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Ignite (Black Inferno Book 2)

Page 3

by K. T Fisher

  Chapter Three


  As soon as we walk in, I'm a little in shock. When Cole told me this hotel had a bar, I thought it would be classy seeing as it's the Clift, but fuck me I didn't expect this. Strobe lights shine in reds and purples on the people who dance. On the far side is a shiny black bar with waitresses making their way through the groups of people laughing and talking, holding trays of bubbling drinks.

  I hold onto Cole's hand tightly as he makes his way through with Mason and Roxie closely following behind. We stop beside a small group of people laughing. When one man turns to face us, his face breaks out in a smile and he greets Mason and Cole like a long lost friend. He's a good looking man, dressed similar to Cole and Mason. I spy a few tattoos on his arms and he has those earrings in his ears that stretches the hole, gladly it's not too big. Only big enough to fit my little finger through; any bigger and it would weird me out. He has short dark hair, clean shaven face and I can tell he has a built frame.

  "Didn't think you'd make it," the man laughs and Cole laughs along with him.

  "It was worth it man."

  I have no idea what's going on, until the man glances to where Roxie and I stand watching. His face becomes warm and he takes a step in our direction. "Well, you beautiful ladies must be Lacey," he takes my hand and softly kisses it, then turns to Roxie "and Roxie." He takes Roxie’s hand and repeats what he just did to me. His eyes twinkle as he steps back and Cole steps back beside me.

  "Careful Tate." Cole teases.

  "This is Tate, he plays bass." Mason informs us as he tucks Roxie under his arm.

  So this is one of the bandmates we're meeting tonight. Well so far he seems fine, charming but fine. How did he manage to match our names to our faces? I'll have to ask Cole later, be quite rude to ask right now I suppose.

  "Where's Booker?" Cole asks him and Tate shrugs his shoulders.

  "Fuck if I know. He was standing here a minute ago, probably showing someone a goodtime." He winks at me and then finishes his drink. He surely doesn't mean what I think he's getting at.

  Mason laughs and shakes his head. "Every fucking time we're out. It's like the dude can't help himself. Why not talk to a girl first then leave with her rather than spotting her and finding a dark corner to have a quickie and then move to the next one?"

  Well Mason just answered my question. Tate was talking about the other man having sex in a public place. I'm about to think to myself that I would never do something like that but then my memories flash to the beach with Cole and I feel myself blush. I would never do it someplace like this though. That's just begging to be caught, but then maybe that’s the fun of it.

  After about ten minutes I start to feel a little more relaxed around Tate. He really is a charmer and I find myself liking him. Not in the way I like Cole obviously, but I think Tate could become a friend if this is how he acts all the time. Cole didn't like Tate showing me his charming ways though but Tate assured him he knew Roxie and I were off limits. If he's this charming with me and Roxie and we're off limits, then I dread to think how much he boosts his charm with other women!

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and it makes me jump. Roxie, who is standing beside me gasps and quickly spins to face the person who the hand belongs to. My eyes widen when I see the man. He's extremely handsome, dressed in leather with a few facial piercings. His hair is a dirty blond and rests about level with his strong jaw. He flashes me and Roxie a grin, teeth show and dimples pop. "I finally get to meet you ladies in person."

  The newcomer plants a kiss on my cheek and moves to do the same to Roxie but she stops him. She gives him her scowl. "I don't think so. Who the fuck are you?"

  The man smiles wide and chuckles. "I like this one Mason, she's feisty. Maybe she's too much for you to handle." He wiggles his eyebrows at Roxie. "How 'bout it baby? You want a man who can handle that fine ass of yours?"

  I see Roxie's fist tense and I know she's going to throw a punch but Mason quickly and gently moves her behind him before she can do anything. Not that Mason knew what Roxie was planning on doing because he was too busy glaring at the man. Cole grasps my hand and moves me out of the way. Tate loudly sighs and then gives me a kind wink when he saw I had looked at him.

  "What the fuck Booker!" Mason screams in the man’s face, who I now know as Booker. This must be the fourth member of the band. Mason takes a step closer so he's only a couple of centimeters from Booker. "You better watch what you fucking say."

  Booker just grins back. "You need to relax bro, chicks don't like that shit." He looks up to Roxie. "Ain't that right darling?"

  Mason pushes him but Booker only stumbles a little because he's a big man. He still wears his stupid grin as Mason goes for him, but Tate and Cole get in the middle. They both look bored so this leads me to believe this isn't the first time these two have had a run in.

  Tate places his arms on Booker's chest. "Do you have to wind him up every time Book?"

  Booker snickers. "I can't help it."

  I walk closer to where Cole is trying to calm Mason. "Just ignore him Mase. You always let him get to you. Just fucking chill the fuck out."

  Mason grabs Roxie's hand and walks toward the bar. Cole turns to me and tucks me close to his side as we go to dance. I'm looking forward to dancing with him. I almost skip my way to the dance floor.


  When we walk off the dance floor, I'm all hot and bothered from having Cole's hands all over me. God he's got me all sweaty and he hasn't even gotten me into bed yet, but I want desperately want him to. I want Cole to drag me out of this bar and to take me to our beautiful hotel room. I need to get him naked now, I want to see those tattoos of his. Instead, we walk up to Mason, who now looks calm as he holds Roxie in his arms. He's also standing with Tate who has a girl literally dry humping him and Booker, who is talking to Mason and Roxie. All of them are smiling so I’m guessing they kissed and made up.

  When we join them, they all turn to look. Booker gives me a cheeky smile and steps in front of me. "Lacey, I'm Booker, the most important member of the band, the drummer."

  Cole laughs. "Yeah keep telling yourself that Book."

  Booker scowls at Cole then looks back to me, his face softening as he does. "Sorry about before, I just like to piss him off."

  He flashes me a huge goofy smile that makes me laugh. He grabs me in a huge bear hug and I hear Cole say his name in a warning. "Relax Cole, we're just friends. Aren't we Lacey?"

  He sets me back and pats me on the head like a child. I think I’m going to really like Booker.

  Tension now out of the way and forgotten, we all able to enjoy ourselves. We bump into some celebrities throughout the night and they join our circle for a while. I'm a huge fan of the Harry Potter series, so when Tom Felton who plays Draco Malfoy greeted Cole in a friendly manner, I was temporarily star struck! I tried my best not to turn into a fan girl and mention anything related to Harry Potter.

  So when Tom turned to me to say hi as Cole introduced me, it was only natural that I say, “hi, I love all the films and the books.”

  My face went bright red but everyone laughed so it turned out ok. I’m such an embarrassment to myself sometimes!

  As the night continues, I notice quite a few, no, a lot of women seem to gravitate towards Cole and the band members like magnets. I don't like how their eyes devour Cole as they watch him. I understand that Cole is sexy, but he's standing here with me. Right next to me in fact with his arm around me! However when he introduces me as his girlfriend they give me a scowl when he's not looking. Roxie and I share a look and we both laugh. I'm so glad I have someone to laugh at these skanks with.

  We all drift to the dance floor for some more dancing and I'm glad to see Roxie has returned to her normal self, she was worrying me earlier.

  Roxie smiles over to me as a Rhianna song comes on, this one is our new favorite. Who am I kidding? We love anything to do with the woman! This song is called Pour It Up and she sings about stripper pol
es, what's not to love?

  When another favorite of mine, NaNa by Trey Songs, comes on I turn around and give Cole his own little dance. With the alcohol flowing through my system I think I'm doing a great job and when I feel the hardness that digs into my ass when I grind on him, I know I'm doing it perfectly.


  I'm glad when Cole tells me we're leaving because my feet are killing me! I'm bored of sweet talking celebrities and ignoring other women’s dirty looks. They're just jealous that I'm with Cole and they’re not. I suppose if I want to be with him, it's something I'm going to have to put up with.

  Mason and Roxie decide to leave like us; besides Roxie looks a little bit drunk as she follows Mason out. Roxie is a woman who likes to have a few drinks when we're out and holds her head high when she does. She's what I call a classy drunk, but right now she's walking unsteadily on her feet and her make-up is a little smudged, which I’ve never seen on a night out before. Maybe she’s just had a long day.

  Booker and Tate let us know they’re going to stay behind, not surprising seeing as they have a lot of female attention right now. Cole takes my hand, leading me out of the loud party. I'm surprised to see Frank still waiting for us and with a head nod to Cole, he simply follows behind us.

  As we make our way through the dark corridor I start to hear shouting. It's not angry shouting, it sounds happy and hysterical. Cole's hand tightens on mine as we walk out and see a large group of women ranging in all different ages jumping up and down, trying to get through security’s tight grip. Cole quickly pulls me along, the screaming and flashing of their cameras increasing as we make our way past. Frank, who is now joined with more security, makes sure nobody gets near us and we make our way to the elevator and up to our room safely.

  I breathe a sigh of relief when we step out onto our floor. Cole gives me an apologetic smile. "Sorry about them babe, but when your fans hear you're in town they hunt you down."

  I kiss him on his cheek because he looks so cute right now. "That's fine, I was just surprised."

  He pulls me into him. "How about you show me some more dance moves?"

  I giggle. "I need a nice, hot shower."

  Cole plants a kiss on my collar bone and I shiver. "I'll join you."

  We enter our hotel suite quickly and move into the bathroom, stripping off our clothes without taking our eyes off each other. My body is burning for him.

  I feel Cole’s eyes on me as he watches me step into the shower and begin to wash myself. I feel him as he steps in behind me, gliding his hands over my wet skin. He begins helping me wash my hair and then down to my most intimate places, working us both into a frenzy. When he gently pushes me against the cold tiled wall, my heart starts beating excitedly. When he has my back firmly against the wall, Cole kneels down in front of me, placing one of my feet onto his shoulder so I’m now fully exposed to his greedy eyes. His eyes stay glued to my open pussy and I become so impatient! I want his mouth on me now!

  When he finally gives me what I so desperately need, my legs buckle with the first swipe of his tongue. My head tilts back from the amazing feeling. He doesn’t attack me with his mouth; he's licking me softly and thoughtfully. Circling my clit and dipping in sweetly, it's fucking intense. My orgasm quickly arrives and it's a powerful one. My legs almost give out and if it wasn't for Cole supporting my weight I would’ve slid down to the floor.


  As I dry my hair in the dressing room, I can feel the harsh lustful gaze from Cole. I look over my shoulder and see him sitting on the floor with his back leaning against the door frame. He has a small note pad and a pen in his hands. He gives me a wicked smile before continuing to write down something. He looks so handsome right now, dark shadows casting a dangerous look against his strong features and tattoos.

  "What are you doing down there?" I ask as I brush through my now dry hair.

  "It's my lyric book. I’m just writing some new material." He responds automatically, his hand quickly moving as he continues to write.

  Suddenly I feel embarrassed and self-conscious. He couldn't be writing about me could he?

  When I'm ready for bed, I walk towards the bedroom and look over at the large bed. Cole wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses the back of my neck. I moan from the tingling sensation. He reaches down to untie my belt on the white, fluffy hotel provided robe I'm wearing. He slowly slips it from my body and it drops to the floor, leaving me naked for his eyes.

  "I want you." He growls and before I can reply he's leading me towards the bed. He lays me down and when he has me where he wants me, lying on my back with my hands above my head. He flashes me a naughty grin as he reveals what he has in his grip and my stomach flutters with excitement. I didn't see that he still had the sash from the robe. Cole reaches over me and ties my hands together quickly and skillfully like a pro. He then loops it through the headboard and I'm left completely at his mercy. Perfect.

  Cole steps away and makes me watch as he undresses himself. I un-shamelessly stare as he removes his shirt, tattoos everywhere that make me melt and when he takes off his jeans, leaving him naked, my mouth becomes dry. Damn I wish I could have undressed him. I want to skim my hands over his sculptured body and lick along the lines of his tattoos.

  Luckily for me, he decides to walk towards the bed and crawl over me. Sadly, with my hands still tied, I can't touch him but it sure is a good sight to see. He keeps eye contact with me as he comes closer to my face, but breaks when he dips his head low to lick my nipples. My sigh fills the silence, the feeling of his tongue on my perked nipples making me pant like an animal. Cole starts to slightly bite on them, not too hard to hurt but enough for me to take notice. He unfortunately leaves my breasts and starts to suckle along my neck, which causes my whole body to go on hyper drive. I begin to thrust against him, needing some friction, if only a little but he doesn't let me have that. Cole laughs as he leaves me, drifting back down my body, letting that tongue of his drift down my body, tasting me. I’m loving all of this but he has me that worked up all I want him to do is get his cock and shove it right into my pussy and make me scream. But he continues to tease as he goes even lower, swirling his tongue on the inside of my thighs. My thrusting begins again, silently begging him to lick me right there. God I am so fucking horny! Nobody gets me like this, not ever. Only Cole and it’s not just because he’s sexy and all kinds of dangerous, it’s because I’ve fallen for him.

  Cole's tongue reaches higher up into my thighs and I almost beg for him to put his mouth on me. My body writhes in impatience, but he still ignores me. When I'm near my breaking point, pulling tight on my wrists as I hold back my orgasm. Cole suddenly grabs my legs and wraps them around his waist and without any warning, he slams straight into me. I would have smiled with satisfaction that I finally got what I wanted, but I’m too bust for that as my eyes roll so far back that I see black and I scream in both surprise and sex filled passion.

  Fuck that felt amazing! I almost came right then, but I’m struggling to hold it back.

  Cole begins slamming into me again and again, over and over, hard and slow. He fucks me so deep he almost becomes a part of me. Then he toys with me, holding back his strong thrusts, lifting his body so we can both see his beautiful cock sliding in and out. That beautiful piercing of his working wonders on my clit. His cock is thick and mean looking as it's coated in my juices, I love the sight of him but I want him back inside of me deep again. I lift my pelvis, trying to make him sink further in. Cole looks up from where we are connected and flashes me a wicked look before fucking me hard again.

  My mouth drops open as it becomes too much. His thrusting becomes faster and faster as he begins to lose control. I open my eyes to see his jaw clenched as he holds himself back, veins popping out from his thick arms. It’s such a sexy sight that I could come from the image alone. I'm still so eager to touch him. I want to be able to scrape my nails down his wide back and hold that hard ass of his, but I'm still restrained. I pull on the sas
h more because I really want to let my hands wander over him.

  Cole's grip tightens on my waist as he brings me closer to the edge and just as I'm about to come, he stops. He obviously sees the shock on my face and grins down at me. "I can't fucking get enough of you Lace."

  He kisses me and I fight against the sash that is keeping my hands from him even more. This is not fucking fair, I want to touch him!

  Cole’s hands glide up my arms and I'm so fucking happy that he releases me from the ties. However, I don't have time to celebrate that fact and touch him right away because I'm quickly flipped over onto my stomach. I feel his soft but urgent kisses across the back of my shoulder blades and down my spine. His finger wanders over my ass globes and stops at my rose bud. I know exactly what he wants and secretly smile into the pillow.

  I raise my ass into the air a little further into his warm touch and moan when I get a sharp slap in return. Cole growls and I hear the tearing of a condom.


  I didn't even realize we were unprotected before! We need to stop getting so carried away with each other. An unexpected pregnancy is the last thing we need right now!


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