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Rise of the Carnelians (Europa)

Page 3

by Jason Gehlert

  Adrian’s face twisted with a wily grin.”I’ve added a personal touch that should cut that time in half.”


  “Let’s say I have the best engineers working for me,” Adrian responded coolly.”I have some parlor tricks up my sleeve.”

  “Interesting,” Forsythe acknowledged.”I’m looking at week’s end for departure.”

  “I’m on it. I’ll take my jet.”

  “That’s it; woo them with your fame and fortune.”

  “Is there any other way?” Adrian knew his ego ruled him, but considered that to be his greatest asset.”My dashing good looks should also sway them to join the cause.”

  “You’re a character in every sense of the word.” Forsythe’s picture started to fade to black.”I will contact you after my State of Union address.”

  “I’m sure you will.” Adrian clicked open the attachment Forsythe sent him and poured over the contents.

  Adrian sat back to think through his next plan of action.


  Yellowstone National Park

  11:25 AM

  Nolan Drake gathered his scientific instruments and prepared for his aerial flight over the burgeoning park. Years of hard work and countless hours of dedication had finally led Drake down this path. His words from over thirteen years ago were about to become a chilling reality.

  “Wait, it gets worse.” Drake smirked at the crowd. He enjoyed providing sound scientific data for those who were ignorant to the facts.”This ash cloud will bring down not only planes and birds, but will shield us from the sun, instantly putting a wrench into our social and economic wheel of movement, plummeting those of us that are left back into the Dark Ages. Everything will cease to function. The entire world as we know it will cease to exist. Yellowstone could wipe out between four and five billion people, smothering the entire world underneath a blanket of death.”

  “Carl, I want to do a complete, exhaustive analysis of what’s going on in her stomach,” Nolan informed the pilot.

  “No prob, doc.” Carl Roston was Nolan’s personal friend and pilot for such projects.”If she’s having an ulcer, I’m sure you’ll find it.” Carl grinned. His many years of piloting had come in handy for Nolan. The two men occasionally shared Sundays watching their beloved Denver Broncos during the football season. Carl and Nolan would grill burgers and drink beers until they no longer cared about the outcome of the football game.

  Nolan couldn’t help but think how much of a dork Carl looked like underneath his white pilot helmet. He had a retroactive mullet-style hair cut pressed into his helmet, which caused the hair to go everywhere. The thick orange visor resembled something straight out of the disco era.

  “Can you believe the fucking Broncos?” Nolan said, trying to take his mind off science for a few moments.”They played like shit last night.”

  “I can’t believe the Patriots won that game. And on a friggin’ safety!” Carl’s voice always rose when speaking about his favorite subject.

  “Yeah. Tom Brady not only won championships for them when he was the quarterback, but now, he’s coached the Patriots into two more Super Bowls.” Nolan shook his head.”It’s just our year, I guess.”

  “Ah, Denver’s only 9-6. We still have an outside shot at the playoffs.”

  “I don’t know. After the game last night, they will be hard pressed to win this last game against the Chiefs.”

  “You never know.” Carl flipped the switches on. The rotor started to whir and turn.

  Nolan closed his door and buckled himself in.”I have a new toy I’d like to test out today.”

  “Sure. What is it?”

  ”The Geo-2044. It’s a state-of-the-art geothermal indicator. It has a small LCD screen that will help me pinpoint where her stomachache is.” Nolan tapped the expensive piece of equipment, running his fingers over the manufacturer’s name: Blakely Industries.

  “So, the president’s still hell-bent on this whole colonizing Europa deal?” Carl asked.

  “Yeah. He’s actually scheduling another flight at the end of the week.”

  “All because Yellowstone’s rumbling belly?” Carl asked. “Does the president have a plan of action?”

  “Yeah. President Forsythe wanted to colonize deep space anyway. He’s worked with NASA to map out a potential system of habitable planets within our reach. Europa has shown significant data that there’s water underneath her icy surface. The president has already sent many teams to Europa, some to build the space station, and others to start the process on the moon’s surface. If they can find the water then they can use the electrolytes, converting it into breathable oxygen. Jackson’s plan revolves around thawing out the ice and capturing the sea of water underneath. And yes, since the timetable has shrunk considerably for Yellowstone’s imminent explosion that also has factored into his decision.” Nolan clicked on the Geo-2044 and began to run it over the area.”I also believe the president has lost contact with the previous team and wants to send another in their place.”

  The chopper lifted and tilted to the right and Carl guided it across the pad and off into the sky above the park.

  “Fly our usual pattern,” Nolan instructed.”I want the device to acquire the best data possible.”

  Carl gave him a casual nod.”You got it.”

  “I was thinking the same exact thing.” Nolan peered out the window.”Old Faithful’s pattern is off again.”

  “Yeah, she has her moments. They are too far and few in between.” Carl shifted in his seat. “When I worked part-time at the park, I learned a lot about her.”

  “I remember my grandparents telling me how she used to go off like clockwork.” Nolan witnessed another ferocious trail of steam exploding from the geyser’s chasm.”But, today her timing’s off. And, that, my friend, is a sign that some serious activity has been going on underneath our very feet.”

  “Do you have any room in that cramped head of yours for anything else?” Carl asked.

  “Enough room for my Denver Broncos.” Nolan laughed, but then something caught his eye.”Right here, hover right here.”

  The chopper slowed to a stationary position humming high above Nolan’s desired location.

  “So, what do you think?” Carl shouted, struggling with the stick to keep the chopper in position against the winds.

  “Ever since 2004, the earthquake activity has steadily increased.” Nolan observed the readings from the device.”I’ve also read various reports that during that time, several bison were found dead from inhaling the toxic geothermal gases trapped beneath the Norris Geyser Basin.”

  “That geyser suffers from far more dangerous mood swings than Old Faithful,” Carl said.

  “The Norris Basin remains the first domino in the chain. Once she falls, they all fall.” Nolan picked up geothermal activity underneath the infamous Yellowstone Caldera as a series of bright colors swamping the screen.”The magma chamber’s filling up again, and once this baby blows, she will cover the atmosphere in a blanket of ash, potentially stretching from here to California, and parts of the southwest. Then as far east as Denver, Kansas City, and Chicago.”

  For the first time Carl seemed nervous.”How can we prevent it?” Nolan knew he was thinking of his own family and friends across the country.

  “We can’t. We can prepare for the imminent explosion.” Nolan’s eyes widened at the engulfed screen.

  A series of shakes rocked the area, jolting the helicopter from its stationary position. Nolan accidentally dropped the LCD screen, shattering the plastic backing in half.


  “Did you feel that?”

  “Those are only going to get stronger. She’s flexing her muscles.” Nolan gripped the door handle to right himself, and then dug his phone out of his pocket. He hated it when he was right about these things.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Calling Timmy.” Nolan flipped open his phone, punched in the numbers, and waited for a response.
/>   “To get readings?” Carl managed to regain control of the dizzy chopper.

  “Yeah.” Nolan pressed his finger to his lips.”Timmy,” he called into the phone.

  A muffled voice returned the greeting.

  “Timmy, did you record that tremor?”

  “Yes, sir. 4.5”

  Nolan nodded while he surveyed the cockpit.”Really. Could you repeat that? A 4.5 you said?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Nolan could feel Carl’s eyes boring into the back of his neck, but ignored it and pressed his open ear closed to make out what Timmy was saying.

  “That’s enough to be concerned. Thanks, Tim.” Nolan slipped the phone shut and placed it back into his pocket.”Once she blows, this entire area will be a hot, scorched ground zero. Nothing will survive, so stay out of the area. Try to hang back and find a safe distance in case we see any action.”

  “So?” Carl begged.”What did Timmy find out?”

  “That it was a sizable 4.5 on the Richter Scale.”

  “That number screams for another look.” Carl instinctively turned the chopper around and headed back towards the pitted caldera.

  Nolan had felt another violent tremor rock the landscape, again shifting the chopper from its planned course.

  Seth Padgett

  Rollings Hospital, Rhode Island

  12:01 PM

  Time was a factor. A race against an invisible menace was robbing Adrian of his life.

  Adrian Blakely’s fading health was not what it used to be. He was a genetic conglomeration of various ailments, several of which impacted his overall stamina and endurance. Adrian relied on a medical breakthrough, where a recently developed arm brace controlled his balance right down to the cubic inch. His body was slowly being devoured by a rare genetic disorder that robbed Adrian of precious time and mobility. The Europa Agenda was to be his lasting legacy.

  He was now on a mission from an old friend.

  The president personally asked Adrian to bring together a collection of qualified individuals from their respective fields in order to spearhead the president’s imminent mission to Europa in the wake of Yellowstone’s eruption.

  Adrian’s slow, deliberate shuffle down the finely waxed corridor brought back memories of his war days, where a nasty fight with his superior had landed him a dishonorable discharge and a lengthy stay inside a mental hospital.

  Adrian’s expensive black shoes clacked against the pristine tiles, as a steady line of doctors and nurses segued their way past his crumbling appearance. Their eyes told the story. Adrian’s rapid decline was completely noticeable.

  His eyes followed the perfectly laid tiles that had a name emblazoned into them: Rollins Hospital. It had been at least a decade since Adrian walked this foyer. Ten years since he personally laid the first stubborn brick, riveted the first steel beam, and cut the ceremonial red ribbon with a slick silver pair of scissors.

  Using his abundant resources, Adrian Blakely built Rhode Island a state of the art medical facility, equipped with the best doctors, nurses, equipment, and tools. That was the primary reason why Adrian stepped inside these walls once again.

  He walked up to the receptionist desk and stared down at the young woman sitting behind the marbled counter top.

  “Can I help you?” Her voice was sweet and friendly.

  “Dr. Seth Padgett, please.” Adrian cleared his throat.”I’m here on business.”

  “He’s in surgery right now,” she responded with a saccharine like sweetness.

  “I’m here on the business of the president of The United States,” Adrian said in a firm tone.”You do know who the president is?” He tapped his arm brace against the floor irritably, then scanned over the woman’s name badge.”Got that, Karyn?”

  The young woman obviously didn’t like Adrian’s tone and definitely didn’t know who she was dealing with.”Listen, he’s busy right now.”

  “I don’t have time for this grade school bullshit,” Adrian grumbled. He forced his free hand over the counter and confiscated the intercom.

  “Excuse me,” Karyn chirped back with a startled glaze in her eyes.”You can’t do that.”

  “Oh, I beg to differ. I can do it. I own this hospital.” Adrian swiped the intercom and, with a blazing voice, ordered Dr. Seth Padgett to the lobby area at once.

  A few passing patients gapped at Adrian with raised eyebrows.

  “What’s everyone leering at?” Adrian barked. The crowd murmured quietly and gave him a wide berth.

  Seth Padgett walked down the slick corridor, sidestepping the yellow caution floor signs, his white jacket flapping against his lengthy legs. Reaching the cream colored doors, he shoved them open and stepped into the main lobby, taking notice the back of a bristling Adrian Blakely at the receptionist’s desk.

  Clearing his throat, Seth closed the distance between the two men.”Adrian.” Seth wanted to smooth over this situation as quickly as possible. He had a full schedule of surgeries lined up until the dinner hour.

  “Seth,” he grumbled, turning around to face the medical prodigy.

  Seth leaned in close to his old friend.”Please keep your voice down,” he said sternly.

  “I only raised it to get your attention.” Adrian pivoted on the arm brace and tugged on Seth’s white jacket .”Come walk with me outside in the courtyard.”

  Seth gave into the billionaire’s request with a shrug.”A quick jaunt is all I have time for, Adrian.”

  “You have unsurpassed intelligence for someone who only recently passed the age requirement for drinking.” Adrian smirked.

  “And you have the charming traits of a rattlesnake, for someone who has only recently entered the octogenarian period of life,” Seth responded.

  Seth Padgett used sarcasm whenever possible. The young doctor had relied heavily on the tactic while he plowed his way through the field, earning top honors at every turn. His short blond hair, dense blue eyes, and athletic build brought the ladies to an immediate standstill. Seth always felt Adrian was jealous of his overwhelming prowess.

  Seth cut right to the muscle of the conversation.”So, what’s with the urgent visit, Adrian? You’ve never set a foot inside this building, unless it was for your own personal agenda.”

  “I’m here on presidential business.” Adrian reached into his vest and withdrew a fattened Cuban cigar.

  “No smoking.” Seth tapped him on the shoulder.”Can’t you read the signs? Let alone be considerate for the patients and staff?”

  “Outdoors? Can we take this conversation outdoors? My lungs are aching for a crisp smoke.”

  “It ruins your health, and inhibits your sex drive.”

  “Well, we don’t want that, now do we?” Adrian stuffed the cigar back into his vest pocket and limped down the cobblestone.

  “How’s the leg? It seems to be getting better.”

  “Wondrous, ever since your operation.”

  “I aim to please.” Seth was becoming one of the rising doctors in the Northeast. His quiet demeanor and friendly candor had earned him many friends and loyalists throughout his short career. He had also kept his finger on the pulse of the country’s politics, environmental and social issues. He knew Forsythe wasn’t there to compliment his surgical skills. “So, what’s up?

  “As you know, we have a certain situation that’s brewing out west.” Adrian took notice of the sun-drenched yard.

  “That whole Yellowstone mumbo jumbo?

  “Yeah, that would be the situation I’m chatting about. You know, I really like whoever designed this courtyard.”

  “You did.” Seth was beginning to dislike Adrian’s flagrant sarcasm.

  “Oh yeah.” Adrian cocked his head.”I did a great job.”

  “Anyway, how can I help you?” Seth started to become agitated. Adrian didn’t visit arbitrarily, only when he wanted something. Seth had a knot in his stomach that was telling him this one was going to be a hard one to swallow.

  “President Forsythe wanted me
to personally recruit you for a unique mission.”


  “Did I stutter?”

  “Me? The president wants me?” Seth tied his hands together in an unpleasant pattern.

  “I can’t delve into too much detail,” Adrian said.

  “You can’t?” Seth looked puzzled.


  “Why not?”

  “It’s a matter of national security. Are you in or out?”

  “What are we picking here? Flag football teams?” Seth shot back.”Listen, Adrian, I really don’t have time for these games of yours. Are you taking the proper medication for your leg?”

  “I’m fine. But I need an answer, and fast. It’s cause for great concern if my team isn’t picked by midnight tonight.”

  “Picked for what?”

  Instead of answering, Adrian pulled in a long breath and scanned the courtyard, leaving Seth to fold his arms in disgust.

  “Fine, don’t tell me.” Seth tried to figure out what was going on behind those calculating eyes, but was stymied, as always. “Is it important?”

  Forsythe nodded once. “Would I ask you if it weren’t?”

  Even though Seth’s first impulse was to tell him to go to hell, he knew he wouldn’t. He ran a hand through his unkempt hair and scowled at him.

  The two men reached the end of the cobblestone walkway.

  “Let me know Seth,” Adrian said, handing him the small business card.

  Seth flipped over the black card and read the golden letters.

  “Blakely Aeronautics?”

  “Yes. If interested, be there at 7 P.M tomorrow night.”

  Seth watched as Adrian Blakely whirled around and left him to ponder the curious offer.

  Angela Nestor

  West Point, New York

  1:15 PM

  Working his tired body down the college corridor, Adrian Blakely placed his hand on the large brown doors and pushed them open. He scanned the large crowd of students. His orders were simple: Find Angela Nestor. He walked across the stage and tapped the talkative professor on the shoulder. Adrian thought he spotted her, attempting to blend in with the crowd. Angela Nestor shifted impatiently in her seat apparently trying to listen to the professor’s lecture. . The professor’s droning voice started to weaken as it carried across the vast auditorium, gliding over the student’s heads.


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