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Mail Order Bride 22 Book Boxed set: 22 Brides Ride West :CLEAN Western Historical Romance Series Bundle

Page 6

by Faye Sonja

  “I couldn’t think of anything I’d like more. Miss Kitty’s agreed to be go-between until we’re all established in our new homes.”

  Sarah arrived then with two very large plates, filled with steaming hot food. The scent of the rosemary lamb with trimmings and gravy smelled amazing.

  “Goodness, I’m afraid I may not eat all that,” Bobby said as the plate was put in front of him.

  “Goodness, I’m afraid I might…” Ada laughed in her loud, happy way. Bobby and Sarah paused for a moment and then joined in on her joke.

  “Enjoy.” Sarah left the room.

  Ada bowed her head as Bobby said grace and when the first mouthful went in she groaned in appreciation. The meat was tender and succulent and the gravy rich and thick. They ate in silence because it was so good, so flavorful, that Ada could think of nothing else to say. Finally she put her knife and fork down and had some water. She’d left some on her plate to save room for dessert.

  “You don’t think Mrs. Jenkins will be offended?”

  Bobby shook his head. “Not at all.” He pushed his plate away, leaving about the same amount as Ada did. “I’m not sure I can eat much dessert but they are my favorites.”

  “I haven’t had them in so long.” Ada was quite looking forward to a hot pudding.

  “If you prefer fresh fruit, maybe some cheeses for dessert, just let me know.”

  “Thank you. Dumplings will be perfectly fine today.”

  “All our foods are grown here on the farm. Except for the staples of flour and sugar and such. There’s an extensive herb and vegetable garden out the back. We have an orchard with fruits and nuts, plus dairy cows and hens. For meat I run a few cattle and sheep, and chickens.”

  “How clever. It’s a wonderful way to live.”

  “That is for certain.”

  Sarah cleared the plates and was right back with warm dumplings in syrup and two small jugs of cream. “There you are.”

  “Thank you. You’re a superb cook, Sarah. I never tasted any meal as good.” Ada gave the compliment sincerely.

  Sarah gave a wide smile and left the room.

  “Ada, you’re the epitome of loveliness inside and out.” Bobby put his hand over hers for a brief moment.

  Ada felt the deep burn of her blush. She never answered, just began to eat her dessert. Sweet, sticky, rich and Heaven is how she’d describe it. This truly was a fairytale life. She couldn’t believe she’d been so lucky. The other ladies who’d came and left again did themselves a huge injustice. But that was to her advantage and she was grateful.

  “After dessert, we’ll walk in the gardens and have coffee in the rose arbor.”


  * * *

  The gardens were nothing short of stunning. Ada was keen to get some gardening tips and start a corner for herself with flowers. It would be a lovely way to learn. Bobby had pride in his home and land. They chatted freely about various subjects but Ada couldn’t bring herself to talk about what she needed to.

  But she must do it if she was to keep her marriage without fault or drama. They sat in the arbor and Bobby went to fetch the coffee tray. Ada enjoyed the heat in the sun as it was warm and not sweltering hot. As soon as Bobby came back, she’d talk to him. Ada didn’t like the way her insides felt with keeping secrets.

  Even though the worry of what his reaction would be was troubling her, at least once it was out she could deal with whatever it would be. The news had to be better coming from her. He’d have grounds to be angry as she should’ve told him before the wedding. Now he may think she was only telling him because of how successful he was and how lovely his home was.

  But it wasn’t that way at all. She had genuine feelings for Bobby before she’d even known about his financial situation. But she couldn’t change the fact that she hadn’t told him sooner. Her best choice was to tell him now and hope he believed her.

  Bobby hadn’t returned yet with the coffee and she wondered what was holding him up. Perhaps there was another spider to deal with. It wasn’t too much longer when she saw Bobby walking back with no coffee tray but Marshal Blake walked behind him. Both men looked solemn. Ada’s heart pounded in her chest. Something had happened.

  She could feel it. This was not a social visit and Bobby’s frown and the fact he didn’t look her in the eyes told her that her worst fears had been brought to reality. Somehow, her secret had caught up with her, she was sure.

  “Ada. Marshal Blake is here to see you.” Bobby’s ruddy face and the way he pulled at his buttoned up collar and tie gave her a feeling of nausea.


  “I think you know why, Ada. The problem is, I didn’t know why.” Bobby’s terseness gave her a chill down her spine. This was the end of her marriage after it’d barely begun.

  You foolish woman. Why didn’t I just tell him everything first up?

  “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Bobby’s shoulders looked flat and his stature was diminished.

  “I was about to tell you. Over coffee. I swear on the bible. I just didn’t know how to say the words and I didn’t want to ruin our wedding day, and today I just didn’t get the chance.”

  “I see. Something this important should never be held back, even for a second. Now I’ve been made a fool of. Me, the respected prosecutor, married to a….a….”

  The tears welled in her eyes, and she knew she had to leave here. She’d ruined his reputation and trust he’d built for her. She’d hurt him, she could see that clearly enough.

  The marshal stepped forward. “Ada, it seems a warrant for your arrest has been issued. You’re being accused of murder.”

  The world spiraled and went black.

  * * *


  Lies & Truth








  “ I have to give her a chance… This is

  her new life now. We all have a past."


  Bobby saw Ada drop to the ground before he could reach her. He was beside her on his knees now and his arm was under her head. Why did this have to happen? Why couldn’t she just have told him the very first night? How could this sweet person hurt anyone, let alone kill a man?

  Marshal Blake had arranged to keep her here under his watch and between them they managed to rouse her enough to get her off the ground and walking inside with their support. They laid her on the chaise and went out to the other room to speak quietly.

  What she’d supposedly done was kill a man and then run away; he didn’t know any of the details. He never wanted to hear them from the marshal, as he’d prefer to hear Ada’s side of the story first.

  She looked so scared and pale lying there, it tore his insides up. But if she had done it, if she was convicted, she could be hanged or jailed for life. He should’ve known it was too good to be true. His faith had wavered lately and perhaps this was his punishment.

  “Bobby, I’m sure there’s an explanation for this. You, of all people, will be able to get to the bottom of this.”

  “If I was in Salt Lake City, perhaps.”

  “So go.”

  “I can’t go and leave Ada.”

  “If you have real feelings for this women, and I think you do, then go and clear her name. Miss Kitty is the women who sent Ada here and that’s how they knew where she was. Go see her. Somethin’s up with this case. I got a gut feelin’. I think you should go check it out before everyone to do with this case knows who you are in Salt Lake City.”

  “If I go, I won’t hear Ada’s side of the story.”

  “I don’t think you need to yet. Why not go with an open mind and see what the evidence presents to you, then come back and talk to Ada. See if what she says stacks up.”

  “How long will it take to get there?”

  “By train from San Francisco, a day.”

  Bobby nodded his head. “I’ll have to ride hard to get to the stat
ion to catch the evening passenger train.”

  “That you will. I’ll keep Ada here under house arrest. She can’t speak with anyone on the matter unless it’s a lawyer. Not even me. It’s in her best interests if she doesn’t. Less witnesses on hearsay.”

  “Of course, I’ll be back on tomorrow evening’s overnight train. I’m not sure what to think. What if…”

  “Put that energy into finding out. Maybe that’s why the Lord brought you two together. So she isn’t blamed for a thing she never did.”

  “Or maybe he’s punishing me for not going to church for four weeks before the wedding.”

  “Enough talk. Get going. Take your fastest horse. Keep your ears and eyes open, and be careful. With any luck you’ll be there and back again before they know about it. I’ll get what information I can get from this end.”

  “If Ada isn’t able to speak with anyone, who will take care of her while I’m gone?”

  “Mrs. Jenkins can come in and work, just can’t speak with her unless I’m in the room. So I’ll be taking up your guest bedroom until you return. It’s a drastic measure, but I believe that young lady’s worth it. Don’t be too hard on her. I can’t tell her where you’ve gone or when you’ll be back, so I think that’ll be punishment enough for her, wondering if she still has a husband.”

  Bobby felt a twang of sorrow inside. He didn’t want to hurt her like that. But the less she knew the better. When she was on the stand, she couldn’t answer about what she didn’t know. He’d have one full day to get what he could and be back on the evening train that same night.

  If he found her to be guilty beyond a doubt, he’d deal with it at the time.

  “Bobby, you’re going there to prove her innocence, remember that. I know you’re a prosecutor, but you can’t go into this looking for reasons she’s guilty.”

  “You’re right. Thanks, Marshal. Please have June come over and spend some time with her, and perhaps a younger friend. They don’t have to know what’s happening. I don’t think she has it in her to kill unless it was in self-defense.”

  “Atta boy!” Marshal clapped him on the back.

  Bobby went to change into riding attire and to pack some personal things in a small satchel. This may well be the most important ride of his life. He had to make that train. He wanted dearly to clear Ada’s name, and he prayed with everything inside himself that the Lord would provide and that she’d be innocent of a deliberately vicious act.

  Leaving her like this was not easy because he knew how it would play on her mind. She’d believe him to be angry and planning an annulment. But he’d married for better and for worse, and he’d honor those vows as long as he could.

  He walked out the door and went to saddle up Jack. He ran like the wind and had endurance. Once he got to Salt Lake City he’d go to Miss Kitty’s and speak with her. He hoped one or both of Ada’s sisters were there, as they would be sure to know the intimate details of the accusation.

  He certainly hoped they hadn’t spoken to anyone, but he couldn’t guarantee that. What he knew was that he wanted a long, happy life with his new wife, and he was going to do everything in his power to see that happened.

  * * *

  Ada awoke on the chaise with a cold glass of water beside her on the side table and Marshal Blake watching her intently from the chair opposite. “I had so hoped this was a dream.”

  “Afraid not, Ada.”

  “Where’s Bobby? Is he terribly cross with me? I was going to tell him this afternoon, I swear.”

  “Ada, you cannot utter a word about this to anyone. I can’t say where Bobby is or when he’ll be back, or what his intentions are. All I know is he hightailed it out of here in a big hurry. You can’t discuss your situation with me, even. There will be a time when you can tell your side, but not yet. It may be the luckiest mistake of your life not telling Bobby. The less people to call as witnesses the better.”

  “I’ll go to jail, or worse.”

  “Shh. No talking of the matter. Give it a few days and we’ll see. For now, enjoy your gardens and home. I’ll be chaperoning you to see you don’t forget and to see you don’t get overwhelmed by it all.”

  Ada let the tears roll down her face. What was the point of wiping them away? Bobby had gone away and she knew when he came back he’d have an annulment organized. She couldn’t blame him and she let out a big sob.

  This was all her own fault. If she hadn’t pushed that awful man, if she hadn’t left suddenly…what of her sisters? Had they been involved as well? What if Emma was thrown back in jail?

  The sobs came hard now and Ada took the white handkerchief Marshal Blake offered her. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to stop crying. Cinnamon jumped up and rubbed her head into Ada a few times while the cat arched her back. Ada hugged the warm softness to her and the sobs stopped.

  “Perhaps I’ll go and refresh that coffee pot that Bobby had when he opened the door.”

  Ada nodded. “Thank…thank…you.” She gulped the words out like a forlorn child.

  “Chin up, Ada. You’ll get to tell your story. Perhaps this is all a big misunderstanding.”

  Ada watched him walk off. Except it wasn’t a big mistake. She had pushed that man and he’d cracked his head on the table. Then she went and left him to die.

  Even if it was in self-defense she couldn’t condone her actions of leaving him. Although she’d seen no blood and he was groaning and breathing quite heavily when she left.

  Still, that was no guarantee. The fact was, the man was dead and if she’d been responsible she needed to be punished. The thought of jail for life, or the death penalty, almost made her want to be sick. But thinking Bobby had left and he didn’t want her anymore was almost worse. They’d had such a wonderful few days. She’d never forget it for as long as she lived.

  Yes, she’d run away to marry a small, nervous stranger, but she’d fallen in love and now it might all be over.

  “Here. I’ll pour. Cream or sugar?” Marshal Blake held the pot and poured.

  She shook her head and forced a smile. “Just plain, thanks.”

  “I’m going to get you a good shot of Brandy to help calm your nerves.”

  “I’m just not sure what to think or do.”

  “Think positive. Pray and lean on your faith. Whatever happens now, you’re going to need Him.”

  “Yes. You’re right. I messed up by not telling Bobby in the first place, regardless of what happened in the case, there’s still that fact. I know how he values honesty and the law above all things and yet I stupidly chose to not tell him for fear it would spoil our day. Now it will likely change his mind about me completely.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I’m sure he’ll arrive back with an annulment organized.”

  “Ada…have faith. Bobby isn’t a fickle man. What he feels can’t be put out overnight. Let’s wait and see.”

  Ada sipped her coffee. Was the marshal trying to tell her something? Or was she just clutching at straws? The cat snuggled her as if to say to not worry.

  Marshal Blake handed her a small glass of brandy. “Drink it straight down, then I think you should go and relax. Perhaps some reading?”

  Ada thought about all those books and thought it was a good idea to see if she could get lost in a book again. Then perhaps a lie down. “I’ll go to the library. I think I’ll take my book to the bedroom.” Ada drank the brandy and coughed. How people could drink that all the time she didn’t know. But it did bolster her a little.

  “Good idea. You go ahead and I’ll go speak with Mrs. Jenkins.”

  “You won’t tell her…”

  “I’m not at liberty to discuss it with anyone, so no. Just be sure you stick to that as well because if you don’t, then it could make it harder for you in court. Even the most innocent of talk can be twisted terribly in the courtroom.”

  “I promise you, I’ll not utter a word of it until you tell me it’s alright to do so.”

  “I hope this
works out for you, Ada.”

  “So do I, Marshal Blake. Thank you for your support and advice.”

  “All part of the job, Ma’am.” He tipped his black hat at her and walked off.

  Ada wandered to the library carrying her coffee and Cinnamon followed. No more feeling sorry for herself. She had to believe that the Lord had a plan. She might even sit and write out everything as she remembered it happening. Something may be of use.

  If only her co-called father hadn’t taken money from him. But then if he hadn’t, she’d never have met and married Bobby and, out of all things, that would be her biggest regret.

  * * *


  Salt Lake City








  “ I have to give her a chance… This is

  her new life now. We all have a past."


  The next morning

  Miss Kitty was at her desk with a man on the other side. She raised her eyebrows at Bobby; he thought she’d recognized him. He put his finger up to his lips hoping she’d understand he wanted some secrecy. She looked back to the man across the desk from her and nodded, continuing her conversation.

  “I’m quite sure I don’t want to make a statement to the newspaper, thanks all the same.”

  No doubt they were wanting some scoop about the murder scandal.

  “Now, excuse me, I have a client meeting. I’d appreciate you not bothering me again.”

  The man left not looking very happy and Bobby walked up to the desk as Miss Kitty stood up. “Mr. Bobby Grant, I believe. So nice to finally meet you. I’m sorry about the circumstances.”

  He tipped his bowler hat to her.


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