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WindSwept Narrows: #23 Molly & Natasha

Page 6

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “A very wise man,” Chrissy said with a smile.

  “Some of us learn from our mistakes, my sweet,” Henry said with a little chuckle.

  “Believe me, where Molly is concerned, I’m pulling out all the smarts I have in storage,” Jonathon assured them with a wink that made Chrissy’s smile a little broader and Molly gape at him with her mouth open.

  “I’m very thankful you were in the area,” Chrissy said honestly.

  “I was showing the viewpoint to Molly. We’re both new to the area, though she has been here longer than the two months I’ve logged so far,” Jonathon didn’t resist when Molly pulled her hand free.

  “Excuse me. I’m going in search of the restroom. I’ll be right back,” Molly told them before disappearing from the room.

  “Something is troubling that girl,” Chrissy said, almost to herself.

  “A crystal ball?” Jonathon asked, one brow raised with a glance from one to the other.

  “We don’t have children of our own, Jonathon, and I’ll warn you right now, I intend to adopt that girl. I think she’s lacked the kind of mother she should have had in her life.”

  Henry groaned. “I wouldn’t think of getting in her way.”

  “I know something is bothering her, but as of yet, I can’t get her to tell me what it is,” he paced the confined space, jerking the drapes aside to watch for Molly. “And I don’t have any information about her parents. Again, yet.”

  “Something sad in her eyes,” Chrissy continued with a shake of her head.

  “In my wallet, Chrissy. Give Jonathon one of my cards,” Henry groaned and angled himself to lean against the back of the hospital bed. “If you need anything, young man, you call me. We’ve lived here our entire lives and have connections for just about any circumstance that might need some strength behind it to resolve.”

  “That’s very generous of you,” Jonathon took the business card held out to him. “You work for the FBI?”

  “I have since I was recruited out of college. I oversee several task forces that deal with organized crime in the area…and from the outside,” he told him quietly. “But I’ve worked my way through enough departments to know what I need for anything that might crop up. I also know enough not to question Chrissy’s instincts. She’s brilliant when it comes to knowing people and or conducting interrogations.” He confided with a teasing wink.

  Jonathon found himself taking a long, second look at the woman he would have labeled someone’s pie baking grandmother. He slid the manila card into an inner pocket.

  “Thank you, Mr. Fontaine.”

  “Henry, please. I’m guessing those clothes are practical?”

  Jonathon returned the nod the other man offered in appreciation. “I was taking Molly on her first bike ride. We met at the costume charity event at the resort several hours ago.”

  “Ahh…we had an invitation for that. Sent them a check, good cause. Finally got people with money making smart decisions about building a community the right way,” Henry shook his head. “Wasn’t in the mood for costumes tonight, though we do have tickets for a few of the others. I’m sure we’ll meet up at one or more of them in the future. Chrissy likes to dress up and indulging her isn’t so very difficult.”

  “And we like to humor our girls,” Jonathon said with a chuckle of understanding.

  “Like I said…smart man,” Henry laughed, watching Molly come back down the hall. “You’re not from this area…either of you.”

  “Houston,” Jonathon answered instantly, his gaze sweeping Molly. Chrissy was right. There was an occasional darkness that transcended the color of her eyes.

  “Florida,” Molly answered with a forced smile. “I think I spent most of my spare time in the water with either a snorkel or SCUBA tanks on my back, collecting shells and just…drifting through the silence beneath the water. It’s an incredible feeling.”

  “A good place to push everything else away,” Chrissy said quietly. “Is that where your parents live?”

  Jonathon wasn’t the only one to see the wall slam down, her body stiffened slightly.

  “No. No…last I heard, they were somewhere in California. We’re not on terms,” she said with a little shake of her head. “It was wonderful meeting you both and I hope you’ll take better care, Henry,” impulsively, she stepped up to the bed and leaned over to kiss his forehead before hugging Chrissy. “He’ll be fine. He’s good and strong. You take care, alright?”

  “Thank you, Molly,” Chrissy returned her hug, watching the men exchange handshakes and then leave the older couple alone.

  Chapter Nine

  He didn’t like her withdrawal. He’d expected her to reach for him. To walk out with him, hands together. Like high school kids, he heard the chiding sarcasm in the back of his mind.

  Molly came to a stop outside the sliding glass doors of the emergency room. Her hands shoved into the pockets on her jacket and gaze busy sweeping the parking lot.

  “I thought I’d take a taxi home.”

  “Now why would I allow that?”

  “I didn’t expect you to come…here…”

  “I told you I would,” he said patiently, his hand out and pulling hers from one of the pockets and clasping it firmly. “I parked out here.”

  “I ruined our date…going off…”

  “Watching a man die, would have ruined our date. Watching you use the skills and patience you have to analyze a situation and keep things calm and in control,” Jonathon leaned down to whisper against her ear. “Was a huge turn on, to be honest.”

  He almost laughed when she missed a step staring at him, her lips snapping shut when she realized her mouth was open. He could see a hint of pink dusting her cheeks when they crossed beneath a bright lamp.

  And she came to a sudden and abrupt stop that almost sent him crashing into a fender. She tossed his hand down and faced him, arms raised and crossed beneath her breasts.

  Jon stared. She obviously wasn’t aware that the effort sent just a little nudge to the small breasts and framed them very sweetly for his view. She glared at him, one foot tapping on the concrete.

  Jon did what he did best. Waited.

  She turned and paced several feet before spinning and striding back to him.

  Neither of them paid attention to anyone walking past who cast a curious glance in their direction.

  One hand came free, her finger pointed and poking at his chest.

  “Are you well? Honestly? This type of…the things that you say…”

  “You asked that we be honest. I believe I’ve kept my end of the deal,” Jonathon saw the slight zing strike, her lashes narrowed. He really was looking forward to seeing what color surrounded the sweet little pussy. Pale champagne or dark, and shadowy, like her lashes. That thought did nothing to ease the cock that had popped to alert when he began watching first her chest and then the tightly bound behind that paced away from him with a delectable twitch.

  “I…we have not had a conversation regarding…” she drew in a slow breath. “I don’t remember that conversation.”

  “It was brief, but definitely important to our budding relationship,” Jon told her quickly. “I believe it happened when you had that sexy little crotch pressed against my ass on the back of the…”

  He really had never seen someone spin a hand up and point a finger that quickly before that he actually went silent. A new feeling for him and one that actually made him grin at her.

  “I didn’t expect you to show up here.”

  “I heard that part. I can’t account for the assholes you dated in the past, Molly, but if I give you my word or even simply tell you I’ll do something, then consider it done. Barring complications that intrude and hinder me, of course,” Jonathon kept his gaze on hers. He swore he could see her thinking, puzzling through the evening. “I don’t consider you going off to do something you trained long and hard for a ruination of our date. Even if it happened each and every time. I’m not stupid. I know that whether I like i
t or not, most of the fucking world is out of my control. Do you believe I’d rather watch people suffering when I know you could do something to alleviate it?” He took a chance and closed the distance between them, his hands carefully unwinding her recrossed arms and pulling until they stood chest to chest. “I’m thirty-eight years old, Molly. I’m not an ego starved kid who thinks the world revolves around him. You possess intelligence and humor and an innate sexuality that brings a part of me to life that I haven’t seen in a very long time. And judging by your comments, the little rebel in you is new. Are you afraid of it?”

  She stared up at him, her head shaking just slightly. “No. Not with you. Something is different…something is…right…but…”

  “But you’re used to your career coming between you and the rest of the world,” the set of her lips told him she wasn’t going to answer but he saw the concern in her eyes. “I’m not those guys, Molly. To be honest, I don’t know where the urge to voice my thoughts has come from, but I’ve decided that I like it. I’m thinking it’s those endless interviews with resort personnel telling me how vital honesty was in this venture. I like telling you how aroused you make me and I see something spark in those beautiful, big eyes that says it’s working for you, too.” He pulled her closer, his hands sliding over her hips and onto her behind. “Tell me you’re not hot? Tell me when we kissed up on the bluff that you weren’t wet and horny?”

  “I would be lying,” she finally admitted.

  “Then what’s wrong? Let’s continue our date.” It took control pulled from the soles of his boots to take his hands off the globes of her ass and twine his fingers with hers. “Come on. I’ll buy you a milkshake.”

  Molly was tugged along to where the bike was parked, her laugher bright. “A milkshake?”

  “Yeah, it’s what guys do for their girls on dates. Take ‘em to a good burger joint to show ‘em off and ply them with ice cream. I heard it was a big winner back in the day,” Jonathon unlocked the helmet and pulled his gloves free before opening the back case for her. He mounted the bike and steadied it with his feet firmly planted on the ground, his hand up for her to hold.

  “It’s almost midnight,” she said as she gripped his fingers and climbed behind him, the helmet out and case closed.

  “Got a curfew?” When she giggled, he dropped the helmet over his head and pulled the gloves on before starting the humming engine.

  As a plan it seemed more than plausible. Until he realized that neither of them knew the area. But he hadn’t climbed to be CEO of several companies at a young age for nothing. He quickly pulled his gloves back off and unzipped his jacket.

  “What’s wrong?” Molly leaned in, pressing her chest against his back and peering over his shoulder. She saw the phone in his hand and watched the screens zipping past. “Ahh…need the burger joint so you can impress your girl,” she guessed with a little nod.

  “Got just the place,” he informed her, tapping the address into a small device on the dash of the motorcycle before sliding the phone back to an inside pocket on his jacket. “Hold on, Molly.”

  Molly had to agree as she saw the burger joint pull into view, it certainly looked like it belonged in the fifties. A huge overhang protecting cars; carhops carrying trays to the vehicles and bright lights all around. And the place was definitely popular. Even at midnight.

  “Creamsicle,” she answered after stepping from the bike and waiting for him to join her at one of the wooden tables set to the side of the parking area.

  “Creamsicle,” he said flatly.

  “Don’t judge,” she instructed, taking a little jump and sitting on the edge of the table, legs swinging as she waited with a smile. There was a definite advantage to watching a man with muscled, long legs and an ass that filled in the seat of his jeans. She had no idea she was that sexist until she’d been afforded the view of Jonathon walking away from her several times now. “Very fine,” she breathed, feeling the heat pooling between her thighs and going over their conversation in her mind while she waited.

  It certainly was a kiss that would remain in her memory for a long time. She wondered if it was the clothing, or the natural bearing that Jonathon carried around him. He was confident and it came very natural to him. And he was interested in her.

  When he turned away from the window with their milkshakes, he was glad of shadows, glad of tight jeans and damn glad he’d gotten hit in the face with a pair of gossamer wings. The paper cups were cold beneath his hands but his blood was coming to a boil just watching her do a little excited jiggle when she saw him coming toward her.

  What more could a guy possibly need in life?

  The ponytail at the back of her head had come a little loose with the on and off of the helmet and he made a mental note to take her to one of the local shops and get one a little larger that would fit her better.

  He wasn’t sure if it was ego or plain and simple self-confidence, but something was informing him to do whatever was necessary to keep Molly Fielding in his life. And if he’d believed for a minute two weeks ago that he’d be in a fifties style burger joint buying milkshakes, he’d have told himself he was in serious need of a vacation. A long vacation. Yet he’d never felt more relaxed. Aside from the throbbing in his cock.

  He mentally ordered it to go away. It was too soon to drag her off to bed for a week or longer. Preferably a lot longer. Then there was the image of that long silver hair streaming down her back, stretched out on his bed with her ass and long legs betrayed and that image did nothing to make his cock stop dreaming.

  Jonathon sighed to himself as he walked. His cock ignored him completely when he looked over and saw her do another excited, sexy little butt wiggle where she sat on the table the instant she saw him coming toward her.

  Control was vastly overrated.

  She was excited about being with him and having a simple milkshake. He could see the genuine happiness glowing in her dark eyes and felt himself sinking a little further.

  “Creamsicle for the lady,” he offered the large cup, a spoon and straw sticking out the top of the creative swirl.

  “Ahh…a vanilla man,” Molly pulled her lower lip between her teeth.

  Jonathon felt his groin tighten and fought the urge to lick the faint hint of orange where the spoon had been seconds before.

  “I’m sure that’s something that should be discussed.” He spooned some of the thick chocolate into his mouth, grinning at the slight choking she was working through. “I think they call it negotiations. Part of finding out just how compatible we are.”

  “What were they like?” Molly asked after a few spoons full of the very orange icy milkshake. “Your wives.”

  Jonathon stared at her for a long minute and then shifted his gaze to the vanilla beneath his spoon.

  “Part of our full disclosure pact,” he said with a slow breath.

  “I think reflection and self-awareness comes with age,” Molly said thoughtfully, licking the back of the spoon and watching him. “You don’t have to answer. Just say it’s too painful or none of my business. I’ve refused you access to a part of my past, Jonathon. It’s alright.”

  “Does the part you’ve denied me involve an ex, Molly?” He asked curiously. Maybe buying himself a little time to collect his thoughts. How long had it been since he analyzed why things had fallen apart? Twice. Not that there was a vast difference between the type of woman, and that was where he blamed his choices and his personality for the failures.

  Molly offered up a little laugh, her head shaking and the ponytail twitching behind her. “Oh, no. Not even remotely. I was barely twelve when that debacle began.” She stopped abruptly, focusing on another spoonful of ice cream.

  “Then we’ll agree that…for the time being, at least…there’s an acceptable block that I’ll grant you a pass on,” he met the dark eyes that lifted from her cup.

  “You’ve asked about me…I’ve had boyfriends. I never married, though.”

  “Does it bother your folks th
at you’re still single?” Jonathon asked the question and saw an immediate jolt to her body as if she’d been struck with something visibly solid and painful.

  “I doubt it. Unless there was profit in it for them, I’m not even a blip on their radar,” she finally said with a little smile. “Not what you’d call a good relationship.”

  “I’m sorry. My folks live in the south of New Mexico. They love the heat.”

  “You lived in Houston, Jonathon,” she laughed. “You must like it, too. Florida isn’t so bad because of the ocean. I spent most of my free time in the water. I’m looking for a place to take cold water training in the spring, once things settle into a decent routine at the hospital. Do you swim?”

  “I swim and SCUBA,” he told her with a grin. “Something else we have in common. Maybe we can take the cold water class together. I’ll have to locate a place to get a decent wetsuit. I’m used to the warm waters of the Gulf.”

  “That would be fun,” she said softly.

  “Neither of my wives liked SCUBA or much of anything outside, for that matter. I met Pamela in the first year of college. I was…delusional…young…naïve. Definitely naïve,” he repeated thoughtfully, looking back at the times and the person he was; the person others wanted him to be.

  “I think part of being young is being hopeful,” Molly said with a little grin. “Not delusional. Have you always been so hard on yourself?”

  Jonathon moved to the table and sat on the heavy wooden bench seat. He should be tired. It was twelve-forty five and he’d been up since six am. Yet he discovered he wasn’t the least bit ready to end their night, even if it meant talking about himself and his choices.

  “Have you always been so sweet and positive that there’s an explanation for the idiot decisions and indiscretions a guy makes?”

  “Never cared enough to ask anyone else,” Molly admitted with a shrug. “And I’m not sweet,” she corrected.

  “If you can correct my delusions, I can correct your perceptions,” he told her in a voice that wouldn’t argue with her about it. “I think smart people interested in not repeating their mistakes, learn from them. I hope to god I have. Pamela came from a rich family and had what I now call spoiled tendencies. Then I saw them as part of her youth. Maybe even part of her charm. That and really nice…” He cleared his throat when a bubble of laughter came from in between spoons of ice cream. “Her hobbies were shopping and tearing down people with less money than she had. I was blinded by some obvious charms and testosterone. Not a good combination,” he said, grinning at the laugh she offered.


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