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  “You did it!” Knox is going to go home with a gold medal.

  This race isn’t about tricks or losing or gaining points. It’s the first person across the finish line. The winner takes all and one time is all they get. I grab onto his shoulders and shake him back and forth, my grip so tight I might rip his expensive snow suit.

  “Was it me or Norway?” Overcoming his excitement, he screams the question in my face.

  “It was you. You did it, Knox,” I yell back at him, continuing to shake.

  The noise level is crazy. The fans from above the hill cheer. The announcers yell over the loudspeakers in a language I can’t begin to understand. The rest of Knox’s team and coaches congratulate each other on the sidelines like they’re the ones who just won.

  The entire race takes less than two minutes to determine so much of their futures.

  He looks me dead in the eyes and tightens his grip on my arms. “Are you sure? Was it me or Norway?”

  His continued questioning stops me in my tracks.

  I don’t know.

  The race happened so quickly and my eyes were on Knox the entire time. I watched his snowboard come across the finish line. I didn’t pay attention to the other. It wasn’t important to me. The confidence of my claim drains away, and my face shows it. For the first time since he finished I look around and notice the rest of his team, family, coach, and all the television cameras are trained on our shared moment.

  Like he’s suddenly hot, I jump off and stand. His coach takes his hand and helps him up. He steps in between Knox and me, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

  “It was a great try, Knox. A great run,” he says to Knox before leading him off the sidelines.

  His coach has never been overly emotional, but you’d expect more if Knox took first. The noise is incredibly loud. To the point I can’t make out anyone’s conversation to find out who won. I searched the crowd for a tall woman with the same hair color as Knox and find her standing off to the edge, having moved out of the way after his coach took him to where reporters do official interviews. Knox’s mother never is one for the limelight.

  My boots are heavy and make a hard crunching sound, but I jog in her direction. “Was it Knox or Norway?” I ask when I get to her side.


  “This silver place medal is awarded to the United States of America team and Miss Charlie Wilson.”

  The crowd goes absolutely insane as Charlie, the snowboarder Cyrus went on and on about at the lodge a few days ago, steps up to the podium. The American flag waves behind her and the event official slips a silver medal over her neck. I guess she did turn out to be pretty awesome after all. Not many people go home with a win.

  “That’s my cue. I’ve got to go. I’ll see you on the other side?” Knox asks, leaning down to give me a kiss.

  I beam with pride. After they finish with the women’s snowboarding cross medals, they’ll award the men’s.

  “I’m so proud of you.” I’ve seen Knox on the winners’ podium many times before, but this time he’s there as my boyfriend.

  He’s not giving up this life like Remi has promised Marley, so I hope to see him in this position many times in the future. But this time is special. It’s our first time.

  “It’s all because you are with me. I couldn’t have done without you, babe.”

  I shake my head. “That is so cliché. But I like it.” My smile grows and I quickly give him one more closed kiss on the lips.

  ** Read His Last Hill, the third book in the Gold Medal Romance Series to find out if Knox brings home the gold **

  Glitch, a holiday short story featuring Aspen and Finn’s first Christmas together is available as a FREE fan exclusive. This story isn’t available anywhere else. Just tell me where to send your free copy.

  Tell me where to send your free exclusive story by clicking HERE

  A note from the author:

  Thank you for reading HIS LAST FALL. I hope you enjoyed Knox and Reagan’s story. You can purchase the rest of the series from my website.


  His Last Race

  His Last Fall

  His Last Hill

  His Last Love

  If you’d like to stay up to date on information happening in my worlds and new releases you can find my author page on Facebook or join my mailing list. Fans can also join my Facebook Reader Group for the inside track on what’s happening behind the scenes, special giveaways, and advanced reader copies of new books.

  Read the first book in my Boys of RDA series for FREE!


  Megan Matthews writes smutty romance by day and hides behind her secret identity as a responsible Pinterest mom when other parents are around. She believes morning shouldn’t start until noon and chocolate should be calorie free. Living in Michigan she prefers sun over snow, hot chocolate over coffee, and wine over beer.

  Preferring books over nature, Megan once displayed the entire Goosebumps series on her bookshelf. Her taste in reading has matured. She now prefers her heroes with rippling muscles naked in bed over brace-faced nerds running from murderous dummies.

  You can follow her on-line:



  Publishing this series was the craziest thing I’ve ever done as an author. I wrote His Last Race in April 2017 intending to publish this series with the Olympics in 2018. I had months and months to write four books and planned to do them in my “free time”. Then life happened and I didn’t pick this series back up to keep writing until November 2017. Since then it’s been me begging my friends and beta readers to make impossible deadlines and edit half complete documents. Without them this book would not be finished.






  Glitch - fan exclusive




  Security Risk

  Future Risk

  Holiday Risk


  His Last Race

  His Last Fall

  His Last Hill

  His Last Love




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