow and Saturday. White Lace and Promises is going to be a huge success. I’m so proud of you!”

  Sophia smiled but Carrie Ann could see the sadness lurking in her eyes and it caused a hot lump to form in her throat. She watched Sophia walk away and had to sigh.

  Easton took her hand. “She and Avery belong together. I hope they figure it out.”

  “Me too.”

  “Yeah, they shouldn’t wait as long as we did to finally get together.”

  Carrie Ann smiled up at him as they walked to his truck. Once she was settled in the passenger seat, she inhaled a deep breath. Her emotions were all over the map, making her feel unsettled, and she wished she’d thought to have brought her Coke with her but she’d left it forgotten on the end table with the ancient magazines.

  On the drive to the cabin, she remained fairly quiet, not knowing how she was going to react once they were home. She knew that Easton felt horrible and she didn’t want him to feel worse after the scare he’d been through. The cold ball of fear finally thawed out, but some of the anxiety remained.

  When they pulled into the driveway and stopped by the big garage, she felt a bit surprised and realized she’d been staring unseeing out of the window most of the way home.

  Had Easton spoken to her and she hadn’t heard him? Or was he just as unsettled as she was and needed to sort through his feelings too?

  Well . . . she was about to find out.


  Hot Sauce

  Easton opened Carrie Ann’s door and offered his hand just as he usually did. She gave him a brief smile but she seemed somewhere else. Of course he knew why. His heart attack scare had probably brought about memories of the death of her father. Although he wanted to kick his own ass for his damned stupid hot wings stunt, he wasn’t about to let this come between them. In fact, he was going to address the situation with her as soon as he had a glass of wine in her hand. After entering the cabin he didn’t even ask but went straight for the fridge and uncorked a fresh bottle of her favorite Chardonnay.

  “It’s only four o’clock.”

  “I think you deserve an early happy hour.”

  “I’m inclined to agree with you.” Carrie Ann accepted the proffered long-stemmed glass and took a deep sip. “Mmmm, that hit the spot.” She raised her glass in salute. “They should have wine in a machine at the hospital instead of that horrid stuff they try to call coffee.” She grinned but failed to give him her usual throaty laugh.

  “I think I need a generous pour of Woodford Reserve,” Easton said, not caring if his stomach decided to rebel. To hell with babying his stomach today like the perky nurse suggested. A glass of milk just wouldn’t do the trick. And yogurt? Was she kidding? He needed to take the edge off his nerves. “Let’s go sit in front of the fireplace.” He hoped that the flickering flames and cozy soft sofa would also have the usual calming affect they did at the end of a long day.

  “Okay, that sounds nice,” Carrie Ann replied and followed him into the great room.

  After they were settled against the cushions, Easton scooted around to face her. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am for scaring you today.”

  “You don’t need to apologize again.” She played with the stem of her glass and pressed her lips together as if holding in emotion.

  “Yes, I do,” Easton insisted and he was surprised at the wave of emotion that suddenly gripped him. “When I started having the chest pains I immediately headed for the hospital. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I’m usually very reluctant to go to the doctor but . . .” He had to stop to regain his composure. “Carrie Ann, all I could think about is how you would feel if something happened to me, so I didn’t even hesitate. I hated sending that text message knowing that it would frighten you.” He closed his eyes and swallowed the hot moisture clogging his throat. When she took his hand, he opened his eyes.

  “I can only imagine.”

  “I’m not really afraid of dying. Not that I want to,” he added with a wry grin. “I never have been. I know I’m on good terms with my maker and I’ve lived a good life. What scared the ever-lovin’ daylights out of me is the kind of pain you might have to endure if something happened to me.”

  “Oh, Easton . . .”

  “But what scares me more than anything in the world is losing you.” When she squeezed his hand he felt a damned tear slide down his cheek. “And I don’t mean . . . dying. We don’t have control over when we go. But we do have control over how we spend these days here on Earth. And I want to spend each and every one of them with you by my side. We’ve waited way too long and I don’t want to miss another minute. Today only reiterated my feelings for you.”

  “Oh, my sweet baby . . .” Carrie Ann reached up and cupped his chin rubbing her thumb over the stubble. “I’ll be honest. I looked over at the EXIT sign in that ugly waiting room and wanted to run for the hills. I thought to myself . . . What in the hell am I doing getting married?” She shook her head. “I wanted to avoid this kind of heart-pounding fear at all costs. Easton, I pictured myself going into your room and seeing you in a hospital bed looking weak and helpless like my daddy did.” Inhaling a deep breath, she dropped her hand and leaned over to set her wineglass on the coffee table. “I know all too well how quickly life can be snatched away.”

  “I know.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “Damn, I know.” He took a sip of his drink and looked down at the cubes of ice.

  “But I didn’t run away, now did I?”

  Easton looked up in surprise.

  She me
t his gaze and lifted her chin. “Today I had to face my worst fear full-on.”

  Easton managed a slight smile. “And you did it.”

  “Well, not exactly with what you’d call flying colors, but yes, I did. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s still my worst fear, no doubt,” she said, but shook her head. “No, I’ve got that wrong. My worst fear is letting my fear get the best of me like I allowed it to for far too long.”

  “So you have nothing to fear but fear itself?”

  She finally chuckled. “Well, and I don’t like spiders and snakes.”

  Easton sat up straighter and he smiled, relieved to hear her sense of humor return. “Well, I can dispel that fear right now. Like I said, we might not have any control on how long we’re gonna be on this earth, but we can do our very best to make the most out of the time we have while we’re here.”

  “Exactly. So as much as I still want to box your ears for taking a dare from Sam, today taught me a lesson. I need to stop worrying about what tomorrow will bring and to appreciate today.” She put both hands on his cheeks and leaned in to kiss him tenderly. Leaning back she wiped the tracks of his tears with her thumbs. “I love you, Easton Fisher. And I’m not going to let a day go by without telling you so.” She started to cry as well, and then her tears turned to laughter. He joined her, laughing and crying at the same time.

  “I love you too, Carrie Ann. And as stupid as it was to eat those damned hot wings, I’d do it again just to hear you say what you just did to me.”

  “Okay, but since we’ve got this out of the way, don’t do it again, okay?”

  Easton laughed. “I promise.” He leaned in and kissed her. “Mmm, you taste so good.”

  “So do you. Like fine bourbon and sexy man.”

  “Really?” He nuzzled her neck, loving the scent of her perfume, the taste of her skin. He kissed the rapid beat of her pulse and shoved his fingers in her hair, shaking it loose around her shoulders. “So you think I’m sexy, do you?”

  “You know it.” She moaned when he cupped her breast. Needing to feel her warm, supple skin he put his drink down and slid his hand beneath her sweater. “Oh, your hand is cold!” She gasped, and then laughed low in her throat when he deftly unclasped her bra with one little flick of his fingers. “You’re pretty good at that. Have you had a lot of practice?”

  “I just have magic fingers.”

  “Oh really now? Care to show me?”

  “Well, I think it stays with the theme of making the best of the time we have together.” He took her glass from her and tugged her sweater over her head. She shimmied out of her loose bra. Her breasts, full, lush, tumbled forward begging for his touch, his mouth.

  “Oh, Easton . . .” She tipped her head back, giving him better access and he took it. When he sucked her nipple into his mouth she moaned and started tugging at his shirt.

  “I want to make love to you on the rug in front of the fire.” He helped her to her feet and she landed against him, laughing while they tried to kiss all the way over to the soft, fluffy rug that she’d bought just last week. He loved her feminine touches to the cabin and encouraged her to make it her home as well.

  Easton fumbled with his jeans, nearly falling over in his haste to shed his boots. When he finally managed to undress, Carrie Ann came up to her knees, cupped his ass, and took him into her sweet, warm mouth. He watched, thinking she was the sexiest woman alive. She used the very tip of her tongue to tease him lightly, licking and swirling until he was on the brink of exploding. “Carrie Ann,” he said gruffly, “I want to be inside of you.”

  “Just where I want you to be.” Nodding, she gave him one last lick and eased down onto the rug. “Making sweet love to me. Or crazy love to me. Just love me.”

  “I do love you. All of you, inside and out.” Easton feasted his gaze on her naked body, caressing her with his eyes. Her deep red hair fanned out in sharp contrast to the soft white fur of the oval rug. The glow from the fire turned her skin a golden hue and for a moment he could only stare. “Come to me,” she said in a breathless voice. She lifted her arms, beckoning him.

  “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.” Easton knelt down next to her, rubbing his hands up her silky legs and grazed over her mound. He leaned over and took one breast in his mouth and then gave his attention to the other until he heard her groan. He let his fingers trail lightly over her body pausing here and there, and then dipping his finger between her thighs loving it when he found her wet and supple. He caressed her, knowing just how she wanted to be touched. He loved exploring her body, learning new pleasure points, and filing them into his memory.

  “Easton . . . please . . .”

  “Anything you want. Just tell me.”

  “I want you inside me.”

  He answered her plea by scooting his hands beneath her ass. Not just . . . yet.” Tilting her up, he kissed her . . . there. She arched her back and threaded her fingers into his hair, looking wanton and lusty. He loved how uninhibited she was with him, giving and taking and offering herself to him fully.

  “God . . .”

  Easton took her to the brink, enjoying her scent, her taste, and the sexy, breathless way she asked for more. But unable to take another minute, he pulled back and entered her with one sure stroke. She felt so warm, so ready for him. Maybe it was because of the earlier scare or the way she’d promised to let go of her fear . . . Whatever the reason, making love to her took him to an emotional level he’d not experienced before now. Easton became keenly aware of every little nuance, making each stroke incredibly erotic. The sound of skin against skin, the scent of woman, taste of wine on her lips, all seemed intensely sharp, so very vivid. He kissed her deeply, drinking her into his body and when she arched her back he could feel her orgasm clutching and squeezing. It pushed Easton over the edge. His pleasure seemed to start at his toes and pulsated with a hot rush that made him see stars. His heart pounded and he buried himself deep within her warm flesh, riding the orgasm out with a hot shiver.

  Easton pulled her close, kissing her, holding her, while he felt a love so strong that it took his breath away. “I love you so much,” he said, gently tucking her hair behind her ear. “More than I thought was even possible.” When his voice shook slightly, he wasn’t embarrassed but hugged her closer, kissing the top of her head.

  “I feel the same way, Easton.”

  “I can’t wait to call you my wife.”

  She smiled. “I promise to become a better cook and to learn how to use all of those fancy gadgets in the kitchen.”

  “If you want to but I’m content to do the cooking or better yet cook together. We’ll travel and just enjoy each other’s company.”

  “I’m looking forward to all of it.” She nestled her head in the crook of his shoulder and splayed her hand on his chest. “Now all we have to do is get Avery and Sophia back together and all will be right with our world.”

  “Yeah, this has me perplexed. It’s obvious that they are crazy in love. I just don’t get it.”

  “Sophia’s fear is that Avery still carries a torch for Ashley.”

  “He doesn’t,” Easton said firmly.

  “You know, Sophia was going to tell me what Ashley said to her in the bathroom at Broomstick Brewery but I got the hot sauce message from you and didn’t get the chance to find out what happened. She said that Ashley divulged to her why she and Avery broke off the engagement.”

  Easton felt a flash of surprise and had to wonder what her motive could be in pulling such a stunt. “That’s interesting.”

  “Yes, and she had the nerve to tell Sophia that if she spilled the beans to anyone that Avery would know she was the culprit so she was bullied into keeping her mouth shut. Can you believe the audacity of that girl?”

  “I can.” Easton felt a muscle jump in his jaw. “And I know the reason.” He couldn’t keep the anger from his tone.

sp; “You do? Avery told you?”

  “Actually, I’d had an idea. I figured that Avery was somehow protecting her and I was right. She stepped out on him with a Cougar baseball player.”

  Carrie Ann gasped. “Ruined her engagement for a roll in the hay. Stupid girl. Oh, I feel so sorry for Avery. But I guess it was better to find out her true colors before getting married to her.”

  “I never did buy the growing apart excuse. He’d promised not to tell her dirty little secret so as not to ruin Zoe’s wedding. I also know he was trying to keep the knowledge from Ashley’s parents. Avery’s heart was in the right place but it sure did end up causing him a world of hurt that he sure didn’t deserve. When I guessed the truth he unintentionally let it slip.”

  “Wow.” Carrie Ann kissed his shoulder. “We should have put two and two together a long time ago. Poor Avery. Ashley was the culprit and he shouldered the blame this whole time. How can the girl look at herself in the mirror. Why would she tell Sophia?”

  “I guess to take that weapon away from Sophia if Avery decided to tell her? Who knows what goes on in the mind of someone as heartless as Ashley? She’s just a spoiled little princess who thinks rules don’t apply to her. I wonder what else she said to get to Sophia the way she did?”

  Carrie Ann sighed. “Most likely that Avery still loves her or some such nonsense. And Ashley changed the date of the bachelor and bachelorette party on purpose. You can take that to the bank.”

  “Oh, no doubt.”

  “Of course, Sophia told Avery that he needed to go since he’s the best man. I personally think that he should have refused and made the rest of them take a stand instead of giving in to Ashley. The girl needs to be told no for once.”

  “Avery’s problem is that he wants to please everyone. He didn’t want to disappoint Max or Zoe and he told me that Sophia said she would be more upset if he stayed home and missed the bachelor weekend. The boy was caught between a rock and a hard place once again.” Easton shook his head. “Think we should try to stop him from going?”


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