Different Wednesdays
Page 3
“Yesss, that’s it. Lick them. Keep…oh, God that’s good. Lick my sweet little titties.”
She brought her hands down and took him firmly by the head, squirming under him. Lisa came alive. Peter knew she wanted so much more, and he would make a point to oblige her in a way she would grow to love.
“Oh that’s so good, Peter. Keep licking…keep…”
He grabbed her wrists and pushed them back over her head, then scooting down on her hips further, he pinned her elbows to the floor. He wanted her immobile and kept her legs together by straddling them. He thrust forward slowly and slid his hardness along the trough of her thighs until he pressed into her blue-jeaned crotch. She shrilled, drawing in a quick breath as he pushed hard into her little hot pocket. He dipped his head and sucked most of one breast into his mouth, swirling his tongue around her nipple. His hips rocked like he fucked her, and she struggled to spread her legs. Peter held her fast, forcing her to define her want and describe her needs.
He licked and sucked first one breast and then the other, his hips slowly drawing his swollen cock up and down her thighs jamming it into her steaming crotch.
“Fuck me, Peter,” she gasped. “You have to fuck me!”
“Yes…good girl. Tell me more,” he encouraged, releasing her legs and resting back on his haunches.
“Take my jeans off! Take them off, and fuck me!”
“No, Lisa. It’s not time for fucking.”
His hips thrust against her. The length of his cock pressed hard into the valley between her thighs as she wrapped her legs around him. Again he thrust, sliding through the crease in her jeans causing her to shriek her approval. Another thrust and she exploded.
“Now! God, now!” she howled, quivering under the weight of her orgasm.
She clung to him, shivering. Her body vibrated and heaved as each wave of her orgasm pawed at her. Peter could only imagine how many wasted years had passed since she’d last enjoyed what just happened. He imagined abusive greed and an absence of caring prevented any investment of time that focused on her pleasure. It pleased him that she came so soon. It told him how much pent up desire remained to be released. His mouth watered, thinking about what he really wanted for her to enjoy.
Peter wanted more than a single Wednesday and planned to ply her with an exquisite pleasure that would seal her addiction to him. When he finished with her, there would be no question about a next time. She would be hopelessly hooked on the drug of lust he awakened in her. No other man could be patient enough or would make the kind of investment he would make in her pleasure. Lisa belonged to him.
“Let’s take those jeans off. I have something for you that will complete your first Wednesday with me.”
Lisa lay on her back, arms over her head, hearing him, but unable to move. He suspected that she already experienced something different. But in his mind, she needed more, and he would make sure she got it. He knew that with a little investment on his part that he could change part of her life.
She lay before him like a rag doll, limp and with a dreamlike gaze in her eyes as she watched him. Reaching for her jeans, he unbuckled them, an unspoken sense of necessity driving him forward. From the short conversations they shared he knew she expected to be used for another man’s sexual gratification, not a recipient of it. Her submissive posture told him she waited to be man-handled like usual. He would change that. Three minutes of a rape-like encounter from an uncaring husband did not a satisfied woman make. Peter was hell-bent on changing that. Today belonged to Lisa.
Peter stripped off her jeans, followed by her panties. He lay down on his belly and cradled her hips and thighs in his arms.
She propped herself up on her elbows and squirmed. “What are you doing?” She sounded concerned and a confused tone hung in her voice.
“What am I doing?” he repeated. “Are you telling me you’ve never allowed a man to please you with his mouth?”
“I…no…I mean…no…but…” she stammered.
Peter was shocked. His mind raced in total disbelief that a man never thought to please a goddess like her. Why would a man not want to bury his face in those soft blonde hairs and deliver the ultimate kiss? He could think of no logical answer that made sense.
Her knees bent tensely on either side of his head, and he could see that something she knew very little about frightened her.
“Lisa. This is something a man does when he really cares about his woman’s pleasure. This is something many women crave and—”
“Jimmy never…I mean he’s the only man…”
“It’s okay. If you want me to stop I will.”
“No. Don’t stop. I’m just…”
He felt her start to relax the muscles in her legs. “It’s okay, I’ll go slowly. We can stop any time.”
She relaxed further and her legs slowly fell open, cradled in his arms.
“Watch me, Lisa. Watch my mouth and my tongue.”
She remained propped on her elbows. A new sense of anticipation flickered behind her eyes, marked by short, choppy breaths.
His lips teased the soft golden hair covering the object of his affection as he spoke his promise. “This Wednesday is going to be so different for you.”
She didn’t respond verbally, but he could feel the tenseness of her apprehension melt away. She was a woman, and no woman on the planet would pass up having a warm mouth and patient tongue apply three degrees of insanity by slowly licking a very deserving clitoris. It seemed only right his tongue would be the first to train her clit in the ways of intentional pleasure.
He nuzzled his lips lightly along the edges of her hairline. “I can’t believe a man’s never dragged a slow tongue over your clit.”
“No…I…never. I didn’t know that…”
He kissed her wetness gently, and she twitched at his touch.
“Shhh, Lisa. You have to relax. This is where I take you to someplace new. All you have to do is enjoy the ride, okay?”
“I don’t know if I can relax. This is so…so…”
“Good?” he completed her question, leaning in and kissing her pussy with parted lips, delivering a slow lingering kiss with a light flick of his tongue that delved slightly into her wetness as he pulled away. It worked. He could feel her relaxing in his arms. Her thighs became less tense and began to lay heavier on his arms. He kissed her again and again, each one lingering a couple of seconds longer than the last.
“Oh, Jesus” she whimpered. “Good, yes…good.”
She gave him the answer he wanted to hear. No doubt; she belonged to him now. He owned her pussy, and he knew she would let him do anything at that point. While that gave him the power to do most anything to satisfy himself, it also meant that with a little patience he could introduce her to herself. What greater gift could a man give a woman than to take her to that place where she discovers few limits as to the sexual being she could be? He wanted to take her beyond the three minute episodes she endured with her boyfriend. He wanted to take her to that place where she reached out and took what she wanted to please herself.
She dropped back off her arms with her head pushing hard against the floor and lolling to the side. “Shall I stop?” he asked.
“Oh my…Oh…go…keep…”
He licked her deeply with a wide flat tongue, and she shrieked as though he shocked her, both hands coming down and clutching handfuls of his hair. “Oh God…”
He licked her again so slowly that he could feel her heart pounding in her clit. Already soaked from her earlier orgasm, her wetness offered a warm, sweet musk that drove him wild with desire. He broke contact and licked through her depths again, causing her to squirm in his arms. The way she moved, pivoting and rolling her hips, told him she began to enjoy her latest discovery, yet he sensed a hesitation in her motions, a hint that she did not yet give in to the power he encouraged her to embrace. She responded perfectly. He licked again, moaning his own personal satisfaction that he got from pleasing her. He entered his own heaven. The
flexing of her thigh muscles told him that she loved what he did to her. The rotation of her hips told him that she wanted more. A hunger started to build—a new urgency. It would not be long before she lost control of herself and flowed with the power he granted her.
She hovered close to the edge. He could feel her digging her heels into the rug, lifting her hips to his mouth. The presence of her hands clutching the back of his head told him that she’d figured out what she wanted. Regardless of anything else in her life at that point, he wanted to give her the only thing that mattered; the mouth, lips and tongue that sucked and licked her sweet pussy on the way to someplace new and different.
Her hands clutched and pulled the hair on the back of his head. She cried out, her voice echoing in the silent submission that followed. Her hips thrust upward, driving her aching pussy into his mouth, searching for his tongue. He obliged her by pressing back hard, deeply thrusting his tongue into her depths. He clutched her ass, pulling her to his mouth as hard as she pulled him into her crotch. She came. She came hard. His tongue pressed hard on her clit as he looked up to see her mouth opened with a silent scream as the pleasure he shared forced her into a private oblivion.
Peter accomplished his mission. He made a conscious decision that he would not come this time. He could take his time and remember all of this later. This visit belonged to Lisa. He wanted her to know in no uncertain terms this gift belonged to her. His time would come. He would teach and she would learn about herself. She would learn that pleasure could be given and that pleasure could be received and that satisfaction could be derived from both. She would know what it meant to be alive, not just be a survivor. Her animal would be unleashed and Peter would be there to embrace it and introduce it to his own animal.
Her fingers toyed with his hair as he laid his head on her lower belly, the hollow of his cheek resting on her pubis. His arms wrapped around her hips, holding her close. They did not speak. Her touch felt to him as silent words that spoke of gratitude and a new sense of wonder. He knew he’d taken her to a new place. Knowledge that he delivered an unknown level of satisfaction to her would be celebrated later in a private ecstasy of his own doing. There would be other Wednesdays. There would be plenty of time for celebrations that consumed them both.
* * * *
Steam curled from the vent on Peter’s insulated mug. He would need more than coffee to clear his head; he needed answers. Did he cross the line with her? Did he take advantage of a woman in a desperate situation? She certainly responded like she enjoyed what he’d taught her, but then, what woman wouldn’t? He knew he could rationalize away any doubts lingering in his mind, but something else needed answers—his heart.
Peter could not avoid the simplest explanation; he cared for her. As simple as that fact appeared, contradictions ran rampant threatening to deny his feelings. Their history prior to last night consisted of one brief meeting, and a chance encounter at that. Where did the animal lust originate? In their first phone conversation his mind convinced him she willingly masturbated at his suggestion. He took exactly what he wanted and with little hesitation their first time alone. Did he really care for her, or did he only care for the lust she awakened in him?
And so went the balance of Peter’s day. He vacillated between embracing and confronting strong emotions, torn between the softness of his heart for the suffering of this woman and the compelling hardness driven by incredible desire and raw sexual momentum. A wave of fear rose in his throat, threatening to make it all moot when he considered he may never see her again. What then? Chalk it up as a lusty fling, or should he go hang out at Home depot and wait for her next shopping visit?
The intense need to at least talk with her again and the inability to initiate the conversation made his heart strings burn with helplessness. He flipped his phone open for the tenth time and scrolled through incoming calls. When he saw “unknown call”, he hesitated as though staring at the listing would render a working number. Peter snapped the phone closed, miffed at how unfair things turned out. He did not want to entertain thoughts of never seeing her again.
He nearly dropped the phone when it lit up and began to ring. When he flipped the cover open his heart leapt into his throat; the incoming call ID showed status as unknown. Peter could not believe it. Did they both share this amazingly powerful connection, or would it end if he took her call? The burden of not knowing proved to be too much to carry, and he pressed the send button to answer the call. “Hello?”
Lisa’s soft voice transported him instantly back to Wednesday morning where he relished moans of ecstasy still echoing in his memory. He held his breath, hoping for the chance to see her again.
“Good morning, magic man.”
Peter visibly relaxed and fell back into his office chair. “Well good morning to you too, magic woman.”
A hundred other things to say flew out of his head. Silence reverberated in his ears as heartbeats measured the distance between them. What seemed like an eternity melted away taking whatever distance he imagined along with it.
“You are a magic man you know.” She continued to speak softly, prompting his nagging concern for her safety.
“Is he there?”
“No. He left for work a few minutes ago. I thought he’d never leave.”
“That’s a relief,” he replied, relaxing a bit. “I’ve been worried for your safety. If something happened to you, there’s no way for me to know, and no way for me to find you if I did. I don’t like—”
Lisa interrupted him. “Would you really come to me?”
The weight of her question laid bare the implications of everything he wrestled with. The easy answer carried with it the risk of confirming he had indeed crossed the line. The easy answer would also unlock that for which there could be no turning back. She would know his true feelings, thus opening the door for her to back away and everything he ached for would be lost. The risks were indeed high, but then he knew that. He’d made his acceptance of any and all risks the moment he’d handed her his phone number at the hardware store—her ticket to something different.
He rolled the dice. “Yes. Yes I would.”
A tenuous silence returned. Peter could almost hear questions of her own ricocheting between a cautious head and a wanting heart. Would she want him to be her knight riding in for the rescue, or would she think him a selfish opportunist? He fought the urge to qualify what he said, to explain his caring and let her know it was okay to care back. Did her non-response indicate fear or did she search for words to let him down easy?
She broke the silence. “Thank you, Peter. You truly are my magic man.”
Again he relaxed; disaster once more averted. His confidence began to build coaxing him to search deeper to validate the truths he so desperately needed. “I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out how I could reach you. You’re all I can think about. Not being able to reach out to you made me crazy.”
“I felt you searching. I knew you needed to find me again. The same need fills me now. I called you as his car was backing out of the driveway.”
Peter’s voice was barely audible. “I was afraid.”
“Yeah. I though I’d crossed the line with you.
“No, Peter, it was just...magic.”
Lisa paused, sighing heavily into the phone. “It was heaven. No one ever did that to me before.”
“The moment between us was—God, it completely overwhelmed me. I lost it. Getting between your legs mattered more than anything else in that moment. I just knew I’d crossed the line and treated you no better than Jimmy might.”
“Yes, Lisa?”
“I want you to teach me more things.”
“Really?” he asked, even though he knew it’s what they both wanted.
“Yes,” she said. “I want you to teach me how to do that for you.”
Peter did not reply immediately. Arousal caused him to tighten along his thigh. Teach. Yes, he would t
each her to use her mouth as he did for her, teaching how it could be used as an instrument for giving pleasure. Mutual lust granted permission. It thrilled him to know she wanted him that way.
What she said next blew him away. “I want you to fuck my mouth just like you allowed me to fuck yours.”
Anticipation of using her sweet mouth collided with memories of her clutching his head and grinding her way into a violent orgasm. His cock throbbed with an ache he knew would not go away until she relieved him of it. He squeezed himself through his sweatpants with a strong hand, flexing with a satisfying response to the pressure.
Peter heard her juggling the phone, seeing images of slender fingers stroking through her wetness. He knew where they were going and knew a single suggestion of their want would carry them both over the edge.
Something crashed in the background, and a child squealed. He heard her muffle the receiver and question the seriousness of the mishap. When she came back onto the phone, disappointment tainted her voice. “I have to go.”
He exhaled his own sense of lost momentum. “I know.”
“Teach me, Peter?”
“I will.”
“Wednesday?” she asked in a hopeful tone.
“Always Wednesdays.”
She whispered her goodbye. “Yes, our Wednesdays.”
Her voice stayed with him even though she hung up to deal with the kids. Her presence stayed as well, moving against his mouth, hips rolling down, pivoting to coax his tongue to linger on her pearl. Fingers trembled in his hair, flexing, clutching, then releasing. A powerful moan of a jungle cat released into long sought freedom filled his consciousness as she pulled at him, grinding hard right as she slipped and disappeared over the edge.
He came with her this time, a hot ribbon of cum bursting forth and arching onto his belly. His body stiffened as he pulled and squeezed hard against two, then three pulses of ecstasy. The sound of his own ragged breath brought him back to the moment. He lay back in his chair quietly, straining to hear her cries.