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Kitchen Affairs: A Riverside Novel (The Riverside Trilogy)

Page 14

by Cumberland, Brooke

  I could stay like this forever and ever.

  The following day Stella and I lounged around the apartment in our pajamas watching movies. She was so giddy about spending a day with just her mommy. Michael had crashed at Troy’s for the weekend and Drake went back home to allow us some mommy-daughter time. I was finally feeling better and was able to enjoy my time with Stella.

  “Mommy, where’s Drake?” Stella asked as we were playing her Barbie dolls.

  “He’s at home sweetie, why do you ask?”

  “I want this to be his home, mommy. I like it when Drake is here,” she said so innocently, but had absolutely no idea just how much she made my heart melt. I loved that she loved Drake.

  The next morning I walked into my internship to see Travis sitting there impatiently. I haven’t spoken with him since Friday night, and I wondered how awkward today was going to be.

  “Molly! Are you okay?” he asked, rushing up to me.

  “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” I asked confused.

  “I just haven’t heard from you and you left so angry at me. I wanted to apologize.” He lifted my chin up to be eye level with him. “Molly, I am so sorry! I shouldn’t have acted that way around you.” His eyes looked so sincere. I wanted to wrap my arms around him tight and tell him not to worry about it. But I didn’t.

  “It’s fine, Travis. I understand.” I didn’t want to give him the impression that his behavior didn’t go unnoticed but I wanted us to be back to our friendship level only.

  “Okay, good Molly. I was so scared I’d lose you.” Lose me?

  “Nah, we’re friends Travis. We were drinking and it’s really not a big deal, okay?” I looked up to him to make sure he saw the seriousness in my face. “Let’s get to work,” I smiled trying to take the tension out of the air.

  Fortunately, things with Travis and I went back to normal. He remained my partner all week and was still in big brother mode. Whenever he would lightly brush up against me or touch me softly, I would get goose bumps again. I tried to brush it off, but I still wondered why he was having that affect on me. Travis was extremely attractive and very genuine, but for me, he was no Drake. Drake had stolen my heart and there was no way I was giving it away to anyone else. Right?

  The weekend arrived again and I was excited to be spending some quality time with Drake again. Drake had a busy workweek and I was only able to see him twice. I missed him dearly and couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into him.

  “Babe!” I screeched as I ran into his arms wrapping my legs around him.

  “Well, hello, sweetheart!” he said kissing me tenderly. “I missed you,” he whispered.

  “I missed you too! I can’t wait to be with you this weekend.”

  “What do you want to do honey? We can do anything you want.”

  “I don’t care as long as I’m with you,” I smiled into his eyes. It was the truth. It didn’t matter what we did as long as I could be around him and feel him.

  “I was thinking about taking Stella up to Willis Tower. Think she’d like that?” Drake asked still holding onto me.

  “Oh my god, Drake. She would love that! That’s an amazing idea.”

  “Good,” he smiled. “The view is the best at night when its pitch black and all the city lights are shining.”

  “Sounds perfect!” I gleamed. There was a buzz on his business phone and his receptionist interrupted our perfect moment.

  “Mr. Stagliano, there’s a reporter on line one for you sir.”

  “Thank you.” He switched lines, “Mr. Stagliano,” he announced on speakerphone.

  “Mr. Stagliano, this is Ashley from U.S. Time Magazine. I wanted to ask you about your reaction to your girlfriend, Molly Woods’ infidelity. Apparently, it has been leaked that she has been cheating on you and has threatened to steal your millions.”

  Wait, what?

  “Ashley, I beg your pardon? What right do you have to ask me that question? Whoever your resources are couldn’t be more wrong. Molly and I are not going to discuss our personal lives to the public.” He just about pressed the button to hang up on her when she quickly interrupted.

  “My resources are only facts, Mr. Stagliano. She has been photographed with other men and has been quoted saying she is only with you for your money. If that is somehow fabricated, this would be the time to set the story straight.” And with that, Drake hung up on her immediately. His face was beat red and he looked pissed.

  Holy shit, why was this happening?

  “Drake…” I slowly began. “I swear that’s not true.”

  “Molly, stop.” He walked back up to me. “Reporters will dig up and fabricate on anything to develop a story. You don’t need to defend yourself, I promise. You and I are solid, remember?”

  “Anchor,” I mumbled into his chest.

  “Anchor,” he repeated.

  That night we took Stella out for dinner before heading to the Willis Tower. I was so excited to be spending time with both of the people I love madly. Seeing Stella look up to Drake with those pleading eyes was the sweetest thing in the world. I could see that he melted every time she reached to hold his hand.

  “Mommy, where are we going?” she asked as we entered the elevator to reach the one hundred and third floor.

  “We are going up really high, Stella bug. It’s the most amazing view in Chicago. Are you ready?” I said playfully hoping to get her excited.

  “That’s really high, mommy.” She looked back to Drake. “Will you hold my hand so I won’t get scared?”

  “Of course, Stella. Don’t worry, I have you.” And with that, I about died. Seriously, how could this get any better?

  We reached our floor and walked out to the most exquisite view. Chicago was breathtaking in the light, but even more amazing in the night. You could see the city lights for miles. We took Stella out onto the Skydeck Ledge where you stand over the city with nothing under you. It makes you feel like you are on top of the city. It was absolutely amazing!

  “Drake, this is incredible! I can’t believe I’ve never been here!” I gushed as we posed for a photo. Right before the photographer snapped another shot of us, he leaned down and kissed me while Stella stood in front of us smiling.

  Now this was perfect.

  After our amazing night out together, Stella passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow. I was excited to spend the rest of the evening with just Drake and I.

  “So what do you say to some take out?” Drake asked as we were settling in.

  “Sounds perfect.” I smiled.

  Drake and I had an amazing weekend. He didn’t worry about work and I didn’t worry about school; we just enjoyed each other. By Sunday night, I was dreading the week again. It was mid-semester which meant we would be working towards rounds soon. Travis and I were paired up together so I knew we would work well together. I was so looking forward to graduating and getting my career started. It was only a matter of time.


  “Are you ready, Molly?” Travis asked intensely. We were practicing for our rounds pretest to ensure we were indeed ready to continue to rounds in the chef’s kitchen. That meant we had to be precise, timely, and make and prepare the food exactly right. It was intense and Travis was putting a lot of pressure on me to make sure I stayed focused.

  “I’m ready, let’s do this!” I said pumped. Travis was timing me and watching my every move. We had been preparing all week long. I started simple with a pasta dish, but now I was to appetizers, which were the most intense because they were unique and detailed.

  I was preparing red chili citrus mushrooms with grilled zucchini. The zucchini had to be perfectly sized into rectangles with the skin peeled off on only two sides. It had to be grilled evenly on both sides with a hint of lemon. On top, were the red chili citrus mushrooms perfectly chopped and cooked in oil olive. The recipe was detailed to the very last cilantro leaf. It took almost two hours from start to finish, but I was proud of my finished product.

ing Molly! That is superb!” Mr. Cooper gushed as he took his third bite. “You did an amazing job. You should be very proud.”

  “Thank you so much Mr. Cooper! I am working very hard,” I politely responded back. I was glowing. I couldn’t believe how great this week had gone. Travis and I had been quizzing and testing one another to make sure we aced our pre-rounds test.

  “What is the most important ingredient for classic basil pesto?” I asked Travis.

  “Olive oil!” he shouted. Clearly, he knew that answer. I smiled as he turned to ask me a question. “What pasta is used in white clam sauce with pesto?” he asked me in return.

  “Linguine!” I shouted back. “Okay, hard one. What are the ingredients for ginger-glazed salmon steak?”

  “Seriously? Wait to start out easy, Mols.” He rolled his eyes at me. We were the only ones left in the kitchen at this point. Today was our last internship day of the week and everyone was in a rush to get home. Travis and I stayed late to keep studying.

  “They have to be hard Travis! You got this, don’t worry,” I encouraged him.

  “Okay okay… Fresh ginger, minced garlic, minced scallion, hot chili paste, rice wine vinegar… ummm…. dry sherry,” he rambled on.

  “Errrrr!” I made the sound of a buzzing noise. “Wrong! Mirin not dry sherry,” I smiled as I corrected him. He gave me a puzzling look.

  “It’s mirin or dry sherry, Molly. So technically I’m not wrong,” he spoke proudly.

  “Not ah. It’s mirin!” I snarled back.

  “Okay, you know what? Let’s bet on it.”

  “Deal! If I win, you are my man bitch for a whole week.”

  “I thought I already was your man bitch?” he laughed.

  “Ha, well then you’ll definitely be my man bitch!”

  “And if I win?” he questioned.

  “What do you want?”

  “If I win…. I get to kiss you,” he said seriously looking at my lips. I gave him a confused look as that was crossing over our friends only boundaries. “Just a friendly kiss, don’t worry Molly. Plus, if you’re so sure, I’ll lose anyways,” he said trying to help the awkward situation.

  “Okay… fine. I’ll go check the book right now and see.” I stared him down walking past him. I smiled, as I was sure I was going to win. He winked at me as I grabbed for the book.

  Turning the pages of the book we were supposed to memorize, I finally landed on ginger-glazed salmon steak. I brushed my finger over the recipe looking for mirin. Ha, there it is! I smiled and looked at Travis. I then looked back down. Ah damn.

  “So Mols, what’s the verdict?” he asked playfully as he already knew.

  “Ummm…” I stumbled trying to buy myself more time. “Well… it definitely takes mirin,” I faked a smile.

  “Or?” he pushed. I glared at him hating for how cocky he was being. He stood there leaning up against the counter with his arms crossed smiling for my answer.

  I slammed the book shut. “Fine! Or dry sherry.” I glared my eyes at him. I hated being wrong. Especially when he was standing there looking fine as hell.

  “Told ya,” he smiled his wide grin at me. He had perfect teeth. They were his best feature by far. Or his arms. Not wait, his abs. Or maybe he perfect round face. Shut up Molly.

  “I hate you,” I teased. Great, now he gets to kiss me. I wasn’t completely disappointed.

  “You do not. You love me,” he teased back. I didn’t move from the other counter waiting to see if he made his move. “Don’t worry, Mols. I won’t make you kiss me. I’ll just kiss your hand.” He walked up to me, grabbed my hand, and lightly pressed his lips down. I unconsciously closed by eyes for a minute enjoying his lips against my sensitive skin. I knew it was wrong, but the way he made me feel when he was close to me was unbelievable. It was nothing compared to Drake, but Travis was… he was different.

  He came up to look at me and smiled. I stared him in the eyes waiting to see what his next move was. Before I could protest, his lips were on mine. He pressed firmly waiting to see if I would open for him. Without thinking, I did. His arms were wrapped around my neck and waist. He pushed me in closer to him and slipped out a moan.

  We stood there for what felt like hours kissing and feeling each other. Every part of me knew this was wrong. I’m in love with Drake, but how could kissing Travis feel so right? Travis broke the kiss for a second and lifted me up on to the counter. He stood in between my legs and continued kissing me. He tasted sweet and I could feel the energy heat up between us.

  I broke our kiss and pushed him back slightly. I needed to catch my breath and rationalize with my brain that this was wrong. I jumped off the counter and walked for the door grabbing my things. I didn’t say a word to Travis as I left. He just stood there with his eyes following me and said my name as I walked out. I didn’t turn around; I just left.

  Oh my god Molly, oh my god! How could you let that happen? I was kicking myself hard for the inappropriate behavior I just had with Travis. What the hell was that? How did it go from kissing my hand to a full on make out session? Oh god. This was going to change everything.

  The next day was a classroom day and I could barely look at Travis as I walked in. Typically, I sat right down next to him, but today I just couldn’t. He texted me a few times the night before asking me to call him or at least text him back. I couldn’t do either.

  “I kissed Travis,” I quietly mumbled to Michael when I got home from our heated kiss.

  “Uhh miiii god, Molly! You kissed Travis?” He looked dead into my eyes. He could see I was already kicking myself in the ass for it. “Girl… are you okay?”

  “No, Michael! What the hell did I do?” I crushed my face into my hands. “Kissing Travis was nice. It was hot and passionate and I quivered at just the touch of him. But I’m in love with Drake. Madly. Why did Travis’ kiss feel so good?” I asked aloud. I knew Michael was listening to me and would probably want some sort of explanation.

  “Sweetheart, it’s okay to lose yourself in your emotions sometimes. It happens. Trust me.” He put his arm around me and lifted my chin up. “Molly, you are an amazing woman. Any guy is lucky to have you. So of course, every guy is going to be after you which I suppose is something you aren’t used to yet. But trust me. Everyone loses control once in awhile. It’s not the end of the world.” Michael was trying to reassure me but it wasn’t helping. I felt horrible, guilty even. I thought I could only be friends with him but now there’s feelings. Shit, what am I going to do?

  “Michael, what am I going to be do?” I whined leaning into his dark, muscular arms.

  “Just avoid him for awhile. See if he says anything. Try and be his friend again or don’t. But honey, Drake is a great guy for you, so don’t screw it up,” he said completely serious. He was Drake’s biggest fan next to Stella. Everyone loved Drake.

  “I’m going to have to, Michael, because it’s going to be so awkward now.” Shit, shit, shit.

  I walked to the other side of the room from where Travis was sitting. I could feel his eyes following and watching my every move. I sat down next to Phoebe who was still awkward and clueless. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head.

  “Oh hi Molly!” Phoebe gushed. “I’m surprised you’re sitting here.”

  “Do you mind? Or should I leave?” I asked not even thinking how she would feel about it.

  “No, no it’s fine. We’re going to be watching PowerPoint’s anyways today and taking notes. We can take turns if you want?” she asked not even realizing the dead emotion in my face.

  “Sure, whatever, that’s fine.”

  “Class, I need your attention please. After our morning presentation, we are going to participate in the Valentine’s Day Cook-off. A few other restaurants in the area will be arriving shortly and you will compete against other interns,” Mr. Cooper announced as the class was still settling in.

  I had been so busy with school and my new relationship; I didn’t even realize it was Valentine’s Day.
I hadn’t celebrated it in four years and often blocked that day out completely.

  “Molly, you look stunning!” Liam complimented as I walked down the staircase. It was our first dance together and I was anxious to get out of the house.

  “Thank you. So do you,” I said adjusting his tie for him. Liam placed an orange lily corsage on my wrist that perfectly matched my dress.

  That night was magical for so many reasons. We had only started dating a month before, but the Valentine’s Day dance was the first time Liam confessed his love to me. He was my first true love and it’s a night I have never forgotten.

  For the next three hours, Phoebe and I took turns jotting down our notes. She would whisper to me every once in awhile, but I was usually dazed. I didn’t turn around to face Travis once. I knew he was looking at me wondering why I was avoiding him. I just couldn’t face him yet.

  We got our lunch break at noon and I quickly rushed out of the classroom. The paparazzi were no longer an issue for me since Drake had his lawyer petition to get them removed for all social websites. The news is basically history now that there have been more famous celebrity scandals since then.

  I rushed out the doors and out into the cool, windy air. I had no appetite but was dying for a cup of coffee. I decided to walk down to the coffee shop and stay there until I had to return for class.

  A half hour later, I was still sitting in a Starbucks booth staring out the window. My eyelids were heavy and I soon drifted into Travis’ lips.

  The sound of a truck horn suddenly woke me from my fantasy as I realized I was twenty minutes late for class. Shit! I rushed out back into the streets and practically ran back. I tried to slowly walk back into my classroom without being noticed. No such luck.

  “Molly, glad you could reunite with us.” Mr. Cooper announced loudly. I hate when he does that!

  “I’m so sorry Mr. Cooper,” I pleaded with my eyes.

  “Well, you’re just in time. I was just forming groups for the cook-off. Looks like they have room for you over there,” he responded pointing. I followed his finger and saw that he was pointing at Travis, Brad, and one other student. Fuck, seriously?


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