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Cross the Line: A Gabriella Cross Paranormal Romance Book 2

Page 16

by Lovestone, M. J.

  “Fallen?” said Gabby.

  “In love,” Valentine said, her eyes accusing.

  “What’s going on here, Gabby?” Riggs asked, his eyes moving over the group and pausing on Egg and Veegor for a moment before settling on Lilith, the only one not armed.

  “She’s a vampire, he’s a leprechaun. That is the Spear of Destiny. She wants it, he wants payment.”

  He looked at her like she was crazy. “What do you want?” he asked, still aiming at Valentine.

  “Consider your words wisely, Gabriella,” said Lilith. “You’ve still a chance to redeem yourself and save your father.”

  “I want what I came here for,” said Gabby.

  “Very well. You are not needed anymore anyway.” Lilith reached into her pocket and held out a vial of green liquid.

  The cure.

  “It is one of a kind. Be careful with it,” she said, and then tossed it high into the air in the center of the group.

  “No!” Gabby cried, holstering her guns and rushing to catch it.

  As she did so, all hell broke loose. Veegor blew Egglefinkin away with his big elephant gun, sending him flying back against the far wall. Simultaneously, Quip opened fire on the big lug and, to Gabby’s right, Lilith threw off her robes and changed into her winged form.

  The vial seemed to float in mid-air as Gabby desperately leapt and reached for it. She realized her mistake, however, when Veegor’s meaty fist backhanded her in the shoulder and sent her flailing and screaming into the wall.

  Riggs came rushing over to her and held her face gently. “Gabby, Gabby, are you alright?” he said, but she hardly heard him through the gunfire. Behind him she could see Valentine and Quip fighting Veegor. Their bullets were useless, and the spells that Quip threw at him didn’t even seem to faze him.

  Lilith, however, was nowhere to be found.

  “We’re getting you out of here,” said Riggs. He began to pick her up, but Veegor got ahold of him and tossed him across the room.

  Gabby instinctively hit him with a blast of nullifying power, but it did nothing to stop the behemoth. He reached for her with a giant gnarled hand and Gabby scrambled for her gun. She finally pulled it out and put two slugs in his head. He staggered back and glanced around as though he had forgotten where he was. But then after a moment, he leveled his gleaming eyes on her once more.

  “Hey big boy!” Valentine called behind him.

  Veegor turned around, and Gabby caught a glimpse of Valentine holding the big elephant gun. She pulled the trigger, and Veegor’s head exploded in a mess of gore and rained down on Gabby. She scrambled out of the way as the body of the giant fell where she had been.

  “You alright?” Quip asked, limping over to her.

  “Where’s Lilith?” Gabby asked, frantically searching the room and hoping beyond hope that someone had killed her.

  “She bounced once she got her hands on the spear.”

  Gabby remembered the vial with her father’s cure and whipped her head to look at the spot where it would have fallen. She expected to see the precious liquid seeping into the stone amongst shards of broken glass, but the vial was not there.

  “Looking for this?” Valentine asked from behind her.

  Gabby turned around and nearly cried out with joy. In her hand Valentine held the vial of green liquid.

  “Give it to me,” said Gabby, reaching out her hand.

  “Well that is a fine way to thank someone,” said Valentine. She handed Gabby the vial nevertheless, and when she did so, Gabby ripped it out of her hand.

  “You sold me out,” said Gabby, eyeing the vial and stashing it in her pocket.

  “I told you I didn’t have a choice. Lilith has my kids. Do you know what she would have done to them?”

  “What do you mean, would have?”

  “I fulfilled my end of the bargain, I helped her get her hands on the spear. They will be released as is dictated by the spell pact we made.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that she had your children?” said Gabby. “You didn’t even tell me you had children, Valentine. We could have thought of something.”

  “The same reason you didn’t tell Michael about Lilith. But I wouldn’t have gotten a warning. They would have been killed instantly.”

  “So the club, acting like my friend, that was all a ploy.”

  “No, well, at first it was. But then I got to know you. I…I fell in love.”

  “Succubus please,” said Quip, lazily waving her off.

  Gabby shook her head, not knowing how to feel. On the one hand she understood why Valentine had done what she did. Gabby would have done the same in her position. But she still felt the sting of deception. She had grown to love Valentine, not as a partner, necessarily, but as a cherished friend. Once again she had fallen for someone who was lying to her. Someone who was using her and toying with her emotions for personal gain.

  She didn’t know if she was angrier with Valentine or herself.

  She turned from Valentine and went over to the wall to check on Riggs.

  “I’m telling you the truth,” said Valentine, sounding miserable.

  “Riggs, are you alright?” Gabby asked, gently shaking him.

  He blinked groggily and grimaced when he tried to move too quickly. “Uhg, I need a shot of that whiskey of yours.”

  “It’s a date. For now, let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “That’s a good idea,” said Quip, who was standing over Veegor. “This motherfucker’s head is growing back.”

  “He’s some sort of genetically modified super soldier that Lilith has been breeding,” said Valentine. “That is why your nullifying power didn’t work on him.”

  Quip hurried over and helped Gabby get Riggs to his feet. As they headed for the door, Gabby noticed Egglefinkin lying in a heap where he had fallen.

  “Hold on,” she said, and leaned Riggs toward Quip. She moved over to the leprechaun and gave him a little kick.

  He groaned.

  “Egg, are you alright?”

  He rolled over and pulled apart his vest, gasping for air. The remnants of a magical spell fizzled and sputtered out across his chest. To Gabby’s amazement, there was no blood. She offered her hand and Egg took it, allowing her to help him to his feet.

  “Let’s go,” she told the group and headed down the hall, leaving Valentine hurrying to catch up.

  Chapter 34

  Gabby helped Riggs to the end of the hall and peeked around the corner. The three guards were still handcuffed together against the wall and remained as quiet as three little church mice.

  The vampire blood was still in effect, and with it Gabby extended her hearing to take in the sounds of the chamber. She heard footfalls in the main room and sniffed at the air.


  “What is it?” Quip asked, ready with a wand in hand.



  The footsteps echoed louder as the werewolves approached, and Gabby’s mind raced to think of what to do.

  Behind them, heavy footfalls suddenly echoed down the hall. Gabby turned with the others to find Veegor barreling toward them, head fully intact. Riggs was the only one to bother telling him to stop; the others simply opened fire, riddling the big brute with multiple rounds. The bullets didn’t faze him in the least, though they all tore holes in his clothing and hit home. He continued on as they all scrambled to get out of the way.

  “Watch out!” Gabby yelled to Michael and the other werewolves coming their way.

  Veegor blew past them and rushed around the corner toward the weres. Gunfire erupted in the chamber, and the sounds of angry, growling wolves followed in its wake.

  “What the hell is that sound?” Riggs asked.

  “Werewolves,” said Gabby, ignoring his look of utter bewilderment. She moved to the end of the hall once more and peeked around the corner. Two armed guards raised their guns as they approached.

  “Freeze!” yelled one.

“Don’t shoot!” said Gabby, tossing her weapon onto the floor and coming around the corner with her hands up. “Drop your weapons,” she told the others.

  They did as she asked, even Riggs, who still looked to have a million questions. Quip and Egg followed the detective out into the open. Last came Valentine.

  Michael approached from the main chamber and looked taken aback to find Gabby in his vault.

  “Gabby?” he said, stopping before them. “What’s going on here?”

  “I’m sorry, Michael. I’m so sorry. Lilith escaped with the Spear of Destiny.”

  A dark shadow crossed his face, and he scowled at the group. His look was a mix of anger and disappointment.

  “Let me guess, she blackmailed you with a promise of your father’s cure.”

  “Yes,” said Gabby, stepping forward with the vial.

  The guards leveled their guns on her, and Michael raised a staying hand to them.

  “This is it. This is the cure,” she said.

  Michael didn’t look at it, but glared at Gabby. “I told you not to seek her out on your own.”

  “I’m sorry. I had no choice,” she said, realizing how much she sounded like Valentine.

  “I will see to it that the cure reaches your father immediately,” said Michael, reaching out his hand.

  “Thank you,” she said, handing it over.

  “See that this gets to the infirmary. Tell them to administer it immediately to General Cross,” Michael told one of the guards.

  “Yes, sir,” said the man before turning and hurrying away.

  Michael glanced over the group, eyes settling on Valentine. “How did I know you would be mixed up in this?”

  “Lilith kidnapped my children. Like Gabby, I didn’t have a choice.”

  “Gemma and Jewels?”

  Valentine nodded.

  “That giant that ran past, I assume he was with Lilith. Who else was working for her?”

  Everyone looked to Egglefinkin, who stood smoking his cigar and looking bored. “The bitch forced me into service as well. She had me bound to a contract.”

  “Do you still serve her?”

  Egg shook his head. “She broke the contract when she had that big lug shoot me in the chest.”

  “Then you will bring me to her,” said Michael. “I know that you can track down the Holy Lance, for it is the treasure that I wish to possess.”

  “I’ve had enough fun for one night. Lilith will be heading to the island. She’s got a portal there that leads to one of her lairs. Hurry and you might catch her.”

  “What island?” Michael asked.

  “Ask the ginger,” said Egglefinkin. “Middle of Lake Michigan. Big castle on a hill. Can’t miss it.” With that he began back to the tunnel, ignoring the guards who still aimed their guns at him as they looked to Michael for guidance.

  Michael waved them off and looked to Gabby once more before turning to his guards. “See them out. All of them.”

  “Wait,” said Gabby. “I know where the island is. You need me.”

  “How can I trust you?” he said, turning to face her angrily.

  The accusation stung her chest like a dagger.

  “I did what I did to save my father. You would have done the same.”

  “No,” said Michael flatly, but there was a feral growl to his voice. “I wouldn’t have. I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation. Do you know who one of the lance’s most recent owners was?”

  Gabby shook her head.

  “Hitler,” said Michael. “Adolf fucking Hitler. And with it he killed millions. What do you think a vampire will do with it?”

  Gabby was shocked and horrified. “Please. Let me make this right. Let me go with you.”

  “Wait a minute,” said Riggs. “Hitler?”

  Michael ignored them both and began toward the main chamber once more. Gabby hurried to catch up.

  “Wait a goddamned minute,” she said, grabbing his arm and turning him around. “I didn’t know what she was after. If I had known that it was the Holy Lance, I never would have gone along with it. You can be pissed at me all you want, later. But right now you need me and you know it.”

  “I need a nullifier who isn’t high on vampire blood,” said Michael.

  “I can close that portal. We can trap her on the island. But we don’t have time to waste.”

  Michael studied her for a moment then sighed. “Fine. Let’s go.”

  “I’m coming with you,” said Quip.

  “Will somebody tell me what the hell is going on?” said Riggs, with all the authority of a law enforcement officer.

  “We’re going after the vampire who stole the Spear of Destiny, babe,” said Quip. “You best go home and forgot you were ever here.”

  “He’s right,” said Gabby. “Go home.”

  “A crime has been committed here, and I’ve got a job to do.”

  “Your questions will be addressed at a later time,” said Michael. “For now I would like you to leave my property.”

  “I’ll call you when this is all over,” said Gabby, and along with Quip, she followed Michael up the stairs in the main chamber leading to Steele Tower.

  Chapter 35

  Michael said not a word as he led Gabby and Quip, along with five of his weres, up to the roof and the waiting helicopter. He wore a look of determination that went well with his black robe—a wardrobe choice that said that he intended on going toe to toe with Lilith in wolf form. He carried no weapons, unlike his armed and armored underlings, and Gabby knew that this was personal to him.

  She wished that he would say something, anything. But he remained stoic and clench-jawed.

  To Gabby’s surprise, Juliette was in the pilot seat of the chopper, offering her a look of disappointment.

  “You’ve been juicing again, haven’t you?” she said loudly, intending to shame her.

  Gabby was tense from the fight in the vault and worried that she had unleashed something terrible into the world, not to mention stressed about her father’s condition, of which she had heard nothing.

  She wasn’t in the mood.

  “Not now,” said Gabby, as she would have told her sister Maggy when she was being particularly naggy.

  “Not now? Not ever with you. You just keep on going ahead and doing whatever the fuck you want, don’t you?”

  “Enough!” said Michael, slamming the helicopter door behind him closed with enough force to shake the entire machine. “Right now we are a team. We’ve got a mission. And that mission will not be accomplished unless we work in harmony.”

  Juliette offered Gabby one last slow shake of her head and went about quickly flicking switches and lifting off.

  “Where is this island?” Michael asked, putting on his headset.

  “About fifty miles northeast of the harbor. It took me an hour in a little speedboat. But the waters were choppy and it was foggy that night.”

  “We should arrive in ten to fifteen minutes. With any luck we will beat Lilith to it.”

  “Why don’t we just shoot the bitch out of the sky?” said Quip.

  Michael shook his head. “It is a lot harder than you think to do that. No, we need to take out her escape route, then we attack.”

  Gabby had no idea what kind of helicopter she was in, but she knew that it was going a hell of a lot faster than any she had seen. Given Michael’s wealth, the aircraft could have cost millions of dollars without denting his bankroll.

  Just as Michael had predicted, they arrived at the island twelve minutes after leaving Steele Tower. Halfway there, Juliette had pointed out a blip on the screen that could have been Lilith flying across the waters in her winged form, but no one saw her with their own eyes. Gabby saw multiple magical auras coming from the island, small balls of light among the trees, on the shores, and in the castle. The largest of the auras came from the castle itself.

  “I think I see the portal,” she said as they made a pass. “And there are dozens of magical creatures or
magic users on the island as well. We are badly outnumbered.”

  “Bring us down,” said Michael.

  “Did you hear me? There are dozens. There are only nine of us.”

  “You’re going to nullify the entire island,” said Michael matter-of-factly.

  “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Of course you can. And you will. But you can’t nullify an island full of vampires while on vampire blood. She got you to drink it so that you would be weaker against her. You’re going to need mine.”

  Juliette gave him a sidelong scowl.

  Gabby tried not to show her excitement at the prospect, realizing once again what a magic blood junky she was becoming. But at the moment she didn’t care. At the moment all that she needed was a good excuse, and saving the world from a vampire Hitler was good enough for her.

  As they slowly came in for a landing, Michael bit his forearm and offered it to Gabby. She glanced around at Quip and the others, feeling every part the crackhead.

  “Go on girl,” said Quip. “Do what you gotta do and fry those mothersuckers.”

  Gabby took hold of Michael’s wrist, gently at first. She put her lips to his skin and closed her eyes. The taste of his blood electrified as it rolled over her tongue, and she pulled him harder. She swallowed and her eyes went wide. Gabby drank…and drank. Wave after wave of primal energy, rage, fear, and instinct flooded through her. She squeezed the arm and sucked greedily when he pulled back. Night became day, and the heavy beat of the propellers was like an avalanche in her brain.

  Then the contact was broken.

  Michael’s blood burned pleasantly in her veins, extinguishing the fading vampire blood completely and leaving Gabby with a whole new set of enhancements. Gone was the clarity and focus of mind, but what replaced it was a profound understanding of the world around her. She knew everyone’s mood around her just by the scent of the pheromones in the small cockpit. Their eyes and the thoughts behind them spoke to her like their words never could.

  Gabby found that she couldn’t speak. She was overwhelmed with energy and the urgent need to unleash it. The cabin became suffocating; those around her were overloading her with information. She couldn’t breathe, and she clawed at the collar of her shirt.


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