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Virtue: A Knight World Novel (Fireborn Wolves Book 2)

Page 19

by Genevieve Jack

  “So how do we get in?” Jason asked.

  Ryker’s brow puckered, that wicked grin turning his full lips. With a twist of his neck, his entire body transformed into a column of smoke that filtered under the door and reformed inside. He unlocked and opened the door for them.

  “That must come in handy,” Selene said.

  The demon held a long tapered finger to his lips. “Shhh.” They followed him up the stairs, Selene rolling her footsteps to keep them as quiet as possible. Jason did the same. Ryker’s feet never seemed to fully make contact with the floor.

  When they reached apartment 5A, Ryker stopped, inhaling deeply. He glanced at Jason and did the disappearing smoke act again. The lock clicked slowly and the door opened.

  Jason motioned to Selene to wait where she was. She shook her head. Not a chance. They drifted into the apartment, but it was completely empty. Not so much as a chair in the main room.

  Selene turned to Jason in confusion and caught a streak of blue move out from behind the door. “Look out!”

  Alex’s joined hands pounded the back of Jason’s skull, sending him toppling forward. Instead of falling flat on his stomach, Jason tucked and rolled. Selene shuffled out of the way as Ryker blew through Alex like a dark wind and disappeared. So much for a show of solidarity. While Alex shook off the sting of sulfur, Selene went for the amulet. She planted her bare foot on his stomach, snatched the dragon scale, and lifted. It slid over his head easily enough, but his hand shot out and caught the chain.

  “Not yours, wolf bitch.” Alex sneered at her before wrapping his hand in the chain and yanking, hard. Her slight weight tumbled into the wall.

  Jason jumped onto Alex’s back, his bigger size dwarfing the rogue wolf’s sickly physique. One, two quick punches to the werewolf’s temple and Jason had him by the throat. Alex spun away and stumbled backward toward the window, holding his neck with one hand and his side with the other.

  “Still hurting, Alex?” Jason asked, approaching slowly. “Maybe you needed another month in Nickelova’s pickle jar. I don’t have one of those for you to heal in, but the pack has a nice strong prison cell.”

  Alex donned the amulet again. “I could kill you, blow you apart. But we worked together to fight Nickelova, Jason. We’d be stronger if we joined forces now. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Selene focused in on a bead of sweat at Alex’s temple. It rolled down the side of his face, followed by another. His muscles twitched like he could barely hold himself up.

  “You can’t hurt us,” Selene said. “Not without hurting yourself even more.”

  Alex took a step back.

  “All magic comes with a price. Using that amulet costs you, and judging by your appearance, you’ve paid a high price the last couple of days. You’re even more emaciated than you were only days ago. You might be able to use magic against us, but the process could kill you.”

  Jason took another step forward. “Where’s the heart?”

  Baring his teeth, Alex said, “Somewhere safe.”

  A black mist collected between them. Ryker. He held up the throbbing red jewel Selene knew was Nickelova’s heart. “Mmm hmm. Yes. It was in a safe, hidden under the floorboards in the bedroom.” The incubus grinned. “Finders keepers.” He glanced between Alex and Jason, his barbed tail sweeping the air behind him.

  “No!” Alex cried and dove for the heart. Ryker gave him a patronizing wave before dissolving from within his arms, heart and all.

  Jason used the distraction to his advantage. He plowed his shoulder into Alex with a righteous howl. They scuffled toward the window where Alex gripped Jason by the shoulders and yanked.

  “Watch out!” Selene screamed, but it was too late. Glass shattered. The two wolves tumbled through the fifth story window.

  Selene ran to the edge, searching the sidewalk below. Alex was gone, and Jason lay facedown on the concrete. “Oh no, Jason!”

  Chapter 29

  Selene thundered down the steps loud enough to wake the dead. Luckily, if any of the undead in the apartments did wake, they didn’t bother emerging from their afternoon’s rest. She raced to Jason’s side, just as he was pushing himself up off the concrete.

  “Are you hurt? Maybe you shouldn’t move.” Glancing up at the hole that was the fifth-floor window, she examined his body, searching for signs of injury.

  “I’m okay.” Jason rolled over, pushing himself up on one elbow. “Alex used the amulet to break his fall before he blinked out of here. I only fell a couple of feet. It didn’t feel good but I’m not damaged.”

  “Thank the goddess.” Selene pressed a hand to her chest.

  “Silas isn’t going to be happy to learn Alex got away again.” Jason ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

  “Silas needs to count his blessings. By the look of Alex’s aura, he’s going to be underground for a while. The man was sick. Very, very sick.”


  “His entire being was surrounded by a dirty gray halo. He wasn’t completely healed. My guess is that he’ll be searching for a healer to finish what Nickelova started. He’s not strong enough to go far. Silas will find him. Plus, thanks to you, Alex no longer has Nickelova’s heart.”

  Jason’s face fell. “Speaking of the heart…” He rose from the concrete and took her hand, pulling her in the direction of Lost Things. He called Ryker’s name as soon as he walked through the door.

  “Back so soon?” The demon appeared between two piles of antique crap, looking quite pleased with himself.

  “No thanks to you.”

  “What part of our agreement led you to believe I’d help you kill Alex?”

  Jason shook his head. “The heart…”

  “Is mine. That was our agreement.”

  “What do you plan to do with it?”

  Ryker gave a knowing smile. “Save it for a rainy day. A treasure like that could be dangerous in the wrong hands. I intend to keep it in the right ones. Mine.” He flourished his fingers in the air.

  Jason nodded. “I trust you’ll let me know if anything changes in that department. No matter what Alex or anyone else offers you, give me a chance to top it before you let it go.”

  Ryker looked confused for a moment, then answered in a slow and steady tone. “The heart is not for sale, Mr. Flynn. I plan to keep it for my own purposes. But I want you to know, I cherish our relationship and won’t let it fall into the wrong hands. You can count on me to keep it safe. Now, can I interest you in a gift for your lovely new mate? Perhaps a candle that tells your future in its smoke?” He lifted a black wax taper from a pile beside him.

  “No,” Selene said firmly, pulling Jason toward the door. “Thank you, Ryker, but we have to go.”

  “Very well. A pleasure to see you again, Selene. Good luck with your new… situation.”

  The door chimed as it closed behind them and they headed, hand in hand, back to the car.

  “One more bite?” Jason held a forkful of Valentine’s chocolate cake in front of Selene’s lips, his hand cupped beneath her mouth to keep any crumbs from falling onto the sheets. After an afternoon of shopping, they’d stopped at their now-favorite restaurant, Valentine’s, for dinner to go.

  “Ugh, it’s delicious, but I couldn’t eat another bite,” Selene said.

  It had been two days since he’d tackled Alex through the window—two days since they’d moved in together—and Jason couldn’t remember ever being happier.

  “I love to watch you eat.”

  “Really?” She laughed.

  “Really. The thought of providing for you is oddly satisfying.” He leaned over her, stroking the delicate space between her eye and her cheekbone with the back of his fingers. “I want to give you the best of everything until the shine coming off of you tells everyone you’re mine.”

  Selene glanced around the room at the dozens of packages lined up against the wall of their bedroom. “The things you buy me won’t say I’m yours.” She laughed when his face fell in horror.
“But I will. I’ll tell everyone.”

  He kissed her softly. “I like that. I plan to do the same. Speaking of telling people, I was thinking we could get married next summer, in Italy. We can go there first. Soon. Find the perfect place.”

  “Italy? But… I need to find a job. I’m not an acolyte anymore. I thought you could help me choose a new career.”

  He lifted his eyebrows. “You don’t have to work if you don’t want to.”

  “I want to! I have to have something to do while you’re doing what you do.”

  His face turned serious and he gave her a long hard look. “What is it that you’re passionate about?” In all his years as an investor, he’d learned the most successful careers and companies were based on passion. He wouldn’t let her settle for anything less.

  She stared at the ceiling for a moment. “Other than studying the goddess, I’d have to say baking. I love to bake.”

  Jason gave her an ear-to-ear grin. “Perfect. My company will fund your bakery start-up. Step one: research other bakeries. I recommend we start in Italy, perhaps with a side trip to a culinary school in France.”

  She giggled. “Italy. What a coincidence.” She shrugged. “Fine. I guess I have to start somewhere.”

  “Me too.” He kissed her neck in earnest.

  “Haven’t you had enough?” Selene joked as his lips worked their way down her body once more.

  He stopped and locked eyes with her, allowing all levity to bleed from his expression. For days he’d analyzed his wolf, waiting for his vice to return with a vengeance. Waiting to want another woman so badly that he’d have to lock himself in his bedroom again to stop from hurting Selene. But that day hadn’t come. All he wanted, all his wolf wanted, was her.

  “Yes and no,” he said. She quirked an eyebrow. “Yes, you are enough for me. Just you. Forever.”

  She smiled sheepishly. “And no?”

  “No, I have not had enough… of you.”

  She squealed with joy as he pulled her beneath him once more, her body quickly melding with his. Threading his fingers into hers above her head he dedicated himself to making her believe she was the only woman in his universe.


  Silas sat at the bar in Valentine’s restaurant, sipping his vodka and tonic and trying hard to forget that Alex was back in Carlton City. With the dragon fae amulet in his possession again, no one was safe. Sometimes being a detective and the alpha responsible for Fireborn pack was like bailing a boat with a large hole in the bottom. As soon as he thought he’d done what was necessary to keep his wolves safe, something would happen and they’d be at risk again. And nothing he could do as their leader or as a member of the Carlton City PD could help.

  He didn’t blame Jason for what happened. If he’d had to choose between Nickelova or Alex, he’d have chosen Alex too. What was that old saying? Out of the frying pan, into the fire? As a werewolf, Alex was the less threatening option, with or without the amulet. Not to mention, according to Jason, he was still recovering from his injuries. With the right help, Silas knew he could track Alex down and end this war for good.

  “The answers you’re looking for aren’t at the bottom of that glass,” Soleil purred into his ear. When had she arrived? Standing behind him, her presence put off a sunny glow in the dim light, her radiant heat warming his back. “I came as soon as I heard.”

  She slid onto the leather seat of the stool next to him with the grace of a dancer. Everything about her was long and polished, down to the golden blond chignon that crowned her head. His stomach twisted from holding back his desire for her. For a moment, he flashed back to the last time he’d had her in his bed, the alcohol fueling a vivid recall of the warmth of her skin and the soft feel of her body. He squirmed on his stool and focused on his glass.

  “Have you heard anything? Any sign of Alex?” he asked her.

  “No. I’ve spoken with all the girls. He hasn’t come into the bordello. With dragon fae magic, he might be able to conceal his appearance, but as you know, what makes Maison des Étoilles extraordinary is my girls can read our patrons’ thoughts, their deepest and truest desires.”

  “I remember,” he said. His eyes betrayed him and he looked at her again, his gaze tracing the deep vee of her royal blue wrap dress. It tied at her waist with a bow that Silas desperately wanted to pull. He forced his attention back to his drink and cleared the thickness from his throat. “He’s weak. Not visibly injured, but emaciated. In need of care. Jason doesn’t think he could have gone far.”

  “I see. Probably in no need of sex then.” She narrowed her blue eyes. “He’ll go underground. You said he was last seen in the vampire district?”

  “Yes. Just north of Lost Things.”

  “Interesting. I haven’t heard a thing, which means…”

  “Someone must be helping him.”

  “A vampire?”

  “Seems likely. Most vampires have no moral qualms about hosting a murderer, especially in trade for daylight services. A werewolf watchdog while you’re in the coffin would be more than fair payment for hiding, feeding, and healing.”

  “Vampires aren’t traditionally healers,” Soleil said.

  “Not per se, but vampire blood has healing properties for various supernaturals.”

  “It also has side effects.”

  Silas nodded, taking a swig of his drink. “Use too much blood and he’ll bind himself to the vampire. Alex will become the bloodsucker’s pet if he’s not careful.”

  “It’s more likely he’ll try to find a witch or dark fae to do the healing, even under a vampire’s protection.” Soleil frowned. “I’ll do some research and bring you a list of underground healers.”

  “Thanks, Sol.”

  She turned her attention fully on him. “How are you handling all this?” When she crossed her legs and leaned toward him on the bar stool, the slit of her dress fell to either side of her knee and gave him an eyeful. Repeat the alphabet. Think of teddy bears. He rolled his eyes toward the ceiling.

  “The empty glass isn’t enough of a clue?”

  “You’re welcome in my room anytime, you know, if you need to work off some of that stress. I’ve missed you.”

  And now his erection was straining against his fly with a vengeance. “There are nights I dream of taking you up on that offer,” he said, trying not to look at her. “But I meant what I said.”

  “You want exclusivity.”

  “I’m a man and I’m an alpha. I don’t like to share.”

  “And I’m a madam of a bordello. Sharing is my business.”

  “You run the place, Soleil. It’s not as if you’re the one for hire.”

  “I’ve seen many males, human and supernatural, cross through my doors. Trust me when I tell you, monogamy is a disease. I love you too much to curse you with it.”

  “And I loved you too much to give you anything less.” With that he did allow his gaze to meet hers, her dark blue eyes reflecting the light from the bottles behind the bar. Her irises reminded him of the star-filled night sky.

  “I didn’t come here to fight,” she said. “I came to try to help. A dragon’s heart is a powerful weapon in the wrong hands.”

  Silas sighed. “Well, that is one problem solved. Ryker found Nickelova’s heart while my brother Jason was pounding Alex’s face. Alex got away with the dragon scale amulet, but the heart is safe with Ryker.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “If you consider that yard sale of a shop Ryker runs safe. Although a demon would never give up a prize like that, not for all the money in the world.”


  Soleil looked at him incredulously. “Unlike us, demons and dragon fae are made of the same stuff. They originated with the horned god, Panaal. It is said that a demon with a dragon’s heart is impervious to the usual things that can kill a demon: a seraph blade, holy water, and burning the bones of the human body he was birthed from.”

  Silas swirled the ice in his glass. “I guess I don’t know much about de

  “Take my word for it, Ryker will wear that thing around his neck if he can find a locket it will fit in. And he’ll never let it out of his possession.”

  “As long as it’s out of Alex’s hands, I’m going to count that as a win.”

  She reached out to run her nails through the back of his hair. He closed his eyes. “You’re the smartest man I’ve ever known. You’ll figure this out. I know you will.”

  Her fingers trailed from his neck and her lips landed on his cheek, her fresh-as-sunrise scent filling his lungs. He opened his eyes in time to see her crossing to the door.

  “I’ll bring you a list of healers as soon as I can get it,” she said.

  “Thank you.” His voice was all gravel.

  With a small wave goodbye, she allowed the door to close behind her.

  She was right. Silas would catch up to Alex. He had to. After what Alex had done to his parents, his siblings, and his pack, Silas owed him vengeance. He wouldn’t be able to sleep until Alex was a pile of bones. He was a talented detective. It was only a matter of time.

  Why then, as a detective, an alpha, and the smartest man she had ever known, could he not solve the mystery of Soleil’s heart? He motioned to the bartender to refill his vodka and tonic. There may not be any answers at the bottom of the glass, but tonight he was going to keep drinking.

  At least until he ran out of questions.

  For now, that was all he had.

  Continue the story with Vengeance, Fireborn Wolves Book 3! Turn the page to read an excerpt…

  Excerpt: Vengeance, Fireborn Wolves Book 3

  An alpha always puts his pack first.

  Detective Silas Flynn wants revenge. Since the day Alex Bloodright murdered his parents, he’s made it his mission to bring the rogue werewolf to justice. With information obtained from his ex-girlfriend, Soleil, the madam of the local bordello, he’s closer than ever to neutralizing Alex for good.


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