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Saving the Beast (Interracial Shifter Romance) (Awakening Pride, Book Four) by Lacey Thorn

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by Lacey Thorn

  Table of Contents

  Saving the Beast

  Saving the Beast Copyright © 2014, Lacey Thorn Edited

  Book Description


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  About the Author

  Dear Readers,

  Also Available from Resplendence Publishing

  Saving the Beast

  An Awakening Pride Story

  By Lacey Thorn

  Resplendence Publishing


  Gems of Romantic Fiction

  Saving the Beast

  Copyright © 2014, Lacey Thorn

  Edited by Delaney Sullivan and Liza Green

  Cover Art by Les Byerley

  Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  1093 A1A Beach Blvd, #146

  St. Augustine, FL 32080

  Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-841-1

  Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Electronic Release: December 2014

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

  A Primal Panther...

  An injection of a feral virus surges through his veins, trapping him in the skin of his animal. He’s fighting for dominance, struggling not to lose himself to the beast. There’s only one thing that can save him, one person who can help set him free.

  A Mate’s Love...

  Diane left everything she knew behind to follow the Professor into the unknown. Now, she lives among people she never knew existed and fights daily to keep them alive and healthy. She’s felt a spark with Zane since the day he arrived, but his avoidance leaves her guessing.


  As the virus rages, only the touch of a mate can rescue the man trapped inside, leading Diane down a path she feels ill-prepared to take. If she’s not his mate, Zane might just kill her. If she is, then she’s the only one with a chance at saving the beast.

  This one goes out to my close friend, Brynn Paulin. I love the fact I can pick up the phone and call her anytime to bounce ideas or just share my excitement. When I first came up with the storyline for Waking the Beast, I called her. I know she could tell how excited I was and how much the story and series idea meant to me. She was just as excited and urged me to hurry and write the book. Who knew all those years ago when we met in a “Frog’s Pond”, we’d end up becoming such fast friends.

  Chapter One

  Diane Renway stood at the window, looking out into the woods that surrounded the cabin. Once again she waged an internal debate over Zane Ephraim and whether or not she should go after him. According to Clara, only his mate could save him now, and the veiled looks she sent Diane indicated who Clara thought that person could be. Diane wasn’t so sure. She’d been around long enough to know how these shifters were with their mates, and they didn’t avoid them as Zane had her. It was the uncertainty that dominated her thoughts lately, at a time when she couldn’t afford to split her focus. There was too much demanding her attention at present.

  Most important was Abby—the wife of their pride leader Tah—who was pregnant and expected to deliver within the next ten to twelve days. Then there was the Professor, who had so many studies going on when it came to the shifter blood that Diane’s head hurt. It didn’t help that the man was prone to keeping things to himself until situations forced him to share with the rest of them. His latest project had them monitoring Finn Dockery closely and running scheduled testing on him to watch for any changes.

  Finn had been captured by a group of hunters and left for dead. Luckily his brother, Murphy, along with Zane, found Finn in time and got him back to them. The Professor had given Finn a shot of the concoction the Professor had been working on using shifter blood to help speed up the healing process in the human contingent of their little group. Finn was the first person tested with it. Finn was also the brother of a shifter, something the Professor only disclosed after he’d been given the shot. As a full-blooded sibling, Finn carried the same DNA coding as his brother and was also thought to carry an animal spirit within him. So far that animal remained dormant.

  “Wouldn’t you agree, Diane?” the Professor asked, interrupting her train of thoughts.

  “What?” she asked, trying to focus once more on the conversation around her. She wanted to disappear back into the lab, not be up here for this meeting. Unfortunately, Tah had informed them it was mandatory and demanded her presence.

  “The tests, Diane! I was telling them about the tests we’ve been running on Finn,” the Professor answered, sounding exasperated with her.

  “Are you okay?” Abby asked, rubbing her hand over the mound of her belly.

  “I’m fine,” Diane said. “I apologize.” She glanced at Tah. “So far, all the tests show is an increase in the hormone we’ve isolated as being present in only the shifters, but the level is still much lower than the rest of you so we’re assuming his animal is still dormant at this time.”

  “Which sucks,” Finn interjected, making Murphy laugh.

  “We’ll keep up the testing—” Diane began.

  Finn groaned.

  “But move it to weekly at this point,” the Professor continued.

  “How are you feeling?” Tah asked Finn.

  “Great,” Finn replied. “Never been better.”

  “He’s just ready to get away from the labs and the Professor,” Murphy interjected.

  “Finish up tests today and we’ll talk about putting you back on permanent rotation,” Tah said.

  “I’d be happy to have him with me,” Murphy offered. “I’m used to keeping an eye on his sorry ass.”

  “You wish,” Finn grunted good-naturedly. “Everyone knows I’m the one who watches out for you.”

  “We’ll talk about it after the tests.” Tah interrupted the brothers then turned back to the Professor. “What about Logan?”

  “I’m fine,” Logan vowed.

  Diane shook her head without thinking, earning a glare from Logan. He’d made his wishes abundantly clear—he didn’t want Tah worrying about him anymore.

  “What is that exchange all about? Are they keeping something from me, Diane?” Tah demanded while the Professor sent her a glare, too.

  He’d also asked her not to say anything, though his reasoning was to wait until they had more information to go on. Too late now.

  “The feral virus hasn’t dissipated like we expected,” she admitted. “There are still traces showing up in his blood work.”

  “What does that mean?” Tah demanded, then turned to glare at Logan. “And why the hell wasn’t I supposed to know this?”

You’ve got enough on your plate to worry about.” Logan grunted.

  “Fuck that!” Tah roared.

  “Logan is fine.” Diane rushed to assure the leader of their growing pride. “He’s not displaying any other signs of the feral fever as he did immediately after being injected.”

  “Is that true?” Tah turned and demanded of Clara, Logan’s mate.

  She nodded. “He’s fine, Tah. I’m keeping an eye on him. I promise.”

  Tah snorted. “I swear if one more person tries to hide shit from me, I’m going to come totally fucking unglued on their ass. You’re not alleviating the stress by trying to keep me in the dark. You’re adding to it!”

  Tah turned and glared at Diane. “Don’t keep secrets from me anymore,” he thundered.

  She felt her temper flare as his gaze locked with hers, making her feel as if she were the one responsible for all the half-truths and undisclosed information. Luckily, the Professor answered before she opened her mouth to vent the scathing remark hovering on the tip of her tongue.

  “We’ve only kept quiet because we don’t know what it means,” the Professor stated. “It’s there but doesn’t seem to be causing any problems. We’re watching it. If it changes in any way, we’ll let you know.”

  “I want full disclosure, Professor.” Tah growled, his canines flashing.

  The Professor narrowed his gaze but didn’t reply.

  “Is there anything else I need to be aware of?” Tah asked, and Diane saw him make a point of meeting the eyes of everyone in the room.

  The Professor shook his head, and Diane could almost hear him reminding her there was nothing to report until there was something to report.

  “Diane?” Tah asked, turning toward her once more.

  “Oh for God’s sake,” the Professor boomed out when she didn’t answer immediately. “Pay attention to the conversation.”

  “Are you asking me if there’s anything you should be aware of?” she asked Tah sweetly, sending a veiled look toward the Professor. She saw him blanch and give an almost imperceptible nod of his head. If she didn’t have so much respect for the man, she’d let her temper have free reign. But she did respect him, and damn it, she loved him like the father she’d never had.

  “Diane,” Tah prompted again.

  “No,” she answered. “There’s nothing I’m aware of. We’ve got our hands full as it is.”

  Tah nodded, but Diane wasn’t sure if he believed her or not.

  “What about Lydia?” Clara lobbed her question into the silence. “Any change there?”

  Diane shook her head and hated the sadness that filled Clara’s eyes and the wary concern that shone in Amia’s. Both women had loved Lydia at one time as a mother figure. Amia Blane, mate to Reno, was the biological daughter of Lydia and Marcus Blane. When her mother had escaped the cruelty of the Blane Hunters, she’d left Amia behind with Marcus, the leader of the Blanes. Despite the reasons that had come to light about her mother’s decision, Amia still couldn’t forgive her.

  Then there was Clara, who’d been living in the community Lydia had run to for help and safety. Clara’s father had been the captured shifter who’d sent Lydia to them. Unfortunately, his fate had already been sealed when Lydia had tried to save him. Clara had lost her dad but gained a mom for the first time since her birth when her biological mother hadn’t survived the delivery. Clara had found it hard not to remember the broken down Lydia who’d arrived devastated about leaving her daughter behind. Clara tolerated the hatred and contempt that spewed from Lydia now because she remembered the early days—the broken days. But even with Amia and Clara’s differing opinions, they still seemed to have become the best of friends, along with Abby.

  “Dillon isn’t talking about what he gave her. Her blood work doesn’t show the same anomaly Logan’s does, making me think it’s not the same form of feral cat virus. There are enough similarities to make us suspect it could be a similar strain. But without knowing for sure…” Diane’s words trickled off, and she shook her head again in frustration. “Whatever drug he gave her, she’s had it in her system a long time. It’s had an enormous effect on her body, and…” She paused, unsure of how to disclose the rest.

  “And what?” Amia asked and went over to stand next to Clara, taking the other woman’s hand with hers. “Tell us.”

  “Lydia Blane is dying,” the Professor informed them all when Diane faltered. “Whatever drug she’s been fed, it’s taken over her entire body, every system. And now without it—she’s shutting down.”

  “Dying? Is there nothing we can do?” Clara demanded, shaking her head in denial.

  Logan moved behind her, wrapping his arms at her waist and pulling her back to rest against his chest while Amia continued to hold her hand.

  Reno moved to Amia’s side, showing his mate support and love with an arm at her hip and a shoulder where Amia leaned her head. The way they stood, the four of them, warmed Diane’s heart and made her ache for something similar for herself. Before her thoughts could once more turn to Zane, she shoved them aside and answered.

  “We don’t know,” Diane answered softly. “Everything we’ve tried to do, hoping to counter it, isn’t working. I don’t know what he gave her or why. Unless we find out and can get our hands on it or find a way to help her body begin healing, she won’t last much longer.”

  “I’ll beat it out of the bastard,” Logan swore as tears trickled down his mate’s cheeks.

  “Already tried,” Murphy admitted with a grunt. “Even broke his arm.”

  “What?” Tah snarled. “You tortured him?”

  “He’s a shifter. He’ll heal…eventually,” Murphy said with a shrug. “Diane needed answers. He wasn’t willing to speak. I showed him what I thought of that.”

  “Murphy!” Abby admonished.

  “Jesus!” Tah grunted. “We’re not monsters. We can’t just break bones to get answers.”

  “Didn’t work anyway,” Murphy said. “Man’s got his lips sealed tighter than a vault. He’s not saying a word.”

  “No more torture,” Tah admonished.

  “If you say so,” Murphy agreed with a jerk of his head.

  Tah paced from one end of the room to the other and silence descended over them. Once more, Diane’s mind returned to thoughts of Zane. She missed seeing him. Lately, he’d been coming around more often. She remembered when he’d arrived with a seriously wounded Finn. She should have rushed out to Finn, but instead, she’d gone straight to Zane. She’d touched his face, looked in his golden eyes and let her hands move over his broad chest, assuring herself he was okay. For a moment, she swore she saw promise in his gaze.

  She’d known then there was something about him she’d never be able to deny again. That one touch had sent a bolt of…something…through her. Something that set her blood on fire with a need for more from him. She wanted his kiss, his touch, wanted to feel him skin to skin. Her body ached deep inside with the need to feel him there. But was it because she was his mate? She wished for the millionth time that she had more experience with men, with sex, and relationships in general, but she didn’t.

  Diane had been the nerd in high school. The youngest in her class, who preferred to have her nose buried in a book instead of cheering on the team at homecoming. Books were her only real friends, whether it was the ones she studied to reach her goals or the ones she immersed herself in to forget the taunts of bullies. She blamed that start in life for the fact that she was still technically a virgin, as she assumed toys didn’t count. Well, that and the demands of her previous job. She’d had opportunity and had even contemplated doing the deed a time or two, but something had always held her back. It seemed part of her wanted the romance story hero, the strong alpha who would sweep her off her feet and claim her before she could even think to say no.

  She almost laughed at that. Perhaps she should have been more careful with what she’d wished for. She had a feeling if Zane decided she was his mate, he’d do just that. Her heartbeat sped
up, and her breasts swelled, the nipples hardening with desire. She wanted his hands on her, his tongue and teeth ravishing her. She wanted him, all six and half feet of the man she considered an ebony god. He was beautiful, stunning, and his light-gold eyes took her breath away when he locked his gaze on her.

  Would he be a demanding lover? A considerate one? Would he take it slow and easy when she confessed he would be her first? Thinking of that, the knowledge he would be the first man to join with her, to thrust a piece of himself inside her… Those thoughts did things to her, things that left her thighs damp and her womb clenching with a need no vibrator could relieve. She wanted Zane, and only him. She craved him with a carnality no virgin should feel. She desired him in a way that scared her deep in her soul and left her drowning in uncertainty.

  Why had he avoided her at first? She’d planned to find out. She’d hoped to spend more time with Zane, getting to know him and seeing if this was more than just a touch of lust for such a sexy man. She loved her fairness next to his dark, her curves next to his brawn. He made her feel dainty and feminine due to his sheer masculinity and size.

  “Diane!” the Professor yelled, interrupting her wayward thoughts that always seemed to be on Zane lately.

  “What?” she snapped, beyond caring about the flash of temper she revealed.

  “Where is your head at today?” the Professor demanded. “We were discussing possible other options for Lydia. I asked your opinion.”

  “How the hell should I know?” she answered louder than she’d intended. “You all seem to have forgotten I’m not an M.D. I have a Ph.D. in Biology. I specialized in zoology, specifically large cats. I’m known internationally as an expert on lions. Lions, not people.” She gave a short bark of laughter and shook her head. “Now I’m operating on humans. Pulling bullets out, closing wounds, digging out foreign objects. I’m taking blood and running test after test after test, searching for God only knows what. I’m so far out of my element, it’s not even funny anymore. You want my opinion on other options for saving Lydia? I don’t know. I just don’t know.” She took a deep breath. Even she could hear the hysteria edging into her voice. Jesus, this was not the time or place for her to lose it. She glanced up warily.


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