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Ignite (Black Inferno Book 2)

Page 8

by K. T Fisher

  Roxie’s eyes shine over and she nods her head slowly before stepping inside and locking the door behind her. Roxie is the type of girl who doesn’t really share her feelings, so I will wait for her to come to me. It’s all I can do for now. I will have to try and keep a close eye on her until then though.

  Chapter Twelve


  I read the text message my brother just sent to me and tell the taxi driver where to take me. I’m so excited to see my brother after five months, it’s been too long. Tate is my older brother by three years and our mother says that ever since I came into this world, Tate has protected me from everything and everyone. As the driver takes me closer to him I remember fond memories and some not so good ones, because Tate is so protective of me he has never liked a single boyfriend of mine. Not a single one, which has made dating so hard for me. As I got older I kept them a secret, but he always found out and that was usually the end of it. Which is why for the past year I have kept a huge secret from him that he must never find out. Ever.

  My phone vibrates and what I read makes me smile.

  TATE: Be safe

  He wanted me to use the limo they have been using since they made it into town, but I’m more comfortable in a taxi.

  I place my phone back in my bag as we drive up a gravel road I know will lead to the huge tour bus. As soon as I see it, it brings a smile to my face. No matter how dirty that bus is, I can’t help but love it. My brother told me though that Cole and Mason have brought their girlfriends along and I wasn’t keen on the idea, knowing the type of women I usually see the Mase brothers with. I wasn’t much looking forward to my visit until he told me that they are not like that at all and they cleaned the bus top to bottom as soon as they stepped on. That impressed me. It takes a strong woman to go through the shit that was on board of the bus and it made me see that they weren’t like the women that I originally thought they were.

  The driver stops and right away my brother runs outside and opens my door before I even manage to. He ignores the driver and pulls me out, holding me against him as tight as possible. We laugh as he swirls me around.

  “Fuck me Chris, I’ve fucking missed you!”

  I feel tears sting my eyes, I’ve missed him so much. I love that he’s following his dream, but it sucks that it keeps him away from me.

  As Tate settles my feet back on the ground, I catch sight of him paying the taxi driver as Tate and I reunite. He’s my secret I can’t let Tate find out about, no matter how much he begs me to tell him. It doesn’t matter if I’m secretly falling for him, or whenever I see him I get a shit load of butterflies in my stomach. Tate cannot know about me and Booker.

  Chapter Thirteen


  When we reach our next destination, Cole tells me that Tate’s sister is coming to visit for a while. Her name is Crystal and I can’t lie, I’m both nervous and excited to meet her. Nervous because I’m like that around new people and excited because we need another girl around here and I’m missing girl chat. With Roxie’s untold problems, she’s been a little distant lately. So I’m hoping Crystal and I will get along.

  As soon as Tate runs out I peer out one of the windows to take a peak. I can’t really see much because I haven’t got my glasses on, but I can tell she has long dark hair and pale skin. Opposite to her big brother who has olive skin and covered in tattoos.

  “I wouldn’t Book.” I hear Cole warn.

  I turn to look but Booker has already left and I see Cole shaking his head as he goes. I turn back to the window and watch as Booker walks down to the siblings. He looks at them all the while he pays the taxi driver and stands watching after. As Tate places his sister back down on the floor, they walk towards the bus and I don’t miss the way Booker and Crystal quickly look at each other before they step on board.

  As soon as she does I envy the girl. She is stunning. It’s no surprise really seeing as Tate is a good looking man himself but she really is a beautiful girl. Now that she’s closer, I see that her hair is a lovely color. It has a little auburn with a mixture of reds and browns and her skin is pale and when she walks right up to Cole and I, I spot that her eyes are a deep chocolate brown colour.

  She smiles wide when she approaches and envelopes Cole in a huge hug. I feel a little uncomfortable seeing as a woman I don’t know is embracing the man I love, who I might add is an extremely sexy man.

  Thankfully though, it doesn’t last long and she breaks away. “Good to see you Cole.”

  He ruffles her hair which settles my jealousy, that’s something a brother would do. “You too Chris.”

  Crystal turns to look at me and I’m glad that she’s still smiling. “And I’m guessing this is the woman Tate has told me all about.”

  I smile back and hold my hand out. “Hi, I’m Lacey.”

  She quirks her eyebrow up at my hand and then looks to Cole. Suddenly she captures Cole in another hug, squealing. “Oh Cole, I am so glad you got a good girl and not a slut!”

  I guess that’s a compliment.

  Cole laughs along and Crystal quickly lets him go. Turning back to me. “Girl, put that hand away.”

  I drop my hand and gasp as she squeezes me tight. I see Booker, Tate and Cole smiling at us over her shoulder.

  “Tate told me all about you, I am so happy Cole has you.” She squeezes me harder. “I can’t wait to get to know you.”

  I already like Crystal.


  Not long after Crystal arrived, Roxie and Mason emerged from the bedroom and Crystal grabbed Mason much like she did Cole. I saw Roxie tense and before she could pounce on poor over friendly Crystal, I held her back and let her know who she is and how touchy she is. Roxie still seemed to not like it too much, but when she hugged Roxie just like she did with me I saw her relax just a little. I think I will have to let Crystal in on Roxie’s recent mood change.

  We spend the rest of our available time on the bus and chilling outside on the benches that are nearby on the grass across the road from where the bands gig is being held tonight. Throughout this time I notice that some certain intense glances are exchanged between Crystal and Booker. When I’m alone with Cole, while we’re getting ready for the gig together, I decide to ask him about it and he grins while shaking his head.

  “Don’t miss a thing babe do ya?”

  I shrug my shoulders and stare at his bare chest. I can think of something I would much prefer to be doing right now rather than getting ready for another show. There’s always later.

  He stands close and holds my face in his hands. “You can’t say anything babe yeah?”

  I nod my head in answer. “Right, nobody else knows. Only me, she only trusts me. Plus Booker had to bitch to someone about it when she pissed him off and that was often-“

  “Cole?” I interrupt his rambling. He flashes me a smile that makes me wish again that he could take me right here before continuing.

  “For about a year, Booker and Crystal have been together.”

  My eyebrows raise. “They’re a couple?”

  He shakes his head and goes back to getting ready. “No, not a couple. Whenever she comes to visit Tate, they just hook up and fuck. They’re nothing more, but that doesn’t change shit.”

  “How do you mean?”

  Cole sits on the edge of the bed and puts on his boots.

  “Just because they haven’t said the words, doesn’t mean anything. They’re in deep shit with each other, but they’re fighting it. If they could, they would be together, but Crystal sees Bookers sleeping around and Crystal won’t tell Tate.”

  Wow, that is a big pile of mess.


  Dressed in my tight blue dress and black heels, I dance along with Crystal and Roxie on the side of the stage. Cole sends a wink my way every now and then and I catch Booker keep looking over to Crystal too, but she just acts like nothing’s wrong and parties on. Roxie still seems to be in her funk, even though she’s dancing, she’s not that into it than she usually i
s. I thought she would have a great time on this tour, she packed my bag for Christ sake and was in on the big secret with Mason and Cole! I really don’t know what’s up with her, but I need to sort her out sooner or later.

  As it comes to the end of the show, I look around at the rushing roadies getting everything ready for when the guys get off stage. That’s when I spot a beautiful blonde standing in the corner, behind the red rope and guarded by security guards. It’s where the usual groupies stand waiting for the band members, but even though this woman dresses a little like the usual standard, she’s a little different. She looks like she has a little more class, but she also looks a little darker, as in not nice. She doesn’t look the friendly type and she confirms it when she scowls right at me. Two other girls join her side and have the both facial expression as they glare over at me.

  “Lacey? What’s up?” I hear Crystals voice.

  I turn and see both Roxie and Crystal looking at me. When I turn around and look back to where I saw the girls, they have now gone.

  “Nothing.” I smile back and enjoy the rest of the show.


  As I watch Cole showing off on stage to his fans, I decide I want to give him a surprise. I’ve been dying to get him naked all day, and I’ve just come up with a little plan.

  I get Roxie and Crystal’s attention and bring them close so they can hear me.

  “I’m going back.”

  Roxie looks shocked. “What? Why?”

  “I want to surprise Cole.”

  Crystal wiggles her eyebrows. “Good plan.”

  “I just need you two to keep the guys away from the bus for a couple hours and make sure Cole comes alone.

  Roxie just nods her head and crystal gives me another hug. “Sure thing! There’s an after party in one of the dressing rooms anyway.”

  After discussing a safe time for them to start heading back to the bus, I leave to put my surprise together.

  I step out into the darkness and feel a little unsure. I should have maybe got a guard to walk me back, but I can see the bus from here. Nothing’s going to happen from here to there, besides everyone is inside watching the show anyway.

  I fold my arms and start my quick march, my heels making a rhythm as I go. I smile to myself as I listen to Cole’s voice as he loudly sings, loud enough for me to hear from out here along with the base of the others.

  That is until, without warning, someone grabs me from behind and muffles my scream with their hands. I try to remove them but I get nowhere. Two others appear, with their faces covered and start to punch me in the stomach and then everywhere else. I get dropped to the floor and double over in pain as they start to kick and punch me. Fists and feet come from all directions and give me nowhere to hide and in result I’m badly hurt. I feel blood running from head, warming my clothes and exposed skin. I’m in so much pain from the three attackers. I watch as one removes one of my heels and starts to hit me with that instead. The heel digs into my skin and causes a new level of agony. My screams are drowned by the music of Black Inferno and as I surrender to the creeping darkness, Cole’s voice calms me and I slip away.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Sweaty and tired, I walk off stage to a roar of cheers, feeling fucking great about myself. I look towards the spot where my woman should be and find her gone. Where the fuck is she?

  I push past Mason and Tate, who are walking in front of me and quickly make my way over to Crystal and Roxie. They’re both talking to each other in hushed voices, but when I stand in front of them, they stop and look up at me.

  “Where is she?” I ask looking around for Lacey.

  Roxie’s eyebrows rise but it’s a rather excited Crystal who answers.

  “She’s waiting for you back at the bus.”

  My head tilts to the side like a confused dog and this makes them both laugh. The other guys surround us now and roadies take away the guitars, my microphone and Bookers sticks.

  “She left early?”

  At this they stop laughing and become serious. Mason tenses beside me. “Rox, you let her leave alone?”

  “I thought she would be ok. There are guards outside, right?”

  Booker sighs heavily. “No, only around the front for the fans.”

  The girls start to look a little worried. “Its fine, I’ll go find her.”

  The guys start to follow me out, but the Roxie and Crystal stand in front of us all.

  “You can’t all go.” Roxie informs.

  “And why not?” Mason asks.

  “Well, Lacey wants to surprise Cole. We have to stay away for a while.”

  After hearing this, I go alone, leaving everyone else behind me. I’m sure they will find an after party somewhere in this place to entertain them all. I speed walk out of the building, looking around me all the while. I can’t believe Lacey walked here on her own, it’s fucking creepy as hell. There are cars parked here and there, tour busses for our band, roadies and the supporting act and their crew. All in between these lie dark, intimidating shadows that make me shiver with dread at what could be waiting for a vulnerable girl like Lace. I don’t like the idea of her out here on her own at all.

  She should have waited for me, surprise or not. Or at least took a security guard with her! Anything could happen back here and with our music playing so loud, nobody would hear anything! With that thought my feet move faster to the bus, practically running so that I can see with my own eyes that she’s safe. When I step on board, it’s deadly quiet.

  “Lace?” I scan the empty living area, walk into the kitchen and come up empty.

  “Lacey!” I slam open doors and peel back bed curtains and pray that she’s in the bedroom. When I open the door I’m greeted by her perfume but there’s no Lacey. She’s not here. My heart starts to beat like crazy, I’m fucking scared shitless. She would come straight back here, the girls said so. She was heading for the tour bus to surprise me. So why isn’t she here?

  Something’s not right and I start to panic. My breathing quickens and I start to sweat at the thought of anything bad happening to her. Just as I take my phone out of my jean pocket I hear heavy feet running. I quickly walk out the bedroom as the footsteps run on board. I see Tate running towards me, a worried look on his face that I don’t fucking like right away.

  “Why the fuck aren’t you answering your phone!” He shouts when he finds me.

  My phone hasn’t been ringing! Confused, I look down at the phone in my hand and see that on the screen is flashing that I have ten missed calls, a few from Booker and the rest from Tate. I must be that fucking scared about Lacey that I’m fucked up right now, I didn’t even hear my phone!

  Tate interrupts my thoughts. “Booker found Lacey, he’s around the back entrance.”

  That’s all I manage to hear. As soon as I heard Lacey’s name I ran. I hear Tate following behind me as I run as fast as I fucking can towards my girl. The fact he told me that Booker found her and said ‘he’s’ around the side entrance doesn’t sit well with me.

  I don’t even know where they are, so when I reach the building I look back for Tate. He shows me the way, stopping at a dark alleyway behind the venue and points. I stop beside him and look down into the darkness, my heart beating so hard.

  What I see has tears stinging my eyes. On the floor, beside the garbage and dirt lies Lacey and my heart crumbles. Beside her kneels Booker, who is stroking her hair, speaking her name in a deep husky voice. Crystal is crouched over her, sobbing and trying to clean her up as best as she can.

  I run to her and drop down beside her. My beautiful Lacey, what has happened to you?

  “Lacey?”I whimper, tears running down my cheek.

  Crystal leans up, exposing Lacey in her state. A lump rests in my throat. She’s covered in blood, her face is red with eyes swollen and her hair is matted with blood. Even her neck leading down to her socked dress is dripping with blood. I look down to her legs, that look like they have red veins going down them and
curse loudly enough to make everyone around me jump.

  “What the fuck has happened?” I scream.

  Booker looks up to me, tears in his eyes. “I dunno man, I just found her like this.”

  His voice chokes and he looks back down to Lacey.

  “You called the ambulance? The police?” I demand.

  Crystal looks up and nods her head. “Straight away.”

  “Rox?” Just as I ask if she has told Lacey’s best friend, there’s a loud bang of an open door and Roxie quickly follows.

  “Oh my god! Lacey! What the fuck happened?” She’s quickly kneeling next to me, cradling her friend. She takes in her friends’ state and then looks up to me. “What happened to her?”


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