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Wild Passion [Werewolves of Forever, Texas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Jane Jamison

  “You didn’t answer my question. Why would you want werewolves?”

  “Who are you?” Should she scream? Were the other search parties within hearing distance? Were Brick and Mica looking for her? Or had they taken her running off as a sign of rejection?

  She swallowed, hard, and stood taller. Maybe if she gave the impression that she was stronger than she looked, whoever it was would leave her alone. “Show yourself.”

  A long, lean man, dressed in black, with hair as dark as his clothes and pale skin seemed to materialize out of nowhere. “Here I am.” He did a bow, an old-fashioned gesture. “My name is Deacon Slater. And you are…?”

  Everything about him reminded her of a bygone era. “I’m Daniella Mon… Montgomery.” She hated telling a stranger her real name. Too many people knew the Monson name.

  “May I ask why you’re out at night by yourself, Miss Montgomery? Are you looking for werewolves?”

  Was he a werewolf, too? She looked into his cold, black eyes, eyes devoid of any amber, and shivered. “I was searching for Miss Clara from Forever. Do you know her?”

  “Of course. Everyone knows that wily, old fox. Excuse me. Werewolf.” He clasped his hands together.

  She eased her way around the tree. Not that putting it between them would help. He looked like he could move fast, real fast when he wanted to.

  “Tell me, Miss Montgomery, why didn’t you call for help?”

  She’d put her cell phone in the bag Mark had taken from her. “How do you know I need help?”

  His laugh was short and biting. “Please. You were afraid before you knew I was here.”

  Keep quiet. Or walk away. Or run again. Anything is better than standing here.

  But she couldn’t resist, her curiosity taking over again. “How did you know?”

  “Because, my dear, I can smell your fear.” He smiled then, and her blood ran cold. Fangs slid over his bottom lip and his dark eyes changed to red.

  Her scream tore from her lips.

  * * * *

  Mica growled at Brick. They looked different in their wolf bodies, with his blue-black hair morphing into an obsidian color and Brick’s dark-blond hair changing to a dark-golden fur. They’d rushed after Daniella, but had lost her scent. When the ground was that dry, it was sometimes difficult to lift one specific smell from it.

  After running a while without any luck, their wolves had done what came natural to them, turning on each other. Not that he’d ever kill his brother. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t tear a few holes in his hide whenever Brick deserved it.

  They circled each other, taking out their frustration the only way they knew how. Brick lunged forward, biting at Mica’s legs, but he was too quick for his older brother. He flung his body around, then dove in, landing a quick nip on Brick’s butt.

  It didn’t matter that they’d both handled Daniella wrong. Although he’d started it, they’d come at her too fast, and now they didn’t know where she was. Once they were back in their human forms, they’d argue again. Hopefully, with Daniella looking on, safe and sound. Brick tried again to take him, jumping into the air, then twisting around to slash a claw along his back. The wound wasn’t deep, drawing only a thin line of blood.

  It didn’t matter. He’d get his own licks in.

  When the scream came, they both froze, then pricked their ears forward.

  Mica lifted his muzzle in the air and sniffed. He couldn’t catch her scent, but the scream was close. Very close. With a swish of his tail, he took off, his paws digging into the dry ground. Brick ran at his side, his tongue lolling out of his mouth.

  In his wolf form, he didn’t think like a man. The instinctual need to protect his mate pounded inside him. She was in danger and he’d give his life to save her.

  Another scream rent the stillness. They shifted to the left and pushed on, determined to find her.

  It didn’t take long until he spotted the tall, lean man. The man gazed down into a ditch as though something fascinating was at the bottom. Sliding to a stop, Mica growled, ready to launch his attack.

  “It’s about time you showed up.”

  Chapter Three

  Brick shifted back into his human form. “What’d you do to her?”

  Deacon Slater ran the All Night Pharmacy in Forever. As vampires went, he wasn’t bad, but Brick didn’t think of him as a friend. How could any werewolf be friends with a vampire?

  “I did nothing.” Deacon arched one imperious eyebrow. “It’s so like you werewolves to mishandle your mate, then blame me.”

  “Brick? Mica? Please help me.”

  Brick eased past the vampire, his inner wolf’s natural instinct to distrust the vampire keeping him from getting too close. Daniella sat in the shallow depression that barely qualified as a ditch. She held her ankle, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

  Pride swelled his chest. Their mate was strong enough not to cry in the face of danger. Or at least, perceived danger.

  “We’re here, baby. Are you all right?” Mica hopped into the hole and knelt by her side.

  “What the hell went on here, Deacon?” Brick wasn’t a violent man, but if the vampire had done anything wrong, he’d make him pay.

  “You know him?” asked Daniella.

  He nodded, but kept his attention locked on Deacon. “Yeah. He’s one of a few vampires in Forever. He runs the pharmacy.”

  “So he’s really a vampire? Shit.” She let out a yelp when Mica touched her ankle.

  “If I may be allowed to speak…” Deacon waited until Brick nodded. “I found her by the old oak tree. Just as I was about to ask her if she wanted me to take her back to town, my, um, instincts took over and I transformed. When I did, she let out a screech and ran. I followed her to keep her from hurting herself. Unfortunately, I heard you approaching and turned away just as she fell.”

  “So you didn’t push her?”

  Deacon’s fangs flashed. “Certainly not. Just ask her.”

  Brick moved again. The farther from a vampire that he could get, the better. “Is that true, Daniella?”

  She diverted her gaze for a moment, clenched her jaw, then spoke the truth. “Yes. He didn’t push me. But what did he expect me to do when I saw his fangs? Stand around and chit-chat?”

  Deacon’s eyebrow slid up again. “I assume she’s your mate, yes? If so, her charming personality should fit well with yours.”

  “Hey, watch it, bloodsucker.”

  Deacon hissed, but withdrew his fangs. “She’s your problem now.” In the next instant, he was gone.

  “Damn, I hate it when they move that fast,” mumbled Brick. He knelt next to the ditch. “Do you need any help getting her out of there?”

  “I’ll hand her over to you.” Mica scooped his arms underneath her and stood up.

  Brick took her, relief swamping him when she didn’t struggle against him. “You’re okay. Other than your ankle, I mean.”

  Her eyelashes fanned against her cheeks. “Except for my bruised dignity.”

  She gazed into his eyes, and if he could’ve stopped the world right there and then, he would’ve, simply to hold her in his arms forever.

  “Look, Brick, I…” She nibbled at her lower lip and couldn’t meet his gaze for more than a second.

  “Don’t worry about anything right now. Just know you’re safe with us. Let’s get you back to town. Once we’re there, you can decide what you’re going to do.”

  She leaned her head against his chest, his heart soaring with happiness yet breaking in the same moment. If she turned them down, all their hopes and dreams would die.

  * * * *

  Daniella struggled to keep back the tears. So much had changed in one short day. She’d found out werewolves existed and that she was intended to become two werewolves’ mate. Those discoveries were almost too much to handle, but then to run into a real live vampire? It all seemed too much to bear.

  Wait. Live vampire? Is that even possible?

  She giggled, but squash
ed it before her hysterics made her lose control.

  “Is she all right?” Mica stayed by their side, his hand grazing her leg or her arm every so often.

  She answered before Brick could, sensing Mica needed to hear it from her. “I’m fine.”

  But he was too tense to be calmed so easily. “Have we scared you off for good?”

  “I don’t know.” She closed her eyes, wanting to listen to Brick’s strong heartbeat. If nothing else made any sense it was that she was safe in his arms. “No.”

  She couldn’t have run then, even if they’d shifted again. With the men naked, the magical current sang into her, growing in strength until it was a live entity holding the three of them in its grasp.

  The connection. Now that she was getting used to it, she thought the name didn’t do it justice. The sensation capturing them, bringing them together, was beyond any final description. It was fantasy combined with real life. Sex mixed with a personal awareness of each other, giving them an innate knowledge of one another that even a lifetime of experiences could never achieve.

  “I swear we’d never hurt you.” Mica skimmed his palm along her arm again.

  “Mica, let it be for now.”

  Brick picked up the pace until he was running with her in his arms. She felt his body work, the strong muscles contracting then releasing with his movements. Somehow he held her so that the ride wasn’t rough, even enjoyable. The night air washed over her body and she did her best to think about what lay ahead.

  When they were back to the place where the men had shifted, Brick set her down.

  “How’s your ankle?”

  “I don’t think I sprained it. It still kind of hurts, but it’s getting better. I guess maybe I just landed on it wrong.” She glanced at her ankle, sliding her palm over it to be sure. Then she brought her gaze up and froze at the amazing sight.

  Both men’s cocks were erect, ready to pleasure her, and although she ached to find out how their massive shafts would feel inside her, she still needed time. If they made love, she’d never be able to leave them. She needed to make her decision before they became physically intimate. The men dressed as quickly as they could.

  Brick opened his arms, expecting her to let him carry her again. She didn’t need him to, but she couldn’t resist, either. She curled her body against his and let him enclose his ironlike arms around her. He lifted her and started running again.

  She had to give them an answer, but what would she say? They were werewolves. That should’ve sent her running again, but it didn’t. Yes, they were werewolves, but they were also men. Men she sensed she could fall in love with if she’d only lower her guard. Wasn’t she almost there already?

  If she accepted that she was their mate, what would it mean? Sandy was happy and had even talked about children, so she knew it was possible. But Sandy was a werewolf, too. Would she have to change to have children? Would she like a life filled with an animal’s power? Did they run under the moon? The thought of her in a wolf’s dark body racing alongside her men’s wolves excited her. Her entire life had been centered around being the legendary Juniper Monson’s daughter. Would becoming their mate and a werewolf finally free her to live her own life? A life she’d chosen?

  “What the hell is that?”

  She opened her eyes, irritated that something had stopped them, ending the thrilling ride. An older trailer called a Silver Bullet was hooked to a half-rusted pickup that sat nestled against a small grove of trees. Lights cast their glow on the land outside the small windows as laughter spilled out from inside.

  “This land is part of our ranch.” Brick set her on her feet, motioned for her to stay where she was, and inched forward with Mica. “We’ve got trespassers.”

  A woman’s laughter came and went followed by a man’s low chuckle. The trailer rocked back and forth, and suddenly she knew exactly what was going on inside.

  “Uh, guys, I think whoever’s in there is having a private party. If you know what I mean.”

  The connection roared higher, making her knees wobble as it stole her strength. If it were possible, she’d trade places with the couple and have her own private time with Brick and Mica.

  The decision to stay grew stronger, needier.

  “Walter, if you don’t get these handcuffs off me, I’m going to shift and tear them away.”

  “If you do, old lady, I’ll pull out my gun and shoot you with my silver bullet.”

  “You go ahead and try it, you old fool, but there ain’t no silver bullet coming out of that limp gun of yours.”

  More laughter followed and Daniella squashed her giggle. Obviously, they weren’t talking about a real gun, much less silver bullets.

  “Aw, hell.”

  “What?” She glanced from Brick to Mica.

  “I think we just found Miss Clara.”

  The door of the trailer banged open. An elderly woman with a robe wrapped around her and a pair of handcuffs dangling from one wrist lifted an imperious eyebrow. “What are you three doing here?”

  “Is it okay, sweet pussy lips?” A small, thin man peeked around the corner of the door.

  “Sweet pussy lips? Urgh.” Mica turned in a circle and dragged a hand over his face. “Tell me I didn’t just hear that.”

  The woman pushed the man back inside the trailer and shut the door. Her walk was smooth, her head held high in a regal manner as she approached them. She threw her long, gray hair back and pushed the glasses up the bridge of her nose. “Oh, for pity’s sake, Mica Holloway, act your age. Did you really think I’d live to be this old without getting me a little nooky on the side?”

  “But everyone’s out searching for you. We were afraid you were—”

  “Give it a rest, Brick. This is exactly why I never let on about Walter. He’s human and doesn’t want to change, which is fine with me. Plus, he only comes by every so often, so I take my fun when I can. I figured since everyone was busy getting their jollies on at the festival that I’d answer his booty call. Don’t worry none. I just talked to Jackson and he’s calling off the hunt. Hell’s bells, who knew y’all would get all worked up just because I took a few days off and didn’t want to answer my phone until now. ”

  Mica clamped his hands over his ears. “No, Miss Clara. Please, stop. It’s like hearing my grandmother talk about having sex.”

  Miss Clara harrumphed, then let her gaze slide over Daniella. “Is this the one? I heard y’all finally found your mate.” She studied Daniella as though sizing her up, striding around her to check her out from all sides. “She seems sturdy enough.”

  “Sturdy enough for what?”

  Miss Clara gave her a hard look. “Don’t try to act dumb, girl. Anyone can see you aren’t stupid.” She crossed her arms. “So? Have you given them your answer? Are you going to be their mate or not?”

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s any of your business.” She hadn’t had enough time to think. Would they still want her if she decided to remain human?

  The air thickened around them and both Brick and Mica jumped to her side. Mica took her arm and edged in front of her, ready to protect her. Miss Clara’s eyes filled with amber.

  Brick gave a low whistle. “Daniella, this is Miss Clara. You’ve got to show her more respect. And yeah, if she wants to know, then it is her business. That’s the way it is around here.”

  They weren’t afraid of the old woman. But the respect and adoration they had for her was clear. “I haven’t decided yet.”

  Miss Clara chuckled, but it wasn’t a mean sound. “You just found out about them. I get that. It takes a while to figure out what you want to do. But with the connection—” She narrowed her eyes. “You do feel it, don’t you?”

  She waved off Daniella’s answer before she could get a word out. “Of course you do. It’s written all over your face.” Miss Clare pointed at Brick, then Mica. “But you haven’t gotten together yet, have you?”

  “No, ma’am. We haven’t had a chance yet,” answered Mica.

  “Ah, there’s the problem. The connection brings you together, but it’s the first time you have sex that seals the deal.”

  Daniella could feel the heat of the blush warming her cheeks. Why were they talking about sex with Miss Clara? It was embarrassing.

  “Listen up, young one.” Miss Clara took her by the arm and pulled her to the side. “I’m not going to tell you what to do—”

  “Yes, you are.”

  Miss Clara laughed. “You’re feisty. I like that, but you need to learn to listen to your elders. If I was you, I’d get these boys somewhere where I could tear their clothes off.”

  “I don’t know—”

  “Like I said, there’s the problem. The connection brought you three together. It’s a special gift that shouldn’t be wasted. Believe me. I know.”

  If ever Daniella had seen heartbreak in someone’s eyes, it was then.

  “Anyhoo, you’re one of the lucky humans who’s found her mates. Don’t blow it, girl. I lost my first man by taking too long. By the time I was smart enough to accept him, he’d gotten killed in a car accident. You can’t wait when love knocks at the door.” Miss Clare searched her again, seeking something deep inside her. “’Fess up. Do you love them?”

  Daniella was caught off guard. “I don’t know.”

  “No. Don’t answer with your head.” Miss Clara put her hand over her heart. “Answer from here. Do you love them or not?”

  She swallowed, then let it go. No thinking, no analyzing, no worrying about what they were. “I think so.”

  “Then do what you need to do to find out for sure.” Miss Clara called out. “Walter, don’t you go smoking that damn cigar inside the trailer.” She strode over to the door, threw it wide, then faced them again. “Go on, you two. Get her back to your home before she decides to give up on you altogether. As badly as you’ve handled this, I wouldn’t blame her one bit.”


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