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Personal Best: Going for the Gold

Page 13

by Sean Michael

  "Oh, I like bananas.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  Mike swatted his ass, then grabbed two bananas and some walnuts. His swimmer was becoming quite the cook. A moment later, they were eating, the food good. Almost as good as Mike looked, all tousled and naked.

  There was chocolate whipped cream on the hot cocoa, Mike drinking deep, foam forming the hint of a mustache on his upper lip. Chuckling, Jessy leaned in and licked it away.

  Mike grinned, pinking, looking pleased as anything. “Merry Christmas."

  "Merry Christmas, baby. Come on, are you finished? There's presents."

  "There are. I am.” Mike tossed the bowls into the sink. “Did you get Aunt Kathy's box?"

  "Under the tree.” He grabbed Mike's hand. “Dishes can wait."

  Mike nodded, bouncing beside him. “Hell, yes. Dishes are so not Christmassy."

  "I knew I should have nixed the cocoa."

  "It's Christmas.” Mike dropped down by the tree, tossed him a box from Kathy's care package.

  He opened it, grinning and tossing the pair of socks at Mike. “She has real imagination, your aunt."

  Mike grinned, holding up a box of chocolate covered cherries. “She's a goddess among women."

  He held his hand out for the chocolates. “We can bring it to UT when the pool opens again."

  "Uh-uh. Mine. My Christmas. There's a box in here somewhere for you.” Mike tossed him another box, identical to Mike's.

  "No chocolate, baby. No exceptions.” He hated to be a hardass on Christmas, but he'd already broken the rule once today.

  Mike just put the box to one side, gave him the patented “we're not fighting about this” face. “What do you want next? There's an envelope from Kathy and stuff from me."

  "What's in the envelope?” He was far more interested in presents from Mike.

  Mike shrugged. “Gift certificate? Check, maybe? Gift card?"

  "I want something from you, baby."

  "'kay.” Mike handed him a box wrapped in shiny, red paper. Inside there were a pair of fuzzy dice and a steering wheel cover that had “Coach” embroidered on it.

  He laughed, grabbing Mike's arm and dragging him over for a hard kiss. “Awesome, baby."

  Mike grinned, beamed. “Yeah? Cool. I thought they'd be fun. Oh, here's another one.” This one was a little bigger, a lot heavier.

  "You gonna open any of yours, baby?” He shook the package to see if it made any noise.

  "Sure.” Mike grabbed a box, grinning as it jingled and rattled. “Just open it."

  Laughing, he opened the package, finding a shaving kit complete with his favorite shaving cream and aftershave. “This is great, baby."

  Mike grinned and nodded. “There's everything you need. Nail clippers, toothbrush, soap. Everything. So you won't have to repack."

  "That's awesome, baby, thank you.” He leaned over and took a nice, slow, long kiss.

  Mike cuddled in, skin a little chilled, warming under his touch. “Open your present, baby."

  Mike nodded, tearing the paper off.

  He hoped Mike liked it; the guy at the garage had assured him this was the best tool kit for motorcycle repairs.

  "Ooh! Oh, man! This rocks.” Mike pushed into his arms, kissing him hard.

  He wrapped his arms around Mike, humming into their kiss.

  Oh. Thankful Mike? Very hot and snuggly.

  "I'm glad you like it, baby.” He slid his hands along all that smooth skin.

  "You're good to me.” Mike pushed closer, rubbed against him.

  "It's in my interest to be,” he noted, rubbing back happily.

  "There are more presents...” Mike's lips brushed across his jaw.

  "Yeah. I think you should open a few more of yours.” They could have fun playing if Mike did.

  "Okay. There's only two more for you. Which one should I open next?"

  "The gold wrapped one.” It was a silver necklace with Mike's name. He figured once Mike opened the dildo they wouldn't be opening any more presents for awhile.

  Mike opened it, grinned wide. “Oh, cool.” Those eyes twinkled over. “Is this so you don't forget my name?"

  "Brat.” He chuckled. “That is what I should have had put on that instead of Mike."

  "Then you'd have never remembered.” Mike winked, put the necklace on, the silver chair glinting.

  He laughed and tousled Mike's hair. “There anything more for me under there, baby?"

  "Yeah, two things.” One good-sized square box was handed over, a motorcycle helmet and denim jacket inside, both labeled, “Coach."

  "Baby ... you shouldn't have.” He beamed over at Mike, though, let Mike know that he loved them. “Now everyone'll know who's on Bonzo with you."

  "Yeah. I thought they'd look good on you.” Mike grinned. “And you needed a new jacket."

  "You saying there's something wrong with Old Faithful?"

  "Uh ... it's older than me?"

  "Well, old doesn't mean useless, baby.” He gave Mike a wink and then reached for the smaller present, wanting his final gift to Mike to be opened last.

  The smaller gift was a little, plastic, expandable folder with elastic closing it, meant for cancelled checks. He gave Mike a look, then opened it. There were monthly tabs, each one with something inside—two tickets for minor league baseball in July. Gift certificates for bowling. Movie tickets. Ren faire tickets. Something for them to look forward to each month, something for both of them.

  "Oh, baby...” He opened his arms, gathering Mike close. “I love it, baby."

  "Yeah? I thought it would be something fun.” Mike searched his eyes, smiling wide.

  "It's awesome. Thoughtful and fun. I really do like it.” He kissed Mike softly, humming, happy. Mike relaxed, cuddling in, looking self-satisfied as fuck. Chuckling, he licked at Mike's lips, hands wandering along the warm, smooth skin. “There's one more for you under there, baby."

  "Yeah? Should I open it?"

  "Yeah, I think you should.” He grinned, eager to see Mike's face when he opened it and found the ribbed dildo. It was thick and long, with lots of bumps.

  Mike leaned over, unwrapped the dildo, eyes wide, cheeks flushing dark. “Jess!"

  He chuckled, leaning close. “I've washed it already. We can play right away."

  "I ... It's big.” Mike rubbed against him, groaning.

  "'Bout as thick as I am.” He slid his hand to Mike's ass, encouraging the movements. Christ, he loved it when Mike got all hot like this.

  "It's not you, though.” So hard, hot, Mike shifted faster, harder.

  "You don't want to play with it?” he asked, surprised.

  "I ... I didn't say that.” Mike blushed, ducked his head.

  He chuckled. “Oh, I see."

  Mike hid his face, cheeks blazing. Jessy put his fingers beneath Mike's chin, turning his face up and bending to take those sweet lips. Mike's mouth still tasted of chocolate and cream, tongue sliding against his own. He grabbed Mike's tongue between his lips, sucking on it. Mike gave a low groan, hips rocking up against him, cock leaving wet kisses.

  "Want the plug?” he asked, grabbing it and sliding it along Mike's back.

  "Oh. I. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.” Mike shivered, humping him.

  "Love how you need, baby."

  "Need you. Make me want so much."

  Growling a little, Jessy reached for the lube on the side table, slicking up the dildo and then pushing a couple of slick fingers into Mike's body, stretching him and opening him up.

  "Oh. Oh, I want. I. Jess.” Mike shifted, almost falling off the sofa.

  "Let's take this upstairs, baby. I want to be able to fuck you good and hard. With this and then with my cock."

  "Oh. Oh, yeah.” Mike nodded, stood, hard cock just bobbing.

  Moaning, he leaned forward and took the tip of Mike's cock into his mouth, licking the pre-come from Mike's slit. Mike arched, rising up onto tiptoe. He purred and sucked a little harder, feeling Mike's cock throb.

  "You ... you'll ma
ke me. And we won't be able to..."

  He pulled off with a chuckle. “You won't get it up again for me?"

  "We've come how many times today?” Mike winked.

  "I was having too much fun to keep track. Besides—it's not like I expect you to go swimming today.” He got up, passing Mike the slick dildo.

  Mike's fingers slid, the dildo slipping, both of them laughing hard as it moved.

  "It's alive!” He pushed against Mike again, taking his baby's mouth.

  Mike chuckled, eyes just dancing as they kissed.

  "Brat,” he murmured as their lips parted. He slapped Mike's ass and grabbed his hand. “Come on. Bed."

  "I'm right behind you.” Mike wielded the dildo like a weapon, fixing to prod him up the stairs.

  He almost tripped he was laughing so hard, just happy as could be.

  "Watch it, I'm armed and dangerlubed!"

  He sat down on the top step, tears coming out of his eyes. “Oh, God, Mike."

  Mike was leaning against the wall, red-faced, laughing hard.

  Happiness looked sexy on his baby.

  He finally caught his breath and stood again, hand reaching for Mike's. “Bed, baby."

  Mike nodded, both of them leaning against each other, swaying as they headed for the bed.

  "Can't wait to fuck you with that, Mike. See you on your hands and knees, taking it."

  "Jess...” Mike blushed, belly to hairline.

  "Yeah, baby?” He slid his fingers along that sweet stomach.

  "You make me all fluttery when you say shit like that."

  He purred. “Mmm ... fluttery.” He let his hand drop to Mike's cock, squeezing, weighing the full prick. “You don't feel fluttery."

  "I ... I feel fluttery."

  "It's a good look on you.” He pushed Mike into their bedroom. “Hands and knees, baby. You know what I want."

  "I. Yeah. Yeah.” Mike was so sexy, so hot, spread and arched for him, skin flushed pink.

  He got onto the bed behind Mike, grabbing the dildo and sliding it along his lover's crease. Mike leaned back toward it, ass tilted, begging for it.

  "Christ, baby. So fucking sexy.” He pushed the dildo against Mike's hole, pushing just the tip in.

  Mike's head dropped down. “For you."

  "Yeah, baby.” He groaned, pushing the dildo in further, watching it disappear into Mike's body.

  "Oh.” Mike shuddered. “Oh. Hard. It's. Oh."

  He bent forward and kissed the small of Mike's back. “Just relax, baby. Let it in."

  "I ... Yes. It ... it feels. Oh, Jessy.” Mike panted, eyes rolling, fingers fisting in the sheets.

  "Good, baby?” He moaned, pushing the dildo in until he was just holding onto the end. Then he slowly turned it so the bumps would slide on the inside of Mike's body.

  "Oh...” Mike rippled, a sweet, low groan filling the air. “Jess."

  He took that as a yes and bent to place another kiss on Mike's back and then started moving the dildo, fucking Mike with it. Fuck, his baby was sexy. Mike rocked back, hips shifting and sliding, riding the dildo.

  "Sexy, baby,” he said, voice hoarse enough he didn't recognize it himself.

  "Yours.” Those muscles shifted, tensed and relaxed.

  He purred. “Yeah, baby. Mine."

  He moved the dildo faster, watching the bumps and curves disappear into Mike's body again and again. His own prick throbbed and he could see Mike's slapping his belly as he moved, dark with blood, dripping Mike's need.

  "Jess. Jess. I. Oh.” The soft, low babble just went on and on, Mike shivering and jerking, heat pouring off him.

  Jessy slid his other hand beneath Mike, cupping that hot, hard cock, letting Mike's own motions drive it through his hand. Mike's head lifted, hips pushing harder, faster, driving.

  "That's it, baby. Take what you need.” His own hips were pumping the air.

  Mike grabbed the headboard, uninhibited, wild, fucking himself on the dildo, letting Jessy see it all.

  "Fuck. Baby. Oh.” He moaned, just watching, pushing the dildo and squeezing Mike's cock tight. It was ... the most amazing thing he'd ever seen.

  Mike threw his head back, crying out as spunk sprayed. He jerked, the feel of it, the scent of it, and the sight of the flush going up Mike's back sending him over until he shot over Mike's side.

  Mike's head fell forward, his baby just panting. “Oh. Wow."

  He purred, rubbing his and Mike's come into all that warm, smooth skin, mixing it with Mike's sweat, making his baby glow. “So sexy, baby. Just ... the best.” He eased the dildo out.

  Mike settled on the mattress, shivering, breath slowing. “Love you."

  He curled up around Mike, tugging the covers up. “Yeah, baby? Well, I love you, too.” He grinned and kissed Mike's nose, hand sliding possessively over Mike's hip. “Merry fucking Christmas."

  "Uh-huh. Merry fucking.” Mike blinked, grinning like a fool.

  He laughed, tugging Mike close. “You wanting a nap, baby? Or to see just exactly how many times an old man can get it up with the right incentive?"

  "We should have both.” He got a kiss. “Nap, then incentives."

  He purred and licked Mike's lips. “It's a deal."

  "Like your deals.” Mike's eyes drifted closed.

  "Yeah, baby.” He kissed the top of Mike's head. “Sleep now, baby. You're going to need your energy."

  Chapter Nine

  The music was loud-loud, making his head pound. It was the traditional back-to-school bash at the Delts’ house, though, and all the UT team was there, so Jessy had told Mike to go, have fun. No soda.

  Which was really sort of hard, given his choice was beer or Coke. He found some 7-Up in the fridge though, and had that. The guys were dancing and drinking, laughing hard. He joined into a dart game in the back, finally, away from the noise.

  Walt, one of the new guys, came out, offering to fetch a round for everybody, and he held up his mostly gone bottle, tossing darts and kicking Harry's butt. They all played forever, then headed to watch Resident Evil on the big screen, the lights flashing, music almost alive. Wow. Just. Wow.

  They were all piled together, laughing, smoke filling the air, the whole world odd and off-kilter when the yelling started, Coach Samuels hollering and pulling at people, shaking him.

  "What the hell are you doing? You stupid, kid?"

  Mike blinked, frowned. “What?” What had he ... The room spun a little and he sat down, hard.

  "I'm putting you all on automatic suspension.” That was Coach. His coach. Jessy. “Every last damned one of you."

  He could hear Samuels arguing with Jessy.

  "Forget it, Jeff. Three months for all of them, and if they're caught using again I'll make sure it's a year. You tolerate this kind of thing once and they'll do it again.” God, Jessy sounded mad. Furious.

  He shook his head, tried to clear it. “Suspension?"

  "For drug use.” Jessy's face looked like death. “You stay put, I'm helping Jeff round everyone up and make sure they get home. I'll be back for you in ten minutes."

  Drug use? Who? Who would do that? Mike stood up, frowning as the room spun. What the fuck?

  Jessy put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down into the couch. “I said. Stay. Put. I don't want you wandering around who the hell knows where high as a fucking kite."

  "But Coach, I...” How could he be high? He hadn't even had caffeine in his soda.

  "Just stay put, Mike. Use your time to come up with a good reason why I shouldn't ship your ass back to your Aunt Kathy with extreme prejudice.” Coach growled at him and then was gone, hustling kids out of the Delt House.

  He just sat, trying to figure out what had happened, what he'd done, why everything was so fucked up. He'd hadn't done anything wrong. Had he? He'd played darts. Watched a movie.

  That's it.

  That's all.

  It didn't feel like anytime at all before Coach was back, hand on his shirt hauling him up. “I'm taking you home

  "Jessy. Coach. I.” He was shivering, scared, confused as anything.

  "Need a cold shower and a hell of a lot of water. And starting tomorrow you are swimming laps until you can't see straight. For the whole three months of your suspension.” Coach was just growling, hand hard on his arm, dragging him along.

  But why was he suspended? He hadn't done anything.

  "I didn't."

  They were out on the sidewalk and Jessy stopped, letting him go and rounding on him. “You're not high? Is that what you're telling me, Mike? Fine. I'm parked three cars down, here's the keys. Get to the car and get yourself into the passenger side."

  He stepped back, more than a little scared, the world spinning wildly. “Don't yell at me."

  "I'm not yelling, Mike. I'm not yelling at all. You're fucking high and all your senses are wacky."

  "I didn't take anything.” Not even caffeine. Not even a sip.

  Jessy snorted, grabbing his arm again. “Bullshit, Mike. You're high."

  He looked over at Jessy, suddenly cold and more than a little sick. Jessy didn't believe him. Jessy didn't believe in him and ... “You're going to send me back to Plano?"

  "You got a compelling reason why I shouldn't? I've got rules, Mike. You know them. You know them inside and fucking out. And you know the fucking doping rule is a big one, one the governing body takes every bit as seriously as I do. Christ, baby. I just can't believe you did this."

  He sat in the car, completely numb. He wasn't sure what was happening. Surely it was all a dream. A sick, fucked-up, weird-ass dream. Three months. About as long as he'd been with Jessy. Weird, how things like that worked.

  Jessy didn't say a word the entire drive home. Mike didn't either, he just stared at his fingers and tried to think, tried to figure out what he'd done.

  If he was high, shouldn't he be having fun?

  They got home and Coach came around and opened the door for him, standing over him and waiting for him to get out. He stood, making sure not to touch Jessy, making sure not to sway. Jessy snorted and took his arm, hauling him along again. He just followed, stumbling on the stairs. He didn't know what to do. What to say. Where to go.

  Coach didn't seem to have that problem, Jessy leading him straight up the stairs and into the bathroom. Coach turned on the water and then started stripping him down.


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